if chunkUtilsG then return chunkUtilsG end local chunkUtils = {} -- imports local baseUtils = require("BaseUtils") local constants = require("Constants") local mapUtils = require("MapUtils") local chunkPropertyUtils = require("ChunkPropertyUtils") local mathUtils = require("MathUtils") local queryUtils = require("QueryUtils") -- constants local HIVE_BUILDINGS_TYPES = constants.HIVE_BUILDINGS_TYPES local DEFINES_WIRE_TYPE_RED = defines.wire_type.red local DEFINES_WIRE_TYPE_GREEN = defines.wire_type.green local CHUNK_PASS_THRESHOLD = constants.CHUNK_PASS_THRESHOLD local AI_STATE_ONSLAUGHT = constants.AI_STATE_ONSLAUGHT local BASE_PHEROMONE = constants.BASE_PHEROMONE local PLAYER_PHEROMONE = constants.PLAYER_PHEROMONE local RESOURCE_PHEROMONE = constants.RESOURCE_PHEROMONE local BUILDING_PHEROMONES = constants.BUILDING_PHEROMONES local CHUNK_SIZE = constants.CHUNK_SIZE local CHUNK_SIZE_DIVIDER = constants.CHUNK_SIZE_DIVIDER local CHUNK_NORTH_SOUTH = constants.CHUNK_NORTH_SOUTH local CHUNK_EAST_WEST = constants.CHUNK_EAST_WEST local CHUNK_ALL_DIRECTIONS = constants.CHUNK_ALL_DIRECTIONS local CHUNK_IMPASSABLE = constants.CHUNK_IMPASSABLE local RESOURCE_NORMALIZER = constants.RESOURCE_NORMALIZER local CHUNK_TICK = constants.CHUNK_TICK local GENERATOR_PHEROMONE_LEVEL_1 = constants.GENERATOR_PHEROMONE_LEVEL_1 local GENERATOR_PHEROMONE_LEVEL_3 = constants.GENERATOR_PHEROMONE_LEVEL_3 local GENERATOR_PHEROMONE_LEVEL_5 = constants.GENERATOR_PHEROMONE_LEVEL_5 local GENERATOR_PHEROMONE_LEVEL_6 = constants.GENERATOR_PHEROMONE_LEVEL_6 -- imported functions local setAreaInQuery = queryUtils.setAreaInQuery local setPlayerBaseGenerator = chunkPropertyUtils.setPlayerBaseGenerator local addPlayerBaseGenerator = chunkPropertyUtils.addPlayerBaseGenerator local setResourceGenerator = chunkPropertyUtils.setResourceGenerator local addResourceGenerator = chunkPropertyUtils.addResourceGenerator local addNestCount = chunkPropertyUtils.addNestCount local removeNestCount = chunkPropertyUtils.removeNestCount local addHiveCount = chunkPropertyUtils.addHiveCount local removeHiveCount = chunkPropertyUtils.removeHiveCount local addTrapCount = chunkPropertyUtils.addTrapCount local removeTrapCount = chunkPropertyUtils.removeTrapCount local addTurretCount = chunkPropertyUtils.addTurretCount local removeTurretCount = chunkPropertyUtils.removeTurretCount local addUtilityCount = chunkPropertyUtils.addUtilityCount local removeUtilityCount = chunkPropertyUtils.removeUtilityCount local getPlayerBaseGenerator = chunkPropertyUtils.getPlayerBaseGenerator local getNestCount = chunkPropertyUtils.getNestCount local setRaidNestActiveness = chunkPropertyUtils.setRaidNestActiveness local setNestActiveness = chunkPropertyUtils.setNestActiveness local processNestActiveness = chunkPropertyUtils.processNestActiveness local removeChunkBase = chunkPropertyUtils.removeChunkBase local getEnemyStructureCount = chunkPropertyUtils.getEnemyStructureCount local findNearbyBase = baseUtils.findNearbyBase local createBase = baseUtils.createBase local upgradeEntity = baseUtils.upgradeEntity local euclideanDistancePoints = mathUtils.euclideanDistancePoints local getChunkBase = chunkPropertyUtils.getChunkBase local setChunkBase = chunkPropertyUtils.setChunkBase local setPassable = chunkPropertyUtils.setPassable local setPathRating = chunkPropertyUtils.setPathRating local getChunkByXY = mapUtils.getChunkByXY local mMin = math.min local mMax = math.max local mFloor = math.floor -- module code local function getEntityOverlapChunks(map, entity) local boundingBox = entity.prototype.collision_box or entity.prototype.selection_box local overlapArray = map.universe.chunkOverlapArray overlapArray[1] = -1 --LeftTop overlapArray[2] = -1 --RightTop overlapArray[3] = -1 --LeftBottom overlapArray[4] = -1 --RightBottom if boundingBox then local center = entity.position local topXOffset = boundingBox.left_top.x local topYOffset = boundingBox.left_top.y local bottomXOffset = boundingBox.right_bottom.x local bottomYOffset = boundingBox.right_bottom.y local leftTopChunkX = mFloor((center.x + topXOffset) * CHUNK_SIZE_DIVIDER) * CHUNK_SIZE local leftTopChunkY = mFloor((center.y + topYOffset) * CHUNK_SIZE_DIVIDER) * CHUNK_SIZE local rightTopChunkX = mFloor((center.x + bottomXOffset) * CHUNK_SIZE_DIVIDER) * CHUNK_SIZE local leftBottomChunkY = mFloor((center.y + bottomYOffset) * CHUNK_SIZE_DIVIDER) * CHUNK_SIZE overlapArray[1] = getChunkByXY(map, leftTopChunkX, leftTopChunkY) -- LeftTop if (leftTopChunkX ~= rightTopChunkX) then overlapArray[2] = getChunkByXY(map, rightTopChunkX, leftTopChunkY) -- RightTop end if (leftTopChunkY ~= leftBottomChunkY) then overlapArray[3] = getChunkByXY(map, leftTopChunkX, leftBottomChunkY) -- LeftBottom end if (leftTopChunkX ~= rightTopChunkX) and (leftTopChunkY ~= leftBottomChunkY) then overlapArray[4] = getChunkByXY(map, rightTopChunkX, leftBottomChunkY) -- RightBottom end end return overlapArray end local function scanPaths(chunk, map) local surface = map.surface local pass = CHUNK_IMPASSABLE local x = chunk.x local y = chunk.y local universe = map.universe local filteredEntitiesCliffQuery = universe.filteredEntitiesCliffQuery local filteredTilesPathQuery = universe.filteredTilesPathQuery local count_entities_filtered = surface.count_entities_filtered local count_tiles_filtered = surface.count_tiles_filtered local passableNorthSouth = false local passableEastWest = false local topPosition = filteredEntitiesCliffQuery.area[1] local bottomPosition = filteredEntitiesCliffQuery.area[2] topPosition[2] = y bottomPosition[2] = y + 32 for xi=x, x + 32 do topPosition[1] = xi bottomPosition[1] = xi + 1 if (count_entities_filtered(filteredEntitiesCliffQuery) == 0) and (count_tiles_filtered(filteredTilesPathQuery) == 0) then passableNorthSouth = true break end end topPosition[1] = x bottomPosition[1] = x + 32 for yi=y, y + 32 do topPosition[2] = yi bottomPosition[2] = yi + 1 if (count_entities_filtered(filteredEntitiesCliffQuery) == 0) and (count_tiles_filtered(filteredTilesPathQuery) == 0) then passableEastWest = true break end end if passableEastWest and passableNorthSouth then pass = CHUNK_ALL_DIRECTIONS elseif passableEastWest then pass = CHUNK_EAST_WEST elseif passableNorthSouth then pass = CHUNK_NORTH_SOUTH end return pass end local function scorePlayerBuildings(map) local surface = map.surface local universe = map.universe if surface.count_entities_filtered(universe.hasPlayerStructuresQuery) > 0 then return (surface.count_entities_filtered(universe.filteredEntitiesPlayerQueryLowest) * GENERATOR_PHEROMONE_LEVEL_1) + (surface.count_entities_filtered(universe.filteredEntitiesPlayerQueryLow) * GENERATOR_PHEROMONE_LEVEL_3) + (surface.count_entities_filtered(universe.filteredEntitiesPlayerQueryHigh) * GENERATOR_PHEROMONE_LEVEL_5) + (surface.count_entities_filtered(universe.filteredEntitiesPlayerQueryHighest) * GENERATOR_PHEROMONE_LEVEL_6) end return 0 end function chunkUtils.initialScan(chunk, map, tick) local surface = map.surface local universe = map.universe local waterTiles = (1 - (surface.count_tiles_filtered(universe.filteredTilesQuery) * 0.0009765625)) * 0.80 local enemyBuildings = surface.find_entities_filtered(universe.filteredEntitiesEnemyStructureQuery) if (waterTiles >= CHUNK_PASS_THRESHOLD) or (#enemyBuildings > 0) then local neutralObjects = mMax(0, mMin(1 - (surface.count_entities_filtered(universe.filteredEntitiesChunkNeutral) * 0.005), 1) * 0.20) local pass = scanPaths(chunk, map) local playerObjects = scorePlayerBuildings(map) if ((playerObjects > 0) or (#enemyBuildings > 0)) and (pass == CHUNK_IMPASSABLE) then pass = CHUNK_ALL_DIRECTIONS end if (pass ~= CHUNK_IMPASSABLE) then local resources = surface.count_entities_filtered(universe.countResourcesQuery) * RESOURCE_NORMALIZER local buildingHiveTypeLookup = universe.buildingHiveTypeLookup local counts = map.chunkScanCounts for i=1,#HIVE_BUILDINGS_TYPES do counts[HIVE_BUILDINGS_TYPES[i]] = 0 end if (#enemyBuildings > 0) then if universe.NEW_ENEMIES then local base = findNearbyBase(map, chunk) if not base then base = createBase(map, chunk, tick) end local unitList = surface.find_entities_filtered(universe.filteredEntitiesUnitQuery) for i=1,#unitList do local unit = unitList[i] if (unit.valid) then unit.destroy() end end for i = 1, #enemyBuildings do local enemyBuilding = enemyBuildings[i] chunkUtils.registerEnemyBaseStructure(map, enemyBuilding, tick, base) if not buildingHiveTypeLookup[enemyBuilding.name] then upgradeEntity(enemyBuilding, base, map, nil, true) end end else for i=1,#enemyBuildings do local building = enemyBuildings[i] chunkUtils.registerEnemyBaseStructure(map, building, tick) end end end setPlayerBaseGenerator(map, chunk, playerObjects) setResourceGenerator(map, chunk, resources) setPassable(map, chunk, pass) setPathRating(map, chunk, waterTiles + neutralObjects) return chunk end end return -1 end function chunkUtils.chunkPassScan(chunk, map) local surface = map.surface local universe = map.universe local waterTiles = (1 - (surface.count_tiles_filtered(universe.filteredTilesQuery) * 0.0009765625)) * 0.80 if (waterTiles >= CHUNK_PASS_THRESHOLD) then local neutralObjects = mMax(0, mMin(1 - (surface.count_entities_filtered(universe.filteredEntitiesChunkNeutral) * 0.005), 1) * 0.20) local pass = scanPaths(chunk, map) local playerObjects = getPlayerBaseGenerator(map, chunk) local nests = getNestCount(map, chunk) if ((playerObjects > 0) or (nests > 0)) and (pass == CHUNK_IMPASSABLE) then pass = CHUNK_ALL_DIRECTIONS end setPassable(map, chunk, pass) setPathRating(map, chunk, waterTiles + neutralObjects) if pass == CHUNK_IMPASSABLE then return -1 end return chunk end return -1 end function chunkUtils.mapScanPlayerChunk(chunk, map) local playerObjects = scorePlayerBuildings(map) setPlayerBaseGenerator(map, chunk, playerObjects) end function chunkUtils.mapScanResourceChunk(chunk, map) local surface = map.surface local universe = map.universe local resources = surface.count_entities_filtered(universe.countResourcesQuery) * RESOURCE_NORMALIZER setResourceGenerator(map, chunk, resources) local waterTiles = (1 - (surface.count_tiles_filtered(universe.filteredTilesQuery) * 0.0009765625)) * 0.80 local neutralObjects = mMax(0, mMin(1 - (surface.count_entities_filtered(universe.filteredEntitiesChunkNeutral) * 0.005), 1) * 0.20) setPathRating(map, chunk, waterTiles + neutralObjects) end function chunkUtils.mapScanEnemyChunk(chunk, map, tick) local universe = map.universe local query = universe.filteredEntitiesEnemyStructureQuery setAreaInQuery(query, chunk, CHUNK_SIZE) local buildings = map.surface.find_entities_filtered(query) local counts = map.chunkScanCounts for i=1,#HIVE_BUILDINGS_TYPES do counts[HIVE_BUILDINGS_TYPES[i]] = 0 end local base if universe.NEW_ENEMIES then base = findNearbyBase(map, chunk) if not base then base = createBase(map, chunk, tick) end end for i=1,#buildings do local building = buildings[i] chunkUtils.registerEnemyBaseStructure(map, building, tick, base) end end function chunkUtils.entityForPassScan(map, entity) local overlapArray = getEntityOverlapChunks(map, entity) for i=1,#overlapArray do local chunk = overlapArray[i] if (chunk ~= -1) then map.chunkToPassScan[chunk] = true end end end function chunkUtils.createChunk(topX, topY) local chunk = { x = topX, y = topY, dOrigin = euclideanDistancePoints(topX, topY, 0, 0) } chunk[BASE_PHEROMONE] = 0 chunk[PLAYER_PHEROMONE] = 0 chunk[RESOURCE_PHEROMONE] = 0 chunk[CHUNK_TICK] = 0 return chunk end function chunkUtils.colorChunk(chunk, surface, color, ttl) local lx = math.floor(chunk.x * CHUNK_SIZE_DIVIDER) * CHUNK_SIZE local ly = math.floor(chunk.y * CHUNK_SIZE_DIVIDER) * CHUNK_SIZE rendering.draw_rectangle({ color = color or {0.1, 0.3, 0.1, 0.6}, width = 32 * 32, filled = true, left_top = {lx, ly}, right_bottom = {lx+32, ly+32}, surface = surface, time_to_live = ttl or 180, draw_on_ground = true, visible = true }) end function chunkUtils.colorXY(x, y, surface, color) local lx = math.floor(x * CHUNK_SIZE_DIVIDER) * CHUNK_SIZE local ly = math.floor(y * CHUNK_SIZE_DIVIDER) * CHUNK_SIZE rendering.draw_rectangle({ color = color or {0.1, 0.3, 0.1, 0.6}, width = 32 * 32, filled = true, left_top = {lx, ly}, right_bottom = {lx+32, ly+32}, surface = surface, time_to_live = 180, draw_on_ground = true, visible = true }) end function chunkUtils.registerEnemyBaseStructure(map, entity, tick, incomingBase) local entityType = entity.type local addFunc local universe = map.universe local hiveTypeLookup = universe.buildingHiveTypeLookup local hiveType = hiveTypeLookup[entity.name] if (hiveType == "spitter-spawner") or (hiveType == "biter-spawner") then map.builtEnemyBuilding = map.builtEnemyBuilding + 1 addFunc = addNestCount elseif (hiveType == "turret") then map.builtEnemyBuilding = map.builtEnemyBuilding + 1 addFunc = addTurretCount elseif (hiveType == "trap") then addFunc = addTrapCount elseif (hiveType == "utility") then map.builtEnemyBuilding = map.builtEnemyBuilding + 1 addFunc = addUtilityCount elseif (hiveType == "hive") then map.builtEnemyBuilding = map.builtEnemyBuilding + 1 addFunc = addHiveCount else if (entityType == "turret") then map.builtEnemyBuilding = map.builtEnemyBuilding + 1 addFunc = addTurretCount else map.builtEnemyBuilding = map.builtEnemyBuilding + 1 addFunc = addNestCount end end local entityUnitNumber = entity.unit_number local chunks = getEntityOverlapChunks(map, entity) for i=1,#chunks do local chunk = chunks[i] if (chunk ~= -1) then if universe.NEW_ENEMIES then local base = incomingBase if not base then base = findNearbyBase(map, chunk) if not base then base = createBase(map, chunk, tick) end end setChunkBase(map, chunk, base) end addFunc(map, chunk, entityUnitNumber) if (hiveType == "spitter-spawner") or (hiveType == "biter-spawner") then processNestActiveness(map, chunk) end end end end function chunkUtils.unregisterEnemyBaseStructure(map, entity, damageType) local entityType = entity.type local removeFunc local hiveTypeLookup = map.universe.buildingHiveTypeLookup local hiveType = hiveTypeLookup[entity.name] if (hiveType == "spitter-spawner") or (hiveType == "biter-spawner") then map.lostEnemyBuilding = map.lostEnemyBuilding + 1 removeFunc = removeNestCount elseif (hiveType == "turret") then map.lostEnemyBuilding = map.lostEnemyBuilding + 1 removeFunc = removeTurretCount elseif (hiveType == "trap") then removeFunc = removeTrapCount elseif (hiveType == "utility") then map.lostEnemyBuilding = map.lostEnemyBuilding + 1 removeFunc = removeUtilityCount elseif (hiveType == "hive") then map.lostEnemyBuilding = map.lostEnemyBuilding + 1 removeFunc = removeHiveCount else if (entityType == "turret") then map.lostEnemyBuilding = map.lostEnemyBuilding + 1 removeFunc = removeTurretCount else hiveType = "biter-spawner" map.lostEnemyBuilding = map.lostEnemyBuilding + 1 removeFunc = removeNestCount end end local entityUnitNumber = entity.unit_number local usedBases = {} local chunks = getEntityOverlapChunks(map, entity) for i=1,#chunks do local chunk = chunks[i] if (chunk ~= -1) then if (hiveType == "spitter-spawner") or (hiveType == "biter-spawner") then setRaidNestActiveness(map, chunk, 0) setNestActiveness(map, chunk, 0) end removeFunc(map, chunk, entityUnitNumber) if map.universe.NEW_ENEMIES then local base = getChunkBase(map, chunk) if damageType and usedBases[base.id] then usedBases[base.id] = true local damageTypeName = damageType.name base.damagedBy[damageTypeName] = (base.damagedBy[damageTypeName] or 0) + 3 base.deathEvents = base.deathEvents + 3 end if (getEnemyStructureCount(map, chunk) <= 0) then removeChunkBase(map, chunk, base) end end end end end function chunkUtils.accountPlayerEntity(entity, map, addObject, creditNatives) if (BUILDING_PHEROMONES[entity.type] ~= nil) and (entity.force.name ~= "enemy") then local universe = map.universe local entityValue = BUILDING_PHEROMONES[entity.type] local overlapArray = getEntityOverlapChunks(map, entity) if not addObject then if creditNatives then map.destroyPlayerBuildings = map.destroyPlayerBuildings + 1 if (map.state == AI_STATE_ONSLAUGHT) then map.points = map.points + entityValue if universe.aiPointsPrintGainsToChat then game.print(map.surface.name .. ": Points: +" .. math.floor(entityValue) .. ". [Structure Kill] Total: " .. string.format("%.2f", map.points)) end else map.points = map.points + (entityValue * 0.12) if universe.aiPointsPrintGainsToChat then game.print(map.surface.name .. ": Points: +" .. math.floor(entityValue * 0.12) .. ". [Structure Kill] Total: " .. string.format("%.2f", map.points)) end end end entityValue = -entityValue end for i=1,#overlapArray do local chunk = overlapArray[i] if (chunk ~= -1) then addPlayerBaseGenerator(map, chunk, entityValue) end end end return entity end function chunkUtils.unregisterResource(entity, map) if entity.prototype.infinite_resource then return end local overlapArray = getEntityOverlapChunks(map, entity) for i=1,#overlapArray do local chunk = overlapArray[i] if (chunk ~= -1) then addResourceGenerator(map, chunk, -RESOURCE_NORMALIZER) end end end function chunkUtils.registerResource(entity, map) local overlapArray = getEntityOverlapChunks(map, entity) for i=1,#overlapArray do local chunk = overlapArray[i] if (chunk ~= -1) then addResourceGenerator(map, chunk, RESOURCE_NORMALIZER) end end end function chunkUtils.makeImmortalEntity(surface, entity) local repairPosition = entity.position local repairName = entity.name local repairForce = entity.force local repairDirection = entity.direction local wires if (entity.type == "electric-pole") then wires = entity.neighbours end entity.destroy() local newEntity = surface.create_entity({position=repairPosition, name=repairName, direction=repairDirection, force=repairForce}) if wires then for _,v in pairs(wires.copper) do if (v.valid) then newEntity.connect_neighbour(v); end end for _,v in pairs(wires.red) do if (v.valid) then newEntity.connect_neighbour({wire = DEFINES_WIRE_TYPE_RED, target_entity = v}); end end for _,v in pairs(wires.green) do if (v.valid) then newEntity.connect_neighbour({wire = DEFINES_WIRE_TYPE_GREEN, target_entity = v}); end end end newEntity.destructible = false end chunkUtilsG = chunkUtils return chunkUtils