-- Copyright (C) 2022 veden -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see . local vanillaBuildings = require("prototypes/buildings/UpdatesVanilla") local swarmUtils = require("prototypes/SwarmUtils") local constants = require("libs/Constants") if settings.startup["rampant--newEnemies"].value then swarmUtils.processFactions() swarmUtils.generateSpawnerProxy(data.raw["unit-spawner"]["neutral-biter-spawner-v1-t"..constants.TIERS.."-rampant"].result_units) if mods["SchallAlienLoot"] then local SizeLootRampant = {1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6} for _,faction in pairs(constants.FACTION_SET) do for v=1,1-- settings.startup["rampant--newEnemyVariations"].value do for factionSize = 1, constants.TIERS do local effectiveLevel = constants.TIER_UPGRADE_SET[factionSize] SchallAlienLoot_add_spawner(faction.type.."-hive-v"..v.."-t"..factionSize.."-rampant") SchallAlienLoot_add_spawner(faction.type.."-spitter-spawner-v"..v.."-t"..factionSize.."-rampant") SchallAlienLoot_add_spawner(faction.type.."-biter-spawner-v"..v.."-t"..factionSize.."-rampant") SchallAlienLoot_add_worm(faction.type.."-worm-v"..v.."-t"..factionSize.."-rampant", factionSize) SchallAlienLoot_add_mover(faction.type.."-spitter-v"..v.."-t"..factionSize.."-rampant", SizeLootRampant[effectiveLevel]) SchallAlienLoot_add_mover(faction.type.."-biter-v"..v.."-t"..factionSize.."-rampant", SizeLootRampant[effectiveLevel]) end end end end else swarmUtils.generateSpawnerProxy(data.raw["unit-spawner"]["biter-spawner"].result_units) end if settings.startup["rampant--removeBloodParticles"].value then local explosions = data.raw["explosion"] for k,v in pairs(explosions) do if string.find(k, "blood") then v["created_effect"] = nil end end end if settings.startup["rampant--unitSpawnerBreath"].value then for _, unitSpawner in pairs(data.raw["unit-spawner"]) do if (string.find(unitSpawner.name, "hive") or string.find(unitSpawner.name, "biter") or string.find(unitSpawner.name, "spitter")) then if not unitSpawner.flags then unitSpawner.flags = {} end unitSpawner.flags[#unitSpawner.flags+1] = "breaths-air" end end end for k, unit in pairs(data.raw["unit"]) do if (string.find(k, "biter") or string.find(k, "spitter")) and unit.collision_box then if settings.startup["rampant--enableSwarm"].value then unit.collision_box = { {unit.collision_box[1][1] * 0.20, unit.collision_box[1][2] * 0.20}, {unit.collision_box[2][1] * 0.20, unit.collision_box[2][2] * 0.20} } end unit.affected_by_tiles = settings.startup["rampant--unitsAffectedByTiles"].value unit.ai_settings = { destroy_when_commands_fail = false, allow_try_return_to_spawner = true } end end if settings.startup["rampant--enableShrinkNestsAndWorms"].value then for k, unit in pairs(data.raw["unit-spawner"]) do if (string.find(k, "biter") or string.find(k, "spitter") or string.find(k, "hive")) and unit.collision_box then unit.collision_box = { {unit.collision_box[1][1] * 0.50, unit.collision_box[1][2] * 0.50}, {unit.collision_box[2][1] * 0.50, unit.collision_box[2][2] * 0.50} } end end for k, unit in pairs(data.raw["turret"]) do if string.find(k, "worm") and unit.collision_box then unit.collision_box = { {unit.collision_box[1][1] * 0.50, unit.collision_box[1][2] * 0.50}, {unit.collision_box[2][1] * 0.50, unit.collision_box[2][2] * 0.50} } end end end if settings.startup["rampant--enableFadeTime"].value then for k, corpse in pairs(data.raw["corpse"]) do if (string.find(k, "biter") or string.find(k, "spitter") or string.find(k, "hive") or string.find(k, "worm") or string.find(k, "spawner")) then corpse.time_before_removed = settings.startup["rampant--unitAndSpawnerFadeTime"].value * 60 end end end if settings.startup["rampant--addWallResistanceAcid"].value then vanillaBuildings.addWallAcidResistance() end