if chunkPropertyUtilsG then return chunkPropertyUtilsG end local chunkPropertyUtils = {} local constants = require("Constants") -- constants local COOLDOWN_DRAIN = constants.COOLDOWN_DRAIN local RAIDING_MINIMUM_BASE_THRESHOLD = constants.RAIDING_MINIMUM_BASE_THRESHOLD local PLAYER_PHEROMONE = constants.PLAYER_PHEROMONE local BASE_PHEROMONE = constants.BASE_PHEROMONE local MOVEMENT_GENERATOR_PERSISTANCE = constants.MOVEMENT_GENERATOR_PERSISTANCE local CHUNK_ALL_DIRECTIONS = constants.CHUNK_ALL_DIRECTIONS -- imported functions local mMin = math.min -- module code function chunkPropertyUtils.getTurretCount(map, chunk) return map.chunkToTurrets[chunk.id] or 0 end function chunkPropertyUtils.getTrapCount(map, chunk) return map.chunkToTraps[chunk.id] or 0 end function chunkPropertyUtils.getUtilityCount(map, chunk) return map.chunkToUtilities[chunk.id] or 0 end function chunkPropertyUtils.getHiveCount(map, chunk) return map.chunkToHives[chunk.id] or 0 end function chunkPropertyUtils.addTurretCount(map, chunk, unitNumber) map.activeSurface = true if not map.chunkToTurretIds[chunk.id] then map.chunkToTurretIds[chunk.id] = {} end if not map.chunkToTurretIds[chunk.id][unitNumber] then map.chunkToTurretIds[chunk.id][unitNumber] = true map.chunkToTurrets[chunk.id] = (map.chunkToTurrets[chunk.id] or 0) + 1 return true end return false end function chunkPropertyUtils.removeTurretCount(map, chunk, unitNumber) if map.chunkToTurretIds[chunk.id] and map.chunkToTurretIds[chunk.id][unitNumber] then map.chunkToTurretIds[chunk.id][unitNumber] = nil map.chunkToTurrets[chunk.id] = map.chunkToTurrets[chunk.id] - 1 if map.chunkToTurrets[chunk.id] == 0 then map.chunkToTurretIds[chunk.id] = nil map.chunkToTurrets[chunk.id] = nil end return true end return false end function chunkPropertyUtils.addTrapCount(map, chunk, unitNumber) map.activeSurface = true if not map.chunkToTrapIds[chunk.id] then map.chunkToTrapIds[chunk.id] = {} end if not map.chunkToTrapIds[chunk.id][unitNumber] then map.chunkToTrapIds[chunk.id][unitNumber] = true map.chunkToTraps[chunk.id] = (map.chunkToTraps[chunk.id] or 0) + 1 return true end return false end function chunkPropertyUtils.removeTrapCount(map, chunk, unitNumber) if map.chunkToTrapIds[chunk.id] and map.chunkToTrapIds[chunk.id][unitNumber] then map.chunkToTrapIds[chunk.id][unitNumber] = nil map.chunkToTraps[chunk.id] = map.chunkToTraps[chunk.id] - 1 if map.chunkToTraps[chunk.id] == 0 then map.chunkToTrapIds[chunk.id] = nil map.chunkToTraps[chunk.id] = nil end return true end return false end function chunkPropertyUtils.addUtilitiesCount(map, chunk, unitNumber) map.activeSurface = true if not map.chunkToUtilityIds[chunk.id] then map.chunkToUtilityIds[chunk.id] = {} end if not map.chunkToUtilityIds[chunk.id][unitNumber] then map.chunkToUtilityIds[chunk.id][unitNumber] = true map.chunkToUtilities[chunk.id] = (map.chunkToUtilities[chunk.id] or 0) + 1 return true end return false end function chunkPropertyUtils.removeUtilitiesCount(map, chunk, unitNumber) if map.chunkToUtilityIds[chunk.id] and map.chunkToUtilityIds[chunk.id][unitNumber] then map.chunkToUtilityIds[chunk.id][unitNumber] = nil map.chunkToUtilities[chunk.id] = map.chunkToUtilities[chunk.id] - 1 if map.chunkToUtilities[chunk.id] == 0 then map.chunkToUtilityIds[chunk.id] = nil map.chunkToUtilities[chunk.id] = nil end return true end return false end function chunkPropertyUtils.addHiveCount(map, chunk, unitNumber) map.activeSurface = true if not map.chunkToHiveIds[chunk.id] then map.chunkToHiveIds[chunk.id] = {} end if not map.chunkToHiveIds[chunk.id][unitNumber] then map.chunkToHiveIds[chunk.id][unitNumber] = true map.chunkToHives[chunk.id] = (map.chunkToHives[chunk.id] or 0) + 1 return true end return false end function chunkPropertyUtils.removeHiveCount(map, chunk, unitNumber) if map.chunkToHiveIds[chunk.id] and map.chunkToHiveIds[chunk.id][unitNumber] then map.chunkToHiveIds[chunk.id][unitNumber] = nil map.chunkToHives[chunk.id] = map.chunkToHives[chunk.id] - 1 if map.chunkToHives[chunk.id] == 0 then map.chunkToHiveIds[chunk.id] = nil map.chunkToHives[chunk.id] = nil end return true end return false end function chunkPropertyUtils.addNestCount(map, chunk, unitNumber) map.activeSurface = true local chunkId = chunk.id if not map.chunkToNestIds[chunkId] then map.chunkToNestIds[chunkId] = {} end if not map.chunkToNestIds[chunkId][unitNumber] then map.chunkToNestIds[chunkId][unitNumber] = true local cToN = map.universe.chunkToNests local pack = cToN[chunkId] if not pack then cToN[chunkId] = { map = map, v = 0 } end cToN[chunkId].v = cToN[chunkId].v + 1 return true end return false end function chunkPropertyUtils.removeNestCount(map, chunk, unitNumber) local chunkId = chunk.id if map.chunkToNestIds[chunkId] and map.chunkToNestIds[chunkId][unitNumber] then map.chunkToNestIds[chunkId][unitNumber] = nil local cToN = map.universe.chunkToNests cToN[chunkId].v = cToN[chunkId].v - 1 if cToN[chunkId].v == 0 then map.chunkToNestIds[chunkId] = nil cToN[chunkId] = nil if (map.universe.processMigrationIterator == chunkId) then map.universe.processMigrationIterator = nil end if (map.universe.processNestIterator == chunkId) then map.universe.processNestIterator = nil end end return true end return false end function chunkPropertyUtils.getNestCount(map, chunk) local nestPack = map.universe.chunkToNests[chunk.id] if not nestPack then return 0 end return nestPack.v end function chunkPropertyUtils.getChunkBase(map, chunk) return map.chunkToBase[chunk.id] end function chunkPropertyUtils.removeChunkBase(map, chunk, base) if map.chunkToBase[chunk.id] then base.chunkCount = base.chunkCount - 1 map.chunkToBase[chunk.id] = nil end end function chunkPropertyUtils.setChunkBase(map, chunk, base) if not map.chunkToBase[chunk.id] then base.chunkCount = base.chunkCount + 1 map.chunkToBase[chunk.id] = base end end function chunkPropertyUtils.getEnemyStructureCount(map, chunk) local nests = 0 local nestPack = map.universe.chunkToNests[chunk.id] if nestPack then nests = nestPack.v end return nests + (map.chunkToTurrets[chunk.id] or 0) + (map.chunkToTraps[chunk.id] or 0) + (map.chunkToUtilities[chunk.id] or 0) + (map.chunkToHives[chunk.id] or 0) end function chunkPropertyUtils.setDrainPylons(map, entity1, entity2) local pair = {entity1, entity2} map.drainPylons[entity1.unit_number] = pair map.drainPylons[entity2.unit_number] = pair end function chunkPropertyUtils.removeDrainPylons(map, unitNumber) local pair = map.drainPylons[unitNumber] if pair then local target = pair[1] local pole = pair[2] if target.unit_number == unitNumber then map.drainPylons[unitNumber] = nil if pole.valid then map.drainPylons[pole.unit_number] = nil pole.die() end elseif (pole.unit_number == unitNumber) then map.drainPylons[unitNumber] = nil if target.valid then map.drainPylons[target.unit_number] = nil target.destroy() end end end end function chunkPropertyUtils.getDrainPylonPair(map, unitNumber) return map.drainPylons[unitNumber] end function chunkPropertyUtils.isDrained(map, chunk, tick) local pack = map.universe.chunkToDrained[chunk.id] if not pack then return false end return (tick - pack.tick) < COOLDOWN_DRAIN end function chunkPropertyUtils.setDrainedTick(map, chunk, tick) local chunkId = chunk.id local pack = map.universe.chunkToDrained[chunkId] if not pack then pack = { map = map, tick = 0 } map.universe.chunkToDrained[chunkId] = pack end pack.tick = tick end function chunkPropertyUtils.getRetreatTick(map, chunk) local pack = map.universe.chunkToRetreats[chunk.id] if not pack then return 0 end return pack.tick end function chunkPropertyUtils.getRallyTick(map, chunk) local pack = map.universe.chunkToRallys[chunk.id] if not pack then return 0 end return pack.tick end function chunkPropertyUtils.setRallyTick(map, chunk, tick) local chunkId = chunk.id local pack = map.universe.chunkToRallys[chunkId] if not pack then pack = { map = map, tick = tick } map.universe.chunkToRallys[chunkId] = pack end pack.tick = tick end function chunkPropertyUtils.setRetreatTick(map, chunk, tick) local chunkId = chunk.id local pack = map.universe.chunkToRetreats[chunkId] if not pack then pack = { map = map, tick = tick } map.universe.chunkToRetreats[chunkId] = pack end pack.tick = tick end function chunkPropertyUtils.setResourceGenerator(map, chunk, resourceGenerator) if (resourceGenerator <= 0) then map.chunkToResource[chunk.id] = nil else map.chunkToResource[chunk.id] = resourceGenerator end end function chunkPropertyUtils.getResourceGenerator(map, chunk) return map.chunkToResource[chunk.id] or 0 end function chunkPropertyUtils.addResourceGenerator(map, chunk, delta) map.chunkToResource[chunk.id] = (map.chunkToResource[chunk.id] or 0) + delta end function chunkPropertyUtils.getDeathGenerator(map, chunk) return map.chunkToDeathGenerator[chunk.id] or 0 end function chunkPropertyUtils.getPassable(map, chunk) return map.chunkToPassable[chunk.id] or CHUNK_ALL_DIRECTIONS end function chunkPropertyUtils.getRaidNestActiveness(map, chunk) local activeness = map.universe.chunkToActiveRaidNest[chunk.id] if not activeness then return 0 end return activeness.v or 0 end function chunkPropertyUtils.setRaidNestActiveness(map, chunk, value) local universe = map.universe if (value <= 0) then if universe.chunkToActiveRaidNest[chunk.id] then map.activeRaidNests = map.activeRaidNests - 1 end if (universe.processActiveRaidSpawnerIterator == chunk.id) then universe.processActiveRaidSpawnerIterator = nil end universe.chunkToActiveRaidNest[chunk.id] = nil else if not universe.chunkToActiveRaidNest[chunk.id] then map.activeRaidNests = map.activeRaidNests + 1 universe.chunkToActiveRaidNest[chunk.id] = { map = map, v = 0 } end universe.chunkToActiveRaidNest[chunk.id].v = value end end function chunkPropertyUtils.getNestActiveness(map, chunk) local activeness = map.universe.chunkToActiveNest[chunk.id] if not activeness then return 0 end return activeness.v or 0 end function chunkPropertyUtils.setNestActiveness(map, chunk, value) local universe = map.universe if (value <= 0) then if universe.chunkToActiveNest[chunk.id] then map.activeNests = map.activeNests - 1 end if (universe.processActiveSpawnerIterator == chunk.id) then universe.processActiveSpawnerIterator = nil end universe.chunkToActiveNest[chunk.id] = nil else if not universe.chunkToActiveNest[chunk.id] then map.activeNests = map.activeNests + 1 universe.chunkToActiveNest[chunk.id] = { map = map, v = 0 } end universe.chunkToActiveNest[chunk.id].v = value end end function chunkPropertyUtils.setPassable(map, chunk, value) if (value == CHUNK_ALL_DIRECTIONS) then map.chunkToPassable[chunk.id] = nil else map.chunkToPassable[chunk.id] = value end end function chunkPropertyUtils.getPathRating(map, chunk) return map.chunkToPathRating[chunk.id] or 1 end function chunkPropertyUtils.setPathRating(map, chunk, value) if (value == 1) then map.chunkToPathRating[chunk.id] = nil else map.chunkToPathRating[chunk.id] = value end end function chunkPropertyUtils.addDeathGenerator(map, chunk, value) map.chunkToDeathGenerator[chunk.id] = (map.chunkToDeathGenerator[chunk.id] or 0) + value end function chunkPropertyUtils.addVictoryGenerator(map, chunk, value) local cToV = map.universe.chunkToVictory local chunkId = chunk.id if not cToV[chunkId] then cToV[chunkId] = { map = map, v = 0 } end cToV[chunkId].v = cToV[chunkId].v + value end function chunkPropertyUtils.decayDeathGenerator(map, chunk) local gen = map.chunkToDeathGenerator[chunk.id] if gen then gen = gen * MOVEMENT_GENERATOR_PERSISTANCE if (gen >= -2) and (gen <= 2) then map.chunkToDeathGenerator[chunk.id] = nil else map.chunkToDeathGenerator[chunk.id] = gen end end end function chunkPropertyUtils.addPlayerToChunk(map, chunk, name) local playerChunks = map.playerToChunk local playerCountChunks = map.chunkToPlayerCount local playerChunk = playerChunks[name] if not playerChunk then playerChunks[name] = chunk local playerCount = playerCountChunks[chunk.id] if not playerCount then playerCountChunks[chunk.id] = 1 else playerCountChunks[chunk.id] = playerCount + 1 end elseif (playerChunk.id ~= chunk.id) then playerChunks[name] = chunk local playerCount = playerCountChunks[playerChunk.id] chunkPropertyUtils.setPlayersOnChunk(map, playerChunk, playerCount - 1) playerCount = playerCountChunks[chunk.id] if not playerCount then playerCountChunks[chunk.id] = 1 else playerCountChunks[chunk.id] = playerCount + 1 end end end function chunkPropertyUtils.setPlayersOnChunk(map, chunk, value) if (value <= 0) then map.chunkToPlayerCount[chunk.id] = nil else map.chunkToPlayerCount[chunk.id] = value end end function chunkPropertyUtils.getPlayersOnChunk(map, chunk) return map.chunkToPlayerCount[chunk.id] or 0 end function chunkPropertyUtils.getPlayerBaseGenerator(map, chunk) return map.chunkToPlayerBase[chunk.id] or 0 end function chunkPropertyUtils.addSquadToChunk(map, chunk, squad) local chunkToSquad = map.chunkToSquad if (chunk ~= -1) and ((squad.chunk == -1) or (squad.chunk.id ~= chunk.id)) then chunkPropertyUtils.removeSquadFromChunk(map, squad) local squads = chunkToSquad[chunk.id] if not squads then squads = {} chunkToSquad[chunk.id] = squads end squads[squad.groupNumber] = squad squad.chunk = chunk end end function chunkPropertyUtils.removeSquadFromChunk(map, squad) local chunkToSquad = map.chunkToSquad local chunk = squad.chunk if (chunk ~= -1) then local squads = chunkToSquad[chunk.id] if squads then squads[squad.groupNumber] = nil if (table_size(squads) == 0) then chunkToSquad[chunk.id] = nil end end end end function chunkPropertyUtils.getSquadsOnChunk(map, chunk) return map.chunkToSquad[chunk.id] or map.emptySquadsOnChunk end function chunkPropertyUtils.setPlayerBaseGenerator(map, chunk, playerGenerator) if (playerGenerator <= 0) then map.chunkToPlayerBase[chunk.id] = nil else map.chunkToPlayerBase[chunk.id] = playerGenerator end end function chunkPropertyUtils.addPlayerBaseGenerator(map, chunk, playerGenerator) map.chunkToPlayerBase[chunk.id] = (map.chunkToPlayerBase[chunk.id] or 0) + playerGenerator end function chunkPropertyUtils.processNestActiveness(map, chunk) local nests = chunkPropertyUtils.getNestCount(map, chunk) if (nests > 0) then local surface = map.surface local activeness = chunkPropertyUtils.getNestActiveness(map, chunk) local universe = map.universe local raidActiveness = chunkPropertyUtils.getRaidNestActiveness(map, chunk) if universe.attackUsePlayer and (chunk[PLAYER_PHEROMONE] > universe.attackPlayerThreshold) then chunkPropertyUtils.setNestActiveness(map, chunk, mMin(activeness + 5, 20)) elseif (chunk[BASE_PHEROMONE] > 0) then if (surface.get_pollution(chunk) > 0) then chunkPropertyUtils.setNestActiveness(map, chunk, mMin(activeness + 5, 20)) else local x = chunk.x local y = chunk.y local position = {x=0,y=0} position.x = x + 32 position.y = y if (surface.get_pollution(position) > 0) then chunkPropertyUtils.setNestActiveness(map, chunk, mMin(activeness + 5, 20)) else position.x = x - 32 if (surface.get_pollution(position) > 0) then chunkPropertyUtils.setNestActiveness(map, chunk, mMin(activeness + 5, 20)) else position.x = x position.y = y - 32 if (surface.get_pollution(position) > 0) then chunkPropertyUtils.setNestActiveness(map, chunk, mMin(activeness + 5, 20)) else position.y = y + 32 if (surface.get_pollution(position) > 0) then chunkPropertyUtils.setNestActiveness(map, chunk, mMin(activeness + 5, 20)) else chunkPropertyUtils.setNestActiveness(map, chunk, activeness - 2) if (chunk[BASE_PHEROMONE] > RAIDING_MINIMUM_BASE_THRESHOLD) then chunkPropertyUtils.setRaidNestActiveness(map, chunk, mMin(raidActiveness + 3, 20)) else chunkPropertyUtils.setRaidNestActiveness(map, chunk, raidActiveness - 1) end end end end end end else chunkPropertyUtils.setNestActiveness(map, chunk, activeness - 5) chunkPropertyUtils.setRaidNestActiveness(map, chunk, raidActiveness - 5) end else chunkPropertyUtils.setNestActiveness(map, chunk, 0) chunkPropertyUtils.setRaidNestActiveness(map, chunk, 0) end end chunkPropertyUtilsG = chunkPropertyUtils return chunkPropertyUtils