if aiPlanningG then return aiPlanningG end local aiPlanning = {} -- imports local constants = require("Constants") local mathUtils = require("MathUtils") -- constants local AGGRESSIVE_CAN_ATTACK_WAIT_MAX_DURATION = constants.AGGRESSIVE_CAN_ATTACK_WAIT_MAX_DURATION local AGGRESSIVE_CAN_ATTACK_WAIT_MIN_DURATION = constants.AGGRESSIVE_CAN_ATTACK_WAIT_MIN_DURATION local ACTIVE_NESTS_PER_AGGRESSIVE_GROUPS = constants.ACTIVE_NESTS_PER_AGGRESSIVE_GROUPS local NO_RETREAT_BASE_PERCENT = constants.NO_RETREAT_BASE_PERCENT local NO_RETREAT_EVOLUTION_BONUS_MAX = constants.NO_RETREAT_EVOLUTION_BONUS_MAX local AI_STATE_PEACEFUL = constants.AI_STATE_PEACEFUL local AI_STATE_AGGRESSIVE = constants.AI_STATE_AGGRESSIVE local AI_STATE_RAIDING = constants.AI_STATE_RAIDING local AI_STATE_MIGRATING = constants.AI_STATE_MIGRATING local AI_STATE_ONSLAUGHT = constants.AI_STATE_ONSLAUGHT local AI_STATE_SIEGE = constants.AI_STATE_SIEGE local AI_UNIT_REFUND = constants.AI_UNIT_REFUND local AI_MAX_POINTS = constants.AI_MAX_POINTS local AI_POINT_GENERATOR_AMOUNT = constants.AI_POINT_GENERATOR_AMOUNT local AI_MIN_STATE_DURATION = constants.AI_MIN_STATE_DURATION local AI_MAX_STATE_DURATION = constants.AI_MAX_STATE_DURATION local BASE_RALLY_CHANCE = constants.BASE_RALLY_CHANCE local BONUS_RALLY_CHANCE = constants.BONUS_RALLY_CHANCE local RETREAT_MOVEMENT_PHEROMONE_LEVEL_MIN = constants.RETREAT_MOVEMENT_PHEROMONE_LEVEL_MIN local RETREAT_MOVEMENT_PHEROMONE_LEVEL_MAX = constants.RETREAT_MOVEMENT_PHEROMONE_LEVEL_MAX local MINIMUM_AI_POINTS = constants.MINIMUM_AI_POINTS -- imported functions local randomTickEvent = mathUtils.randomTickEvent local linearInterpolation = mathUtils.linearInterpolation local mFloor = math.floor local mCeil = math.ceil local mMax = math.max local mMin = math.min -- module code local function getTimeStringFromTick(tick) local tickToSeconds = tick / 60 local days = mFloor(tickToSeconds / 86400) local hours = mFloor((tickToSeconds % 86400) / 3600) local minutes = mFloor((tickToSeconds % 3600) / 60) local seconds = mFloor(tickToSeconds % 60) return days .. "d " .. hours .. "h " .. minutes .. "m " .. seconds .. "s" end function aiPlanning.planning(map, evolution_factor, tick) local universe = map.universe map.evolutionLevel = evolution_factor universe.evolutionLevel = evolution_factor local maxPoints = mMax(AI_MAX_POINTS * evolution_factor, MINIMUM_AI_POINTS) universe.maxPoints = maxPoints if not universe.ranIncompatibleMessage and universe.newEnemies and (game.active_mods["bobenemies"] or game.active_mods["Natural_Evolution_Enemies"]) then universe.ranIncompatibleMessage = true game.print({"description.rampant-bobs-nee-newEnemies"}) end local maxOverflowPoints = maxPoints * 3 local attackWaveMaxSize = universe.attackWaveMaxSize universe.retreatThreshold = linearInterpolation(evolution_factor, RETREAT_MOVEMENT_PHEROMONE_LEVEL_MIN, RETREAT_MOVEMENT_PHEROMONE_LEVEL_MAX) universe.rallyThreshold = BASE_RALLY_CHANCE + (evolution_factor * BONUS_RALLY_CHANCE) universe.formSquadThreshold = mMax((0.35 * evolution_factor), 0.1) universe.attackWaveSize = attackWaveMaxSize * (evolution_factor ^ 1.4) universe.attackWaveDeviation = (universe.attackWaveSize * 0.333) universe.attackWaveUpperBound = universe.attackWaveSize + (universe.attackWaveSize * 0.35) if (map.canAttackTick < tick) then map.maxAggressiveGroups = mCeil(map.activeNests / ACTIVE_NESTS_PER_AGGRESSIVE_GROUPS) map.sentAggressiveGroups = 0 map.canAttackTick = randomTickEvent(map.random, tick, AGGRESSIVE_CAN_ATTACK_WAIT_MIN_DURATION, AGGRESSIVE_CAN_ATTACK_WAIT_MAX_DURATION) end if (universe.attackWaveSize < 1) then universe.attackWaveSize = 2 universe.attackWaveDeviation = 1 universe.attackWaveUpperBound = 3 end universe.settlerWaveSize = linearInterpolation(evolution_factor ^ 1.66667, universe.expansionMinSize, universe.expansionMaxSize) universe.settlerWaveDeviation = (universe.settlerWaveSize * 0.33) universe.settlerCooldown = mFloor(linearInterpolation(evolution_factor ^ 1.66667, universe.expansionMaxTime, universe.expansionMinTime)) universe.unitRefundAmount = AI_UNIT_REFUND * evolution_factor universe.kamikazeThreshold = NO_RETREAT_BASE_PERCENT + (evolution_factor * NO_RETREAT_EVOLUTION_BONUS_MAX) local points = ((AI_POINT_GENERATOR_AMOUNT * universe.random()) + (map.activeNests * 0.003) + (AI_POINT_GENERATOR_AMOUNT * mMax(evolution_factor ^ 2.5, 0.1))) if (map.temperament < 0.05) or (map.temperament > 0.95) then points = points + 0.3 elseif (map.temperament < 0.25) or (map.temperament > 0.75) then points = points + 0.2 elseif (map.temperament < 0.40) or (map.temperament > 0.60) then points = points + 0.1 end if (map.state == AI_STATE_ONSLAUGHT) then points = points * 2 end points = points * universe.aiPointsScaler map.baseIncrement = points * 30 local currentPoints = map.points if (currentPoints < maxPoints) then map.points = currentPoints + points end if (currentPoints > maxOverflowPoints) then map.points = maxOverflowPoints end if (map.stateTick <= tick) then local roll = universe.random() if (map.temperament < 0.05) then -- 0 - 0.05 if universe.enabledMigration then if (roll < 0.7) and universe.siegeAIToggle then map.state = AI_STATE_SIEGE else map.state = AI_STATE_MIGRATING end else if universe.raidAIToggle then if (roll < 0.85) then map.state = AI_STATE_AGGRESSIVE else map.state = AI_STATE_RAIDING end else map.state = AI_STATE_AGGRESSIVE end end elseif (map.temperament < 0.20) then -- 0.05 - 0.2 if (universe.enabledMigration) then if (roll < 0.4) and universe.siegeAIToggle then map.state = AI_STATE_SIEGE else map.state = AI_STATE_MIGRATING end else if universe.raidAIToggle then if (roll < 0.95) then map.state = AI_STATE_AGGRESSIVE else map.state = AI_STATE_RAIDING end else map.state = AI_STATE_AGGRESSIVE end end elseif (map.temperament < 0.4) then -- 0.2 - 0.4 if (universe.enabledMigration) then if (roll < 0.2) then map.state = AI_STATE_AGGRESSIVE elseif (roll < 0.8) then map.state = AI_STATE_MIGRATING elseif universe.peacefulAIToggle then map.state = AI_STATE_PEACEFUL else map.state = AI_STATE_MIGRATING end else if (roll < 0.6) then map.state = AI_STATE_AGGRESSIVE elseif universe.peacefulAIToggle then map.state = AI_STATE_PEACEFUL else map.state = AI_STATE_AGGRESSIVE end end elseif (map.temperament < 0.6) then -- 0.4 - 0.6 if (roll < 0.4) then map.state = AI_STATE_AGGRESSIVE elseif universe.peacefulAIToggle then map.state = AI_STATE_PEACEFUL else if universe.enabledMigration then map.state = AI_STATE_MIGRATING else map.state = AI_STATE_AGGRESSIVE end end elseif (map.temperament < 0.8) then -- 0.6 - 0.8 if (roll < 0.4) then map.state = AI_STATE_AGGRESSIVE elseif (roll < 0.6) then map.state = AI_STATE_ONSLAUGHT elseif (roll < 0.8) then map.state = AI_STATE_RAIDING elseif universe.peacefulAIToggle then map.state = AI_STATE_PEACEFUL else map.state = AI_STATE_AGGRESSIVE end elseif (map.temperament < 0.95) then -- 0.8 - 0.95 if (universe.enabledMigration and universe.raidAIToggle) then if (roll < 0.20) and universe.siegeAIToggle then map.state = AI_STATE_SIEGE elseif (roll < 0.45) then map.state = AI_STATE_RAIDING elseif (roll < 0.85) then map.state = AI_STATE_ONSLAUGHT else map.state = AI_STATE_AGGRESSIVE end elseif (universe.enabledMigration) then if (roll < 0.20) and universe.siegeAIToggle then map.state = AI_STATE_SIEGE elseif (roll < 0.75) then map.state = AI_STATE_ONSLAUGHT else map.state = AI_STATE_AGGRESSIVE end elseif (universe.raidAIToggle) then if (roll < 0.45) then map.state = AI_STATE_ONSLAUGHT elseif (roll < 0.75) then map.state = AI_STATE_RAIDING else map.state = AI_STATE_AGGRESSIVE end else if (roll < 0.65) then map.state = AI_STATE_ONSLAUGHT else map.state = AI_STATE_AGGRESSIVE end end else if (universe.enabledMigration and universe.raidAIToggle) then if (roll < 0.30) and universe.siegeAIToggle then map.state = AI_STATE_SIEGE elseif (roll < 0.65) then map.state = AI_STATE_RAIDING else map.state = AI_STATE_ONSLAUGHT end elseif (universe.enabledMigration) then if (roll < 0.30) and universe.siegeAIToggle then map.state = AI_STATE_SIEGE else map.state = AI_STATE_ONSLAUGHT end elseif (universe.raidAIToggle) then if (roll < 0.45) then map.state = AI_STATE_ONSLAUGHT else map.state = AI_STATE_RAIDING end else map.state = AI_STATE_ONSLAUGHT end end map.destroyPlayerBuildings = 0 map.lostEnemyUnits = 0 map.lostEnemyBuilding = 0 map.rocketLaunched = 0 map.builtEnemyBuilding = 0 map.ionCannonBlasts = 0 map.artilleryBlasts = 0 map.stateTick = randomTickEvent(map.random, tick, AI_MIN_STATE_DURATION, AI_MAX_STATE_DURATION) if universe.printAIStateChanges then game.print(map.surface.name .. ": AI is now: " .. constants.stateEnglish[map.state] .. ", Next state change is in " .. string.format("%.2f", (map.stateTick - tick) / (60*60)) .. " minutes @ " .. getTimeStringFromTick(map.stateTick) .. " playtime") end end end function aiPlanning.temperamentPlanner(map) local destroyPlayerBuildings = map.destroyPlayerBuildings local lostEnemyUnits = map.lostEnemyUnits local lostEnemyBuilding = map.lostEnemyBuilding local rocketLaunched = map.rocketLaunched local builtEnemyBuilding = map.builtEnemyBuilding local ionCannonBlasts = map.ionCannonBlasts local artilleryBlasts = map.artilleryBlasts local activeNests = map.activeNests local activeRaidNests = map.activeRaidNests local currentTemperament = map.temperamentScore local delta = 0 if activeNests > 0 then local val = (0.015 * activeNests) delta = delta + val else delta = delta - 0.014463 end if destroyPlayerBuildings > 0 then if currentTemperament > 0 then delta = delta - (0.014463 * destroyPlayerBuildings) else delta = delta + (0.014463 * destroyPlayerBuildings) end end if activeRaidNests > 0 then local val = (0.0006 * activeRaidNests) delta = delta - val else delta = delta - 0.01 end if lostEnemyUnits > 0 then local multipler if map.evolutionLevel < 0.3 then multipler = 0.000434 elseif map.evolutionLevel < 0.5 then multipler = 0.000217 elseif map.evolutionLevel < 0.7 then multipler = 0.000108 elseif map.evolutionLevel < 0.9 then multipler = 0.000054 elseif map.evolutionLevel < 0.9 then multipler = 0.000027 else multipler = 0.0000135 end local val = (multipler * lostEnemyUnits) if (currentTemperament > 0) then delta = delta - val else delta = delta + val end end if lostEnemyBuilding > 0 then local val = (0.072317 * lostEnemyBuilding) if (currentTemperament > 0) then delta = delta - val else delta = delta + val end end if (builtEnemyBuilding > 0) then local val = (0.004339 * builtEnemyBuilding) if (currentTemperament > 0) then delta = delta - val else delta = delta + val end else delta = delta - 0.007232 end if (rocketLaunched > 0) then local val = (0.289268 * rocketLaunched) delta = delta + val end if (ionCannonBlasts > 0) then local val = (0.144634 * ionCannonBlasts) delta = delta + val end if (artilleryBlasts > 0) then local val = (0.144634 * artilleryBlasts) delta = delta + val end local universe = map.universe delta = delta * universe.temperamentRateModifier map.temperamentScore = mMin(10000, mMax(-10000, currentTemperament + delta)) map.temperament = ((map.temperamentScore + 10000) * 0.00005) if universe.debugTemperament then if game.tick % 243 == 0 then game.print("Rampant Stats:") game.print("aN:" .. map.activeNests .. ", aRN:" .. map.activeRaidNests .. ", dPB:" .. map.destroyPlayerBuildings .. ", lEU:" .. map.lostEnemyUnits .. ", lEB:" .. map.lostEnemyBuilding .. ", rL:" .. map.rocketLaunched .. ", bEB:" .. map.builtEnemyBuilding .. ", iCB:" .. map.ionCannonBlasts .. ", aB:" .. map.artilleryBlasts) game.print("temp: " .. map.temperament .. ", tempScore:" .. map.temperamentScore .. ", points:" .. map.points .. ", state:" .. constants.stateEnglish[map.state] .. ", surface:" .. map.surface.index .. " [" .. map.surface.name .. "]") game.print("aS:" .. universe.squadCount .. ", aB:" .. universe.builderCount .. ", atkSize:" .. universe.attackWaveSize .. ", stlSize:" .. universe.settlerWaveSize .. ", formGroup:" .. universe.formSquadThreshold) game.print("sAgg:".. map.sentAggressiveGroups .. ", mAgg:" .. map.maxAggressiveGroups) end end end aiPlanningG = aiPlanning return aiPlanning