local swarmUtils = {} -- imports local droneUtils = require("utils/DroneUtils") local biterUtils = require("utils/BiterUtils") local constants = require("__Rampant__/libs/Constants") local mathUtils = require("__Rampant__/libs/MathUtils") -- imported functions local roundToNearest = mathUtils.roundToNearest local mMax = math.max local mMin = math.min local mFloor = math.floor local deepcopy = util.table.deepcopy local TIER_UPGRADE_SET_5 = constants.TIER_UPGRADE_SET_5 local TIER_UPGRADE_SET_10 = constants.TIER_UPGRADE_SET_10 local TIER_NAMING_SET_10 = constants.TIER_NAMING_SET_10 local TIER_NAMING_SET_5 = constants.TIER_NAMING_SET_5 local xorRandom = mathUtils.xorRandom(settings.startup["rampant-enemySeed"].value) local gaussianRandomRangeRG = mathUtils.gaussianRandomRangeRG local makeBiterCorpse = biterUtils.makeBiterCorpse local makeUnitSpawnerCorpse = biterUtils.makeUnitSpawnerCorpse local makeWormCorpse = biterUtils.makeWormCorpse local makeSpitterCorpse = biterUtils.makeSpitterCorpse local makeBiter = biterUtils.makeBiter local makeDrone = droneUtils.makeDrone local makeSpitter = biterUtils.makeSpitter local makeWorm = biterUtils.makeWorm local makeUnitSpawner = biterUtils.makeUnitSpawner -- module code local function isMember(fieldType, fieldName, lst) for i=1,#lst do if (lst[i].type == fieldType) and (lst[i].name == fieldName) then return true end end return false end local function pushUpgrade(upgrades, upgrade) if not isMember(upgrade.type, upgrade.name, upgrades) then upgrades[#upgrades+1] = upgrade end end local function addDefaultScales(template) if not template.scales then template.scales = { [1] = 0.5, [2] = 0.6, [3] = 0.7, [4] = 0.8, [5] = 0.9, [6] = 1, [7] = 1.2, [8] = 1.4, [9] = 1.6, [10] = 1.8 } end end local function addDefaultVerticalAcceleration(upgrades) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attack", name = "particleVerticalAcceleration", [1] = 0.01, [2] = 0.01, [3] = 0.02, [4] = 0.02, [5] = 0.03, [6] = 0.03, [7] = 0.04, [8] = 0.04, [9] = 0.05, [10] = 0.05 }) end local function addDefaultHoizontalSpeed(upgrades) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attack", name = "particleHoizontalSpeed", [1] = 0.6, [2] = 0.6, [3] = 0.7, [4] = 0.7, [5] = 0.8, [6] = 0.8, [7] = 0.9, [8] = 0.9, [9] = 1, [10] = 1 }) end local function addDefaultHoizontalSpeedDeviation(upgrades) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attack", name = "particleHoizontalSpeedDeviation", [1] = 0.0025, [2] = 0.0025, [3] = 0.0024, [4] = 0.0024, [5] = 0.0023, [6] = 0.0023, [7] = 0.0022, [8] = 0.0022, [9] = 0.0021, [10] = 0.0021 }) end local function addUnitDefaults(template, upgrades) addDefaultScales(template) addDefaultVerticalAcceleration(upgrades) addDefaultHoizontalSpeed(upgrades) addDefaultHoizontalSpeedDeviation(upgrades) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attribute", name = "healing", [1] = 0.01, [2] = 0.01, [3] = 0.015, [4] = 0.02, [5] = 0.05, [6] = 0.075, [7] = 0.1, [8] = 0.12, [9] = 0.14, [10] = 0.16 }) if (template.type == "biter") then pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attack", name = "range", [1] = 0.5, [2] = 0.5, [3] = 0.75, [4] = 0.75, [5] = 1.0, [6] = 1.0, [7] = 1.25, [8] = 1.50, [9] = 1.75, [10] = 2.0 }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attribute", name = "distancePerFrame", [1] = 0.1, [2] = 0.125, [3] = 0.15, [4] = 0.19, [5] = 0.195, [6] = 0.2, [7] = 0.2, [8] = 0.2, [9] = 0.2, [10] = 0.2 }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "resistance", name = "physical", decrease = { [1] = 0, [2] = 0, [3] = 4, [4] = 5, [5] = 6, [6] = 8, [7] = 11, [8] = 13, [9] = 16, [10] = 17 }, percent = { [1] = 0, [2] = 0, [3] = 0, [4] = 10, [5] = 12, [6] = 12, [7] = 14, [8] = 16, [9] = 18, [10] = 20 } }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "resistance", name = "explosion", decrease = { [1] = 0, [2] = 0, [3] = 0, [4] = 0, [5] = 0, [6] = 10, [7] = 12, [8] = 14, [9] = 16, [10] = 20 }, percent = { [1] = 0, [2] = 0, [3] = 0, [4] = 10, [5] = 12, [6] = 13, [7] = 15, [8] = 16, [9] = 17, [10] = 20 } }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attribute", name = "movement", [1] = 0.2, [2] = 0.19, [3] = 0.185, [4] = 0.18, [5] = 0.175, [6] = 0.17, [7] = 0.17, [8] = 0.17, [9] = 0.17, [10] = 0.17 }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attack", name = "cooldown", [1] = 35, [2] = 35, [3] = 35, [4] = 35, [5] = 35, [6] = 35, [7] = 50, [8] = 50, [9] = 55, [10] = 57 }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attribute", name = "health", [1] = 15, [2] = 75, [3] = 150, [4] = 250, [5] = 1000, [6] = 2000, [7] = 3500, [8] = 7500, [9] = 15000, [10] = 30000 }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attack", name = "cooldown", [1] = 35, [2] = 35, [3] = 35, [4] = 35, [5] = 35, [6] = 35, [7] = 50, [8] = 50, [9] = 55, [10] = 57 }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attribute", name = "pollutionToAttack", [1] = 200, [2] = 750, [3] = 1200, [4] = 1750, [5] = 2500, [6] = 5000, [7] = 10000, [8] = 12500, [9] = 15000, [10] = 20000 }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attack", name = "damage", [1] = 7, [2] = 15, [3] = 22.5, [4] = 35, [5] = 45, [6] = 60, [7] = 75, [8] = 90, [9] = 150, [10] = 200 }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attribute", name = "spawningTimeModifer", [1] = 0, [2] = 0, [3] = 1, [4] = 2, [5] = 3, [6] = 7, [7] = 10, [8] = 10, [9] = 12, [10] = 12 }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attack", name = "radius", [1] = 0.5, [2] = 0.65, [3] = 0.75, [4] = 0.85, [5] = 0.95, [6] = 1.1, [7] = 1.2, [8] = 1.3, [9] = 1.4, [10] = 1.5 }) elseif (template.type == "spitter") then pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attribute", name = "health", [1] = 10, [2] = 50, [3] = 200, [4] = 350, [5] = 1250, [6] = 2250, [7] = 3250, [8] = 6500, [9] = 12500, [10] = 25000 }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "resistance", name = "explosion", percent = { [1] = 0, [2] = 0, [3] = 10, [4] = 10, [5] = 20, [6] = 20, [7] = 30, [8] = 30, [9] = 40, [10] = 40 } }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attack", name = "stickerDuration", [1] = 600, [2] = 650, [3] = 700, [4] = 750, [5] = 800, [6] = 850, [7] = 900, [8] = 950, [9] = 1000, [10] = 1050 }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attack", name = "stickerMovementModifier", [1] = 0.8, [2] = 0.7, [3] = 0.6, [4] = 0.55, [5] = 0.50, [6] = 0.45, [7] = 0.40, [8] = 0.35, [9] = 0.30, [10] = 0.25 }) -- pushUpgrade(upgrades, -- { -- type = "attack", -- name = "damagePerTick", -- [1] = 0.1, -- [2] = 0.2, -- [3] = 0.6, -- [4] = 1.2, -- [5] = 1.2, -- [6] = 1.3, -- [7] = 1.3, -- [8] = 1.3, -- [9] = 1.4, -- [10] = 1.4 -- }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "resistance", name = "physical", decrease = { [1] = 0, [2] = 0, [3] = 0, [4] = 0, [5] = 2, [6] = 4, [7] = 6, [8] = 8, [9] = 10, [10] = 12 }, percent = { [1] = 0, [2] = 0, [3] = 0, [4] = 10, [5] = 12, [6] = 12, [7] = 14, [8] = 14, [9] = 15, [10] = 15 } }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attack", name = "cooldown", [1] = 100, [2] = 100, [3] = 97, [4] = 97, [5] = 95, [6] = 95, [7] = 93, [8] = 93, [9] = 90, [10] = 90 }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attribute", name = "distancePerFrame", [1] = 0.04, [2] = 0.045, [3] = 0.050, [4] = 0.055, [5] = 0.060, [6] = 0.065, [7] = 0.070, [8] = 0.075, [9] = 0.08, [10] = 0.084 }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attack", name = "range", [1] = 13, [2] = 13, [3] = 14, [4] = 14, [5] = 15, [6] = 15, [7] = 16, [8] = 16, [9] = 17, [10] = 17 }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attack", name = "radius", [1] = 1.2, [2] = 1.3, [3] = 1.4, [4] = 1.5, [5] = 1.6, [6] = 1.7, [7] = 1.8, [8] = 1.9, [9] = 2.0, [10] = 2.5 }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attack", name = "damage", [1] = 16, [2] = 30, [3] = 45, [4] = 60, [5] = 90, [6] = 110, [7] = 130, [8] = 150, [9] = 170, [10] = 190 }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attribute", name = "pollutionToAttack", [1] = 200, [2] = 750, [3] = 1200, [4] = 1750, [5] = 2500, [6] = 5000, [7] = 10000, [8] = 12500, [9] = 15000, [10] = 20000 }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attribute", name = "movement", [1] = 0.185, [2] = 0.18, [3] = 0.18, [4] = 0.17, [5] = 0.17, [6] = 0.16, [7] = 0.16, [8] = 0.15, [9] = 0.15, [10] = 0.14 }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attribute", name = "spawningTimeModifer", [1] = 0, [2] = 0, [3] = 1, [4] = 2, [5] = 2, [6] = 5, [7] = 8, [8] = 8, [9] = 10, [10] = 10 }) elseif (template.type == "drone") then pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attribute", name = "health", [1] = 100, [2] = 100, [3] = 110, [4] = 110, [5] = 120, [6] = 120, [7] = 130, [8] = 130, [9] = 140, [10] = 140 }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attack", name = "stickerDuration", [1] = 600, [2] = 650, [3] = 700, [4] = 750, [5] = 800, [6] = 850, [7] = 900, [8] = 950, [9] = 1000, [10] = 1050 }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attack", name = "stickerMovementModifier", [1] = 0.8, [2] = 0.7, [3] = 0.6, [4] = 0.55, [5] = 0.50, [6] = 0.45, [7] = 0.40, [8] = 0.35, [9] = 0.30, [10] = 0.25 }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attack", name = "damagePerTick", [1] = 0.1, [2] = 0.2, [3] = 0.6, [4] = 1.2, [5] = 1.2, [6] = 1.3, [7] = 1.3, [8] = 1.3, [9] = 1.4, [10] = 1.4 }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attack", name = "cooldown", [1] = 100, [2] = 100, [3] = 97, [4] = 97, [5] = 95, [6] = 95, [7] = 93, [8] = 93, [9] = 90, [10] = 90 }) end end local function addUnitSpawnerDefaults(template, upgrades) addDefaultScales(template) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attribute", name = "health", [1] = 350, [2] = 500, [3] = 750, [4] = 1500, [5] = 3500, [6] = 7500, [7] = 11000, [8] = 20000, [9] = 30000, [10] = 45000 }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attribute", name = "healing", [1] = 0.02, [2] = 0.02, [3] = 0.022, [4] = 0.024, [5] = 0.026, [6] = 0.028, [7] = 0.03, [8] = 0.032, [9] = 0.034, [10] = 0.036 }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attribute", name = "spawingCooldownStart", [1] = 360, [2] = 360, [3] = 355, [4] = 355, [5] = 350, [6] = 350, [7] = 345, [8] = 345, [9] = 340, [10] = 340 }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attribute", name = "spawingCooldownEnd", [1] = 150, [2] = 150, [3] = 145, [4] = 145, [5] = 140, [6] = 140, [7] = 135, [8] = 135, [9] = 130, [10] = 130 }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attribute", name = "unitsToSpawn", [1] = 5, [2] = 5, [3] = 6, [4] = 6, [5] = 7, [6] = 7, [7] = 8, [8] = 8, [9] = 9, [10] = 9 }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attribute", name = "unitsOwned", [1] = 7, [2] = 7, [3] = 8, [4] = 8, [5] = 9, [6] = 9, [7] = 10, [8] = 10, [9] = 11, [10] = 11 }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "resistance", name = "physical", decrease = { [1] = 2, [2] = 2, [3] = 4, [4] = 4, [5] = 6, [6] = 6, [7] = 10, [8] = 12, [9] = 12, [10] = 14 }, percent = { [1] = 15, [2] = 15, [3] = 17, [4] = 17, [5] = 18, [6] = 18, [7] = 19, [8] = 19, [9] = 20, [10] = 20 } }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "resistance", name = "explosion", decrease = { [1] = 5, [2] = 5, [3] = 6, [4] = 6, [5] = 7, [6] = 7, [7] = 8, [8] = 8, [9] = 9, [10] = 9 }, percent = { [1] = 15, [2] = 15, [3] = 17, [4] = 17, [5] = 18, [6] = 18, [7] = 19, [8] = 19, [9] = 20, [10] = 20 } }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "resistance", name = "fire", decrease = { [1] = 3, [2] = 3, [3] = 4, [4] = 4, [5] = 6, [6] = 6, [7] = 6, [8] = 6, [9] = 7, [10] = 7 }, percent = { [1] = 60, [2] = 60, [3] = 62, [4] = 62, [5] = 63, [6] = 63, [7] = 64, [8] = 64, [9] = 65, [10] = 65 } }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attribute", name = "evolutionRequirement", [1] = 0, [2] = 0.1, [3] = 0.2, [4] = 0.3, [5] = 0.4, [6] = 0.5, [7] = 0.6, [8] = 0.7, [9] = 0.8, [10] = 0.9 }) end local function addWormDefaults(template, upgrades) addDefaultScales(template) addDefaultVerticalAcceleration(upgrades) addDefaultHoizontalSpeed(upgrades) addDefaultHoizontalSpeedDeviation(upgrades) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attribute", name = "foldingSpeed", [1] = 0.15, [2] = 0.15, [3] = 0.16, [4] = 0.16, [5] = 0.16, [6] = 0.17, [7] = 0.17, [8] = 0.18, [9] = 0.18, [10] = 0.19 }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attribute", name = "preparingSpeed", [1] = 0.025, [2] = 0.025, [3] = 0.026, [4] = 0.026, [5] = 0.027, [6] = 0.027, [7] = 0.028, [8] = 0.028, [9] = 0.029, [10] = 0.029 }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attack", name = "stickerDuration", [1] = 1200, [2] = 1250, [3] = 1300, [4] = 1350, [5] = 1400, [6] = 1450, [7] = 1500, [8] = 1550, [9] = 1600, [10] = 1650 }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attack", name = "stickerMovementModifier", [1] = 0.8, [2] = 0.7, [3] = 0.6, [4] = 0.55, [5] = 0.50, [6] = 0.45, [7] = 0.40, [8] = 0.35, [9] = 0.30, [10] = 0.25 }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attack", name = "damagePerTick", [1] = 0.1, [2] = 0.2, [3] = 0.6, [4] = 1.2, [5] = 1.2, [6] = 1.3, [7] = 1.3, [8] = 1.3, [9] = 1.4, [10] = 1.4 }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attribute", name = "prepareRange", [1] = 30, [2] = 30, [3] = 35, [4] = 35, [5] = 40, [6] = 40, [7] = 40, [8] = 40, [9] = 45, [10] = 45 }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attack", name = "range", [1] = 25, [2] = 27, [3] = 31, [4] = 33, [5] = 35, [6] = 36, [7] = 37, [8] = 38, [9] = 39, [10] = 40 }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "resistance", name = "physical", decrease = { [1] = 0, [2] = 0, [3] = 5, [4] = 5, [5] = 8, [6] = 8, [7] = 10, [8] = 10, [9] = 12, [10] = 12 } }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "resistance", name = "explosion", decrease = { [1] = 0, [2] = 0, [3] = 5, [4] = 5, [5] = 8, [6] = 8, [7] = 10, [8] = 10, [9] = 12, [10] = 12 }, percent = { [1] = 0, [2] = 0, [3] = 10, [4] = 10, [5] = 20, [6] = 20, [7] = 30, [8] = 30, [9] = 40, [10] = 40 } }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "resistance", name = "fire", decrease = { [1] = 3, [2] = 3, [3] = 4, [4] = 4, [5] = 6, [6] = 6, [7] = 6, [8] = 6, [9] = 7, [10] = 7 }, percent = { [1] = 70, [2] = 70, [3] = 72, [4] = 72, [5] = 73, [6] = 73, [7] = 74, [8] = 74, [9] = 75, [10] = 75 } }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attack", name = "damage", [1] = 36, [2] = 45, [3] = 85, [4] = 135, [5] = 155, [6] = 175, [7] = 195, [8] = 215, [9] = 235, [10] = 255 }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attack", name = "radius", [1] = 1.5, [2] = 1.6, [3] = 1.7, [4] = 1.8, [5] = 1.9, [6] = 2.0, [7] = 2.2, [8] = 2.3, [9] = 2.5, [10] = 3.0 }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attribute", name = "healing", [1] = 0.01, [2] = 0.01, [3] = 0.015, [4] = 0.02, [5] = 0.05, [6] = 0.075, [7] = 0.1, [8] = 0.12, [9] = 0.14, [10] = 0.16 }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attribute", name = "evolutionRequirement", [1] = 0, [2] = 0.1, [3] = 0.2, [4] = 0.3, [5] = 0.4, [6] = 0.5, [7] = 0.6, [8] = 0.7, [9] = 0.8, [10] = 0.9 }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attack", name = "cooldown", [1] = 50, [2] = 50, [3] = 45, [4] = 45, [5] = 40, [6] = 40, [7] = 35, [8] = 35, [9] = 30, [10] = 30 }) pushUpgrade(upgrades, { type = "attribute", name = "health", [1] = 200, [2] = 350, [3] = 500, [4] = 750, [5] = 2000, [6] = 3500, [7] = 7500, [8] = 12000, [9] = 20000, [10] = 25000 }) end local function unitSetToProbabilityTable(unitSet, tier) local dividers = {} for i=1,#unitSet do dividers[i] = 1 end local points = #unitSet * 2 for _=1,points do local index if (tier == 1) then index = mFloor(gaussianRandomRangeRG(tier, 1.3, 1, 2.5, xorRandom)) else index = mFloor(gaussianRandomRangeRG(tier, 2, tier * 0.1, mMin(tier * 1.1, #unitSet), xorRandom)+1) end dividers[index] = dividers[index] + (((index < tier) and 4) or 1) end local total = 0 for i=1,#dividers do total = total + dividers[i] end local runningTotal = 0 for i=1,#dividers do runningTotal = runningTotal + (dividers[i] / total) dividers[i] = runningTotal end local stepUnit = 1 / (#unitSet[1] + 1) local probabilityTable = {} for i=1,#unitSet do local result if (i == 1) then result = { { 0, stepUnit }, { dividers[i], 0 } } elseif (i == #unitSet) then result = { { dividers[i-2], 0 }, { 1, stepUnit } } else result = { { ((i - 2) > 0 and dividers[i-2]) or (dividers[i-1] * 0.4), 0 }, { dividers[i-1], stepUnit }, { dividers[i], 0 } } end probabilityTable[i] = result end local result = {} for i=1, #probabilityTable do local probability = probabilityTable[i] for x=1, #unitSet[i] do result[#result+1] = {unitSet[i][x], probability} end end return result end local function scaleAttributes (upgrade, entity) if (upgrade.type == "attribute") then if (entity.type == "biter") then if (upgrade.name == "health") then entity.attributes[upgrade.name] = entity.attributes[upgrade.name] * settings.startup["rampant-unitBiterHealthScaler"].value end if (upgrade.name == "movement") then entity.attributes[upgrade.name] = entity.attributes[upgrade.name] * settings.startup["rampant-unitBiterSpeedScaler"].value end if (upgrade.name == "distancePerFrame") then entity.attributes[upgrade.name] = entity.attributes[upgrade.name] * settings.startup["rampant-unitBiterSpeedScaler"].value end elseif (entity.type == "spitter") then if (upgrade.name == "health") then entity.attributes[upgrade.name] = entity.attributes[upgrade.name] * settings.startup["rampant-unitSpitterHealthScaler"].value end if (upgrade.name == "movement") then entity.attributes[upgrade.name] = entity.attributes[upgrade.name] * settings.startup["rampant-unitSpitterSpeedScaler"].value end if (upgrade.name == "distancePerFrame") then entity.attributes[upgrade.name] = entity.attributes[upgrade.name] * settings.startup["rampant-unitSpitterSpeedScaler"].value end elseif (entity.type == "drone") then if (upgrade.name == "health") then entity.attributes[upgrade.name] = entity.attributes[upgrade.name] * settings.startup["rampant-unitDroneHealthScaler"].value end if (upgrade.name == "movement") then entity.attributes[upgrade.name] = entity.attributes[upgrade.name] * settings.startup["rampant-unitDroneSpeedScaler"].value end if (upgrade.name == "distancePerFrame") then entity.attributes[upgrade.name] = entity.attributes[upgrade.name] * settings.startup["rampant-unitDroneSpeedScaler"].value end elseif (entity.type == "spawner") then if (upgrade.name == "health") then entity.attributes[upgrade.name] = entity.attributes[upgrade.name] * settings.startup["rampant-unitSpawnerHealthScaler"].value end if (upgrade.name == "unitsOwned") then entity.attributes[upgrade.name] = entity.attributes[upgrade.name] * settings.startup["rampant-unitSpawnerOwnedScaler"].value end if (upgrade.name == "unitsToSpawn") then entity.attributes[upgrade.name] = entity.attributes[upgrade.name] * settings.startup["rampant-unitSpawnerSpawnScaler"].value end if (upgrade.name == "spawingCooldownStart") then entity.attributes[upgrade.name] = entity.attributes[upgrade.name] * settings.startup["rampant-unitSpawnerRespawnScaler"].value end if (upgrade.name == "spawingCooldownEnd") then entity.attributes[upgrade.name] = entity.attributes[upgrade.name] * settings.startup["rampant-unitSpawnerRespawnScaler"].value end elseif (entity.type == "worm") then if (upgrade.name == "health") then entity.attributes[upgrade.name] = entity.attributes[upgrade.name] * settings.startup["rampant-unitWormHealthScaler"].value end end end if (upgrade.type == "resistance") then -- not asked for end if (upgrade.type == "attack") then if (entity.type == "biter") then if (upgrade.name == "damage") then entity.attack[upgrade.name] = entity.attack[upgrade.name] * settings.startup["rampant-unitBiterDamageScaler"].value end if (upgrade.name == "range") then entity.attack[upgrade.name] = entity.attack[upgrade.name] * settings.startup["rampant-unitBiterRangeScaler"].value end elseif (entity.type == "spitter") then if (upgrade.name == "damage") then entity.attack[upgrade.name] = entity.attack[upgrade.name] * settings.startup["rampant-unitSpitterDamageScaler"].value end if (upgrade.name == "stickerDamagePerTick") then entity.attack[upgrade.name] = entity.attack[upgrade.name] * settings.startup["rampant-unitSpitterDamageScaler"].value end if (upgrade.name == "damagePerTick") then entity.attack[upgrade.name] = entity.attack[upgrade.name] * settings.startup["rampant-unitSpitterDamageScaler"].value end if (upgrade.name == "range") then entity.attack[upgrade.name] = entity.attack[upgrade.name] * settings.startup["rampant-unitSpitterRangeScaler"].value end elseif (entity.type == "drone") then if (upgrade.name == "damage") then entity.attack[upgrade.name] = entity.attack[upgrade.name] * settings.startup["rampant-unitDroneDamageScaler"].value end if (upgrade.name == "damagePerTick") then entity.attack[upgrade.name] = entity.attack[upgrade.name] * settings.startup["rampant-unitDroneDamageScaler"].value end if (upgrade.name == "range") then entity.attack[upgrade.name] = entity.attack[upgrade.name] * settings.startup["rampant-unitDroneRangeScaler"].value end elseif (entity.type == "worm") then if (upgrade.name == "damage") then entity.attack[upgrade.name] = entity.attack[upgrade.name] * settings.startup["rampant-unitWormDamageScaler"].value end if (upgrade.name == "damagePerTick") then entity.attack[upgrade.name] = entity.attack[upgrade.name] * settings.startup["rampant-unitWormDamageScaler"].value end if (upgrade.name == "range") then entity.attack[upgrade.name] = entity.attack[upgrade.name] * settings.startup["rampant-unitWormRangeScaler"].value end end end end local function upgradeEntity(entity, upgradeTable, tier) if upgradeTable then for upgradeIndex=1, #upgradeTable do local upgrade = upgradeTable[upgradeIndex] if (upgrade.type == "attribute") then if upgrade.mapping then entity.attributes[upgrade.mapping] = upgrade[tier] else local adj = upgrade[tier] local min = upgrade.min or adj * 0.85 local max = upgrade.max or adj * 1.30 if (adj < 0) then local t = min min = max max = t end adj = roundToNearest(gaussianRandomRangeRG(adj, adj * 0.15, min, max, xorRandom), 0.001) entity.attributes[upgrade.name] = (entity.attributes[upgrade.name] or 0) + adj end scaleAttributes(upgrade, entity) end if (upgrade.type == "resistance") then local field = upgrade.name if not entity.resistances[field] then entity.resistances[field] = {} end local adj if upgrade.decrease then adj = upgrade.decrease[tier] local min = upgrade.min or adj * 0.85 local max = upgrade.max or adj * 1.30 if (adj < 0) then local t = min min = max max = t end adj = roundToNearest(gaussianRandomRangeRG(adj, adj * 0.15, min, max, xorRandom), 0.001) entity.resistances[field].decrease = (entity.resistances[field].decrease or 0) + adj end if upgrade.percent then adj = upgrade.percent[tier] local min = upgrade.min or adj * 0.85 local max = upgrade.max or adj * 1.30 if (adj < 0) then local t = min min = max max = t end adj = roundToNearest(gaussianRandomRangeRG(adj, adj * 0.15, min, max, xorRandom), 0.001) entity.resistances[field].percent = mMin((entity.resistances[field].percent or 0) + adj, 100) end end if (upgrade.type == "attack") then if upgrade.mapping then entity.attack[upgrade.mapping] = upgrade[tier] else local adj = upgrade[tier] local min = upgrade.min or adj * 0.85 local max = upgrade.max or adj * 1.30 if (adj < 0) then local t = min min = max max = t end adj = roundToNearest(gaussianRandomRangeRG(adj, adj * 0.15, min, max, xorRandom), 0.001) entity.attack[upgrade.name] = (entity.attack[upgrade.name] or 0) + adj end scaleAttributes(upgrade, entity) end end end end local function calculateRGBa(tint, tier) local r = gaussianRandomRangeRG(tint.r, tint.r * 0.10 + (0.005 * tier), mMax(tint.r * 0.85 - (0.005 * tier), 0), mMin(tint.r * 1.15, 1), xorRandom) local g = gaussianRandomRangeRG(tint.g, tint.g * 0.10 + (0.005 * tier), mMax(tint.g * 0.85 - (0.005 * tier), 0), mMin(tint.g * 1.15, 1), xorRandom) local b = gaussianRandomRangeRG(tint.b, tint.b * 0.10 + (0.005 * tier), mMax(tint.b * 0.85 - (0.005 * tier), 0), mMin(tint.b * 1.15, 1), xorRandom) local a = gaussianRandomRangeRG(tint.a, tint.a * 0.10 + (0.005 * tier), mMax(tint.a * 0.85 - (0.005 * tier), 0), mMin(tint.a * 1.15, 1), xorRandom) return { r=r, g=g, b=b, a=a } end local function generateApperance(unit, tier) local scale if unit.scales then local scaleValue = unit.scales[tier] scale = gaussianRandomRangeRG(scaleValue, scaleValue * 0.12, scaleValue * 0.60, scaleValue * 1.40, xorRandom) unit.scale = scale unit.attributes.scale = scale end if unit.tint then local tint = calculateRGBa(unit.tint, tier) unit.attributes.tint = tint if unit.attack then if scale then unit.attack.scale = scale end unit.attack.tint = tint end end end function swarmUtils.buildUnits(template, attackGenerator, upgradeTable, variations, tiers) addUnitDefaults(template, upgradeTable) local unitSet = {} for tier=1, tiers do local t = ((tiers == 5) and TIER_NAMING_SET_5[tier]) or TIER_NAMING_SET_10[tier] local ut = ((tiers == 5) and TIER_UPGRADE_SET_5[tier]) or TIER_UPGRADE_SET_10[tier] local result = {} for i=1,variations do local unit = deepcopy(template) unit.name = unit.name .. "-v" .. i .. "-t" .. t unit.attributes.tier = "-v" .. i .. "-t" .. t generateApperance(unit, ut) upgradeEntity(unit, upgradeTable, ut) if unit.attackName then unit.attack.name = unit.attackName .. "-v" .. i .. "-t" .. t end if unit.loot then unit.attributes.loot = { unit.loot[ut] } end local entity if (unit.type == "spitter") then unit.attributes.corpse = makeSpitterCorpse(unit) entity = makeSpitter(unit.name, unit.attributes, attackGenerator(unit.attack, unit.attributes, t), unit.resistances) elseif (unit.type == "biter") then unit.attributes.corpse = makeBiterCorpse(unit) entity = makeBiter(unit.name, unit.attributes, attackGenerator(unit.attack, unit.attributes, t), unit.resistances) elseif (unit.type == "drone") then entity = makeDrone(unit.name, unit.attributes, unit.resistances, attackGenerator(unit.attack, unit.attributes, t), unit.death(unit.attack, unit.attributes, t)) end result[#result+1] = entity.name data:extend({entity}) end unitSet[#unitSet+1] = result end return unitSet end function swarmUtils.buildUnitSpawner(templates, upgradeTable, attackGenerator, variations, tiers) addUnitDefaults(templates.unit, upgradeTable.unit) addUnitSpawnerDefaults(templates.unitSpawner, upgradeTable.unitSpawner) if (not upgradeTable.probabilityTable) then upgradeTable.probabilityTable = { [1] = 1, [2] = 1, [3] = 1, [4] = 1, [5] = 1, [6] = 1, [7] = 1, [8] = 1, [9] = 1, [10] = 1, } end local unitSet = swarmUtils.buildUnits(templates.unit, attackGenerator, upgradeTable.unit, variations.unit, tiers.unit) for tier=1, tiers.unitSpawner do local t = ((tiers.unitSpawner == 5) and TIER_NAMING_SET_5[tier]) or TIER_NAMING_SET_10[tier] local ut = ((tiers.unitSpawner == 5) and TIER_UPGRADE_SET_5[tier]) or TIER_UPGRADE_SET_10[tier] -- print(tier,t,ut) for i=1,variations.unitSpawner do local unitSpawner = deepcopy(templates.unitSpawner) unitSpawner.name = unitSpawner.name .. "-v" .. i .. "-t" .. t local unitTable = unitSetToProbabilityTable(unitSet, tier) generateApperance(unitSpawner, ut) unitSpawner.type = "spawner" upgradeEntity(unitSpawner, upgradeTable.unitSpawner, ut) if unitSpawner.loot then unitSpawner.attributes.loot = { unitSpawner.loot[ut] } end if unitSpawner.autoplace then unitSpawner.attributes["autoplace"] = unitSpawner.autoplace[ut] end unitSpawner.attributes.corpse = makeUnitSpawnerCorpse(unitSpawner) data:extend({ makeUnitSpawner(unitSpawner.name, unitSpawner.attributes, unitSpawner.resistances, unitTable) }) end end -- ent() end function swarmUtils.buildWorm(template, upgradeTable, attackGenerator, variations, tiers) addWormDefaults(template, upgradeTable) for tier=1, tiers do local t = ((tiers == 5) and TIER_NAMING_SET_5[tier]) or TIER_NAMING_SET_10[tier] local ut = ((tiers == 5) and TIER_UPGRADE_SET_5[tier]) or TIER_UPGRADE_SET_10[tier] for i=1,variations do local worm = deepcopy(template) worm.name = worm.name .. "-v" .. i .. "-t" .. t generateApperance(worm, ut) worm.type = "worm" upgradeEntity(worm, upgradeTable, ut) if worm.attackName then worm.attack.name = worm.attackName .. "-v" .. i .. "-t" .. t end if worm.loot then worm.attributes.loot = { worm.loot[ut] } end if worm.autoplace then worm.attributes["autoplace"] = worm.autoplace[ut] end worm.attributes.corpse = makeWormCorpse(worm) data:extend({ makeWorm(worm.name, worm.attributes, attackGenerator(worm.attack, worm.attributes, t), worm.resistances) }) end end end return swarmUtils