-- Copyright (C) 2022 veden -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see . if BaseUtilsG then return BaseUtilsG end local BaseUtils = {} -- local Universe -- imports local Utils = require("Utils") local MathUtils = require("MathUtils") local Constants = require("Constants") local MapUtils = require("MapUtils") -- Constants local TIERS = Constants.TIERS local EVO_TO_TIER_MAPPING = Constants.EVO_TO_TIER_MAPPING local PROXY_ENTITY_LOOKUP = Constants.PROXY_ENTITY_LOOKUP local BUILDING_HIVE_TYPE_LOOKUP = Constants.BUILDING_HIVE_TYPE_LOOKUP local COST_LOOKUP = Constants.COST_LOOKUP local UPGRADE_LOOKUP = Constants.UPGRADE_LOOKUP local ENEMY_ALIGNMENT_LOOKUP = Constants.ENEMY_ALIGNMENT_LOOKUP local EVOLUTION_TABLE_ALIGNMENT = Constants.EVOLUTION_TABLE_ALIGNMENT local BUILDING_EVOLVE_LOOKUP = Constants.BUILDING_EVOLVE_LOOKUP local BASE_AI_STATE_RAIDING = Constants.BASE_AI_STATE_RAIDING local BASE_AI_STATE_AGGRESSIVE = Constants.BASE_AI_STATE_AGGRESSIVE local BASE_AI_STATE_MIGRATING = Constants.BASE_AI_STATE_MIGRATING local BASE_AI_STATE_SIEGE = Constants.BASE_AI_STATE_SIEGE local BASE_AI_STATE_ONSLAUGHT = Constants.BASE_AI_STATE_ONSLAUGHT local MINIMUM_BUILDING_COST = Constants.MINIMUM_BUILDING_COST local FACTION_MUTATION_MAPPING = Constants.FACTION_MUTATION_MAPPING local MAGIC_MAXIMUM_NUMBER = Constants.MAGIC_MAXIMUM_NUMBER local FACTIONS_BY_DAMAGE_TYPE = Constants.FACTIONS_BY_DAMAGE_TYPE local BASE_GENERATION_STATE_ACTIVE = Constants.BASE_GENERATION_STATE_ACTIVE local BASE_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD = Constants.BASE_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD local BASE_DISTANCE_LEVEL_BONUS = Constants.BASE_DISTANCE_LEVEL_BONUS local BASE_DISTANCE_TO_EVO_INDEX = Constants.BASE_DISTANCE_TO_EVO_INDEX local CHUNK_SIZE = Constants.CHUNK_SIZE local BASE_AI_STATE_PEACEFUL = Constants.BASE_AI_STATE_PEACEFUL local BASE_RALLY_CHANCE = Constants.BASE_RALLY_CHANCE local BONUS_RALLY_CHANCE = Constants.BONUS_RALLY_CHANCE local RETREAT_MOVEMENT_PHEROMONE_LEVEL_MIN = Constants.RETREAT_MOVEMENT_PHEROMONE_LEVEL_MIN local RETREAT_MOVEMENT_PHEROMONE_LEVEL_MAX = Constants.RETREAT_MOVEMENT_PHEROMONE_LEVEL_MAX local MINIMUM_AI_POINTS = Constants.MINIMUM_AI_POINTS local AI_POINT_GENERATOR_AMOUNT = Constants.AI_POINT_GENERATOR_AMOUNT local BASE_AI_MIN_STATE_DURATION = Constants.BASE_AI_MIN_STATE_DURATION local BASE_AI_MAX_STATE_DURATION = Constants.BASE_AI_MAX_STATE_DURATION local NO_RETREAT_BASE_PERCENT = Constants.NO_RETREAT_BASE_PERCENT local NO_RETREAT_EVOLUTION_BONUS_MAX = Constants.NO_RETREAT_EVOLUTION_BONUS_MAX local AI_UNIT_REFUND = Constants.AI_UNIT_REFUND local AI_MAX_POINTS = Constants.AI_MAX_POINTS local BASE_GENERATION_MIN_STATE_DURATION = Constants.BASE_GENERATION_MIN_STATE_DURATION local BASE_GENERATION_MAX_STATE_DURATION = Constants.BASE_GENERATION_MAX_STATE_DURATION local BASE_GENERATION_STATE_DORMANT = Constants.BASE_GENERATION_STATE_DORMANT local STATE_ENGLISH = Constants.STATE_ENGLISH local ACTIVE_NESTS_PER_AGGRESSIVE_GROUPS = Constants.ACTIVE_NESTS_PER_AGGRESSIVE_GROUPS local ALL_NESTS_PER_EXPANSION_GROUPS = Constants.ALL_NESTS_PER_EXPANSION_GROUPS local TEMPERAMENT_RANGE_MAX = Constants.TEMPERAMENT_RANGE_MAX local TEMPERAMENT_RANGE_MIN = Constants.TEMPERAMENT_RANGE_MIN local TEMPERAMENT_DIVIDER = Constants.TEMPERAMENT_DIVIDER local UNIT_DEATH_POINT_COST = Constants.UNIT_DEATH_POINT_COST local BASE_PROCESS_INTERVAL = Constants.BASE_PROCESS_INTERVAL -- imported functions local getTimeStringFromTick = Utils.getTimeStringFromTick local randomTickEvent = MathUtils.randomTickEvent local linearInterpolation = MathUtils.linearInterpolation local randomTickDuration = MathUtils.randomTickDuration local isMember = Utils.isMember local setPositionXYInQuery = Utils.setPositionXYInQuery local euclideanDistancePoints = MathUtils.euclideanDistancePoints local getChunkByPosition = MapUtils.getChunkByPosition local gaussianRandomRangeRG = MathUtils.gaussianRandomRangeRG local mFloor = math.floor local mCeil = math.ceil local tableSize = table_size local tableRemove = table.remove local mMin = math.min local mMax = math.max local next = next -- module code local function evoToTier(evolutionFactor, maxSkips) local v local skipsRemaining = maxSkips for i=TIERS,1,-1 do if EVO_TO_TIER_MAPPING[i] <= evolutionFactor then v = i if (skipsRemaining == 0) or (Universe.random() <= 0.75) then break end skipsRemaining = skipsRemaining - 1 end end return v end local function findBaseMutation(targetEvolution, excludeFactions) local tier = evoToTier(targetEvolution or Universe.evolutionLevel, 2) local availableAlignments local alignments = EVOLUTION_TABLE_ALIGNMENT[tier] if excludeFactions then availableAlignments = {} for _,alignment in pairs(alignments) do if not isMember(alignment[2], excludeFactions) then availableAlignments[#availableAlignments+1] = alignment end end else availableAlignments = alignments end local roll = Universe.random() for i=1,#availableAlignments do local alignment = availableAlignments[i] roll = roll - alignment[1] if (roll <= 0) then return alignment[2] end end return availableAlignments[#availableAlignments] end local function initialEntityUpgrade(baseAlignment, tier, maxTier, useHiveType, entityType) local entity local useTier local tierRoll = Universe.random() if (tierRoll < 0.4) then useTier = maxTier elseif (tierRoll < 0.7) then useTier = mMax(maxTier - 1, tier) elseif (tierRoll < 0.9) then useTier = mMax(maxTier - 2, tier) else useTier = mMax(maxTier - 3, tier) end local alignmentTable = BUILDING_EVOLVE_LOOKUP[baseAlignment] if not alignmentTable then alignmentTable = BUILDING_EVOLVE_LOOKUP["neutral"] end local upgrades = alignmentTable[useTier] if alignmentTable and upgrades then if useHiveType then for ui=1,#upgrades do local upgrade = upgrades[ui] if upgrade[3] == useHiveType then entity = upgrade[2][Universe.random(#upgrade[2])] break end end end if not entity then for ui=1,#upgrades do local upgrade = upgrades[ui] if upgrade[3] == entityType then entity = upgrade[2][Universe.random(#upgrade[2])] end end if not entity then local mapTypes = FACTION_MUTATION_MAPPING[entityType] for i=1, #mapTypes do local mappedType = mapTypes[i] for ui=1,#upgrades do local upgrade = upgrades[ui] if upgrade[3] == mappedType then return upgrade[2][Universe.random(#upgrade[2])] end end end end end end return entity end local function entityUpgrade(baseAlignment, tier, maxTier, originalEntity) local entity local hiveType = BUILDING_HIVE_TYPE_LOOKUP[originalEntity.name] for t=maxTier,tier,-1 do local factionLookup = UPGRADE_LOOKUP[baseAlignment][t] local upgrades = factionLookup[hiveType] if not upgrades then local mapTypes = FACTION_MUTATION_MAPPING[hiveType] for i=1, #mapTypes do local upgrade = factionLookup[mapTypes[i]] if upgrade and (#upgrade > 0) then entity = upgrade[Universe.random(#upgrade)] if Universe.random() < 0.55 then return entity end end end elseif (#upgrades > 0) then entity = upgrades[Universe.random(#upgrades)] if Universe.random() < 0.55 then return entity end end end return entity end function BaseUtils.findEntityUpgrade(baseAlignment, currentEvo, evoIndex, originalEntity, map, evolve) local adjCurrentEvo = mMax( ((baseAlignment ~= ENEMY_ALIGNMENT_LOOKUP[originalEntity.name]) and 0) or currentEvo, 0 ) local tier = evoToTier(adjCurrentEvo, 5) local maxTier = evoToTier(evoIndex, 4) if (tier > maxTier) then maxTier = tier end if evolve then local chunk = getChunkByPosition(map, originalEntity.position) local entityName = originalEntity.name local entityType = BUILDING_HIVE_TYPE_LOOKUP[entityName] if not entityType then if Universe.random() < 0.5 then entityType = "biter-spawner" else entityType = "spitter-spawner" end end local roll = Universe.random() local makeHive = (chunk ~= -1) and ( (entityType == "biter-spawner") or (entityType == "spitter-spawner") ) and ( ( (roll <= 0.01) and not PROXY_ENTITY_LOOKUP[entityName] ) or ( (roll <= 0.210) and chunk.resourceGenerator ) ) return initialEntityUpgrade(baseAlignment, tier, maxTier, (makeHive and "hive"), entityType) else return entityUpgrade(baseAlignment, tier, maxTier, originalEntity) end end -- local function BaseUtils.findBaseInitialAlignment(evoIndex, excludeFactions) local dev = evoIndex * 0.15 local evoTop = gaussianRandomRangeRG(evoIndex - (evoIndex * 0.075), dev, 0, evoIndex, Universe.random) local result if Universe.random() < 0.05 then result = {findBaseMutation(evoTop, excludeFactions), findBaseMutation(evoTop, excludeFactions)} else result = {findBaseMutation(evoTop, excludeFactions)} end return result end function BaseUtils.recycleBases() local bases = Universe.bases local id = Universe.recycleBaseIterator local base if not id then id, base = next(bases, nil) else base = bases[id] end if not id then Universe.recycleBaseIterator = nil else Universe.recycleBaseIterator = next(bases, id) local map = base.map if (base.chunkCount == 0) or not map.surface.valid then bases[id] = nil if Universe.processBaseAIIterator == id then Universe.processBaseAIIterator = nil end if map.surface.valid then Universe.bases[id] = nil end end end end function BaseUtils.canAttack(base) local isAggressive = ((base.stateAI == BASE_AI_STATE_AGGRESSIVE) and (base.sentAggressiveGroups < base.maxAggressiveGroups)) local isRaiding = (base.stateAI == BASE_AI_STATE_RAIDING) local isOnslaught = (base.stateAI == BASE_AI_STATE_ONSLAUGHT) local isRaidSieging = Universe.raidAIToggle and (base.stateAI == BASE_AI_STATE_SIEGE) and (base.sentExpansionGroups >= base.maxExpansionGroups) local goodAI = isAggressive or isRaiding or isOnslaught or isRaidSieging if not goodAI then return false end local surface = base.map.surface if surface.peaceful_mode then return false end local nocturalMode = Universe.aiNocturnalMode local noctural = (not nocturalMode) or (nocturalMode and surface.darkness > 0.65) if not noctural then return false end return true end function BaseUtils.canMigrate(base) local badAIState = (base.stateAI ~= BASE_AI_STATE_MIGRATING) and (base.stateAI ~= BASE_AI_STATE_SIEGE) if badAIState then return false end if not Universe.expansion then return false end local surface = base.map.surface if surface.peaceful_mode then return false end local nocturalMode = Universe.aiNocturnalMode local noctural = (not nocturalMode) or (nocturalMode and surface.darkness > 0.65) if not noctural then return false end return true end function BaseUtils.queueUpgrade(entity, base, disPos, evolve, register, timeDelay) Universe.pendingUpgrades[entity.unit_number] = { ["position"] = disPos, ["register"] = register, ["evolve"] = evolve, ["base"] = base, ["entity"] = entity, ["delayTLL"] = timeDelay } end local function pickMutationFromDamageType(damageType, roll, base) local baseAlignment = base.alignment local damageFactions = FACTIONS_BY_DAMAGE_TYPE[damageType] local mutation local mutated = false if damageFactions and (#damageFactions > 0) then mutation = damageFactions[Universe.random(#damageFactions)] if not isMember(mutation, base.alignmentHistory) then if baseAlignment[2] then if (baseAlignment[1] ~= mutation) and (baseAlignment[2] ~= mutation) then mutated = true if (roll < 0.05) then base.alignmentHistory[#base.alignmentHistory+1] = baseAlignment[1] base.alignmentHistory[#base.alignmentHistory+1] = baseAlignment[2] baseAlignment[1] = mutation baseAlignment[2] = nil elseif (roll < 0.75) then base.alignmentHistory[#base.alignmentHistory+1] = baseAlignment[1] baseAlignment[1] = mutation else baseAlignment[2] = mutation end end elseif (baseAlignment[1] ~= mutation) then mutated = true if (roll < 0.85) then base.alignmentHistory[#base.alignmentHistory+1] = baseAlignment[1] baseAlignment[1] = mutation else baseAlignment[2] = mutation end end end else mutation = findBaseMutation() if not isMember(mutation, base.alignmentHistory) then if baseAlignment[2] then if (baseAlignment[1] ~= mutation) and (baseAlignment[2] ~= mutation) then mutated = true if (roll < 0.05) then base.alignmentHistory[#base.alignmentHistory+1] = baseAlignment[1] base.alignmentHistory[#base.alignmentHistory+1] = baseAlignment[2] baseAlignment[1] = mutation baseAlignment[2] = nil elseif (roll < 0.75) then base.alignmentHistory[#base.alignmentHistory+1] = baseAlignment[1] baseAlignment[1] = mutation else baseAlignment[2] = mutation end end elseif (baseAlignment[1] ~= mutation) then mutated = true if (roll < 0.85) then base.alignmentHistory[#base.alignmentHistory+1] = baseAlignment[1] base.alignment[1] = mutation else base.alignment[2] = mutation end end end end if mutated and Universe.printBaseAdaptation then if baseAlignment[2] then game.print({"description.rampant--adaptation2DebugMessage", base.id, base.map.surface.name, damageType, {"description.rampant--"..baseAlignment[1].."EnemyName"}, {"description.rampant--"..baseAlignment[2].."EnemyName"}, base.x, base.y, base.mutations, Universe.MAX_BASE_MUTATIONS}) else game.print({"description.rampant--adaptation1DebugMessage", base.id, base.map.surface.name, damageType, {"description.rampant--"..baseAlignment[1].."EnemyName"}, base.x, base.y, base.mutations, Universe.MAX_BASE_MUTATIONS}) end end local alignmentCount = tableSize(base.alignmentHistory) while (alignmentCount > Universe.MAX_BASE_ALIGNMENT_HISTORY) do tableRemove(base.alignmentHistory, 1) alignmentCount = alignmentCount - 1 end return mutated end function BaseUtils.upgradeBaseBasedOnDamage(base) local total = 0 for _,amount in pairs(base.damagedBy) do total = total + amount end local mutationAmount = total * 0.176471 base.damagedBy["RandomMutation"] = mutationAmount total = total + mutationAmount local pickedDamage local roll = Universe.random() for damageTypeName,amount in pairs(base.damagedBy) do base.damagedBy[damageTypeName] = amount / total end for damageType,amount in pairs(base.damagedBy) do roll = roll - amount if (roll <= 0) then pickedDamage = damageType break end end return pickMutationFromDamageType(pickedDamage, roll, base) end function BaseUtils.processBaseMutation(chunk, map, base) if not base.alignment[1] or (base.stateGeneration ~= BASE_GENERATION_STATE_ACTIVE) or (Universe.random() >= 0.30) then return end if (base.points >= MINIMUM_BUILDING_COST) then local surface = map.surface setPositionXYInQuery(Universe.pbFilteredEntitiesPointQueryLimited, chunk.x + (CHUNK_SIZE * Universe.random()), chunk.y + (CHUNK_SIZE * Universe.random())) local entities = surface.find_entities_filtered(Universe.pbFilteredEntitiesPointQueryLimited) if #entities ~= 0 then local entity = entities[1] local cost = (COST_LOOKUP[entity.name] or MAGIC_MAXIMUM_NUMBER) if (base.points >= cost) then local position = entity.position BaseUtils.modifyBaseSpecialPoints(base, -cost, "Scheduling Entity upgrade", position.x, position.y) BaseUtils.queueUpgrade(entity, base, nil, false, true) end end end end function BaseUtils.createBase(map, chunk, tick) local x = chunk.x local y = chunk.y local distance = euclideanDistancePoints(x, y, 0, 0) local meanLevel = mFloor(distance * 0.005) local distanceIndex = mMin(1, distance * BASE_DISTANCE_TO_EVO_INDEX) local evoIndex = mMax(distanceIndex, Universe.evolutionLevel) local alignment = (Universe.NEW_ENEMIES and BaseUtils.findBaseInitialAlignment(evoIndex)) or {"neutral"} local baseLevel = gaussianRandomRangeRG(meanLevel, meanLevel * 0.3, meanLevel * 0.50, meanLevel * 1.50, Universe.random) local baseDistanceThreshold = gaussianRandomRangeRG(BASE_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD, BASE_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD * 0.2, BASE_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD * 0.75, BASE_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD * 1.50, Universe.random) local distanceThreshold = (baseLevel * BASE_DISTANCE_LEVEL_BONUS) + baseDistanceThreshold local base = { x = x, y = y, totalX = x, totalY = y, distanceThreshold = distanceThreshold * Universe.baseDistanceModifier, tick = tick, alignment = alignment, alignmentHistory = {}, damagedBy = {}, deathEvents = 0, mutations = 0, stateGeneration = BASE_GENERATION_STATE_ACTIVE, stateGenerationTick = 0, chunkCount = 0, createdTick = tick, points = 0, unitPoints = 0, stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_PEACEFUL, stateAITick = 0, maxAggressiveGroups = 0, sentAggressiveGroups = 0, resetExpensionGroupsTick = 0, maxExpansionGroups = 0, sentExpansionGroups = 0, activeRaidNests = 0, activeNests = 0, destroyPlayerBuildings = 0, lostEnemyUnits = 0, lostEnemyBuilding = 0, rocketLaunched = 0, builtEnemyBuilding = 0, ionCannonBlasts = 0, artilleryBlasts = 0, resourceChunks = {}, resourceChunkCount = 0, temperament = 0.5, temperamentScore = 0, map = map, id = Universe.baseId } Universe.baseId = Universe.baseId + 1 map.bases[base.id] = base Universe.bases[base.id] = base return base end function BaseUtils.modifyBaseUnitPoints(base, points, tag, x, y) if points > 0 and base.stateAI == BASE_AI_STATE_PEACEFUL then return end tag = tag or "" x = x or nil y = y or nil base.unitPoints = base.unitPoints + points local overflowMessage = "" if base.unitPoints > Universe.maxOverflowPoints then base.unitPoints = Universe.maxOverflowPoints overflowMessage = " [Point cap reached]" end local printPointChange = "" if points > 0 and Universe.aiPointsPrintGainsToChat then printPointChange = "+" .. string.format("%.2f", points) elseif points < 0 and Universe.aiPointsPrintSpendingToChat then printPointChange = string.format("%.2f", points) end if printPointChange ~= "" then local gps = "" if x ~= nil then gps = " [gps=" .. x .. "," .. y .. "]" end game.print("[" .. base.id .. "]:" .. base.map.surface.name .. " " .. printPointChange .. " [" .. tag .. "] Unit Total:" .. string.format("%.2f", base.unitPoints) .. overflowMessage .. gps) end end function BaseUtils.modifyBaseSpecialPoints(base, points, tag, x, y) if points > 0 and base.stateAI == BASE_AI_STATE_PEACEFUL then return end tag = tag or "" x = x or nil y = y or nil base.points = base.points + points local overflowMessage = "" if base.points > Universe.maxOverflowPoints then base.points = Universe.maxOverflowPoints overflowMessage = " [Point cap reached]" end local printPointChange = "" if points > 0 and Universe.aiPointsPrintGainsToChat then printPointChange = "+" .. string.format("%.2f", points) elseif points < 0 and Universe.aiPointsPrintSpendingToChat then printPointChange = string.format("%.2f", points) end if printPointChange ~= "" then local gps = "" if x ~= nil then gps = " [gps=" .. x .. "," .. y .. "]" end game.print("[" .. base.id .. "]:" .. base.map.surface.name .. " " .. printPointChange .. " [" .. tag .. "] Special Total:" .. string.format("%.2f", base.points) .. overflowMessage .. gps) end end function BaseUtils.planning(evolutionLevel) Universe.evolutionLevel = evolutionLevel local maxPoints = mMax(AI_MAX_POINTS * evolutionLevel, MINIMUM_AI_POINTS) Universe.maxPoints = maxPoints local maxOverflowPoints = maxPoints * 3 Universe.maxOverflowPoints = maxOverflowPoints local attackWaveMaxSize = Universe.attackWaveMaxSize Universe.retreatThreshold = linearInterpolation(evolutionLevel, RETREAT_MOVEMENT_PHEROMONE_LEVEL_MIN, RETREAT_MOVEMENT_PHEROMONE_LEVEL_MAX) Universe.rallyThreshold = BASE_RALLY_CHANCE + (evolutionLevel * BONUS_RALLY_CHANCE) Universe.formSquadThreshold = mMax((0.35 * evolutionLevel), 0.1) Universe.attackWaveSize = attackWaveMaxSize * (evolutionLevel ^ 1.4) Universe.attackWaveDeviation = (Universe.attackWaveSize * 0.333) Universe.attackWaveUpperBound = Universe.attackWaveSize + (Universe.attackWaveSize * 0.35) if (Universe.attackWaveSize < 1) then Universe.attackWaveSize = 2 Universe.attackWaveDeviation = 1 Universe.attackWaveUpperBound = 3 end Universe.settlerWaveSize = linearInterpolation(evolutionLevel ^ 1.66667, Universe.expansionMinSize, Universe.expansionMaxSize) Universe.settlerWaveDeviation = (Universe.settlerWaveSize * 0.33) Universe.settlerCooldown = randomTickDuration(Universe.random, Universe.expansionMinTime, mFloor(linearInterpolation(evolutionLevel ^ 1.66667, Universe.expansionMaxTime, Universe.expansionMinTime))) Universe.unitRefundAmount = AI_UNIT_REFUND * evolutionLevel Universe.kamikazeThreshold = NO_RETREAT_BASE_PERCENT + (evolutionLevel * NO_RETREAT_EVOLUTION_BONUS_MAX) end local function processBase(base, tick) base.maxAggressiveGroups = mCeil(base.activeNests / ACTIVE_NESTS_PER_AGGRESSIVE_GROUPS) base.maxExpansionGroups = mCeil((base.activeNests + base.activeRaidNests) / ALL_NESTS_PER_EXPANSION_GROUPS) if (base.stateAI == BASE_AI_STATE_MIGRATING or base.stateAI == BASE_AI_STATE_SIEGE) and base.resetExpensionGroupsTick <= tick then base.resetExpensionGroupsTick = tick + Universe.settlerCooldown base.sentExpansionGroups = 0 end local points = (AI_POINT_GENERATOR_AMOUNT * Universe.random()) + (base.activeNests * 0.144) + (AI_POINT_GENERATOR_AMOUNT * mMax(Universe.evolutionLevel ^ 2.5, 0.1)) if (base.temperament == 0) or (base.temperament == 1) then points = points + 24 elseif (base.temperament < 0.20) or (base.temperament > 0.80) then points = points + 14.4 elseif (base.temperament < 0.35) or (base.temperament > 0.65) then points = points + 9.6 elseif (base.temperament < 0.45) or (base.temperament > 0.55) then points = points + 4.8 end if (base.stateAI == BASE_AI_STATE_ONSLAUGHT) then points = points * 2 end points = points * Universe.aiPointsScaler local currentPoints = base.unitPoints if (currentPoints <= 0) then currentPoints = 0 end if (currentPoints < Universe.maxPoints) then BaseUtils.modifyBaseUnitPoints(base, points, "Logic Cycle", base.x, base.y) end if (base.points < Universe.maxPoints) then BaseUtils.modifyBaseSpecialPoints(base, (points * 0.75), "Logic Cycle", base.x, base.y) end if Universe.NEW_ENEMIES then local deathThreshold = 0 local evolutionLevel = Universe.evolutionLevel if (evolutionLevel < Universe.minimumAdaptationEvolution) then base.deathEvents = 0 elseif (evolutionLevel < 0.5) then deathThreshold = 17000 elseif (evolutionLevel < 0.7) then deathThreshold = 34000 elseif (evolutionLevel < 0.9) then deathThreshold = 60000 else deathThreshold = 100000 end deathThreshold = Universe.adaptationModifier * deathThreshold if ((base.deathEvents > deathThreshold) and (Universe.random() > 0.95)) then if (base.mutations < Universe.MAX_BASE_MUTATIONS) then if BaseUtils.upgradeBaseBasedOnDamage(base) then base.mutations = base.mutations + 1 end elseif (base.mutations == Universe.MAX_BASE_MUTATIONS) then local roll = Universe.random() if (roll < 0.001) then base.mutations = 0 if (Universe.printBaseAdaptation) then game.print({"description.rampant--adaptationResetDebugMessage", base.x, base.y, base.mutations, Universe.MAX_BASE_MUTATIONS}) end elseif (roll > 0.999) then base.mutations = base.mutations + 1 if (Universe.printBaseAdaptation) then game.print({"description.rampant--adaptationFrozenDebugMessage", base.x, base.y}) end end end base.damagedBy = {} base.deathEvents = 0 end else base.damagedBy = {} base.deathEvents = 0 end if (base.stateGenerationTick <= tick) then local roll = Universe.random() if (roll < 0.85) then base.stateGeneration = BASE_GENERATION_STATE_ACTIVE else base.stateGeneration = BASE_GENERATION_STATE_DORMANT end base.stateGenerationTick = randomTickEvent(Universe.random, tick, BASE_GENERATION_MIN_STATE_DURATION, BASE_GENERATION_MAX_STATE_DURATION) end base.tick = tick end local function temperamentPlanner(base, evolutionLevel) local destroyPlayerBuildings = base.destroyPlayerBuildings local lostEnemyUnits = base.lostEnemyUnits local lostEnemyBuilding = base.lostEnemyBuilding local rocketLaunched = base.rocketLaunched local builtEnemyBuilding = base.builtEnemyBuilding local ionCannonBlasts = base.ionCannonBlasts local artilleryBlasts = base.artilleryBlasts local activeNests = base.activeNests local activeRaidNests = base.activeRaidNests local currentTemperament = base.temperamentScore local delta = 0 if activeNests > 0 then local val = (5.76 * activeNests) delta = delta + val else delta = delta - 5.553792 end if destroyPlayerBuildings > 0 then if currentTemperament > 0 then delta = delta - (5.553792 * destroyPlayerBuildings) else delta = delta + (5.553792 * destroyPlayerBuildings) end end if activeRaidNests > 0 then local val = (0.2304 * activeRaidNests) delta = delta - val else delta = delta - 3.84 end if lostEnemyUnits > 0 then local multipler if evolutionLevel < 0.3 then multipler = 0.083328 elseif evolutionLevel < 0.5 then multipler = 0.041472 elseif evolutionLevel < 0.7 then multipler = 0.020736 elseif evolutionLevel < 0.9 then multipler = 0.010368 elseif evolutionLevel < 0.9 then multipler = 0.005184 else multipler = 0.002592 end local val = (multipler * lostEnemyUnits) if (currentTemperament > 0) then delta = delta - val else delta = delta + val end end if lostEnemyBuilding > 0 then local val = (0.576 * lostEnemyBuilding) if (currentTemperament > 0) then delta = delta - val else delta = delta + val end end if builtEnemyBuilding > 0 then local val = (0.261952 * builtEnemyBuilding) if (currentTemperament > 0) then delta = delta - val else delta = delta + val end else delta = delta - 2.777088 end if (rocketLaunched > 0) then local val = (27.76 * rocketLaunched) delta = delta + val end if (ionCannonBlasts > 0) then local val = (13.924864 * ionCannonBlasts) delta = delta + val end if (artilleryBlasts > 0) then local val = (13.924864 * artilleryBlasts) delta = delta + val end delta = delta * Universe.temperamentRateModifier base.temperamentScore = mMin(TEMPERAMENT_RANGE_MAX, mMax(TEMPERAMENT_RANGE_MIN, currentTemperament + delta)) base.temperament = ((base.temperamentScore + TEMPERAMENT_RANGE_MAX) * TEMPERAMENT_DIVIDER) if Universe.debugTemperament then local strConsole = "Rampant Stats:\nbaseId:".. base.id .. ", aN:" .. base.activeNests .. ", aRN:" .. base.activeRaidNests .. ", dPB:" .. base.destroyPlayerBuildings .. ", lEU:" .. base.lostEnemyUnits .. ", lEB:" .. base.lostEnemyBuilding .. ", rL:" .. base.rocketLaunched .. ", bEB:" .. base.builtEnemyBuilding .. ", iCB:" .. base.ionCannonBlasts .. ", aB:" .. base.artilleryBlasts .. ", temp:" .. base.temperament .. ", tempScore:" .. base.temperamentScore .. ", points:" .. base.points .. ", unitPoints:" .. base.unitPoints .. ", state:" .. STATE_ENGLISH[base.stateAI] .. ", surface:" .. base.map.surface.index .. " [" .. base.map.surface.name .. "]" .. ", aS:" .. Universe.squadCount .. ", aB:" .. Universe.builderCount .. ", atkSize:" .. Universe.attackWaveSize .. ", stlSize:" .. Universe.settlerWaveSize .. ", formGroup:" .. Universe.formSquadThreshold .. ", sAgg:".. base.sentAggressiveGroups .. ", mAgg:" .. base.maxAggressiveGroups .. ", baseState:" .. base.stateGeneration .. ", sE:" .. base.sentExpansionGroups .. ", mE:" .. base.maxExpansionGroups game.print(strConsole) print(strConsole) end end local function processState(base, tick) if (base.stateAITick > tick) or not Universe.awake then if (not Universe.awake) and (tick >= Universe.initialPeaceTime) then Universe.awake = true if Universe.printAwakenMessage then game.print({"description.rampant--planetHasAwoken"}) end else return end end local roll = Universe.random() if (base.temperament < 0.05) then -- 0 - 0.05 if Universe.enabledMigration then if (roll < 0.30) then base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_MIGRATING elseif (roll < 0.50) and Universe.raidAIToggle then base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_RAIDING elseif Universe.siegeAIToggle then base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_SIEGE else base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_MIGRATING end else if Universe.raidAIToggle then if (roll < 0.70) then base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_RAIDING else base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_AGGRESSIVE end else base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_AGGRESSIVE end end elseif (base.temperament < 0.20) then -- 0.05 - 0.2 if (Universe.enabledMigration) then if (roll < 0.4) then base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_MIGRATING elseif (roll < 0.55) and Universe.raidAIToggle then base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_RAIDING elseif Universe.siegeAIToggle then base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_SIEGE else base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_MIGRATING end else if Universe.raidAIToggle then if (roll < 0.40) then base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_AGGRESSIVE else base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_RAIDING end else base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_AGGRESSIVE end end elseif (base.temperament < 0.4) then -- 0.2 - 0.4 if (Universe.enabledMigration) then if (roll < 0.2) and Universe.raidAIToggle then base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_RAIDING elseif (roll < 0.2) then base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_AGGRESSIVE elseif (roll < 0.8) then base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_MIGRATING elseif Universe.peacefulAIToggle then base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_PEACEFUL else base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_MIGRATING end else if (roll < 0.3) then base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_AGGRESSIVE elseif (roll < 0.6) and Universe.raidAIToggle then base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_RAIDING elseif (roll < 0.6) then base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_AGGRESSIVE elseif Universe.peacefulAIToggle then base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_PEACEFUL else base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_AGGRESSIVE end end elseif (base.temperament < 0.6) then -- 0.4 - 0.6 if (roll < 0.4) then base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_AGGRESSIVE elseif (roll < 0.5) and Universe.raidAIToggle then base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_RAIDING elseif (roll < 0.75) and Universe.peacefulAIToggle then base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_PEACEFUL else if Universe.enabledMigration then base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_MIGRATING else base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_AGGRESSIVE end end elseif (base.temperament < 0.8) then -- 0.6 - 0.8 if (roll < 0.4) then base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_AGGRESSIVE elseif (roll < 0.6) then base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_ONSLAUGHT elseif (roll < 0.8) then base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_RAIDING elseif Universe.peacefulAIToggle then base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_PEACEFUL else base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_AGGRESSIVE end elseif (base.temperament < 0.95) then -- 0.8 - 0.95 if (Universe.enabledMigration and Universe.raidAIToggle) then if (roll < 0.20) and Universe.siegeAIToggle then base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_SIEGE elseif (roll < 0.45) then base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_RAIDING elseif (roll < 0.85) then base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_ONSLAUGHT else base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_AGGRESSIVE end elseif (Universe.enabledMigration) then if (roll < 0.20) and Universe.siegeAIToggle then base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_SIEGE elseif (roll < 0.75) then base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_ONSLAUGHT else base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_AGGRESSIVE end elseif (Universe.raidAIToggle) then if (roll < 0.45) then base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_ONSLAUGHT elseif (roll < 0.75) then base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_RAIDING else base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_AGGRESSIVE end else if (roll < 0.65) then base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_ONSLAUGHT else base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_AGGRESSIVE end end else if (Universe.enabledMigration and Universe.raidAIToggle) then if (roll < 0.30) and Universe.siegeAIToggle then base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_SIEGE elseif (roll < 0.65) then base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_RAIDING else base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_ONSLAUGHT end elseif (Universe.enabledMigration) then if (roll < 0.30) and Universe.siegeAIToggle then base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_SIEGE else base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_ONSLAUGHT end elseif (Universe.raidAIToggle) then if (roll < 0.45) then base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_ONSLAUGHT else base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_RAIDING end else base.stateAI = BASE_AI_STATE_ONSLAUGHT end end local remainingUnits = base.lostEnemyUnits % 20 if remainingUnits ~= 0 then BaseUtils.modifyBaseUnitPoints(base, -(remainingUnits*UNIT_DEATH_POINT_COST), remainingUnits.." Units Lost") end base.destroyPlayerBuildings = 0 base.lostEnemyUnits = 0 base.lostEnemyBuilding = 0 base.rocketLaunched = 0 base.builtEnemyBuilding = 0 base.ionCannonBlasts = 0 base.artilleryBlasts = 0 base.stateAITick = randomTickEvent(Universe.random, tick, BASE_AI_MIN_STATE_DURATION, BASE_AI_MAX_STATE_DURATION) if Universe.printAIStateChanges then game.print(base.id .. ": AI is now: " .. STATE_ENGLISH[base.stateAI] .. ", Next state change is in " .. string.format("%.2f", (base.stateAITick - tick) / (60*60)) .. " minutes @ " .. getTimeStringFromTick(base.stateAITick) .. " playtime") end end function BaseUtils.processBaseAIs(tick) local baseId = Universe.processBaseAIIterator local base if not baseId then baseId, base = next(Universe.bases, nil) else base = Universe.bases[baseId] end if not baseId then Universe.processBaseAIIterator = nil return else Universe.processBaseAIIterator = next(Universe.bases, baseId) if (tick - base.tick) <= BASE_PROCESS_INTERVAL then return end temperamentPlanner(base, Universe.evolutionLevel) processState(base, tick) processBase(base, tick) end end function BaseUtils.init(universe) Universe = universe end BaseUtilsG = BaseUtils return BaseUtils