-- Copyright (C) 2022 veden -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. if MapUtilsG then return MapUtilsG end local MapUtils = {} -- local Universe local NeighborChunks local MapPosition -- imports local Constants = require("Constants") local ChunkPropertyUtils = require("ChunkPropertyUtils") local MathUtils = require("MathUtils") -- Constants local MAGIC_MAXIMUM_NUMBER = Constants.MAGIC_MAXIMUM_NUMBER local ENEMY_PHEROMONE_MULTIPLER = Constants.ENEMY_PHEROMONE_MULTIPLER local BASE_PHEROMONE = Constants.BASE_PHEROMONE local PLAYER_PHEROMONE = Constants.PLAYER_PHEROMONE local RESOURCE_PHEROMONE = Constants.RESOURCE_PHEROMONE local ENEMY_PHEROMONE = Constants.ENEMY_PHEROMONE local CHUNK_TICK = Constants.CHUNK_TICK local VICTORY_SCENT = Constants.VICTORY_SCENT local VICTORY_SCENT_MULTIPLER = Constants.VICTORY_SCENT_MULTIPLER local VICTORY_SCENT_BOUND = Constants.VICTORY_SCENT_BOUND local DEATH_PHEROMONE_GENERATOR_AMOUNT = Constants.DEATH_PHEROMONE_GENERATOR_AMOUNT local TEN_DEATH_PHEROMONE_GENERATOR_AMOUNT = Constants.TEN_DEATH_PHEROMONE_GENERATOR_AMOUNT local CHUNK_NORTH_SOUTH = Constants.CHUNK_NORTH_SOUTH local CHUNK_EAST_WEST = Constants.CHUNK_EAST_WEST local CHUNK_IMPASSABLE = Constants.CHUNK_IMPASSABLE local CHUNK_ALL_DIRECTIONS = Constants.CHUNK_ALL_DIRECTIONS local CHUNK_SIZE = Constants.CHUNK_SIZE local CHUNK_SIZE_DIVIDER = Constants.CHUNK_SIZE_DIVIDER -- imported functions local addVictoryGenerator = ChunkPropertyUtils.addVictoryGenerator local addPermanentDeathGenerator = ChunkPropertyUtils.addPermanentDeathGenerator local addDeathGenerator = ChunkPropertyUtils.addDeathGenerator local getCombinedDeathGenerator = ChunkPropertyUtils.getCombinedDeathGenerator local getCombinedDeathGeneratorRating = ChunkPropertyUtils.getCombinedDeathGeneratorRating local getEnemyStructureCount = ChunkPropertyUtils.getEnemyStructureCount local setDeathGenerator = ChunkPropertyUtils.setDeathGenerator local decayPlayerGenerator = ChunkPropertyUtils.decayPlayerGenerator local getPathRating = ChunkPropertyUtils.getPathRating local linearInterpolation = MathUtils.linearInterpolation local decayDeathGenerator = ChunkPropertyUtils.decayDeathGenerator local mMax = math.max local mFloor = math.floor local getPassable = ChunkPropertyUtils.getPassable local tRemove = table.remove local mCeil = math.ceil local sFind = string.find -- module code function MapUtils.getChunkByXY(map, x, y) local chunkX = map[x] if chunkX then return chunkX[y] or -1 end return -1 end function MapUtils.getChunkByPosition(map, position) local chunkX = map[mFloor(position.x * CHUNK_SIZE_DIVIDER) * CHUNK_SIZE] if chunkX then local chunkY = mFloor(position.y * CHUNK_SIZE_DIVIDER) * CHUNK_SIZE return chunkX[chunkY] or -1 end return -1 end function MapUtils.positionToChunkXY(position) local chunkX = mFloor(position.x * CHUNK_SIZE_DIVIDER) * CHUNK_SIZE local chunkY = mFloor(position.y * CHUNK_SIZE_DIVIDER) * CHUNK_SIZE return chunkX, chunkY end function MapUtils.queueGeneratedChunk(event) local map = Universe.maps[event.surface.index] if not map then return end event.tick = (event.tick or game.tick) + 20 Universe.eventId = Universe.eventId + 1 event.id = Universe.eventId event.map = map Universe.pendingChunks[event.id] = event end function MapUtils.activateMap(map) local mapId = map.id if Universe.activeMaps[mapId] then return end Universe.activeMaps[mapId] = map end function MapUtils.deactivateMap(map) local mapId = map.id if not Universe.activeMaps[mapId] then return end Universe.activeMaps[mapId] = nil end function MapUtils.excludeSurface() for mapId,map in pairs(Universe.maps) do local toBeRemoved = not map.surface.valid or MapUtils.isExcludedSurface(map.surface.name) or Universe.excludedSurfaces[map.surface.name] if toBeRemoved then if Universe.mapIterator == mapId then Universe.mapIterator, Universe.currentMap = next( Universe.activeMaps, Universe.mapIterator ) end if Universe.processMapAIIterator == mapId then Universe.processMapAIIterator = nil end Universe.maps[mapId] = nil end end end function MapUtils.addExcludedSurface(surfaceName) Universe.excludedSurfaces[surfaceName] = true MapUtils.excludeSurface() end function MapUtils.removeExcludedSurface(surfaceName) Universe.excludedSurfaces[surfaceName] = nil local surface = game.get_surface(surfaceName) if surface then MapUtils.prepMap(surface) end end function MapUtils.isExcludedSurface(surfaceName) return (surfaceName == "aai-signals") or (surfaceName == "RTStasisRealm") or (surfaceName == "minime_dummy_dungeon") or (surfaceName == "minime-preview-character") or (surfaceName == "pipelayer") or (surfaceName == "beltlayer") or sFind(surfaceName, "Factory floor") or sFind(surfaceName, " Orbit") or sFind(surfaceName, "clonespace") or sFind(surfaceName, "BPL_TheLabplayer") or sFind(surfaceName, "starmap%-") or sFind(surfaceName, "NiceFill") or sFind(surfaceName, "Asteroid Belt") or sFind(surfaceName, "Vault ") or sFind(surfaceName, "spaceship") or sFind(surfaceName, "bpsb%-lab%-") end function MapUtils.prepMap(surface) if Universe.maps[surface.index] then return Universe.maps[surface.index] end local surfaceName = surface.name if MapUtils.isExcludedSurface(surfaceName) or Universe.excludedSurfaces[surfaceName] then return end game.print("Rampant - Indexing surface:" .. surfaceName .. ", index:" .. tostring(surface.index) .. ", please wait.") local map = { id = surface.index, processedChunks = 0, processQueue = {}, processIndex = 1, scanPlayerIndex = 1, scanResourceIndex = 1, scanEnemyIndex = 1, outgoingScanWave = true, outgoingStaticScanWave = true, drainPylons = {}, surface = surface, bases = {} } Universe.maps[map.id] = map -- queue all current chunks that wont be generated during play local tick = game.tick for chunk in surface.get_chunks() do if surface.is_chunk_generated(chunk) then MapUtils.queueGeneratedChunk( { surface = surface, tick = tick, area = { left_top = { x = chunk.x * 32, y = chunk.y * 32 } } } ) end end Universe.flushPendingChunks = true return map end function MapUtils.nextMap() local map = Universe.currentMap if map and (Universe.processedChunks < (#map.processQueue * 0.05)) then return map end local mapIterator = Universe.mapIterator repeat Universe.mapIterator, map = next(Universe.activeMaps, Universe.mapIterator) if map then Universe.processedChunks = 0 Universe.currentMap = map return map end until mapIterator == Universe.mapIterator return nil end function MapUtils.removeChunkToNest(chunkId) Universe.chunkToNests[chunkId] = nil if (chunkId == Universe.processNestIterator) then Universe.processNestIterator = nil end if (chunkId == Universe.processMigrationIterator) then Universe.processMigrationIterator = nil end end function MapUtils.findInsertionPoint(processQueue, chunk) local low = 1 local high = #processQueue local pivot while (low <= high) do pivot = mCeil((low + high) * 0.5) local pivotChunk = processQueue[pivot] if (pivotChunk.dOrigin > chunk.dOrigin) then high = pivot - 1 elseif (pivotChunk.dOrigin <= chunk.dOrigin) then low = pivot + 1 end end return low end function MapUtils.removeProcessQueueChunk(processQueue, chunk) local insertionPoint = MapUtils.findInsertionPoint(processQueue, chunk) if insertionPoint > #processQueue then insertionPoint = insertionPoint - 1 end for i=insertionPoint,1,-1 do local pqChunk = processQueue[i] if pqChunk.id == chunk.id then tRemove(processQueue, i) return elseif pqChunk.dOrigin < chunk.dOrigin then return end end end function MapUtils.removeChunkFromMap(map, chunk) local x = chunk.x local y = chunk.y if not map[x][y] then return end map[x][y] = nil local chunkId = chunk.id MapUtils.removeProcessQueueChunk(map.processQueue, chunk) Universe.chunkToActiveNest[chunkId] = nil Universe.chunkToActiveRaidNest[chunkId] = nil Universe.chunkToDrained[chunkId] = nil Universe.chunkToRetreats[chunkId] = nil Universe.chunkToRallys[chunkId] = nil Universe.chunkToPassScan[chunkId] = nil Universe.chunkToNests[chunkId] = nil Universe.chunkToTurrets[chunkId] = nil Universe.chunkToUtilities[chunkId] = nil Universe.chunkToHives[chunkId] = nil Universe.vengenceQueue[chunkId] = nil Universe.chunkToVictory[chunkId] = nil local base = chunk.base if base then base.chunkCount = base.chunkCount - 1 end if Universe.processNestIterator == chunkId then Universe.processNestIterator = nil end if Universe.processActiveSpawnerIterator == chunkId then Universe.processActiveSpawnerIterator = nil end if Universe.processActiveRaidSpawnerIterator == chunkId then Universe.processActiveRaidSpawnerIterator = nil end if Universe.processMigrationIterator == chunkId then Universe.processMigrationIterator = nil end end --[[ 1 2 3 \|/ 4- -5 /|\ 6 7 8 ]]-- function MapUtils.getNeighborChunks(map, x, y) local chunkYRow1 = y - CHUNK_SIZE local chunkYRow3 = y + CHUNK_SIZE local xChunks = map[x-CHUNK_SIZE] if xChunks then NeighborChunks[1] = xChunks[chunkYRow1] or -1 NeighborChunks[4] = xChunks[y] or -1 NeighborChunks[6] = xChunks[chunkYRow3] or -1 else NeighborChunks[1] = -1 NeighborChunks[4] = -1 NeighborChunks[6] = -1 end xChunks = map[x+CHUNK_SIZE] if xChunks then NeighborChunks[3] = xChunks[chunkYRow1] or -1 NeighborChunks[5] = xChunks[y] or -1 NeighborChunks[8] = xChunks[chunkYRow3] or -1 else NeighborChunks[3] = -1 NeighborChunks[5] = -1 NeighborChunks[8] = -1 end xChunks = map[x] if xChunks then NeighborChunks[2] = xChunks[chunkYRow1] or -1 NeighborChunks[7] = xChunks[chunkYRow3] or -1 else NeighborChunks[2] = -1 NeighborChunks[7] = -1 end return NeighborChunks end --[[ 1 2 3 \|/ 4- -5 /|\ 6 7 8 ]]-- function MapUtils.canMoveChunkDirection(direction, startChunk, endChunk) local canMove = false local startPassable = getPassable(startChunk) local endPassable = getPassable(endChunk) if (startPassable == CHUNK_ALL_DIRECTIONS) then if ((direction == 1) or (direction == 3) or (direction == 6) or (direction == 8)) then canMove = (endPassable == CHUNK_ALL_DIRECTIONS) elseif (direction == 2) or (direction == 7) then canMove = ((endPassable == CHUNK_NORTH_SOUTH) or (endPassable == CHUNK_ALL_DIRECTIONS)) elseif (direction == 4) or (direction == 5) then canMove = ((endPassable == CHUNK_EAST_WEST) or (endPassable == CHUNK_ALL_DIRECTIONS)) end elseif (startPassable == CHUNK_NORTH_SOUTH) then if ((direction == 1) or (direction == 3) or (direction == 6) or (direction == 8)) then canMove = (endPassable == CHUNK_ALL_DIRECTIONS) elseif (direction == 2) or (direction == 7) then canMove = ((endPassable == CHUNK_NORTH_SOUTH) or (endPassable == CHUNK_ALL_DIRECTIONS)) end elseif (startPassable == CHUNK_EAST_WEST) then if ((direction == 1) or (direction == 3) or (direction == 6) or (direction == 8)) then canMove = (endPassable == CHUNK_ALL_DIRECTIONS) elseif (direction == 4) or (direction == 5) then canMove = ((endPassable == CHUNK_EAST_WEST) or (endPassable == CHUNK_ALL_DIRECTIONS)) end else canMove = (endPassable ~= CHUNK_IMPASSABLE) end return canMove end function MapUtils.positionFromScaledDirections(startPosition, multipler, direction, nextDirection) local lx = startPosition.x local ly = startPosition.y if (direction == 1) then lx = lx - (CHUNK_SIZE * multipler) ly = ly - (CHUNK_SIZE * multipler) elseif (direction == 2) then ly = ly - (CHUNK_SIZE * multipler) elseif (direction == 3) then lx = lx + (CHUNK_SIZE * multipler) ly = ly - (CHUNK_SIZE * multipler) elseif (direction == 4) then lx = lx - (CHUNK_SIZE * multipler) elseif (direction == 5) then lx = lx + (CHUNK_SIZE * multipler) elseif (direction == 6) then lx = lx - (CHUNK_SIZE * multipler) ly = ly + (CHUNK_SIZE * multipler) elseif (direction == 7) then ly = ly + (CHUNK_SIZE * multipler) elseif (direction == 8) then lx = lx + (CHUNK_SIZE * multipler) ly = ly + (CHUNK_SIZE * multipler) end if nextDirection then if (nextDirection == 1) then lx = lx - (CHUNK_SIZE * multipler) ly = ly - (CHUNK_SIZE * multipler) elseif (nextDirection == 2) then ly = ly - (CHUNK_SIZE * multipler) elseif (nextDirection == 3) then lx = lx + (CHUNK_SIZE * multipler) ly = ly - (CHUNK_SIZE * multipler) elseif (nextDirection == 4) then lx = lx - (CHUNK_SIZE * multipler) elseif (nextDirection == 5) then lx = lx + (CHUNK_SIZE * multipler) elseif (nextDirection == 6) then lx = lx - (CHUNK_SIZE * multipler) ly = ly + (CHUNK_SIZE * multipler) elseif (nextDirection == 7) then ly = ly + (CHUNK_SIZE * multipler) elseif (nextDirection == 8) then lx = lx + (CHUNK_SIZE * multipler) ly = ly + (CHUNK_SIZE * multipler) end end MapPosition.x = lx MapPosition.y = ly return MapPosition end function MapUtils.positionFromScaledSearchPath(startPosition, multipler, searchPath) local lx = startPosition.x local ly = startPosition.y for i = 1, 4 do local path = searchPath[i] if path.chunk == -1 then MapPosition.x = lx MapPosition.y = ly return MapPosition end local direction = path.direction if (direction == 1) then lx = lx - (CHUNK_SIZE * multipler) ly = ly - (CHUNK_SIZE * multipler) elseif (direction == 2) then ly = ly - (CHUNK_SIZE * multipler) elseif (direction == 3) then lx = lx + (CHUNK_SIZE * multipler) ly = ly - (CHUNK_SIZE * multipler) elseif (direction == 4) then lx = lx - (CHUNK_SIZE * multipler) elseif (direction == 5) then lx = lx + (CHUNK_SIZE * multipler) elseif (direction == 6) then lx = lx - (CHUNK_SIZE * multipler) ly = ly + (CHUNK_SIZE * multipler) elseif (direction == 7) then ly = ly + (CHUNK_SIZE * multipler) elseif (direction == 8) then lx = lx + (CHUNK_SIZE * multipler) ly = ly + (CHUNK_SIZE * multipler) end end MapPosition.x = lx MapPosition.y = ly return MapPosition end function MapUtils.victoryScent(chunk, entityType) local value = VICTORY_SCENT[entityType] if value then addVictoryGenerator(chunk, value) end end function MapUtils.disperseVictoryScent() local chunkToVictory = Universe.chunkToVictory local chunkId, pheromonePack = next(chunkToVictory, nil) if not chunkId then return end chunkToVictory[chunkId] = nil local chunk = pheromonePack.chunk local map = chunk.map if not map.surface.valid then return end local chunkX = chunk.x local chunkY = chunk.y local i = 1 for x=chunkX - VICTORY_SCENT_BOUND, chunkX + VICTORY_SCENT_BOUND,32 do for y = chunkY - VICTORY_SCENT_BOUND, chunkY + VICTORY_SCENT_BOUND,32 do local c = MapUtils.getChunkByXY(map, x, y) if (c ~= -1) then local amount = pheromonePack.v * VICTORY_SCENT_MULTIPLER[i] addDeathGenerator(c, amount) addPermanentDeathGenerator(c, amount) end i = i + 1 end end end function MapUtils.deathScent(chunk, structure) local amount = -DEATH_PHEROMONE_GENERATOR_AMOUNT if structure then amount = -TEN_DEATH_PHEROMONE_GENERATOR_AMOUNT end addDeathGenerator(chunk, amount) addPermanentDeathGenerator(chunk, amount) end function MapUtils.processPheromone(chunk, tick, player) if chunk[CHUNK_TICK] > tick then return end chunk[CHUNK_TICK] = tick local chunkPlayer = chunk[PLAYER_PHEROMONE] local chunkBase = -MAGIC_MAXIMUM_NUMBER local chunkDeath = getCombinedDeathGenerator(chunk) local chunkResource = -MAGIC_MAXIMUM_NUMBER local chunkEnemy = chunk[ENEMY_PHEROMONE] local chunkCount = 1 local enemyStructureCount = getEnemyStructureCount(chunk) local tempNeighbors = MapUtils.getNeighborChunks(chunk.map, chunk.x, chunk.y) for i=1,8 do local tempPheromone local neighbor = tempNeighbors[i] if (neighbor ~= -1) then if MapUtils.canMoveChunkDirection(i, chunk, neighbor) then chunkCount = chunkCount + 1 chunkPlayer = chunkPlayer + neighbor[PLAYER_PHEROMONE] chunkEnemy = chunkEnemy + neighbor[ENEMY_PHEROMONE] chunkDeath = chunkDeath + getCombinedDeathGenerator(neighbor) tempPheromone = neighbor[BASE_PHEROMONE] if chunkBase < tempPheromone then chunkBase = tempPheromone end tempPheromone = neighbor[RESOURCE_PHEROMONE] if chunkResource < tempPheromone then chunkResource = tempPheromone end end end end setDeathGenerator(chunk, (chunkDeath / chunkCount) * 0.75) if not player then decayDeathGenerator(chunk) end decayPlayerGenerator(chunk) local chunkDeathRating = getCombinedDeathGeneratorRating(chunk) * getPathRating(chunk) chunk[PLAYER_PHEROMONE] = chunkDeathRating * mMax( chunk.playerGenerator or 0, (chunkPlayer / chunkCount) * 0.98 ) chunk[BASE_PHEROMONE] = chunkDeathRating * mMax( chunk.playerBaseGenerator or 0, chunkBase * 0.9 ) chunk[ENEMY_PHEROMONE] = chunkDeathRating * mMax( enemyStructureCount * ENEMY_PHEROMONE_MULTIPLER, (chunkEnemy / chunkCount) * 0.9 ) local resourcePheromoneGenerator = chunk.resourceGenerator or 0 if (resourcePheromoneGenerator > 0) then chunkResource = linearInterpolation(resourcePheromoneGenerator, 15000, 20000) end if enemyStructureCount ~= 0 then chunkResource = chunkResource * 0.0001 end chunk[RESOURCE_PHEROMONE] = chunkDeathRating * chunkResource * 0.9 end function MapUtils.init(universe) Universe = universe if universe.mapUtilsQueries then NeighborChunks = universe.mapUtilsQueries.neighbors MapPosition = universe.mapUtilsQueries.position end end MapUtilsG = MapUtils return MapUtils