-- Copyright (C) 2022 veden -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see . -- imports local thiefUtils = require("utils/ThiefUtils") -- constants local energyThief = {} -- imported functions local makeDrainCrystal = thiefUtils.makeDrainCrystal function energyThief.addFactionAddon() data:extend({ { type = "simple-entity-with-force", name = "drain-trigger-rampant", render_layer = "object", icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/steel-chest.png", icon_size = 32, flags = {"placeable-neutral", "player-creation"}, order = "s-e-w-f", minable = {mining_time = 1, result = "drain-trigger-rampant"}, max_health = 100, selectable_in_game = false, corpse = nil, collision_box = {{-0.35, -0.35}, {0.35, 0.35}}, selection_box = {{-0.5, -0.5}, {0.5, 0.5}}, picture = { filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", priority = "extra-high", width = 1, height = 1, shift = {0, 0} } }, { type = "item", name = "drain-trigger-rampant", icon = "__Rampant__/graphics/icons/thief/crystal-drain.png", icon_size = 32, icon_mipmaps = 1, flags = {"hidden"}, subgroup = "energy", order = "e[accumulator]-a[accumulator]", place_result = "drain-trigger-rampant", stack_size = 50 }, { type = "item", name = "crystal-drain-pole-rampant", icon = "__Rampant__/graphics/icons/thief/crystal-drain.png", icon_size = 32, icon_mipmaps = 1, flags = {"hidden"}, subgroup = "energy", order = "e[accumulator]-a[accumulator]", place_result = "crystal-drain-pole-rampant", stack_size = 50 }, { type = "electric-pole", name = "crystal-drain-pole-rampant", icon = "__Rampant__/graphics/icons/thief/crystal-drain.png", icon_size = 32, icon_mipmaps = 1, flags = {"hidden"}, selectable_in_game = false, minable = {hardness = 0.2, mining_time = 0.5, result = "big-electric-pole"}, max_health = 750, healing_per_tick = 0.02, corpse = nil, resistances = { { type = "physical", percent = 25 }, { type = "fire", percent = 85 }, { type = "electric", percent = 95 }, { type = "laser", percent = 90 } }, collision_box = {{-0.55, -0.55}, {0.55, 0.55}}, selection_box = {{-0.55, -0.55}, {0.55, 0.55}}, drawing_box = {{-1, -3}, {1, 0.5}}, maximum_wire_distance = 30, supply_area_distance = 9, vehicle_impact_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/car-metal-impact.ogg", volume = 0.65 }, pictures = { filename = "__Rampant__/graphics/entities/thief/crystal-drain-pole.png", priority = "high", width = 168, height = 130, direction_count = 4, shift = {1.6, -1.4} }, connection_points = { { shadow = { copper = {2.7, 0}, green = {1.8, 0}, red = {3.6, 0} }, wire = { copper = {0, -2.5}, green = {-0.59375, -2.5}, red = {0.625, -2.5} } }, { shadow = { copper = {3.1, 0.2}, green = {2.3, -0.3}, red = {3.8, 0.6} }, wire = { copper = {-0.0625, -2.5}, green = {-0.5, -3}, red = {0.34375, -2} } }, { shadow = { copper = {2.9, 0.06}, green = {3.0, -0.6}, red = {3.0, 0.8} }, wire = { copper = {-0.09375, -2.5}, green = {-0.09375, -3}, red = {-0.09375, -2} } }, { shadow = { copper = {3.1, 0.2}, green = {3.8, -0.3}, red = {2.35, 0.6} }, wire = { copper = {-0.0625, -2.4}, green = {0.375, -2.9}, red = {-0.46875, -2.4} } } }, radius_visualisation_picture = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-electric-pole/electric-pole-radius-visualization.png", width = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high-no-scale" } } }) local chest = util.table.deepcopy(data.raw["radar"]["radar"]) chest.name = "pylon-target-rampant" chest.icon = "__Rampant__/graphics/icons/thief/crystal-drain.png" chest.icon_size = 32 chest.corpse = nil chest.icon_mipmaps = 1 chest.flags = {"not-repairable", "not-on-map", "hidden"} chest.subgroup = "enemies" chest.next_upgrade = nil chest.backer_name = false data.raw["simple-entity-with-force"]["drain-trigger-rampant"].dying_explosion = chest.dying_explosion chest.pictures = { layers={ { filename = "__Rampant__/graphics/entities/thief/crystal-drain-pole.png", priority = "high", width = 168, height = 130, direction_count = 4, shift = {1.6, -1.4} } }} chest.max_health = 750 chest.resistances = { { type = "physical", percent = 25 }, { type = "fire", percent = 85 }, { type = "electric", percent = 95 }, { type = "laser", percent = 90 } } chest.energy_usage = "500kW" -- chest.collision_mask = {} chest.collision_box = nil chest.selection_box = {{-0.55, -0.55}, {0.55, 0.55}} chest.minable.result = "pylon-target-rampant" chest.working_sound = { sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/accumulator-working.ogg" } }, apparent_volume = 2, } data:extend({ chest, { type = "item", name = "pylon-target-rampant", icon = "__Rampant__/graphics/icons/thief/crystal-drain.png", icon_size = 32, icon_mipmaps = 1, flags = {"hidden"}, subgroup = "enemies", order = "a[items]-h[steel-collector]", place_result = "pylon-target-rampant", stack_size = 50 } }) for i=1,10 do local drainCrystalAttributes = { name = "crystal-v" .. i, drain = i * 1.3 .. "MW", scale = (i * 0.1) + 0.5, health = 400 * i } makeDrainCrystal(drainCrystalAttributes) end end return energyThief