if baseUtilsG then return baseUtilsG end local baseUtils = {} -- imports local mathUtils = require("MathUtils") local constants = require("Constants") local chunkPropertyUtils = require("ChunkPropertyUtils") local mapUtils = require("MapUtils") local queryUtils = require("QueryUtils") -- constants local MINIMUM_BUILDING_COST = constants.MINIMUM_BUILDING_COST local FACTION_MUTATION_MAPPING = constants.FACTION_MUTATION_MAPPING local MAGIC_MAXIMUM_NUMBER = constants.MAGIC_MAXIMUM_NUMBER local FACTIONS_BY_DAMAGE_TYPE = constants.FACTIONS_BY_DAMAGE_TYPE local BASE_AI_STATE_ACTIVE = constants.BASE_AI_STATE_ACTIVE local BASE_AI_STATE_DORMANT = constants.BASE_AI_STATE_DORMANT local FACTION_SET = constants.FACTION_SET local BASE_AI_MIN_STATE_DURATION = constants.BASE_AI_MIN_STATE_DURATION local BASE_AI_MAX_STATE_DURATION = constants.BASE_AI_MAX_STATE_DURATION local HIVE_BUILDINGS_COST = constants.HIVE_BUILDINGS_COST local BASE_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD = constants.BASE_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD local BASE_DISTANCE_LEVEL_BONUS = constants.BASE_DISTANCE_LEVEL_BONUS local BASE_DISTANCE_TO_EVO_INDEX = constants.BASE_DISTANCE_TO_EVO_INDEX local CHUNK_SIZE = constants.CHUNK_SIZE -- imported functions local setPositionXYInQuery = queryUtils.setPositionXYInQuery local randomTickEvent = mathUtils.randomTickEvent local euclideanDistancePoints = mathUtils.euclideanDistancePoints local getChunkByPosition = mapUtils.getChunkByPosition local gaussianRandomRangeRG = mathUtils.gaussianRandomRangeRG local linearInterpolation = mathUtils.linearInterpolation local mFloor = math.floor local mMin = math.min local mMax = math.max local distort = mathUtils.distort local getChunkBase = chunkPropertyUtils.getChunkBase local getResourceGenerator = chunkPropertyUtils.getResourceGenerator local next = next -- module code local function evoToTier(universe, evolutionFactor, maxSkips) local v local skipsRemaining = maxSkips for i=10,1,-1 do if universe.evoToTierMapping[i] <= evolutionFactor then v = i if (skipsRemaining == 0) or (universe.random() <= 0.75) then break end skipsRemaining = skipsRemaining - 1 end end return v end function baseUtils.findNearbyBase(map, chunk) local x = chunk.x local y = chunk.y local foundBase = getChunkBase(map, chunk) if foundBase then return foundBase end local bases = map.bases local closest = MAGIC_MAXIMUM_NUMBER for _, base in pairs(bases) do local distance = euclideanDistancePoints(base.x, base.y, x, y) if (distance <= base.distanceThreshold) and (distance < closest) then closest = distance foundBase = base end end return foundBase end local function findBaseMutation(map, targetEvolution) local universe = map.universe local tier = evoToTier(universe, targetEvolution or map.evolutionLevel, 2) local alignments = universe.evolutionTableAlignment[tier] local roll = map.random() for i=1,#alignments do local alignment = alignments[i] roll = roll - alignment[1] if (roll <= 0) then return alignment[2] end end return alignments[#alignments] end local function initialEntityUpgrade(baseAlignment, tier, maxTier, map, useHiveType) local evolutionTable = map.universe.buildingEvolveLookup local entity local useTier local tierRoll = map.random() if (tierRoll < 0.4) then useTier = maxTier elseif (tierRoll < 0.7) then useTier = mMax(maxTier - 1, tier) elseif (tierRoll < 0.9) then useTier = mMax(maxTier - 2, tier) else useTier = mMax(maxTier - 3, tier) end local alignmentTable = evolutionTable[baseAlignment] local upgrades = alignmentTable[useTier] if upgrades then if useHiveType then for ui=1,#upgrades do local upgrade = upgrades[ui] if upgrade[3] == useHiveType then entity = upgrade[2][map.random(#upgrade[2])] break end end end if not entity then local roll = map.random() for ui=1,#upgrades do local upgrade = upgrades[ui] roll = roll - upgrade[1] if (roll <= 0) then entity = upgrade[2][map.random(#upgrade[2])] break end end end end return entity end local function entityUpgrade(baseAlignment, tier, maxTier, originalEntity, map) local universe = map.universe local buildingHiveTypeLookup = universe.buildingHiveTypeLookup local evolutionTable = universe.upgradeLookup local entity local hiveType = buildingHiveTypeLookup[originalEntity.name] for t=maxTier,tier,-1 do local factionLookup = evolutionTable[baseAlignment][t] local upgrades = factionLookup[hiveType] if not upgrades then local mapTypes = FACTION_MUTATION_MAPPING[hiveType] for i=1, #mapTypes do local upgrade = factionLookup[mapTypes[i]] if upgrade and (#upgrade > 0) then entity = upgrade[map.random(#upgrade)] if map.random() < 0.55 then return entity end end end elseif (#upgrades > 0) then entity = upgrades[map.random(#upgrades)] if map.random() < 0.55 then return entity end end end return entity end local function findEntityUpgrade(baseAlignment, currentEvo, evoIndex, originalEntity, map, evolve) local universe = map.universe local adjCurrentEvo = mMax( ((baseAlignment ~= universe.enemyAlignmentLookup[originalEntity.name]) and 0) or currentEvo, 0 ) local tier = evoToTier(universe, adjCurrentEvo, 5) local maxTier = evoToTier(universe, evoIndex, 4) if (tier > maxTier) then maxTier = tier end if evolve then local chunk = getChunkByPosition(map, originalEntity.position) local makeHive = (chunk ~= -1) and (getResourceGenerator(map, chunk) > 0) and (map.random() < 0.2) makeHive = makeHive or (not makeHive and (map.random() < 0.005)) return initialEntityUpgrade(baseAlignment, tier, maxTier, map, (makeHive and "hive")) else return entityUpgrade(baseAlignment, tier, maxTier, originalEntity, map) end end local function findBaseInitialAlignment(map, evoIndex) local dev = evoIndex * 0.15 local evoTop = gaussianRandomRangeRG(evoIndex - (evoIndex * 0.075), dev, 0, evoIndex, map.random) local result if map.random() < 0.05 then result = {findBaseMutation(map, evoTop), findBaseMutation(map, evoTop)} else result = {findBaseMutation(map, evoTop)} end return result end function baseUtils.recycleBases(map) local bases = map.bases local id = map.recycleBaseIterator local base if not id then id, base = next(bases, nil) else base = bases[id] end if not id then map.recycleBaseIterator = nil else map.recycleBaseIterator = next(bases, id) if base.chunkCount == 0 then bases[id] = nil end end end function baseUtils.upgradeEntity(entity, base, map, disPos, evolve, register) local position = entity.position local currentEvo = entity.prototype.build_base_evolution_requirement or 0 local distance = mMin(1, euclideanDistancePoints(position.x, position.y, 0, 0) * BASE_DISTANCE_TO_EVO_INDEX) local evoIndex = mMax(distance, map.evolutionLevel) local baseAlignment = base.alignment local pickedBaseAlignment if baseAlignment[2] then if map.random() < 0.75 then pickedBaseAlignment = baseAlignment[2] else pickedBaseAlignment = baseAlignment[1] end else pickedBaseAlignment = baseAlignment[1] end local spawnerName = findEntityUpgrade(pickedBaseAlignment, currentEvo, evoIndex, entity, map, evolve) if spawnerName and (spawnerName ~= entity.name) then local entityData = { ["name"] = spawnerName, ["position"] = disPos, ["register"] = register, ["map"] = map, ["base"] = base, ["entity"] = entity } map.universe.pendingUpgrades[entity.unit_number] = entityData return spawnerName end return nil end local function pickMutationFromDamageType(map, damageType, roll, base) local baseAlignment = base.alignment local damageFactions = FACTIONS_BY_DAMAGE_TYPE[damageType] local mutation if (damageFactions and (#damageFactions > 0)) then mutation = damageFactions[map.random(#damageFactions)] if baseAlignment[2] then if (roll < 0.05) then baseAlignment[2] = nil baseAlignment[1] = mutation elseif (roll < 0.25) then baseAlignment[1] = mutation else baseAlignment[2] = mutation end else if (roll < 0.85) then base.alignment[1] = mutation else base.alignment[2] = mutation end end else mutation = findBaseMutation(map) if baseAlignment[2] then if (roll < 0.05) then baseAlignment[2] = nil baseAlignment[1] = mutation elseif (roll < 0.25) then baseAlignment[1] = mutation else baseAlignment[2] = mutation end else if (roll < 0.85) then base.alignment[1] = mutation else base.alignment[2] = mutation end end end if (map.universe.printBaseAdaptation) then if baseAlignment[2] then game.print({"description.rampant--adaptation2DebugMessage", damageType, {"description.rampant--"..baseAlignment[1].."EnemyName"}, {"description.rampant--"..baseAlignment[2].."EnemyName"}, base.x, base.y, base.mutations, map.universe.MAX_BASE_MUTATIONS}) else game.print({"description.rampant--adaptation1DebugMessage", damageType, {"description.rampant--"..baseAlignment[1].."EnemyName"}, base.x, base.y, base.mutations, map.universe.MAX_BASE_MUTATIONS}) end end end local function upgradeBaseBasedOnDamage(map, base) local total = 0 for _,amount in pairs(base.damagedBy) do total = total + amount end local mutationAmount = total * 0.176471 base.damagedBy["RandomMutation"] = mutationAmount total = total + mutationAmount local pickedDamage local roll = map.random() for damageTypeName,amount in pairs(base.damagedBy) do base.damagedBy[damageTypeName] = amount / total end for damageType,amount in pairs(base.damagedBy) do roll = roll - amount if (roll <= 0) then pickedDamage = damageType break end end pickMutationFromDamageType(map, pickedDamage, roll, base) end function baseUtils.processBase(chunk, map, tick, base) if not base.alignment[1] then return end local surface = map.surface local universe = map.universe setPositionXYInQuery(universe.pbFilteredEntitiesPointQueryLimited, chunk.x + (CHUNK_SIZE * map.random()), chunk.y + (CHUNK_SIZE * map.random())) local upgradeRoll = map.random() if (base.state == BASE_AI_STATE_ACTIVE) and (base.points >= MINIMUM_BUILDING_COST) and (upgradeRoll < 0.30) then local entities = surface.find_entities_filtered(universe.pbFilteredEntitiesPointQueryLimited) if #entities ~= 0 then local entity = entities[1] local cost = (universe.costLookup[entity.name] or MAGIC_MAXIMUM_NUMBER) if (base.points >= cost) then local newEntity = baseUtils.upgradeEntity(entity, base, map) if newEntity then if universe.printBaseUpgrades then surface.print("[gps=".. entity.position.x ..",".. entity.position.y .."] " .. "Scheduled upgrade for ".. entity.name .. " to " .. newEntity) end base.points = base.points - cost end end end end local deathThreshold if (map.evolutionLevel < 0.5) then deathThreshold = 4500 elseif (map.evolutionLevel < 0.7) then deathThreshold = 7500 elseif (map.evolutionLevel < 0.9) then deathThreshold = 11000 else deathThreshold = 16000 end deathThreshold = universe.adaptationModifier * deathThreshold if ((base.deathEvents > deathThreshold) and (upgradeRoll > 0.95)) then if (base.mutations < universe.MAX_BASE_MUTATIONS) then base.mutations = base.mutations + 1 upgradeBaseBasedOnDamage(map, base) elseif (base.mutations == universe.MAX_BASE_MUTATIONS) then local roll = map.random() if (roll < 0.001) then base.mutations = 0 if (map.universe.printBaseAdaptation) then game.print({"description.rampant--adaptationResetDebugMessage", base.x, base.y, base.mutations, map.universe.MAX_BASE_MUTATIONS}) end elseif (roll > 0.999) then base.mutations = base.mutations + 1 if (map.universe.printBaseAdaptation) then game.print({"description.rampant--adaptationFrozenDebugMessage", base.x, base.y}) end end end base.damagedBy = {} base.deathEvents = 0 end base.points = base.points + map.baseIncrement if (base.points > universe.maxPoints) then base.points = universe.maxPoints end if (base.stateTick <= tick) then local roll = map.random() if (roll < 0.85) then base.state = BASE_AI_STATE_ACTIVE else base.state = BASE_AI_STATE_DORMANT end base.stateTick = randomTickEvent(map.random, tick, BASE_AI_MIN_STATE_DURATION, BASE_AI_MAX_STATE_DURATION) end base.tick = tick end function baseUtils.createBase(map, chunk, tick) local x = chunk.x local y = chunk.y local distance = euclideanDistancePoints(x, y, 0, 0) local meanLevel = mFloor(distance * 0.005) local distanceIndex = mMin(1, distance * BASE_DISTANCE_TO_EVO_INDEX) local evoIndex = mMax(distanceIndex, map.evolutionLevel) local baseTick = tick local alignment = findBaseInitialAlignment(map, evoIndex) or {"neutral"} local baseLevel = gaussianRandomRangeRG(meanLevel, meanLevel * 0.3, meanLevel * 0.50, meanLevel * 1.50, map.random) local baseDistanceThreshold = gaussianRandomRangeRG(BASE_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD, BASE_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD * 0.2, BASE_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD * 0.75, BASE_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD * 1.50, map.random) local distanceThreshold = (baseLevel * BASE_DISTANCE_LEVEL_BONUS) + baseDistanceThreshold local universe = map.universe local base = { x = x, y = y, distanceThreshold = distanceThreshold * map.universe.baseDistanceModifier, tick = baseTick, alignment = alignment, state = BASE_AI_STATE_ACTIVE, damagedBy = {}, deathEvents = 0, mutations = 0, stateTick = 0, chunkCount = 0, createdTick = tick, points = 0, id = universe.baseId } universe.baseId = universe.baseId + 1 map.bases[base.id] = base return base end function baseUtils.rebuildNativeTables(universe, rg) local alignmentSet = {} universe.evolutionTableAlignment = alignmentSet local buildingSpaceLookup = {} universe.buildingSpaceLookup = buildingSpaceLookup local enemyAlignmentLookup = {} universe.enemyAlignmentLookup = enemyAlignmentLookup local evoToTierMapping = {} universe.evoToTierMapping = evoToTierMapping local upgradeLookup = {} universe.upgradeLookup = upgradeLookup local buildingEvolveLookup = {} universe.buildingEvolveLookup = buildingEvolveLookup local costLookup = {} universe.costLookup = costLookup local buildingHiveTypeLookup = {} universe.buildingHiveTypeLookup = buildingHiveTypeLookup for i=1,10 do evoToTierMapping[#evoToTierMapping+1] = (((i - 1) * 0.1) ^ 0.5) - 0.05 end for i=1,#FACTION_SET do local faction = FACTION_SET[i] local factionUpgradeLookup = {} upgradeLookup[faction.type] = factionUpgradeLookup local factionBuildingPicker = {} buildingEvolveLookup[faction.type] = factionBuildingPicker for t=1,10 do local alignments = alignmentSet[t] if not alignments then alignments = {} alignmentSet[t] = alignments end --[[ alignments table is a table that is used for selecting what factions are available to pick given an evolution level. evolutionTable is a table that given a faction allows the selection of a building type based on the propabilities given. Once the the building type is selected given a faction, then the evolution decides what level of building to select --]] local factionAcceptRate = faction.acceptRate local low = factionAcceptRate[1] local high = factionAcceptRate[2] if (low <= t) and (t <= high) then alignments[#alignments+1] = { distort(rg, linearInterpolation((t - low) / (high - low), factionAcceptRate[3], factionAcceptRate[4])), faction.type } end local tieredUpgradeBuildingSet = factionUpgradeLookup[t] if not tieredUpgradeBuildingSet then tieredUpgradeBuildingSet = {} factionUpgradeLookup[t] = tieredUpgradeBuildingSet end local tieredBuildingPickerSet = factionBuildingPicker[t] if not tieredBuildingPickerSet then tieredBuildingPickerSet = {} factionBuildingPicker[t] = tieredBuildingPickerSet end for b=1,#faction.buildings do local building = faction.buildings[b] local buildingSet = tieredUpgradeBuildingSet[building.type] if not buildingSet then buildingSet = {} tieredUpgradeBuildingSet[building.type] = buildingSet end local variationSet = {} for v=1,universe.ENEMY_VARIATIONS do local entry = faction.type .. "-" .. building.name .. "-v" .. v .. "-t" .. t .. "-rampant" enemyAlignmentLookup[entry] = faction.type local proxyEntity = "entity-proxy-" .. building.type .. "-t" .. t .. "-rampant" buildingSpaceLookup[entry] = proxyEntity costLookup[entry] = HIVE_BUILDINGS_COST[building.type] buildingHiveTypeLookup[entry] = building.type if not buildingHiveTypeLookup[proxyEntity] then buildingHiveTypeLookup[proxyEntity] = building.type end variationSet[#variationSet+1] = entry end local buildingAcceptRate = building.acceptRate local buildingLow = buildingAcceptRate[1] local buildingHigh = buildingAcceptRate[2] if (buildingLow <= t) and (t <= buildingHigh) then for vi=1,#variationSet do local variation = variationSet[vi] buildingSet[#buildingSet+1] = variation end tieredBuildingPickerSet[#tieredBuildingPickerSet+1] = { distort(rg, linearInterpolation((t - buildingLow) / (buildingHigh - buildingLow), buildingAcceptRate[3], buildingAcceptRate[4])), variationSet, building.type } end end end end for t=1,10 do local alignments = alignmentSet[t] local totalAlignment = 0 for i=1,#alignments do totalAlignment = totalAlignment + alignments[i][1] end for i=1,#alignments do alignments[i][1] = alignments[i][1] / totalAlignment end for fi=1,#FACTION_SET do local faction = FACTION_SET[fi] local factionBuildingSet = buildingEvolveLookup[faction.type][t] local totalBuildingSet = 0 for i=1,#factionBuildingSet do totalBuildingSet = totalBuildingSet + factionBuildingSet[i][1] end for i=1,#factionBuildingSet do factionBuildingSet[i][1] = factionBuildingSet[i][1] / totalBuildingSet end end end local evoIndex = evoToTier(universe, universe.evolutionLevel, 2) if universe.maps then for _,map in pairs(universe.maps) do for _,base in pairs(map.bases) do for x=1,2 do local alignment = base.alignment[x] if alignment and not universe.buildingEvolveLookup[alignment] then base.alignment = findBaseInitialAlignment(map, evoIndex) break end end end end end end baseUtilsG = baseUtils return baseUtils