-- Copyright (C) 2022 veden -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see . local tests = {} local constants = require("libs/Constants") local mathUtils = require("libs/MathUtils") local chunkUtils = require("libs/ChunkUtils") local chunkPropertyUtils = require("libs/ChunkPropertyUtils") local mapUtils = require("libs/MapUtils") local baseUtils = require("libs/BaseUtils") local queryUtils = require("libs/QueryUtils") -- local tendrilUtils = require("libs/TendrilUtils") function tests.pheromoneLevels(size) local player = game.player.character local playerChunkX = math.floor(player.position.x / 32) * constants.CHUNK_SIZE local playerChunkY = math.floor(player.position.y / 32) * constants.CHUNK_SIZE if not size then size = 3 * constants.CHUNK_SIZE else size = size * constants.CHUNK_SIZE end print("------") print(#global.map.processQueue) print(playerChunkX .. ", " .. playerChunkY) print("--") for y=playerChunkY-size, playerChunkY+size,32 do for x=playerChunkX-size, playerChunkX+size,32 do if (global.map[x] ~= nil) then local chunk = global.map[x][y] if (chunk ~= nil) then local str = "" for i=1,#chunk do str = str .. " " .. tostring(i) .. "/" .. tostring(chunk[i]) end str = str .. " " .. "p/" .. game.get_surface(global.natives.activeSurface).get_pollution(chunk) .. " " .. "n/" .. chunkPropertyUtils.getNestCount(global.map, chunk) .. " " .. "w/" .. chunkPropertyUtils.getTurretCount(global.map, chunk) .. " pg/" .. chunkPropertyUtils.getPlayerBaseGenerator(global.map, chunk) if (chunk.x == playerChunkX) and (chunk.y == playerChunkY) then print("=============") print(chunk.x, chunk.y, str) print("=============") else print(chunk.x, chunk.y, str) end -- print(str) print("----") end end end print("------------------") end end function tests.killActiveSquads() print("--") for i=1, global.natives.squads.len do local squad = global.natives.squads[i] if (squad.group.valid) then local members = squad.group.members for x=1, #members do local member = members[x] local val = member.valid and member.die() end end end end function tests.activeSquads() print("-----") print(defines.group_state.gathering .. " is equal to gathering") print(defines.group_state.finished .. " is equal to finished") -- print("Squads", global.natives.groupNumberToSquad) for un, squad in pairs(global.natives.groupNumberToSquad) do print("-") -- local squad = global.natives.squads[i] local squadHealth = 0 local squadMakeup = {} if squad.group.valid then -- for x=1,#squad.group.members do -- local member = squad.group.members[x].prototype -- if not squadMakeup[member.name] then -- squadMakeup[member.name] = 0 -- end -- squadHealth = squadHealth + member.max_health -- squadMakeup[member.name] = squadMakeup[member.name] + 1 -- end print(math.floor(squad.group.position.x * 0.03125), math.floor(squad.group.position.y * 0.03125), squad.status, squad.group.state, #squad.group.members, squad.cycles, squad.group.group_number -- , squadHealth ) -- print(serpent.dump(squadResistances)) -- print(serpent.dump(squadMakeup)) -- print(serpent.dump(squad)) end end -- print("---") -- print("pending", global.natives.pendingAttack.len) -- for i=1, global.natives.pendingAttack.len do -- print("-") -- local squad = global.natives.pendingAttack[i] -- local squadHealth = 0 -- local squadMakeup = {} -- if squad.group.valid then -- -- for x=1,#squad.group.members do -- -- local member = squad.group.members[x].prototype -- -- if not squadMakeup[member.name] then -- -- squadMakeup[member.name] = 0 -- -- end -- -- squadHealth = squadHealth + member.max_health -- -- squadMakeup[member.name] = squadMakeup[member.name] + 1 -- -- end -- print(math.floor(squad.group.position.x * 0.03125), math.floor(squad.group.position.y * 0.03125), squad.status, squad.group.state, #squad.group.members, squad.cycles, -- squadHealth, -- squad.group.group_number) -- -- print(serpent.dump(squadResistances)) -- -- print(serpent.dump(squadMakeup)) -- -- print(serpent.dump(squad)) -- end -- end -- print("---") -- print("building", #global.natives.building) -- for i=1, #global.natives.building do -- print("-") -- local squad = global.natives.building[i] -- local squadHealth = 0 -- local squadMakeup = {} -- if squad.group.valid then -- -- for x=1,#squad.group.members do -- -- local member = squad.group.members[x].prototype -- -- if not squadMakeup[member.name] then -- -- squadMakeup[member.name] = 0 -- -- end -- -- squadHealth = squadHealth + member.max_health -- -- squadMakeup[member.name] = squadMakeup[member.name] + 1 -- -- end -- print(math.floor(squad.group.position.x * 0.03125), math.floor(squad.group.position.y * 0.03125), squad.status, squad.group.state, #squad.group.members, squad.cycles, squad.group.group_number, squadHealth) -- -- print(serpent.dump(squadResistances)) -- -- print(serpent.dump(squadMakeup)) -- -- print(serpent.dump(squad)) -- end -- end end function tests.entitiesOnPlayerChunk() local playerPosition = game.players[1].position local chunkX = math.floor(playerPosition.x * 0.03125) * 32 local chunkY = math.floor(playerPosition.y * 0.03125) * 32 local entities = game.get_surface(global.natives.activeSurface).find_entities_filtered({area={{chunkX, chunkY}, {chunkX + constants.CHUNK_SIZE, chunkY + constants.CHUNK_SIZE}}, force="player"}) for i=1, #entities do print(entities[i].name) end print("--") end function tests.findNearestPlayerEnemy() local playerPosition = game.players[1].position local chunkX = math.floor(playerPosition.x * 0.03125) * 32 local chunkY = math.floor(playerPosition.y * 0.03125) * 32 local entity = game.get_surface(global.natives.activeSurface).find_nearest_enemy({position={chunkX, chunkY}, max_distance=constants.CHUNK_SIZE, force = "enemy"}) if (entity ~= nil) then print(entity.name) end print("--") end function tests.morePoints(points) global.natives.points = global.natives.points + points end function tests.getOffsetChunk(x, y) local playerPosition = game.players[1].position local chunkX = math.floor(playerPosition.x * 0.03125) local chunkY = math.floor(playerPosition.y * 0.03125) local chunk = mapUtils.getChunkByIndex(global.map, chunkX + x, chunkY + y) print(serpent.dump(chunk)) end function tests.aiStats() print(global.natives.points, game.tick, global.natives.state, global.natives.temperament, global.natives.stateTick, global.natives.temperamentTick, global.natives.activeNests, global.natives.activeRaidNests) end function tests.fillableDirtTest() local playerPosition = game.players[1].position local chunkX = math.floor(playerPosition.x * 0.03125) * 32 local chunkY = math.floor(playerPosition.y * 0.03125) * 32 game.get_surface(global.natives.activeSurface).set_tiles({{name="fillableDirt", position={chunkX-1, chunkY-1}}, {name="fillableDirt", position={chunkX, chunkY-1}}, {name="fillableDirt", position={chunkX-1, chunkY}}, {name="fillableDirt", position={chunkX, chunkY}}}, false) end function tests.tunnelTest() local playerPosition = game.players[1].position local chunkX = math.floor(playerPosition.x * 0.03125) * 32 local chunkY = math.floor(playerPosition.y * 0.03125) * 32 game.get_surface(global.natives.activeSurface).create_entity({name="tunnel-entrance-rampant", position={chunkX, chunkY}}) end function tests.createEnemy(x,d) local playerPosition = game.players[1].position local chunkX = math.floor(playerPosition.x * 0.03125) * 32 local chunkY = math.floor(playerPosition.y * 0.03125) * 32 local a = {name=x, position={chunkX, chunkY}, force="enemy"} if d then a['direction'] = d end return game.get_surface(global.natives.activeSurface).create_entity(a) end function tests.attackOrigin() local enemy = game.get_surface(global.natives.activeSurface).find_nearest_enemy({position={0,0}, max_distance = 1000}) if (enemy ~= nil) and enemy.valid then print(enemy, enemy.unit_number) enemy.set_command({type=defines.command.go_to_location, destination={0,0}, radius=15}) end end function tests.dumpNatives() print(serpent.dump(global.natives)) end function tests.cheatMode() game.players[1].cheat_mode = true game.forces.player.research_all_technologies() end function tests.gaussianRandomTest() local result = {} for x=0,100,1 do result[x] = 0 end for _=1,10000 do local s = mathUtils.roundToNearest(mathUtils.gaussianRandomRange(50, 25, 0, 100), 1) result[s] = result[s] + 1 end for x=0,100,1 do print(x, result[x]) end end function tests.reveal (size) local pos = game.player.character.position game.player.force.chart(game.player.surface, {{x=-size+pos.x, y=-size+pos.y}, {x=size+pos.x, y=size+pos.y}}) end function tests.baseStats() local natives = global.natives print ("x", "y", "distanceThreshold", "tick", "points", "temperament", "temperamentTick", "state", "stateTick", "alignments") for i=1, #natives.bases do local base = natives.bases[i] print(base.x, base.y, base.distanceThreshold, base.tick, base.points, base.temperament, base.temperamentTick, base.state, base.stateTick, serpent.dump(base.alignment)) print("---") end end function tests.clearBases() local surface = game.get_surface(global.natives.activeSurface) for x=#global.natives.bases,1,-1 do local base = global.natives.bases[x] for c=1,#base.chunks do local chunk = base.chunks[c] chunkUtils.clearChunkNests(chunk, surface) end base.chunks = {} if (surface.can_place_entity({name="biter-spawner-powered", position={base.cX * 32, base.cY * 32}})) then surface.create_entity({name="biter-spawner-powered", position={base.cX * 32, base.cY * 32}}) local slice = math.pi / 12 local pos = 0 for i=1,24 do if (math.random() < 0.8) then local distance = mathUtils.roundToNearest(mathUtils.gaussianRandomRange(45, 5, 37, 60), 1) if (surface.can_place_entity({name="biter-spawner", position={base.cX * 32 + (distance*math.sin(pos)), base.cY * 32 + (distance*math.cos(pos))}})) then if (math.random() < 0.3) then surface.create_entity({name="small-worm-turret", position={base.cX * 32 + (distance*math.sin(pos)), base.cY * 32 + (distance*math.cos(pos))}}) else surface.create_entity({name="biter-spawner", position={base.cX * 32 + (distance*math.sin(pos)), base.cY * 32 + (distance*math.cos(pos))}}) end end end pos = pos + slice end else table.remove(global.natives.bases, x) end end end function tests.mergeBases() local natives = global.natives baseUtils.mergeBases(global.natives) end function tests.unitBuildBase() end function tests.showBaseGrid(time) local map = global.universe.maps[game.player.surface.index] local chunks = map.chunkToBase for chunk in pairs(chunks) do local count = chunkPropertyUtils.getEnemyStructureCount(map, chunk) chunkUtils.mapScanEnemyChunk(chunk, map, game.tick) local newCount = chunkPropertyUtils.getEnemyStructureCount(map, chunk) if newCount ~= count then constants.gpsDebug(chunk.x+16,chunk.y+16, "f2:" .. tostring(count) .. "/" .. tostring(newCount)) chunkUtils.colorChunk(chunk, game.player.surface.index, {0.3, 0.1, 0.1, 0.6}, time and tonumber(time)) else chunkUtils.colorChunk(chunk, game.player.surface.index, nil, time and tonumber(time)) end end end function tests.getEnemyStructureCount() local map = global.universe.maps[game.player.surface.index] local chunk = mapUtils.getChunkByPosition(map, game.player.character.position) print(chunk.x, chunk.y, chunkPropertyUtils.getEnemyStructureCount(map, chunk)) end function tests.scanEnemy() local map = global.universe.maps[game.player.surface.index] local chunk = mapUtils.getChunkByPosition(map, game.player.character.position) local universe = map.universe local buildingHiveTypeLookup = universe.buildingHiveTypeLookup local query = universe.filteredEntitiesEnemyStructureQuery queryUtils.setAreaInQuery(query, chunk, constants.CHUNK_SIZE) local buildings = map.surface.find_entities_filtered(query) local counts = map.chunkScanCounts for i=1,#constants.HIVE_BUILDINGS_TYPES do counts[constants.HIVE_BUILDINGS_TYPES[i]] = 0 end for i=1,#buildings do local building = buildings[i] local hiveType = buildingHiveTypeLookup[building.name] or (((building.type == "turret") and "turret") or "biter-spawner") counts[hiveType] = counts[hiveType] + 1 end print(game.tick, serpent.dump(counts)) end function tests.showMovementGrid() local chunks = global.map.processQueue for i=1,#chunks do local chunk = chunks[i] local color = "concrete" if (chunkPropertyUtils.getPassable(global.map, chunk) == constants.CHUNK_ALL_DIRECTIONS) then color = "hazard-concrete-left" elseif (chunkPropertyUtils.getPassable(global.map, chunk) == constants.CHUNK_NORTH_SOUTH) then color = "concrete" elseif (chunkPropertyUtils.getPassable(global.map, chunk) == constants.CHUNK_EAST_WEST) then color = "stone-path" end chunkUtils.colorChunk(chunk.x, chunk.y, color, game.get_surface(global.natives.activeSurface)) end end function tests.colorResourcePoints() local chunks = global.map.processQueue for i=1,#chunks do local chunk = chunks[i] local color = "concrete" if (chunk[constants.RESOURCE_GENERATOR] ~= 0) and (chunk[constants.NEST_COUNT] ~= 0) then color = "hazard-concrete-left" elseif (chunk[constants.RESOURCE_GENERATOR] ~= 0) then color = "deepwater" elseif (chunk[constants.NEST_COUNT] ~= 0) then color = "stone-path" end chunkUtils.colorChunk(chunk.x, chunk.y, color, game.get_surface(global.natives.activeSurface)) end end function tests.entityStats(name, d) local playerPosition = game.players[1].position local chunkX = math.floor(playerPosition.x * 0.03125) * 32 local chunkY = math.floor(playerPosition.y * 0.03125) * 32 local a = game.get_surface(global.natives.activeSurface).create_entity({name=name, position={chunkX, chunkY}}) if d then a['direction'] = d end print(serpent.dump(a)) a.destroy() end local function lookupIndexFaction(targetFaction) for i=1,#constants.FACTION_SET do if constants.FACTION_SET[i].type == targetFaction then return i end end return 0 end function tests.exportAiState() local printState = function () local map = global.universe.maps[game.players[1].surface.index] local chunks = map.processQueue local s = "" for i=1,#chunks do local chunk = chunks[i] local base = chunkPropertyUtils.getChunkBase(map, chunk) local alignmentCount = 0 if base then if (#base.alignment == 2) then alignmentCount = (math.abs(base.x) * 10000) + (math.abs(base.y) * 10000) + (lookupIndexFaction(base.alignment[1]) * 100) + lookupIndexFaction(base.alignment[2]) else alignmentCount = (math.abs(base.x) * 10000) + (math.abs(base.y) * 10000) + lookupIndexFaction(base.alignment[1]) end end s = s .. table.concat({0, chunk[constants.BASE_PHEROMONE], chunk[constants.PLAYER_PHEROMONE], chunk[constants.RESOURCE_PHEROMONE], chunkPropertyUtils.getPassable(map, chunk), chunk[constants.CHUNK_TICK], chunkPropertyUtils.getPathRating(map, chunk), chunk.x, chunk.y, chunkPropertyUtils.getNestCount(map, chunk), chunkPropertyUtils.getTurretCount(map, chunk), chunkPropertyUtils.getRallyTick(map, chunk), chunkPropertyUtils.getRetreatTick(map, chunk), chunkPropertyUtils.getResourceGenerator(map, chunk), chunkPropertyUtils.getPlayerBaseGenerator(map, chunk), chunkPropertyUtils.getDeathGenerator(map, chunk), game.get_surface(game.players[1].surface.index).get_pollution(chunk), chunkPropertyUtils.getNestActiveness(map, chunk), chunkPropertyUtils.getRaidNestActiveness(map, chunk), table_size(chunkPropertyUtils.getSquadsOnChunk(map, chunk)), alignmentCount, chunkPropertyUtils.getHiveCount(map, chunk), chunkPropertyUtils.getTrapCount(map, chunk), chunkPropertyUtils.getUtilityCount(map, chunk), global.universe.chunkToVictory[chunk] or 0 }, ",") .. "\n" end game.write_file("rampantState.txt", s, false) end return function(interval) if not interval then interval = 0 else interval = tonumber(interval) end printState() if (interval > 0) then script.on_nth_tick(interval, printState) end end end function tests.createEnergyTest(x) local entity = tests.createEnemy(x) local playerPosition = game.players[1].position local chunkX = math.floor(playerPosition.x * 0.03125) * 32 local chunkY = math.floor(playerPosition.y * 0.03125) * 32 local entities = game.get_surface(global.natives.activeSurface).find_entities_filtered({area={{chunkX, chunkY}, {chunkX + constants.CHUNK_SIZE, chunkY + constants.CHUNK_SIZE}}, type = "electric-pole", force="player"}) -- for i=1, #entities do -- print(entities[i].name) -- end local wires if #entities > 0 then entity.connect_neighbour(entities[1]) end -- if wires then -- for connectType,neighbourGroup in pairs(wires) do -- if connectType == "copper" then -- for _,v in pairs(neighbourGroup) do -- ; -- end -- end -- end -- end end -- function tests.unitGroupBuild() -- local surface = game.get_surface(global.natives.activeSurface) -- local group = surface.create_unit_group({position={-32, -32}}) -- for i=1,10 do -- group.add_member(surface.create_entity({name="small-biter", position={-32, -32}})) -- end -- group.set_command({ -- type = defines.command.build_base, -- destination = {-64, -64}, -- distraction = defines.distraction.by_enemy, -- ignore_planner = true -- }) -- end function tests.unitGroupBuild() local surface = game.get_surface(global.natives.activeSurface) local group = surface.create_unit_group({position={-32, -32}}) for i=1,10 do group.add_member(surface.create_entity({name="small-biter", position={-32, -32}})) -- surface.create_entity({name="small-biter", position={-32, -32}}) end local group2 = surface.create_unit_group({position={32, 32}}) for i=1,10 do -- group2.add_member(surface.create_entity({name="small-biter", position={32, 32}})) surface.create_entity({name="small-biter", position={32, 32}}) end group.destroy() -- group.set_command({ -- type = defines.command.build_base, -- destination = {-64, -64}, -- distraction = defines.distraction.by_enemy, -- ignore_planner = true -- }) surface.set_multi_command({ command = { type = defines.command.group, group = group2, distraction = defines.distraction.none, use_group_distraction = false }, unit_count = 900, unit_search_distance = 32 * 8 }) end function tests.dumpEnvironment(x) print (serpent.dump(global[x])) end -- function tests.scanChunkPaths() -- local surface = game.get_surface(global.natives.activeSurface) -- local playerPosition = game.players[1].position -- local chunk = mapUtils.getChunkByPosition(global.map, playerPosition) -- print("------") -- print(chunkUtils.scanChunkPaths(chunk, surface, global.map)) -- print("------") -- end function tests.stepAdvanceTendrils() -- for _, base in pairs(global.natives.bases) do -- tendrilUtils.advanceTendrils(global.map, base, game.get_surface(global.natives.activeSurface), {nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil}) -- end end return tests