A custom scenario for allowing separate spawn locations in multiplayer. Designed for Co-op and PvE.
This is the currently in development branch for Factorio V2.0. It is not yet complete. If you want a stable version, please use the latest release.
Read the WIKI
The github wiki page will have the most up to date information. If you have questions, go there first, otherwise just ask.
Check releases for stable versions.
2.0.X WILL BE the currently in work version that will support Factorio V2.0 with and without the Space Age expansion.
1.1.X is the latest stable version for V1.0 that I plan to do minimal maintaince on.
0.17 and 0.16 have final stable versions that will no longer be maintained.
Currently working on adding support for V2.0 Factorio.
Will be removing many of the soft-mod features and other feature creep things for the first version.
Thanks to https://github.com/vfinn (JustGoFly) and many others for their assistance!
Random Notes
Feel free to submit bugs/fixes/requests/pulls/forks whatever you want.
I do not plan on supporting PvP, but I will help anyone who wants to make it a configurable option.