-- Copyright (C) 2022 veden -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see . if SquadG then return SquadG end local Squad = {} -- local Universe local TargetPosition local SearchPath local Queries -- imports local Constants = require("Constants") local MapUtils = require("MapUtils") local BaseUtils = require("BaseUtils") local MathUtils = require("MathUtils") local ChunkPropertyUtils = require("ChunkPropertyUtils") local Utils = require("Utils") -- Constants local BASE_AI_STATE_ONSLAUGHT = Constants.BASE_AI_STATE_ONSLAUGHT local BASE_AI_STATE_RAIDING = Constants.BASE_AI_STATE_RAIDING local MAGIC_MAXIMUM_NUMBER = Constants.MAGIC_MAXIMUM_NUMBER local MINIMUM_EXPANSION_DISTANCE = Constants.MINIMUM_EXPANSION_DISTANCE local COMMAND_TIMEOUT = Constants.COMMAND_TIMEOUT local BUILD_COMMAND_TIMEOUT = Constants.BUILD_COMMAND_TIMEOUT local PLAYER_PHEROMONE = Constants.PLAYER_PHEROMONE local BASE_PHEROMONE = Constants.BASE_PHEROMONE local ENEMY_PHEROMONE = Constants.ENEMY_PHEROMONE local KAMIKAZE_PHEROMONE = Constants.KAMIKAZE_PHEROMONE local RESOURCE_PHEROMONE = Constants.RESOURCE_PHEROMONE local COMPRESSION_COOLDOWN = Constants.COMPRESSION_COOLDOWN local HALF_CHUNK_SIZE = Constants.HALF_CHUNK_SIZE local FIVE_DEATH_PHEROMONE_GENERATOR_AMOUNT = Constants.FIVE_DEATH_PHEROMONE_GENERATOR_AMOUNT local SQUAD_BUILDING = Constants.SQUAD_BUILDING local SQUAD_RAIDING = Constants.SQUAD_RAIDING local SQUAD_SETTLING = Constants.SQUAD_SETTLING local SQUAD_GUARDING = Constants.SQUAD_GUARDING local SQUAD_RETREATING = Constants.SQUAD_RETREATING local BASE_AI_STATE_SIEGE = Constants.BASE_AI_STATE_SIEGE local BASE_AI_STATE_AGGRESSIVE = Constants.BASE_AI_STATE_AGGRESSIVE local PLAYER_PHEROMONE_MULTIPLER = Constants.PLAYER_PHEROMONE_MULTIPLER local DEFINES_DISTRACTION_NONE = defines.distraction.none local DEFINES_DISTRACTION_BY_ENEMY = defines.distraction.by_enemy local DEFINES_DISTRACTION_BY_ANYTHING = defines.distraction.by_anything local COOLDOWN_RETREAT = Constants.COOLDOWN_RETREAT local CHUNK_SIZE = Constants.CHUNK_SIZE local COOLDOWN_RALLY = Constants.COOLDOWN_RALLY local RALLY_CRY_DISTANCE = Constants.RALLY_CRY_DISTANCE local AI_SQUAD_COST = Constants.AI_SQUAD_COST local AI_SETTLER_COST = Constants.AI_SETTLER_COST local AI_VENGENCE_SQUAD_COST = Constants.AI_VENGENCE_SQUAD_COST local AI_VENGENCE_SETTLER_COST = Constants.AI_VENGENCE_SETTLER_COST local ATTACKING_DISTRACTION = defines.group_state.attacking_distraction local ATTACKING_TARGET = defines.group_state.attacking_target local GATHERING = defines.group_state.gathering -- imported functions local setPositionInQuery = Utils.setPositionInQuery local getRallyTick = ChunkPropertyUtils.getRallyTick local setRallyTick = ChunkPropertyUtils.setRallyTick local modifyBaseUnitPoints = BaseUtils.modifyBaseUnitPoints local tableRemove = table.remove local tableInsert = table.insert local mCeil = math.ceil local isActiveNest = ChunkPropertyUtils.isActiveNest local isActiveRaidNest = ChunkPropertyUtils.isActiveRaidNest local gaussianRandomRangeRG = MathUtils.gaussianRandomRangeRG local getEnemyStructureCount = ChunkPropertyUtils.getEnemyStructureCount local getRetreatTick = ChunkPropertyUtils.getRetreatTick local findNearbyBase = ChunkPropertyUtils.findNearbyBase local tableSize = table_size local setPositionInCommand = Utils.setPositionInCommand local euclideanDistancePoints = MathUtils.euclideanDistancePoints local canMoveChunkDirection = MapUtils.canMoveChunkDirection local setRetreatTick = ChunkPropertyUtils.setRetreatTick local removeSquadFromChunk = ChunkPropertyUtils.removeSquadFromChunk local addDeathGenerator = ChunkPropertyUtils.addDeathGenerator local getNeighborChunks = MapUtils.getNeighborChunks local addSquadToChunk = ChunkPropertyUtils.addSquadToChunk local getChunkByXY = MapUtils.getChunkByXY local positionToChunkXY = MapUtils.positionToChunkXY local positionFromScaledDirections = MapUtils.positionFromScaledDirections local positionFromScaledSearchPath = MapUtils.positionFromScaledSearchPath local euclideanDistanceNamed = MathUtils.euclideanDistanceNamed -- module code local function scoreRetreatLocation(neighborChunk) return (-neighborChunk[KAMIKAZE_PHEROMONE] + -((neighborChunk.playerBaseGenerator or 0) * 1000)) end local function scoreResourceLocation(neighborChunk) local preferred = false if ( not neighborChunk.playerBaseGenerator and not neighborChunk.playerGenerator and neighborChunk.resourceGenerator and getEnemyStructureCount(neighborChunk) == 0 ) then preferred = true end local score = neighborChunk[RESOURCE_PHEROMONE] - (neighborChunk[PLAYER_PHEROMONE] * PLAYER_PHEROMONE_MULTIPLER) - neighborChunk[ENEMY_PHEROMONE] return score, preferred end local function scoreSiegeLocation(neighborChunk) local preferred = false if ( not neighborChunk.playerBaseGenerator and not neighborChunk.playerGenerator ) then preferred = true end local settle = neighborChunk[BASE_PHEROMONE] + neighborChunk[RESOURCE_PHEROMONE] * 0.5 + (neighborChunk[PLAYER_PHEROMONE] * PLAYER_PHEROMONE_MULTIPLER) local score = settle - neighborChunk[ENEMY_PHEROMONE] return score, preferred end local function scoreSiegeKamikazeLocation(neighborChunk) local preferred = false if ( not neighborChunk.playerBaseGenerator and not neighborChunk.playerGenerator ) then preferred = true end local settle = neighborChunk[KAMIKAZE_PHEROMONE] + neighborChunk[RESOURCE_PHEROMONE] * 0.5 local score = settle - neighborChunk[ENEMY_PHEROMONE] return score, preferred end local function scoreAttackLocation(neighborChunk) local preferred = false if ( neighborChunk.playerBaseGenerator or neighborChunk.playerGenerator ) then preferred = true end local damage = neighborChunk[BASE_PHEROMONE] + (neighborChunk[PLAYER_PHEROMONE] * PLAYER_PHEROMONE_MULTIPLER) if preferred then damage = damage * 2 end return damage, preferred end local function scoreAttackKamikazeLocation(neighborChunk) local preferred = false if ( neighborChunk.playerBaseGenerator or neighborChunk.playerGenerator ) then preferred = true end local damage = neighborChunk[KAMIKAZE_PHEROMONE] if preferred then damage = damage * 2 end return damage, preferred end local function findMovementPosition(surface, position) return surface.find_non_colliding_position( "behemoth-biter", position, 10, 2, false ) end local function findDeploymentPosition(surface, position) return surface.find_non_colliding_position( "biter-spawner", position, CHUNK_SIZE, 4, true ) end local function calculateSettlerMaxDistance() local targetDistance local distanceRoll = Universe.random() if distanceRoll < 0.05 then return 0 elseif distanceRoll < 0.30 then targetDistance = Universe.expansionLowTargetDistance elseif distanceRoll < 0.70 then targetDistance = Universe.expansionMediumTargetDistance elseif distanceRoll < 0.95 then targetDistance = Universe.expansionHighTargetDistance else return Universe.expansionMaxDistance end return gaussianRandomRangeRG(targetDistance, Universe.expansionDistanceDeviation, MINIMUM_EXPANSION_DISTANCE, Universe.expansionMaxDistance, Universe.random) end local function addMovementPenalty(squad, chunk) if (chunk == -1) then return end local penalties = squad.penalties local penaltyCount = #penalties for i=1,penaltyCount do local penalty = penalties[i] if (penalty.c.id == chunk.id) then penalty.v = penalty.v + 1 if penalty.v >= 7 then if Universe.enabledMigration and (Universe.builderCount < Universe.AI_MAX_BUILDER_COUNT) then squad.settler = true squad.originPosition.x = squad.group.position.x squad.originPosition.y = squad.group.position.y squad.maxDistance = calculateSettlerMaxDistance() squad.status = SQUAD_SETTLING elseif not squad.kamikaze then squad.kamikaze = true squad.penalties = {} else for _, entity in pairs(squad.group.members) do if entity.valid then entity.destroy() end end squad.group.destroy() end end return end end if (penaltyCount == 10) then tableRemove(penalties, 10) end tableInsert(penalties, 1, { v = 1, c = chunk }) end local function compressSquad(squad, tick) if squad.compressionSet or (Universe.squadCompressionThreshold == -1) or (squad.canBeCompressed >= tick) then return end local group = squad.group local groupState = group.state if (groupState == ATTACKING_DISTRACTION) or (groupState == ATTACKING_TARGET) or (groupState == GATHERING) or (squad.status == SQUAD_BUILDING) then return end local members = group.members if (#members <= Universe.squadCompressionThreshold) then return end local compressionSet = {} local compressedTotal = 0 local totalTypes = 0 local entityToTag for _, entity in pairs(members) do local entityName = entity.name local count = compressionSet[entityName] if not count then totalTypes = totalTypes + 1 if totalTypes > 6 then entity.destroy() compressedTotal = compressedTotal + 1 compressionSet[entityName] = 1 else entityToTag = entity compressionSet[entityName] = 0 end else compressionSet[entityName] = count + 1 compressedTotal = compressedTotal + 1 entity.destroy() end end local query = Queries.renderText query.surface = group.surface query.text = compressedTotal query.target = entityToTag squad.compressionText = rendering.draw_text(query) squad.compressionSet = compressionSet squad.compressedTotal = compressedTotal squad.canBeCompressed = false end function Squad.decompressSquad(squad, tick) if not squad.compressionSet then return end local group = squad.group local query = Queries.createEntityQuery local add_member = group.add_member local create_entity = squad.map.surface.create_entity setPositionInQuery( query, group.position ) for name,count in pairs(squad.compressionSet) do query.name = name for _ = 1, count do add_member(create_entity(query)) end end rendering.destroy(squad.compressionText) squad.compressionSet = nil squad.canBeCompressed = tick + COMPRESSION_COOLDOWN end --[[ Expects all neighbors adjacent to a chunk --]] local function scoreNeighbors(map, chunk, neighborDirectionChunks, scoreFunction) local highest = SearchPath[1] local highestScore = -MAGIC_MAXIMUM_NUMBER local highestPreferred = false highest.chunk = -1 for x=1,8 do local neighborChunk = neighborDirectionChunks[x] if (neighborChunk ~= -1) then if (chunk == -1) or canMoveChunkDirection(x, chunk, neighborChunk) then local score, preferred = scoreFunction(neighborChunk) if (highestPreferred and preferred and (score > highestScore)) or (not highestPreferred and (score > highestScore)) or (not highestPreferred and preferred) then highest.chunk = neighborChunk highest.direction = x highestScore = score highestPreferred = preferred end end end end if (highest.chunk == -1) then return SearchPath end if highestPreferred then SearchPath[2].chunk = -1 return SearchPath end for i = 2, 4 do local lastChunk = SearchPath[i-1].chunk highest = SearchPath[i] highest.chunk = -1 highestPreferred = false neighborDirectionChunks = getNeighborChunks(map, lastChunk.x, lastChunk.y) for x=1,8 do local neighborChunk = neighborDirectionChunks[x] if ((neighborChunk ~= -1) and (neighborChunk.id ~= lastChunk.id) and canMoveChunkDirection(x, lastChunk, neighborChunk)) then local score, preferred = scoreFunction(neighborChunk) if (highestPreferred and preferred and (score > highestScore)) or (not highestPreferred and (score > highestScore)) or (not highestPreferred and preferred) then highestScore = score highest.chunk = neighborChunk highest.direction = x highestPreferred = preferred end end end if highest.chunk == -1 then return SearchPath end if highestPreferred and (i ~= 4) then SearchPath[i+1].chunk = -1 return SearchPath end end return SearchPath end local function settleMove(squad, tick) local group = squad.group local map = squad.map local groupPosition = group.position local x, y = positionToChunkXY(groupPosition) local chunk = getChunkByXY(map, x, y) local scoreFunction = scoreResourceLocation if (squad.type == BASE_AI_STATE_SIEGE) then scoreFunction = scoreSiegeLocation if squad.kamikaze then scoreFunction = scoreSiegeKamikazeLocation end end local squadChunk = squad.chunk if squadChunk ~= -1 then addDeathGenerator(squadChunk, -FIVE_DEATH_PHEROMONE_GENERATOR_AMOUNT) end if chunk ~= -1 then addSquadToChunk(chunk, squad) addMovementPenalty(squad, chunk) if not squad.group.valid then return end end local originPosition = squad.originPosition local distance = euclideanDistancePoints(groupPosition.x, groupPosition.y, originPosition.x, originPosition.y) local cmd local position local surface = map.surface if (chunk ~= -1) and ( (distance >= squad.maxDistance) or ( chunk.resourceGenerator and (not chunk.nestCount) and (not chunk.hiveCount) ) ) then Squad.decompressSquad(squad, tick) position = findMovementPosition(surface, groupPosition) or groupPosition cmd = Queries.settleCommand if squad.kamikaze then cmd.distraction = DEFINES_DISTRACTION_NONE else cmd.distraction = DEFINES_DISTRACTION_BY_ENEMY end setPositionInCommand(cmd, position) squad.status = SQUAD_BUILDING squad.commandTick = tick + BUILD_COMMAND_TIMEOUT group.set_command(cmd) return end local searchPath = scoreNeighbors( map, chunk, getNeighborChunks(map, x, y), scoreFunction ) if (searchPath[1].chunk == -1) then cmd = Queries.wanderCommand group.set_command(cmd) return end local lastChunk = 0 for i = 1, 4 do local moveChunk = searchPath[i].chunk if (moveChunk ~= -1) then distance = euclideanDistancePoints( moveChunk.x + HALF_CHUNK_SIZE, moveChunk.y + HALF_CHUNK_SIZE, originPosition.x, originPosition.y ) if distance >= squad.maxDistance then searchPath[i].chunk = -1 if i < 4 then searchPath[i+1].chunk = -1 end else lastChunk = i addDeathGenerator(moveChunk, -FIVE_DEATH_PHEROMONE_GENERATOR_AMOUNT) end end end position = findMovementPosition( surface, positionFromScaledSearchPath( groupPosition, 1, searchPath ) ) if not position then cmd = Queries.wanderCommand group.set_command(cmd) return end TargetPosition.x = position.x TargetPosition.y = position.y if lastChunk ~= 4 then cmd = Queries.settleCommand squad.status = SQUAD_BUILDING squad.commandTick = tick + BUILD_COMMAND_TIMEOUT Squad.decompressSquad(squad, tick) if squad.kamikaze then cmd.distraction = DEFINES_DISTRACTION_NONE else cmd.distraction = DEFINES_DISTRACTION_BY_ENEMY end else cmd = Queries.moveCommand if squad.rabid or squad.kamikaze then cmd.distraction = DEFINES_DISTRACTION_NONE else cmd.distraction = DEFINES_DISTRACTION_BY_ENEMY end end setPositionInCommand(cmd, TargetPosition) group.set_command(cmd) end local function attackMove(squad, tick) local group = squad.group local groupPosition = group.position local x, y = positionToChunkXY(groupPosition) local map = squad.map local chunk = getChunkByXY(map, x, y) local squadChunk = squad.chunk if squadChunk ~= -1 then addDeathGenerator(squadChunk, -FIVE_DEATH_PHEROMONE_GENERATOR_AMOUNT) end if chunk ~= -1 then addSquadToChunk(chunk, squad) addMovementPenalty(squad, chunk) if not squad.group.valid then return end end local attackScorer = scoreAttackLocation if squad.kamikaze then attackScorer = scoreAttackKamikazeLocation end squad.frenzy = (squad.frenzy and (euclideanDistanceNamed(groupPosition, squad.frenzyPosition) < 100)) local searchPath = scoreNeighbors( map, chunk, getNeighborChunks(map, x, y), attackScorer ) local cmd if (searchPath[1].chunk == -1) then cmd = Queries.wanderCommand group.set_command(cmd) return end local position = findMovementPosition( map.surface, positionFromScaledSearchPath( groupPosition, 1, searchPath ) ) if not position then cmd = Queries.wanderCommand group.set_command(cmd) return end local attack = false for i = 1, 4 do local attackChunk = searchPath[i].chunk if (attackChunk ~= -1) then addDeathGenerator(attackChunk, -FIVE_DEATH_PHEROMONE_GENERATOR_AMOUNT) if attackChunk.playerBaseGenerator or (attackChunk[PLAYER_PHEROMONE] >= Universe.attackPlayerThreshold) then attack = true end end end if attack then Squad.decompressSquad(squad, tick) cmd = Queries.attackCommand if not squad.rabid then squad.frenzy = true squad.frenzyPosition.x = groupPosition.x squad.frenzyPosition.y = groupPosition.y end else cmd = Queries.moveCommand if squad.rabid or squad.frenzy then cmd.distraction = DEFINES_DISTRACTION_BY_ANYTHING else cmd.distraction = DEFINES_DISTRACTION_BY_ENEMY end end TargetPosition.x = position.x TargetPosition.y = position.y setPositionInCommand(cmd, TargetPosition) group.set_command(cmd) end local function buildMove(squad, tick) local group = squad.group local groupPosition = group.position local position = findMovementPosition(squad.map.surface, groupPosition) or groupPosition setPositionInCommand(Queries.settleCommand, position) Squad.decompressSquad(squad, tick) group.set_command(Queries.settleCommand) end function Squad.cleanSquads(tick) local squads = Universe.groupNumberToSquad local groupId = Universe.squadIterator local squad if not groupId then groupId, squad = next(squads, groupId) else squad = squads[groupId] end if not groupId then Universe.squadIterator = nil if (tableSize(squads) == 0) then -- this is needed as the next command remembers the max length a table has been Universe.groupNumberToSquad = {} end else Universe.squadIterator = next(squads, groupId) local group = squad.group if not group.valid then if squad.chunk ~= -1 then addDeathGenerator(squad.chunk, -FIVE_DEATH_PHEROMONE_GENERATOR_AMOUNT) end removeSquadFromChunk(squad) if squad.settlers then Universe.builderCount = Universe.builderCount - 1 if Universe.builderCount < 0 then Universe.builderCount = 0 end else Universe.squadCount = Universe.squadCount - 1 if Universe.squadCount < 0 then Universe.squadCount = 0 end if squad.type == BASE_AI_STATE_AGGRESSIVE then local base = squad.base base.sentAggressiveGroups = base.sentAggressiveGroups - 1 if base.sentAggressiveGroups < 0 then base.sentAggressiveGroups = 0 end end end squads[groupId] = nil elseif (group.state == 4) then squad.wanders = 0 Squad.squadDispatch(squad, tick) if group.valid then compressSquad(squad, tick) end elseif (squad.commandTick and (squad.commandTick < tick)) then if squad.wanders > 5 then for _, entity in pairs(squad.group.members) do if entity.valid then entity.destroy() end end squad.group.destroy() else squad.wanders = squad.wanders + 1 if squad.status == SQUAD_BUILDING then squad.commandTick = tick + BUILD_COMMAND_TIMEOUT else squad.commandTick = tick + COMMAND_TIMEOUT end end end end end function Squad.squadDispatch(squad, tick) local group = squad.group if not (group and group.valid) then return end local status = squad.status if (status == SQUAD_RAIDING) then squad.commandTick = tick + COMMAND_TIMEOUT attackMove(squad, tick) elseif (status == SQUAD_SETTLING) then squad.commandTick = tick + COMMAND_TIMEOUT settleMove(squad, tick) elseif (status == SQUAD_RETREATING) then squad.commandTick = tick + COMMAND_TIMEOUT if squad.settlers then squad.status = SQUAD_SETTLING settleMove(squad, tick) else squad.status = SQUAD_RAIDING attackMove(squad, tick) end elseif (status == SQUAD_BUILDING) then squad.commandTick = tick + BUILD_COMMAND_TIMEOUT removeSquadFromChunk(squad) buildMove(squad, tick) elseif (status == SQUAD_GUARDING) then squad.commandTick = tick + COMMAND_TIMEOUT if squad.settlers then squad.status = SQUAD_SETTLING settleMove(squad, tick) else squad.status = SQUAD_RAIDING attackMove(squad, tick) end end end --[[ Expects all neighbors adjacent to a chunk --]] local function scoreNeighborsForRetreat(chunk, neighborDirectionChunks, scoreFunction, map) local highestChunk = -1 local highestScore = -MAGIC_MAXIMUM_NUMBER local highestDirection for x=1,8 do local neighborChunk = neighborDirectionChunks[x] if (neighborChunk ~= -1) then if (chunk == -1) or canMoveChunkDirection(x, chunk, neighborChunk) then local score = scoreFunction(neighborChunk) if (score > highestScore) then highestScore = score highestChunk = neighborChunk highestDirection = x end end end end local nextHighestChunk = -1 local nextHighestScore = highestScore local nextHighestDirection if (highestChunk ~= -1) then neighborDirectionChunks = getNeighborChunks(map, highestChunk.x, highestChunk.y) for x=1,8 do local neighborChunk = neighborDirectionChunks[x] if ((neighborChunk ~= -1) and ((chunk == -1) or (neighborChunk.id ~= chunk.id)) and canMoveChunkDirection(x, highestChunk, neighborChunk)) then local score = scoreFunction(neighborChunk) if (score > nextHighestScore) then nextHighestScore = score nextHighestChunk = neighborChunk nextHighestDirection = x end end end end if (nextHighestChunk == nil) then nextHighestChunk = -1 end return highestChunk, highestDirection, nextHighestChunk, nextHighestDirection end local function findNearbyRetreatingSquad(map, chunk) if chunk.squads then for _,squad in pairs(chunk.squads) do local unitGroup = squad.group if (squad.status == SQUAD_RETREATING) and unitGroup and unitGroup.valid then return squad end end end local neighbors = getNeighborChunks(map, chunk.x, chunk.y) for i=1,#neighbors do local neighbor = neighbors[i] if (neighbor ~= -1) and neighbor.squads then for _,squad in pairs(neighbor.squads) do local unitGroup = squad.group if (squad.status == SQUAD_RETREATING) and unitGroup and unitGroup.valid then return squad end end end end return nil end function Squad.retreatUnits(chunk, cause, tick, existingSquad, radius) if (tick - getRetreatTick(chunk) > COOLDOWN_RETREAT) and (getEnemyStructureCount(chunk) == 0) and ((not existingSquad) or (existingSquad and not existingSquad.kamikaze)) then local map = chunk.map setRetreatTick(chunk, tick) local exitPath,exitDirection, nextExitPath,nextExitDirection = scoreNeighborsForRetreat(chunk, getNeighborChunks(map, chunk.x, chunk.y), scoreRetreatLocation, map) local position = { x = chunk.x + 16, y = chunk.y + 16 } local retreatPosition local surface = map.surface if (exitPath == -1) then return elseif (nextExitPath ~= -1) then retreatPosition = findMovementPosition( surface, positionFromScaledDirections( position, 1, exitDirection, nextExitDirection ) ) exitPath = nextExitPath else retreatPosition = findMovementPosition( surface, positionFromScaledDirections( position, 1, exitDirection ) ) end if retreatPosition then position.x = retreatPosition.x position.y = retreatPosition.y else return end local created = false if not existingSquad then created = true if (Universe.squadCount >= Universe.AI_MAX_SQUAD_COUNT) then return end local base = findNearbyBase(chunk) if not base then return end existingSquad = Squad.createSquad(position, map, nil, false, base) Queries.fleeCommand.from = cause Queries.retreatCommand.group = existingSquad.group Queries.formRetreatCommand.unit_search_distance = radius local foundUnits = surface.set_multi_command(Queries.formRetreatCommand) if (foundUnits == 0) then if created then existingSquad.group.destroy() end return end if created then Universe.groupNumberToSquad[existingSquad.groupNumber] = existingSquad Universe.squadCount = Universe.squadCount + 1 end else Queries.moveCommand.distraction = DEFINES_DISTRACTION_NONE setPositionInCommand(Queries.moveCommand, position) existingSquad.group.set_command(Queries.moveCommand) end existingSquad.retreats = existingSquad.retreats + 1 if (existingSquad.retreats >= 3) then existingSquad.kamikaze = true end existingSquad.status = SQUAD_RETREATING addSquadToChunk(chunk, existingSquad) existingSquad.frenzy = true local squadPosition = existingSquad.group.position existingSquad.frenzyPosition.x = squadPosition.x existingSquad.frenzyPosition.y = squadPosition.y end end function Squad.createSquad(position, map, group, settlers, base) local unitGroup = group if not unitGroup then local query = Queries.createUnitGroup setPositionInQuery(query, position) unitGroup = map.surface.create_unit_group(query) end local squad = { group = unitGroup, canBeCompressed = 0, compressionSet = nil, compressionText = nil, status = SQUAD_GUARDING, rabid = false, penalties = {}, base = base, type = base.stateAI, retreats = 0, frenzy = false, map = map, wanders = 0, settlers = settlers or false, kamikaze = false, frenzyPosition = {x = 0, y = 0}, maxDistance = 0, groupNumber = unitGroup.group_number, originPosition = {x = 0, y = 0}, commandTick = nil, chunk = -1 } if settlers then squad.maxDistance = calculateSettlerMaxDistance() end if position then squad.originPosition.x = position.x squad.originPosition.y = position.y elseif group then squad.originPosition.x = group.position.x squad.originPosition.y = group.position.y end return squad end function Squad.calculateKamikazeSquadThreshold(memberCount) local threshold = (memberCount / Universe.attackWaveMaxSize) * 0.2 + (Universe.evolutionLevel * 0.2) return threshold end function Squad.calculateKamikazeSettlerThreshold(memberCount) local threshold = (memberCount / Universe.expansionMaxSize) * 0.2 + (Universe.evolutionLevel * 0.2) return threshold end local function settlerWaveScaling() return mCeil(gaussianRandomRangeRG(Universe.settlerWaveSize, Universe.settlerWaveDeviation, Universe.expansionMinSize, Universe.expansionMaxSize, Universe.random)) end local function attackWaveScaling() return mCeil(gaussianRandomRangeRG(Universe.attackWaveSize, Universe.attackWaveDeviation, 1, Universe.attackWaveUpperBound, Universe.random)) end local function attackWaveValidCandidate(chunk) if isActiveNest(chunk) then return true end local base = chunk.base if (base.stateAI == BASE_AI_STATE_RAIDING) or (base.stateAI == BASE_AI_STATE_SIEGE) or (base.stateAI == BASE_AI_STATE_ONSLAUGHT) then return isActiveRaidNest(chunk) end return false end local function scoreSettlerLocation(neighborChunk) return neighborChunk[RESOURCE_PHEROMONE] + -neighborChunk[PLAYER_PHEROMONE] end local function scoreSiegeSettlerLocation(neighborChunk) return (neighborChunk[RESOURCE_PHEROMONE] + neighborChunk[BASE_PHEROMONE]) + -neighborChunk[PLAYER_PHEROMONE] end local function scoreUnitGroupLocation(neighborChunk) return neighborChunk[PLAYER_PHEROMONE] + neighborChunk[BASE_PHEROMONE] end local function validUnitGroupLocation(neighborChunk) return (not neighborChunk.nestCount) end local function visitPattern(o, cX, cY, distance) local startX local endX local stepX local startY local endY local stepY if (o == 0) then startX = cX - distance endX = cX + distance stepX = 32 startY = cY - distance endY = cY + distance stepY = 32 elseif (o == 1) then startX = cX + distance endX = cX - distance stepX = -32 startY = cY + distance endY = cY - distance stepY = -32 elseif (o == 2) then startX = cX - distance endX = cX + distance stepX = 32 startY = cY + distance endY = cY - distance stepY = -32 elseif (o == 3) then startX = cX + distance endX = cX - distance stepX = -32 startY = cY - distance endY = cY + distance stepY = 32 end return startX, endX, stepX, startY, endY, stepY end --[[ Expects all neighbors adjacent to a chunk --]] local function scoreNeighborsForFormation(chunk, validFunction, scoreFunction) local highestChunk = -1 local highestScore = -MAGIC_MAXIMUM_NUMBER local highestDirection local neighborChunks = getNeighborChunks(chunk.map, chunk.x, chunk.y) for x=1,8 do local neighborChunk = neighborChunks[x] if (neighborChunk ~= -1) and canMoveChunkDirection(x, chunk, neighborChunk) and validFunction(neighborChunk) then local score = scoreFunction(neighborChunk) if (score > highestScore) then highestScore = score highestChunk = neighborChunk highestDirection = x end end end return highestChunk, highestDirection end function Squad.rallyUnits(chunk, tick) if (tick - getRallyTick(chunk)) < COOLDOWN_RALLY then return end setRallyTick(chunk, tick) local cX = chunk.x local cY = chunk.y local startX, endX, stepX, startY, endY, stepY = visitPattern(tick % 4, cX, cY, RALLY_CRY_DISTANCE) local vengenceQueue = Universe.vengenceQueue local map = chunk.map for x=startX, endX, stepX do for y=startY, endY, stepY do if (x ~= cX) and (y ~= cY) then local rallyChunk = getChunkByXY(map, x, y) if rallyChunk ~= -1 then local base = rallyChunk.base if rallyChunk.nestCount and (base.unitPoints >= AI_VENGENCE_SQUAD_COST) then vengenceQueue[rallyChunk.id] = rallyChunk end end end end end end local function deploySquad(name, chunk, cost, vengence, attacker) local base = chunk.base local lackingPoints = ((base.unitPoints - cost) < 0) if attacker then if lackingPoints or ((chunk[BASE_PHEROMONE] < 0.0001) and (chunk[PLAYER_PHEROMONE] < 0.0001)) or (Universe.squadCount > Universe.AI_MAX_SQUAD_COUNT) or (not vengence and not attackWaveValidCandidate(chunk)) or (Universe.random() > Universe.formSquadThreshold) then return end else if lackingPoints or (Universe.builderCount > Universe.AI_MAX_BUILDER_COUNT) or (not vengence and (base.sentExpansionGroups > base.maxExpansionGroups)) or (Universe.random() > Universe.formSquadThreshold) then return end end local scoringFunction if attacker then scoringFunction = scoreUnitGroupLocation else scoringFunction = scoreSettlerLocation if base.stateAI == BASE_AI_STATE_SIEGE then scoringFunction = scoreSiegeSettlerLocation end end local squadPath, squadDirection = scoreNeighborsForFormation( chunk, validUnitGroupLocation, scoringFunction ) if (squadPath == -1) then return end local map = chunk.map local surface = map.surface TargetPosition.x = chunk.x + HALF_CHUNK_SIZE TargetPosition.y = chunk.y + HALF_CHUNK_SIZE local squadPosition = findDeploymentPosition( surface, positionFromScaledDirections( TargetPosition, 1.25, squadDirection ) ) if not squadPosition then return end local squad = Squad.createSquad(squadPosition, map, nil, not attacker, base) local scaledWaveSize if attacker then scaledWaveSize = attackWaveScaling() else scaledWaveSize = settlerWaveScaling() end Queries.formGroupCommand.group = squad.group Queries.formCommand.unit_count = scaledWaveSize local foundUnits = surface.set_multi_command(Queries.formCommand) if (foundUnits == 0) then if squad.group.valid then squad.group.destroy() end return end if attacker then squad.kamikaze = Universe.random() < Squad.calculateKamikazeSquadThreshold(foundUnits) Universe.squadCount = Universe.squadCount + 1 if not vengence and (base.stateAI == BASE_AI_STATE_AGGRESSIVE) then base.sentAggressiveGroups = base.sentAggressiveGroups + 1 end else local kamikazeThreshold = Squad.calculateKamikazeSettlerThreshold(foundUnits) if base.stateAI == BASE_AI_STATE_SIEGE then kamikazeThreshold = kamikazeThreshold * 2.5 end squad.kamikaze = Universe.random() < kamikazeThreshold base.sentExpansionGroups = base.sentExpansionGroups + 1 Universe.builderCount = Universe.builderCount + 1 end squad.rabid = Universe.random() < 0.03 Universe.groupNumberToSquad[squad.groupNumber] = squad modifyBaseUnitPoints(base, -cost, name, squadPosition.x, squadPosition.y) end function Squad.formSettlers(chunk) deploySquad("Settler", chunk, AI_SETTLER_COST, false, false) end function Squad.formVengenceSettler(chunk) deploySquad("Vengence Settler", chunk, AI_VENGENCE_SETTLER_COST, true, false) end function Squad.formSquads(chunk) deploySquad("Squad", chunk, AI_SQUAD_COST, false, true) end function Squad.formVengenceSquad(chunk) deploySquad("Vengence Squad", chunk, AI_VENGENCE_SQUAD_COST, true, true) end function Squad.init(universe) Universe = universe Queries = universe.squadQueries if Queries then TargetPosition = Queries.targetPosition SearchPath = Queries.searchPath end end SquadG = Squad return Squad