mirror of https://github.com/Oarcinae/FactorioScenarioMultiplayerSpawn.git synced 2025-03-03 14:42:27 +02:00
2024-09-06 21:10:29 -04:00

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- Change regrowth to be list of surfaces indexed by surface name?
- Add warning for modifying surface settings after gameplay has started
- Ensure updates to regrowth surfaces don't cause errors (update indexes)
- Make disable main team setting work (hide radio button)
10. Tooltips for GUI elements in spawn menu options!
13. Add regrowth settings GUI tab? Not sure how the other settings fit in with a dedicated regrowth tab? Need to be able to enable/disable other surfaces during runtime?
14. Check all settings to see which CAN'T be changed during runtime. Possibly move these to startup.
16. Support run time toggling of enable_spawning_on_other_surfaces
17. Support run time toggling of enable_shared_team_vision
18. Support run time toggling of enable_friendly_fire
19. Support run time toggling of main_force_name
27. Figure out how to reset player inventory on player reset to avoid extra items? (save and load items?)
Other Ideas, Not Committed:
- Add option to spawn on existing chunks (look for chunks with any entities in them, or use regrowth logic)
- Add option for spawn pen to be on a specified surface
- Change "search for ungenerated spawn point" to be a "roll" button that the player can re-roll? Maybe it shows on the map in an icon where they might go first?
- Make players join a "holding_pen" force instead of the main force? Might cause issues with chat and vision?
- Separate chest sharing and electricity ()
- If this is their first spawn, give them items. Otherwise don't give new items and don't clear items either?
- Watch for chunks being generated to be able to move the player to their spawn as soon as it is done with the last chunk.
- Consider scrapping any overlapping mod settings from the config. ONLY keep the part that can't easily be done in the mod settings menu... NOT SURE about this.
- Change enable_shared_team_vision to allow players to change this per player (like BNO)
- Change enable_friendly_fire to be per team?
- Allow players to spawn "near" an existing player (by request)
1. First setup the mod settings and lua global settings.
2. Test out removing the creation of a custom surface and ensure map settings can be set as needed. Possibly create a separate surface, or just a separate area away from the origin, for starting players.
3. Start copying in the core pieces required for the primary spawning mechanic.
5. Document config and mod settings using Lua annotation as a custom class
6. Document global ocore as a custom class (with subclasses/types as needed)
7. Add multiple surfaces to options/settings [As a single boolean.]
15. Convert scenario to a mod.
4. Add multiple surfaces to Spawn GUI (Drop down selection?)
12. Configurable welcome/server messages in mod settings.
8. Check and update all functions using surfaces to clearly use either the LuaSurface obj OR a string name.
9. Create server settings admin GUI tab
15. Figure out how to define custom lua table/data structs to make syntax/linting work?
23. Setup multiplayer testing using multiple instances and some batch files.
11. Change Near/Far buttons to radio selection w/ text explanation and have a single Spawn button.
21. Refactor the spawn menu GUI (don't destroy the menu unless we need to, refresh only the elements we need to, save data to a global using tags?)
22. Remove separate buddy spawn menu?
24. Remove the shared spawn separate GUI window?
25. Redo DisplayBuddySpawnRequestMenu and DisplayBuddySpawnWaitMenu and move their events to the new event handlers
23. Refresh the spawn controls GUI when player accepts/rejects
15. Redo FindUngeneratedCoordinates to pick a random direction, and use the distance to get a starting point, instead of multiple tries.
26. Fix all GUI styling (buttons outside of content)
20. Force enable_world_eater to require enable_regrowth