mirror of https://github.com/Oarcinae/FactorioScenarioMultiplayerSpawn.git synced 2024-12-14 10:23:17 +02:00

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oarc-spawn-time-warning-msg=Due to the way this scenario works, it may take some time for the land around your new spawn area to generate... Please wait for 10-20 seconds when you select your first spawn.
oarc-i-understand=I Understand
oarc-spawn-options=Spawn Options
oarc-click-info-btn-help=Click the INFO button in the top left to learn more about this scenario! This is your ONLY chance to choose a spawn option. Choose carefully...
oarc-vanilla-spawn=Vanilla Spawn
oarc-default-spawn-behavior=This is the default spawn behavior of a vanilla game. You join the default team in the center of the map.
oarc-join-main-team-radio=Join Main Team (shared research)
oarc-create-own-team-radio=Create Your Own Team (own research tree)
oarc-moat-option=Surround your spawn with a moat
oarc-solo-spawn-near=Solo Spawn (Near)
oarc-solo-spawn-far=Solo Spawn (Far)
oarc-starting-area-vanilla=You are spawned in your own starting area (vanilla style).
oarc-vanilla-spawns-available=There are __1__ vanilla spawns available.
oarc-starting-area-normal=You are spawned in a new area, with pre-set starting resources.
oarc-join-someone-avail=Join Someone (__1__ available)
oarc-join-someone-info=You are spawned in someone else's base. This requires at least 1 person to have allowed access to their base. This choice is final and you will not be able to create your own spawn later.
oarc-no-shared-avail=There are currently no shared bases availble to spawn at.
oarc-join-check-again=Check Again
oarc-shared-spawn-disabled=Shared spawns are disabled in this mode.
oarc-buddy-spawn=Buddy Spawn
oarc-buddy-spawn-info=The buddy system requires 2 players in this menu at the same time, you spawn beside each other, each with your own resources.
oarc-max-players-shared-spawn=If you create your own spawn point you can allow up to __1__ other online players to join.
oarc-spawn-dist-notes=Near spawn is between __1__-__2__ chunks away from the center of the map.\nFar spawn is between __3__-__4__ chunks away from the center of the map.\nSolo spawns are dangerous! Expect a fight to reach other players.
oarc-player-is-joining-main-force=__1__ is joining the main force!
oarc-player-is-joining-near=__1__ is joining the game from a distance!
oarc-player-is-joining-far=__1__ is joining the game from a great distance!
oarc-looking-for-buddy=__1__ is looking for a buddy.
oarc-avail-bases-join=Available Bases to Join:
oarc-spawn-spots-remaining=__1__ (__2__ spots remaining)
oarc-cancel-return-to-previous=Cancel (Return to Previous Options)
oarc-player-requesting-join-you=__1__ is requesting to join your base!
oarc-waiting-for-spawn-owner=Waiting for spawn owner to respond...
oarc-you-will-spawn-once-host=You will spawn once the host selects yes...
oarc-player-cancel-join-request=__1__ cancelled their request to join your spawn.
oarc-spawn-ctrl=Spawn Ctrl
oarc-spawn-controls=Spawn Controls:
oarc-spawn-allow-joiners=Allow others to join your base.
oarc-set-respawn-loc=Set New Respawn Location (1 hour cooldown)
oarc-set-respawn-loc-cooldown=Set Respawn Cooldown Remaining: __1__
oarc-set-respawn-note=This will set your respawn point to your current location.
oarc-select-player-join-queue=Select a player from the join queue:
oarc-no-player-join-reqs=You have no players requesting to join you at this time.
oarc-start-shared-base=New players can now join __1__'s base!
oarc-stop-shared-base=New players can no longer join __1__'s base!
oarc-spawn-point-updated=Re-spawn point updated!
oarc-selected-player-not-wait=Selected player is no longer waiting to join!
oarc-reject-joiner=You rejected __1__'s request to join your base.
oarc-your-request-rejected=Your request to join was rejected.
oarc-player-joining-base=__1__ is joining __2__'s base!
oarc-player-left-while-joining=__1__ left the game. What an ass.
oarc-buddy-spawn-options=Buddy Spawn Options
oarc-buddy-spawn-instructions=To use this, make sure you and your buddy are in this menu at the same time. Only one of you must send the request. Select your buddy from the list (refresh if your buddy's name is not visible) and select your spawn options. Click one of the request buttons to send the request. The other buddy can then accept (or deny) the request. This will allow you both to spawn next to each other, each with your own spawn area. Once a buddy accepts a spawn request, it is final!
oarc-buddy-select-info=First, select a buddy from the waiting list. Then choose the spawn options and send your request:
oarc-buddy-refresh=Refresh Buddy List
oarc-create-buddy-team=Create Your Own Buddy Team (buddy and you share research)
oarc-buddy-spawn-near=Request Buddy Spawn (Near)
oarc-buddy-spawn-far=Request Buddy Spawn (Far)
oarc-invalid-buddy=You have not selected a valid buddy! Please try again.
oarc-buddy-not-avail=Selected buddy is no longer available! Please try again.
oarc-waiting-for-buddy=Waiting for buddy to respond...
oarc-wait-buddy-select-yes=You will spawn once your buddy selects yes...
oarc-buddy-cancel-request=__1__ cancelled their buddy request!
oarc-buddy-requesting-from-you=__1__ is requesting a buddy spawn from you!
oarc-buddy-txt-main-team=the main team
oarc-buddy-txt-new-teams=on separate teams
oarc-buddy-txt-buddy-team=a buddy team
oarc-buddy-txt-moat= surrounded by a moat
oarc-buddy-txt-near=near to the center of the map!
oarc-buddy-txt-far=far from the center of the map!
oarc-buddy-txt-would-like= would like to join
oarc-buddy-txt-next-to-you= next to you
oarc-buddy-declined=__1__ declined your buddy request!
oarc-spawn-wait=Please wait!
oarc-wait-text=Your spawn is being created now.\nYou will be teleported there in __1__ seconds!\nPlease standby...