--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.19 Date: 2. 09. 2018 Features: - Blockable projectiles, most projectiles will be stop by walls and other objects - Rocket launches now agitate biters Improvements: - Switched linear tier generation from rounding using ceiling to nearest number - Spawner faction spitters now degrade when attacking and check buildability for units to prevent infinite biter masses when attacking Bugfixes: - Added check for null group (https://github.com/veden/Rampant/issues/16) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.18 Date: 2. 05. 2018 Bugfixes: - Fixed the enemy naming so the enemy tiers can be changed without losing enemies (https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?f=94&t=31445&start=240#p340944) - Fixed bob enemies load error (https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?f=94&t=31445&start=240#p340897) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.17 Date: 2. 02. 2018 Features: - Added the Wasp faction, an enemy that throws smaller flying enemies - Added the Spawner faction, an enemy that throws egg sack that make biters Improvements: - Added setting to turn off most of the friendly fire for worm and spitter splash damage - Changed electric biters to target multiple entities with their beams at a time - Changed electric worms to shoot a projectile that explodes into an electrical cluster - Added settings for controlling what tier enemies start and end at - Changed laser spitters and worms to shoot a projectile that explodes into an laser cluster Bugfixes: - Added laser resistance to laser worms --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.16 Date: 1. 31. 2018 Improvements: - Added support for NE Buildings artifacts - Switched biter clump scanner to chunk based search for roughly constant performance Bugfixes: - Potential desync fix relating to squads - unitGroup being nil (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Rampant/discussion/5a72832d3b14f30009910dce) - Squads not being deallocated for chunks when group is no longer valid - Fix for 5 tier of units resulted in only the larva class Tweaks: - Increased player base pheromone generation by 10 times - Increased retreat threshold max from 10000 to 18000 - Increased the spread of player base pheromone from 0.25 to 0.30 (this is only for pathfinding) - Increased the generation of player pheromone from 150 to 300 - Increased the death pheromone from enemys from 500 to 600 - Increased the player aggro distance from 4 chunks to just over 5 chunks Framework: - Changing squads on a chunk to a map instead of an array --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.15 Date: 1. 29. 2018 Bugfixes: - Fixed NE and bobs integration Tweaks: - Increased base processing passes from every 5 to 2 seconds --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.14 Date: 1. 28. 2018 Bugfixes: - Fixed inverted check for bobs and ne (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Rampant/discussion/5a6ec83c1650e7000ee173b2) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.13 Date: 1. 28. 2018 Bugfixes: - Fixed load error for mod dependencies (https://github.com/veden/Rampant/issues/15) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.12 Date: 1. 28. 2018 Bugfixes: - Fixed an error where item could be nil (https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?f=94&t=31445&start=240#p339033) Improvements: - Added support for bobs and NE artifacts - Added options to include Bobs or NE as factions --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.11 Date: 1. 27. 2018 Bugfixes: - A a null check for nil'ed squad groups (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Rampant/discussion/5a6d09cb9a95f7000b165865) Improvements: - Added setting options for changing tiers and variations to allow for a smaller memory footprint --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.10 Date: 1. 27. 2018 Bugfixes: - Fixed missing function in surfaceTileChange call (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Rampant/discussion/5a6cf2ff68436500096b638b) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.9 Date: 1. 27. 2018 Bugfixes: - Fixed uninitialized kamikazeThreshold - Fixed that deadzones wouldn't expire allowing for resettling --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.8 Date: 1. 26. 2018 Bugfixes: - Fixed on_tick empty interval (https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?f=94&t=31445&start=220#p338531) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.7 Date: 1. 26. 2018 Improvements: - Reduced the number of trivial smoke created to 4 from ~20 Tweaks: - Turned off new enemies by default - Set default number of enemy variations per tier to 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.6 Date: 1. 25. 2018 Features: - Generated enemies for a large variety of things to battle - Evolving bases now get stronger over time and specialize their units - Creates areas clear of biters Bugfixes: - Fixed a cause where squads could get stuck on hard to pass terrain Tweaks: - Increased squad movement penalty before removal from 8000 to 10000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.5 Date: 1. 24. 2018 Bugfixes: - Fix from Pxanych for calculatekamikazethreshold passing table instead of a number --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.4 Date: 1. 23. 2018 Bugfixes: - Fix for invalid ai max squad variable reference --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.3 Date: 1. 13. 2018 Bugfixes: - Fixed creative mode tile wand robot error (https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?f=94&t=31445&start=220&hilit=rampant#p335574) - Fix from CyaNox for build tile positions to array of tiles change in factorio 0.16.17 Improvements: - Removed squad limit - Squads converted from vanilla control receive immediate kamikaze roll - Units not under a unit group, now get a kamikaze roll before being put into a retreating squad Optimizations: - Reworked squad regrouping to be surrounding chunks instead comparing against master list Framework: - Add squads to chunk map for faster location sensitive lookups --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.2 Date: 1. 2. 2018 Bugfixes: - Fixed invalid function call due to a function renaming --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.1 Date: 1. 1. 2018 Features: - Artillery shell impacts cause biter squads to form and prevents the single file line of retaliation - Unit spawners now rally troops when they die Improvements: - Cliffs and impassable areas due to object density have been added to the pathfinder - Terrain that is dynamically altered (landfilled, cleared of trees, cleared of cliffs) will be accounted for now - Added artillery turret to buildings that emit pheromones - Increased kamikaze frequency by increasing the chance to roll for Kamikaze from 70% to 100% Optimizations: - Switch scanning for cliffs, resources, and tiles to event based instead of polling - Reduced number of table allocations when working with squads Bugfixes: - fixed changelog so it shows up in-game interface - Added checks for correct surface before processing build events Framework: - Created visualler for viewing internal Rampant ai game state --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.0 Date: 13. 12. 2017 Tweaks: - Updated info.json Bugfixes: - Fixed broken icon size prototypes - Fixed create-smoke calls - Fixed perimeter to radius - Fixed smoke - Fixed missing fire tile properties