--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1.1.5 Date: 23. 11. 2021 Bugfixes: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1.1.4 Date: 25. 07. 2021 Tweaks: - Added mod setting to modify distance between factions - Added mod settings for debug values around faction mutation Bugfixes: - Fixed factions being added to damage table incorrectly --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1.1.3 Date: 24. 07. 2021 Bugfixes: - Account for optional Rampant new enemies - Corrected testing value --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1.1.2 Date: 24. 07. 2021 Features: - Rampant new enemies now adapt to the damage type they are killed with Tweaks: - Reduced default max number of active squads to 25 and active builders to 10 - Added kux ion cannon optional dependency in info.json --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1.1.1 Date: 02. 05. 2021 Contributions: - Dagothur fixed factions removed mid-playthrough causing crash - Dagothur fixed aggressive ai state not creating attack groups --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1.1.0 Date: 29. 04. 2021 Contributions: - Astorin removed old unused ru.cfg locale - Dagothur added a mod setting to print ai point gains to chat - Dagothur added a mod setting to print ai point usage to chat - Dagothur added a /rampantSetAIState to modify the ai state Improvements: - Increased ai baseline point accumulation based on temperament Tweaks: - Increased spitter and worm projectile size by 20% - Decreased spitter and worm projectile speed by ~40% - Increased baseline ai point accumulation for active nests by x3 - Increased baseline ai point accumulation at min and max temperament by 0.2 - Increased raid nest contribution to temperament by x2.7 - Increased siege chance at temperament above 50% by 50% - Decreased settler cost to ai by 33% - Increased base ai min and max duration by ~x1.8 - Increased biter base point gain by x3.5 - AI Siege state now tries to expand active spawners then raid spawners then all spawners Bugfixes: - Settlers not spawning as they should do to incorrect weighting on spawn locations - Fixed new enemies factions not mutating or upgrading structures over time - Spawners built on impassable chunks now get tracked properly --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1.0.9 Date: 21. 04. 2021 Bugfixes: - Surface tile changes using waterfill causing excess UPS usage --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1.0.8 Date: 16. 04. 2021 Contributions: - Dagothur has added a mod settings option for disabling the peaceful AI state of Rampant - Dagothur has added a mod settings option for displaying the Rampant state information on state change - Dagothur has added a tier level to new enemies names - Astorin has provided a corrected RU locale Improvements: - Added a debug map setting for AI temperament Tweaks: - Increased form group chance minimum by 100% and maximum by 75% Bugfixes: - Changed nest processing for siege state to work across all spawners not just active nests --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1.0.7 Date: 03. 04. 2021 Contributions: - Metallumere has added more distinct colors for each faction. - Metallumere has changed the names of sizes and some faction names to more common terms - Metallumere has increased attack speed of fast faction while keeping total DPS the same - Metallumere has increased movement speed of fast, nuclear, and suicide factions Tweaks: - Decreased Poison faction cloud damage by 25% - Increased suicide biters damage by 50% - Added scorchmark scaling to new enemies - Increased squad used chunks that are tracked by 30% - Reduced movement penalty on chunks added by squad movement by 50% - Increased minimum AI points allow for one settler group - Reworked AI point gain Bugfixes: - Fixed nocturnal biters mod setting description. As vanilla attacks have been integrated - Fixed missing locale for fire spitter acid pool - Fixed tooltip for suicide and nuclear biters - Fixed removing a faction mid play-through caused a crash - Fixed squads not getting commands processed every ticks - Fixed AI not gaining points at low levels of evolution - Fixed temperament not starting at 0.5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1.0.6 Date: 28. 03. 2021 Tweaks: - Increased max ai points by 24% - Added chance for normal migration at minimum temperament - Added raiding at medium-high temperament - Increased raiding chance at high temperament - Added a max temperament stage that is all raiding, onslaught, and siege - Increased active nest contribution to temperament by 38% Bugfixes: - Fixed ion cannon event typo in points - Fixed suicide biters explosions being lots of small explosions to one big explosion - Fixed unit movement resolution modifer being to low to path effectively - Fixed range_mode not being set on new enemies for bounding box to bounding box --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1.0.4 Date: 28. 02. 2021 Bugfixes: - Fixed multipler not being defined above 0.9 evolution - Fixed nil indexing on unit group creation --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1.0.3 Date: 06. 02. 2021 Improvements: - AI temperament logic now will calm down after you destroy enough units and/or nests - Rampant now functions on all surfaces - Rampant no longer clears surface information on mod changes - Added a temperament modifer setting to adjust how quickly the ai will reach extremes in attacking and expansion. Tweaks: - Increased minimum points the AI can work with to 200 - Reduced spitter range by 2 across all new enemy tiers - Increased spitter projectile collision box by 5x - Decreased movement debuff from spitter acid puddle by roughly 70% - Decreased acid pool sticker damage by 50% - Decreased suicide biter damage 90% and radius by roughly 50% - Decreased nuclear biter damage 90% - Decreased default max wave size to 75 units - Increased evolution requirement for suicide and nuclear biters to 20% and 45% - Decreased squad size ramp up to evolution_factor^1.4 - Increased unit lost temperament contribution to 0.03 - Decreased active spawner temperament contribution to 0.25 - Increased builder squad cost to 400 - Decreased siege ai state chance to 15% at peak temperament - Halved AI temperament rate of change - Increased ai state duration minimum to 10 and maximum to 25 minutes - Changed default enemy seed to non-zero Bugfixes: - Fixed suicide and nuclear enemies explosion centered on target instead self - Fixed process spawners function reading missing globals - Fixed potential desync in squad attack movement - Fixed potential desync in unit group creation event - Fixed potential desync in building native tables - Fixed find entity upgrade incorrectly calculating evolution - Fixed bug with the mod new game+ - Fixed existing spawner upgrading in place over time - Fixed add wall acid resistance setting would overwrite higher resistance and not effect gates --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1.0.2 Date: 06. 12. 2020 Improvements: - Added setting for enabling fade time of corpses Bugfixes: - Fixed missing fade time for spawners --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1.0.1 Date: 19. 10. 2020 Contributions: - Astorin added RU locale - oralordos updated Rampant to Factorio 1.1.0 - oralordos added support for Krastorio2 creep Tweaks: - AI Temperament per logic cycle normalized to full contribution - Increased active raid nest contribution to 0.00675 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 1.0.0 Date: 18. 10. 2020 Improvements: - Added spawner creep from vanilla to Rampant spawners and worms - Added nuclear biters atomic shockwave - Added corpse expiration time setting in mod settings Tweaks: - Increased active raid nest contribution to AI temperament to 0.0075 - Reduced destroyed player buildings effect on AI temperament to 5 - Reduced destroyed enemy buildings effect on AI temperament to 5 - Increased minimum logic cycle contribution change to AI temperament to 10% - Increased units to spawn around new enemy spawners by 6 and units owned by 2 - Added caching to goto_location command Bugfixes: - Missing EN locale for acid pool on vanilla worm and spitter attack - Temporary unit group size check on build command to prevent infinite loop until factorio 1.1 is released - Fixed mod settings ordering for hive settings Optimizations: - Removed ai command completed event as cost was too high --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.18.17 Date: 08. 07. 2020 Improvements: - Re-added siege toggle Tweaks: - Reduced Purple cloud damage by 72.5% Bugfixes: - Purple cloud triggering before builders arrived - Fixed factorio base update breaking slow sticker Framework: - Fixed spelling mistake in code - Fixed duplicate definition of loot in spawner utils --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.18.16 Date: 27. 04. 2020 Bugfixes: - Fixed landmines being removed after arming --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.18.15 Date: 25. 04. 2020 Bugfixes: - Fixed score resources nil neighborChunk - Fixed unit group gathering force and squad check --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.18.14 Date: 25. 04. 2020 Bugfixes: - Tile placement fixed --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.18.13 Date: 16. 04. 2020 Improvements: - Added neutral objects to scanning to decrease chunk rating based on number of things present - Swapped to ai command completed for unit movements - Added effect when spawners build to destroy build site - Integrated vanilla AI into Rampant for pollution management - Map processing sweep now does and forward and reverse pass - Better handling of death pheromone and squad coordination - Added support for script_raised_set_tiles - Added setting option for max squads active - Added setting option for max settlers active Tweaks: - Increased Victory scent to x10 pheromone value - Reduced active raid nest contribution to AI state to 0.002 - Changed ai credits per rocket launched to 5000 - Refactored calculateKamikazeThreshold based on member count and current evolution - Reduced enemy unit lost contribution to AI state to 0.001 - Reduced RETREAT_MOVEMENT_PHEROMONE_LEVEL_MAX to 190000 - Removed lite mode setting - Removed disable vanilla ai setting Bugfixes: - fixed add movement penalty not using squad chunk - fixed landfill and waterfill getting registered properly - fixed surface filter queries grabbing player buildings that didn't have a collision mask - fixed worm icon in kill stats - fixed units not counting for ai state shift Optimizations: - Cleaned up regroup squads - Cleaned up invalid group detection - Minimized use of group.members - Changed how settlers remove entities around build sites - Split map processing and unit group creation - Refactored pheromone map --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.18.11 Date: 13. 04. 2020 Improvements: - Groups stolen from vanilla AI can now become settlers based on ai state - AI now gains extra credits based on the number of spawners in pollution Tweaks: - Increased chance to 45% for both attack and settle on a map processing logic cycle - Squads and settlers created per map scan capped at 7 Bugfixes: - fixed script_raised_destroy not being pass to the onDeath handler - fixed SENTINEL_IMPASSABLE_CHUNK not being defined in base entity upgrade handler - fixed rapid in squad defense to rabid (Thanks to jnshi) - fixed squads being able to record movement penalties for SENTINEL_IMPASSABLE_CHUNK - fixed squads being able to be added to SENTINEL_IMPASSABLE_CHUNK - fixed new unit scalers now have a minimum of 0.0001 - fixed tile changes using surface index instead of surface name - fixed squad cap due to spawning not taking into account pending squads --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.18.10 Date: 04. 04. 2020 Bugfixes: - fixed gameSurfaces not being set after adding game surfaces by upgrade --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.18.9 Date: 03. 04. 2020 Bugfixes: - gameSurfs crash on game upgrade --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.18.8 Date: 03. 04. 2020 Improvements: - Rampant now has a mechanism to drain pollution around spawners as before they were filling up and stopped absorbing pollution. Bugfixes: - Spawner pollution proxies being counted against enemy force spawner evolution --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.18.7 Date: 03. 04. 2020 Improvements: - Added logic for switching active surfaces and Rampant alerting when players enter new surfaces. Rampant can only handle one active surface still. Tweaks: - Spawners periodically spawn lower level units at higher evolutions - Reduced player pheromone cloud range by half (Player threshold setting from 7 to 20) Bugfixes: - Remove second info.json dependency entry for Rampant Resources - Remove desync warning message from biters affected by tiles as it was fixed in factorio 0.18.16 - Fixed biter, spitters, worms, and spawner icons --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.18.6 Date: 25. 03. 2020 Tweaks: - Changed setting default to true for units affected by tile as factorio 0.18.16 fixes the desync issue - AI now has a minimum number of points that it can always accrue up to (100) - Buffed Rampant Enemies biter close range damage by 70% for all tiers - Nerfed Rampant Enemies spitter damage by 75% for all tiers - Nerfed Rampant Enemies electric biter damage by 40% - Nerfed Rampant Enemies worm damage by taking the spitter damage range and multipling by 3 - Nerfed damage for vanilla blockable projectile by roughly 50% for all tiers - Added a warmup pause for spitters to spit (30 ticks tier 1, 20 ticks tier 10) - Added cooldown deviation to Rampant Enemies - Reduced stdDev of Rampant enemies attributes to 17% - Reduced minimum of Rampant enemies attributes to 70% - Added a min_attack_distance to new Rampant enemies spitters - Added 0.18.18 new death effects for Rampant enemies Bugfixes: - Squads size correctly scales with evolution now. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.18.5 Date: 14. 3. 2020 Improvements: - Added on hit damage for biters include filter for fire Tweaks: - Increased range of visible size of enemy units - Full map scan has been re-enabled by default to ensure eventual map consistency - Decreased sticker movement speed reduction and removed friction modifier from vehicle - Vehicles are less slowed then the character on foot for stickers - Added setting to enable units affected_by_tiles (As of 0.18.15, this setting can cause desyncs) Bugfixes: - Fixed splash damage with friendly fire disabled not affecting neutral objects - Fixed rally flag being set by the wrong function - Fixed mod settings getting recalculated for rampant arsenal and rampant resources - Fixed desyncs around units having affected_by_tiles set to true (boskid) Optimizations: - Combined enemy structure query in full map scan --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.18.4 Date: 2. 2. 2020 Improvements: - Unit groups created by factorio when shelling spawners are now converted to Rampant squads Bugfixes: - Re-added removed settings that were actual used with Rampant - Potential squad getting stuck on impassable terrain --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.18.3 Date: 1. 2. 2020 Improvements: - Fixed scaler settings not applying to worms or unit spawners - Added scaler settings for hives Tweaks: - Increased Hive spawn times by 1.75 Bugfixes: - Removed settings that were unused with Rampant - Fixed removing factions during play --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.18.2 Date: 1. 2. 2019 Contributions: - RuZZone - Updated to 18.2 fixing engine breaking changes Improvements: - Added blood effects on damaged for new enemies - Added water reflections for new biters and spitters Bugfixes: - Fixed blood fountains not finding updated particles - removed water effect from blood particles - Reduced pollution to attack for vanilla AI on Rampant New Enemies --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.17.32 Date: 24. 12. 2019 Contributions: - Billbo99 - Energy thief crystal next_upgrade was not getting set to nil. Bugfixes: - script_raised_revive was not being listened for (AMCH0507) (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Rampant/discussion/5e02758ead17f4000c086b7b) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.17.31 Date: 19. 12. 2019 Tweaks: - Added setting to revert enemy map color change --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.17.30 Date: 17. 12. 2019 Bugfixes: - Hive buildings not getting swapped out correctly - Hive and Spawner spawning cooldown was using wrong start and end values --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.17.29 Date: 15. 12. 2019 Optional Graphics: - New Hi and Low resolution graphics for Troll and Physical Factions biters, armored biters (Thanks to CybranM, requires downloading separate mod Armoured Biters) Features: - Hives that can produce unit spawners, turrets, or more hives. Typically appear on resources patches. Improvements: - Pathfinding now looks two steps ahead - Squad formation now has a gathering delay to allow all members to make the initial group - Better tracking of squads on chunks to accommodate the two step path finding - Collision checker for squads and squad movement from a container to a unit - Attack waves should generate more localized squad formations, so that biters appear to attack from all sides less - New AI temperament system - Spawner pollution coverage detection - Acid biter melee attack now leaves acid puddle Tweaks: - Reduced size of new enemy lower tiers - Onslaught AI setting and aiAggressiveness setting removed - Increased minimum unit count for a retreat from 3 to 6 - Biters and Spitters now are affected by tile modifiers - Nerfed inferno spitter fire damage and duration to reasonable levels - Buffed suicide biters damage and health - Nerfed poison biters cloud damage and duration - Added blood color to match new enemy color - Added blood explosions to each new enemy - Nuclear biters have more visual explosions - Changed poison biter death cloud to be generated using dying_trigger_effect - Reduced sticker damage and duration everywhere - Switched general spit projectile from direction only to positional targeting - Added spit projectile stickers to tooltip - Default for new enemies spit projectile stickers damage reduced by half - Spawner spitter and worm eggs now damage the immediate area around the egg - Acid pools no longer cause friendly fire - Prioritize settler group creation over attack squads - Biter faction color should match map color now - Increased unit spawner spawning time by 3x Optimizations: - Better object reuse for squad and pending attack, creating less garbage - Trimmed table creation where possible - Regrouping squads and builder clean up put onto separate intervals - Reusing chunk scanner tables Bugfixes: - Fixed spawner egg and wasp size being larger than intended - Fixed old savegames penalties having nil chunk index - Fixed that mining a resource by hand unregister all remaining resource on a tile - Fixed pheromone dispersal not following pathing restrictions - Fixed chunk scan and player building pheromone generator mismatch - Fixed ai credits being uncapped and accumulating more than Max Credits available for that evolution level - Fixed retreating squads being adding to squad set multiple times - Fixed retreating squads not waiting long enough to assemble all units before movement - Fixed spitter max projectile range could cause a spitter to attack but not hit a target - Fixed non retreating group formation not having a distraction modifier - Fixed icon size not being set energy thief drain crystal - Fixed new enemies attacks following naming levels instead effective levels - New spawner enemies color mask should fit much better now - Fixed blood particle size not increasing with tiers - Fixed enemy volume not changing based on tier - Fixed Nuclear and Suicide spawners instantly spawning low level units - Fixed Physical and troll spawner and worm scales - Fixed chunk processing not checking chunk generation status Framework: - Bobs enemies and Natural Evolution Enemies no longer able to be active with Rampant's new enemies - Cleaned up new enemy creation - Dropped support for 5 tier new enemy configuration - Changed default blood particle removal optimization to off - Added interop function that allows other mods to set the active surface for the AI processing License: - License change from Apache2 to CC BY-NC 4.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.17.28 Date: 8. 17. 2019 Bugfixes: - Fixed uninitialized enemy seed lookup --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.17.27 Date: 8. 16. 2019 Bugfixes: - Fixed settle move position error - Fixed gaussianRandom having min greater than max causing hangs --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.17.26 Date: 5. 14. 2019 Contributions: - Choumiko - Added event hooks for script_built and script_destroyed events Optimizations: - Disabled full map scan by default in favor of script_built and script_destroyed events. If a mod does not use these events and creates or destroys entities through scripts, you may need to re-enable this feature in the mod map settings under Compatibility: enable full map scan. Improvements: - Added a check for script created resources in the script_built and script_destroyed events - When a squad is destroyed its last few chunk moves now receive a portion of the death generator pheromone from the chunk they died on Tweaks: - Removed unused mapping tables - Chunk properties now use <= instead of == when checking for minimum allowed values - Increased death pheromone generator amount to 1300 - Increased retreat levels by 30% - Increased raiding base activition threshold to 550 - Decreased minimum cooldown time for attack waves in aggressive state to 30 seconds - Reduced all player generator values by half Bugfixes: - Memory leak with settlers last tick map - Multiple version of chunks where in the processing queue causing double processing issues with a duplicate context --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.17.25 Date: 5. 8. 2019 Improvements: - Added lite mode which causes the mod to run with a lower UPS cost by making the ai scan and process the game map slower Tweaks: - Reduced default spitter projectile AOE damage by 25% - Added default spitter projectile direct damage for 1/3 damage of AOE, spitters don't get stopped by trees now with friendly fire disabled - Renamed nest to spawner in unit-spawner prototypes - Normalized player building pheromone generation into six groups 50, 200, 1000, 2000, 3500, 12000 - Increased player process tick interval to 63 Optimizations: - Refactored player building scoring --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.17.24 Date: 5. 3. 2019 Improvements: - Added interop functions for getSettlerCooldown and getSettlerWaveSize Tweaks: - Increased spitter projectile acceleration to 0.02 - Increased spitter projectile starting speed to 0.6 - Added projectile lead with default spitter and worm projectiles - Switched to water-tile collision mask in chunk scanning for surface queries - Added checks to spitter puddles on water so they dont happen - Reduced the settler standard deviation to 1/3 of the wave size Bugfixes: - Fixed settler cooldown increasing with evolution as opposed to decreasing --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.17.23 Date: 4. 30. 2019 Tweaks: - Added support for lighted-big-poles for safety Bugfixes: - Fixed interop register unit group not actually registering new squad --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.17.22 Date: 4. 24. 2019 Tweaks: - Normalized unit 10 tier evolution spawns ((1, 0%) -> (2, 30%) -> (3, 40%) -> (4, 50%) -> (5, 60%) -> (6, 70%) -> (7, 80%) -> (8, 85%) -> (9, 90%) -> (10, 93%)) - Normalized unit 5 tier evolution spawns ((1, 0%) -> (2, 40%) -> (3, 60%) -> (4, 70%) -> (5, 90%)) - Decreased default new enemy physical decrease for (level, newVal) (1, 1) (3, 3) (7, 8) (8, 10) - Changed default unit tiers to 10 - Changed aggressive AI state to spawn unit groups with 1 to 3 minutes between groups, (raid, onslaught, siege, and migration still can mass spawn) Bugfixes: - Fixed random tick generator not being uniform over provided range - Fixed AI migration state not respecting peaceful surfaces --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.17.21 Date: 4. 21. 2019 Bugfixes: - Fixed 1 and 2 levels of biters instantly spawning due to 0 spawn time modifier --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.17.20 Date: 4. 19. 2019 Improvements: - Spawner faction spit spawned biters now lose life over time - Added mod setting that causes biter projectiles to no longer collide with other biters but still collides everything else Tweaks: - Doubled all spawner faction spit spawned biters health (30,60,90,120,150,180,220,500,1000,2000) Bugfixes: - Fixed unkillable construction robot settings not clearing and setting new resistance table --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.17.19 Date: 4. 08. 2019 Bugfixes: - Fixed energy thief faction buildings not being hidden from filter bar --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.17.18 Date: 4. 08. 2019 Bugfixes: - Fixed missing mod variables due to an internal update not taking place --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.17.17 Date: 4. 07. 2019 Improvements: - When settlers start building they will clear the immediate area of colliding neutral objects - Added initial pause when forming squads allowing members time to group Bugfixes: - Fixed settlers groups being in a finished state when building --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.17.16 Date: 4. 07. 2019 Tweaks: - Reduced biter AoE damage by 25% - Added biter direct target damage in the amount of 1/3 of the AoE damage - Reduced the average distance settlers travel by 50% Bugfixes: - Fixed biters not being able to kill neutral objects --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.17.15 Date: 4. 06. 2019 Tweaks: - Split enable swarm setting and shrink nest + worm Bugfixes: - Fixed mod setting breathing and enable swarm not using correct valueu --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.17.14 Date: 4. 05. 2019 Improvements: - Added mod setting to directly affect ai aggressiveness - Added mod setting to toggle construction bot and logistic being immune to all damage - Killing spawners cause the ai to gain points to spawn up to 1 squads per nest - Killing worms cause the ai to gain points to spawn up to 0.5 squads per worm Tweaks: - Increased new enemies default scale for levels 7+ by 0.2 - Increased new enemies troll and physical scale for levels 6+ by 0.2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.17.13 Date: 3. 28. 2019 Bugfixes: - Fixed bobs and NE find non colliding error --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.17.12 Date: 3. 27. 2019 Improvements: - Changed new enemy unit spawning probabilities to follow a gaussian distribution over the level of the nest, so lower level nest spawn lower level enemies longer. - Increased new enemy building spacing Tweaks: - Added a collision box reduction to all nests and worm turrets of 50% on the mod setting Enable the Swarm. Bugfixes: - Fixed spitter pollution to attack numbers --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.17.10 Date: 3. 17. 2019 Bugfixes: - Fixed vanilla spawner autoplace requirement - Fixed unit spawner breath setting only working if new enemies is checked --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.17.9 Date: 3. 16. 2019 Improvements: - Updated spit graphics to 0.17 version - Updated spit effects and damages to 0.17 vanilla - Allow mod settings toggle between blockable and unblockable projectiles for vanilla - Switched wasp drones to blockable projectiles - Added AOE to melee attacks based on size - Switch new enemies over to acid splash from vanilla - Updated stickers to work on vehicles - Added lead targeting to inferno biters - Added acid puddle slowdown from vanilla as default spitter attack effect - Added damaging acid puddle slowdown from vanilla as default worm attack effect - Added damaging acid puddle slowdown from vanilla on acid faction Tweaks: - Removed bob blockable projectile logic - Removed force old projectiles setting option - Changed color of spawner egg and wasp drone - Added better explosion effect to troll and physical worms - Increased on wasp range from spitter by 6 Bugfixes: - Fixed troll spitters having a homing projectile - Fixed spitters changing color when attacking - Fixed biter attacks getting bonuses from player research - Fixed suicide biter level 9 and 10 wouldn't die when they attacked - Fixed physical and troll worm turrets having incorrect health values - Fixed physical and troll nests having incorrect health values - Fixed more damage then expected on enemy projectiles --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.17.8 Date: 3. 14. 2019 Improvements: - Added some basic description of the faction to the mod settings description for each faction - Added rough approximation of health per tier to mod settings start and end tiers - Updated enemy variations description to better describe what it does for randomness per tier Tweaks: - Increased spawner egg life 2-10 (100->120, 110->120, 110->170, 120->170, 120->200, 130->200, 130->250, 140->300, 140->350) Bugfixes: - Fixed spelling from 0.17.12 factorio - Fixed upcoming emissions_per_tick to emissions_per_second --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.17.7 Date: 3. 12. 2019 Improvements: - Added setting for unit spawners breathing air to allow poison capsules to affect them --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.17.6 Date: 3. 12. 2019 Improvements: - Reworked base upgrade system Tweaks: - Increased max evolution level for new biters from 95% to 97% - Decreased distance to evolution from 1/7200 to 1/9600 - Normalized evolution requirement for Neutral faction 1-9 (0.08->0, 0.16->0.1, 0.24->0.2, 0.35->0.3, 0.4->0.4, 0.45->0.5, 0.55->0.6, 0.65->0.7, 0.75->0.8) - Increased evolution requirement for levels 2+ by 2% per tier on Acid, Electric, Fire, Laser, Physical - Increased evolution requirement for levels 2+ by 5% per tier on Energy Thief, Inferno, Poison, Troll, Wasp - Increased evolution requirement for levels 2+ by 7% per tier on Nuclear, Spawner, Suicide - readded acid splash purple for spitter attacks Bugfixes: - Fixed nest and worms incorrectly being upgraded resulting in lost entities - Fixed NE and Bobs faction alignments being correctly selected --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.17.5 Date: 3. 10. 2019 Improvements: - Added robot on pre cliff destroy to invoke a passability scan on the chunk Bugfixes: - Fixed cliff explosive error due to removed code fragment - Fixed expansion being forced on for testing - Fixed process scan chunk process removing potentially incorrect chunk from processing --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.17.4 Date: 3. 5. 2019 Improvements: - Increased chunk processing from 825 to 1020 chunks - Settler groups now occasionally disregard everything to reach a spot to build a base, instead of attacking player or buildings - Reworked attack move commands and settle move commands Tweaks: - Reduced full chunk scan threshold for water from 0.4 to 0.25 - Removed old map path finder settings - Added new find position centered flag to positions searches - Adjusted new enemy worm ranges to vanilla levels - Added kill_all_units on first add with new enemies for nest and worm space - Increased migration ai state to 10% - Removed attack wave message - Decreased max squads from 40 to 35 - Increased squad movement penalty from 10000 to 300000 - Balanced squad movement distance between straight and diagonals - Increased find path location entity size to 2x2 for better position resolution - Added exponential growth to squad movement penalties Optimizations: - Improved squad processing and squad cleanup - Refactored chunk utilities - Refactored unit group utilities Bugfixes: - Fixed player pheromone not having highest value on chunk player was on - Fixed settlers not being able to see chunks with resources on them - Fixed retreat command not disengaging biters - Fixed Poison faction poison death cloud crash - Fixed new enemies newly built settlements not creating nests or worms - Fixed find new enemy faction base by distance - Fixed base recycling - Fixed base alignment deadzone ttl and usage - Fixed squad movement penalty lookup - Fixed orphaned unit group recycling - Fixed retreat scoring causing retreat location to be on player buildings --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.17.3 Date: 2. 28. 2019 Bugfixes: - Fixed NE enemies version numbering change --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.17.2 Date: 2. 27. 2019 Bugfixes: - Readded renamed or missing assets --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.17.1 Date: 2. 27. 2019 Bugfixes: - Fixed bobs enemies integration --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.17.0 Date: 2. 26. 2019 Improvements: - Added thumbnail Tweaks: - Updated to 0.17 - Synced worm vanilla to worm template - Synced spawner vanilla to spawner template - Changed ground shakes warning message to off by default - For now, acid-splash-purple replaced explosion Bugfixes: - Require statement path changes - Removed unused chunk scanner entity causing load errors - Removed acid splash spitter and worm decal as it no longer exist - Fixed 0.17.2 hide-from-bonus-gui --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.42 Date: 2. 18. 2019 Improvements: - Reworked how nests are activated by pollution, player, and base pheromone for better nest tracking - Reworked chunk passability to only look for water or cliffs for impassable terrain - Removed use pollution map setting - Removed min and max attack threshold settings Tweaks: - Increased max squad count from 30 to 40 Bugfixes: - Reverted pheromone projection - Reverted settings default player threshold to 7 - Fixed radial pattern sort not being trigger on map rebuild --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.41 Date: 2. 18. 2019 Note: - Enemy level maxes have changed what was 10 is now roughly equal to 8 Tweaks: - Added energy thief crystal and pylon physical resistance 25% - Increased crystal pylon health from 150 to 750 - Decreased electric and energy thiefs faction damages (7->6, 15->10, 22.5->15, 35->20, 45->30, 60->45, 75->60, 90->75, 150->90, 200->150) - Decreased energy thief beam width (1.5->1, 1.5->1, 1.6->1.2, 1.6->1.2, 1.7->1.3, 1.7->1.3, 1.8->1.4, 1.8->1.4, 1.9->1.5, 1.9->1.5) - Decreased energy thief range (11->9, 11->9, 12->10, 12->10, 13->11, 13->11, 14->12, 14->12, 15->13, 15->13) - Decreased crystal pylon resistances for fire, electric, laser from 100, 100, 100 to 85, 95, 90 - Added energy drain to crystal pylon of 500kW - Increased drain crystal drain amount from 300kW per tier to 1.3MW - Increased drain crystal health from 100 per tier to 400 per tier - Increased all biter default health for levels 5 to 10 (400->1000, 750->2000, 1500->3500, 3000->7500, 5000->15000, 10000->30000) - Increased physical and troll biter default health for levels 5 to 10 (800->1500, 1500->3000, 3000->5000, 6000->12000, 10000->20000, 20000->40000) - Increased all spitter default health for levels 5 to 10 (750->1250, 1000->2250, 1500->3250, 2500->6500, 4500->12500, 7000->25000) - Increased all nests default health for levels 5 to 10 (2500->3500, 3500->7500, 5000->11000, 7000->20000, 10000->30000, 15000->45000) - Increased all worms default health for levels 5 to 10 (750->2000, 1000->3500, 1500->7500, 3000->12000, 5000->20000, 9000->25000) - Increased nuclear and suicide biter faction health for levels 9 to 10 (3000->5000, 5000->10000) - Increased spawner spawned biter faction health for levels 8 to 10 (145->250, 165->500, 180->1000) Bugfixes: - Fixed a chance that connecting wires on entity death has invalid target - Fixed electric turret not being counted for energy thief conversion - Fixed pylons not being targeted by turrets --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.40 Date: 2. 16. 2019 Bugfixes: - Switched to numeric value to represent scoring functions --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.39 Date: 2. 15. 2019 Bugfixes: - Reset squad scoring functions and set default scoring function - Switched to single instance require statements causing multiple sentinel memory objects --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.38 Date: 2. 14. 2019 Bugfixes: - Fixed squad attack being nil due to timing delay in update --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.37 Date: 2. 10. 2019 Improvements: - Added the energy thief faction that will convert powered player structure into electric draining crystals - Added the poison faction that when killed creates a damaging toxic cloud - Removed unnecessary grouping mechanism when spawner eggs produce units - Added individual base faction ai to manage base development - During onslaught ai state player building destroyed by biters credits x10 to the biters - Increased dispersion projection of pheromone by 20% allowing for further pathing - Reworked squad attack scoring to better account for death pheromone - Squads that kamikaze may now occasionally disregard death pheromone - Maintain sorted chunk array for processing in a radial pattern from origin - Hide spawner drones from the bonus gui screen Tweaks: - Increased resource pheromone min from 9000 to 15000 - Increased resource pheromone max from 10000 to 20000 - Increased retreat pheromone min from 1000 to 10000 - Increased retreat pheromone max from 17000 to 170000 - Increased player pheromone multipler from 500 to 2500 - Increased bad squad movement penalty from 4000 to 10000 - Increased death pheromone generator from 125 to 750 - Increased victory pheromone by x3 - Decreased death pheromone generator persistance from 0.995 to 0.9 - Decreased death pheromone persistance from 0.99 to 0.975 - Removed arbitrary player gen multipler in retreat scoring function - Increased default setting of player score attack contribution from 7 to 16 - Added minor resistance to poison to acid faction - Added minor resistance to laser to electric faction - Added minor resistance to explosion to fast faction - Added minor resistance to electric to laser faction - Added major resistance to explosion to physical faction - Added minor resistance to poison to suicide faction - Added minor resistance to physical to troll faction - Added minor resistance to explosion to troll faction - Added minor weakness to poison to inferno faction - Added minor weakness to laser to physical faction - Added minor weakness to electric to physical faction - Increased general biters physical decrease for levels 7 - 10, (10->11,12->13,14->16,15->17) - Increased general biters physical percent for levels 7 - 10, (13->14,13->16,14->18,15->20) - Increased general biters explosion decrease for levels 6 - 10, (0->10,10->12,12->14,14->16,15->20) - Increased general biters explosion percent for levels 6 - 10, (12->13,13->15,13->16,14->17,15->20) - Added general spitters physical decrease for levels 1 - 10, (0,0,0,0,2,4,6,8,10,12) - Added general spitters physical percent for levels 1 - 10, (0,0,0,10,12,12,14,14,15,15) - Decreased base spawner upgrade from 300 to 250 - Decreased base worm upgrade from 250 to 200 - Removed evolution requirement rounding for bobs spawners and ne spawners Bugfixes: - Fixed pheromone dispersion when non-cardinal directions receiving pheromone when it shouldn't - Fixed ai states of migrating and seige when expansion is disabled on the map instead onslaught state happens 10% more in place - Fixed retreat score function not using correct player multiplier - Fixed kamikaze flag being removed on merged group if mergee group didn't have kamikaze --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.36 Date: 2. 5. 2019 Improvements: - Integrated nocturnal mode with siege, migration, and raiding states so they work together now. - Swapped scoring function when in siege mode causing the biter lines to actually advance now. - Added Onslaught AI state where ai gets 2x credits per logic cycle Tweaks: - Reverted nest upgrade chance to 0.05% - Increased Biter credits per destroyed building by 10% after fixing 10x credit bug - Increased settler unit groups standard deviation by roughly 30% - Increased death pheromone persistance from 0.975 to 0.995 Bugfixes: - Fix for squad movement penalties not be boosted alongside building pheromone causes units to repeat movement into chunks more frequently than needed - Fix for biter getting 10x credits for destroying buildings causing relentless onslaughts. - Fix Siege spelling - Updated retreat chunk scoring function to use negative for player and player base generator --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.35 Date: 2. 1. 2019 Improvements: - Added options to toggle new enemy factions - Randomized base alignment array with map seed so faction distribution changes from map to map - Added a setting to disable siege ai state, which may have been causing extra non pollution biter movements Tweaks: - Added upgrade path for neutral faction to laser resist faction - Removed upgrade path from electric biters to laser resist faction - Increased nest upgrade chance from 0.05% to 1.5% Bugfixes: - Fix for base upgrade framework to leveling nests correctly due to rounding errors in floating percision for lookup - Fix for migration toggle setting not preventing the ai migration state - Fix for entity upgrades allowing for a evolution decrease instead of start from current evolution requirement --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.34 Date: 10. 19. 2018 Improvements: - Reworked dispersion to process pheromone in two phases. - Switch to all adjacent neighbors instead of cardinal neighbors for dispersion Tweaks: - Reduced chunks process per interval from 400 to 300 - Increased building pheromone generator by 10x - Reduced Retreat pheromone max level from 20000 to 17000 - Reduced Retreat pheromone min level from 1500 to 1000 - Increased death generator from 75 to 125 - Increased movement persistence from 0.875 to 0.975 - Increased player persistence from 0.98 to 0.97 - Increased resource persistence from 0.99 to 0.97 Bugfixes: - Fix for unit groups not being able to move off of impassable terrain - Fix for incorrect variable name in interop --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.33 Date: 9. 25. 2018 Improvements: - Reworked how death pheromone sticks to terrain and how long it is active for Optimizations: - Reduced in memory map footprint increasing save speed Bugfixes: - Fix for unit groups getting stuck in random locations - Fix for unit retreats causing excessive retreats due to inverted comparison - Fix for unit groups not creating new settlements --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.32 Date: 8. 1. 2018 Improvements: - Raiding AI Toggle - toggles the ai raiding parties from outside your pollution cloud - Added a check for waterfill to trigger pass ability scan on affected chunks Tweaks: - Lowered base alignment selection threshold from 0.65 to 0.35, causing more variation in the later stages of the game for factions - Lowered upgrade entity selection threshold from 0.65 to 0.35, causing more variation in the later stages of the game for spawners and worms Bugfixes: - Invalid surface index for creative mode blueprinted tiles - Surface tile change event wasn't correctly accounting active surface - Normalized evolution requirements so when starting at a higher enemy level they are placed at the correct starting distances - Fixed NEE compatibility - Version upgrade map rebuild will no longer reapply deadzones - Parenthesis in the wrong spot in pheromone dispersal algorithm - Moved AI toggles to map settings instead of startup settings - Changing new biter settings mid game no longer crashes the saves, still can cause entity loss --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.31 Date: 7. 19. 2018 Bugfixes: - MAJOR BUG: fixed typo in inverted filter for processing player buildings and enemy nests, which eventually lead to all aliens going inactive due to invalid targets [https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Rampant/discussion/5b48e84e1495c8000be8f961] - For changing start and end enemy level in relation to scaling value error [https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Rampant/discussion/5b4e37227ffb42000a2dc40d] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.30 Date: 6. 7. 2018 Improvements: - Raiding AI state nows requires an evolution of 0.04 before it can trigger Bugfixes: - Fixed fire biter nest size - Fixed Acid spitter resistances to be more inline with vanilla resistances - Fixed laser faction not having in-place evolution path from electric biters - Fixed range of unit levels being off by one, limiting the max units to level 9 only instead of 10 - Fixed missing wasp worm drone locale entry Tweaks: - Increased troll units scale +0.2 - Increased troll health regeneration for units by ~3x, spawners and worms by ~7x - Increased the lower attribute bound from 0.7 to 0.85 - Increased the base distance to evolution index ratio from (1 / 5480) to (1 / 7200) - Increased the chance that initial base alignment picks a lower tier alignment by 0.15 - Normalized all enemy faction attributes through the defaults, should be minor unit corrections Framework: - Refactored new enemy modules - Created default attributes for all unit, unit spawner, worms --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.29 Date: 6. 3. 2018 Tweaks: - Increased ai state min time from 1 to 7 minutes - Increased ai state max time from 4 to 17 minutes - Increased ai temperament min time from 5 to 25 minutes - Increased ai temperament max time from 15 to 32 minutes --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.28 Date: 6. 1. 2018 Bugfixes: - Fixed new enemies setting units and worms to different numbers for variations or tiers causing startup crash --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.27 Date: 5. 23. 2018 Tweaks: - Changed spawner faction loot drops from green to orange. - Changed attack prototype for wasps so it doesn't show up in bonuses bullet gui Improvements: - Changes to player accounting to enable multi player forces in a pvp scenario. - Check for battle_surface_1 & 2 used in pvp and store and use discovered surface index. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.26 Date: 5. 19. 2018 Bugfixes: - Fix for combination of NE and Bobs with non-standard mod settings in relation to alien artifacts. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.25 Date: 5. 19. 2018 Improvements: - Configuration options for scaling biter, spitter, worm, and nests stats by a scaler. Optimizations: - Switched passScore per chunk calculation to use the mutli filter query instead of individual calls for tile counts Bugfixes: - Changed how mod settings are set in memory to prevent missing unit crashes (https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?f=190&t=31445&start=320#p362819) - Cleaned up NE and Bobs detection - Fixed locale typo in deadZoneFrequency description from with to without(https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?f=190&t=31445&start=320#p363436) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.24 Date: 4. 14. 2018 Tweaks: - Reduced Inferno biters damage at levels 8+ Bugfixes: - Removed all conditional requires in data, data-update, and data-update-final --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.23 Date: 3. 1. 2018 Improvements: - Changed nuclear blast damage to scale with tiers and increased explosion count at higher tiers (https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?f=94&t=31445&start=260#p346147) Bugfixes: - Fix for bobs enemies and ne dumb projectiles (https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?f=94&t=31445&start=260#p345778) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.22 Date: 2. 18. 2018 Features: - AI State Migration, where the ai looks for resources patches to setup new bases - AI State Siege, where the ai does a migration event but also builds towards the player and their base - Default is vanilla AI is off by default now Tweaks: - Death pheromone persistance increased from 0.9 to 0.99 - Death pheromone per death increased from 600 to 3000 - Death Retreat threshold switched to linear interpolation between, 2.5 deaths @ 0%, 400 @ 100% evolution - Increased player pheromone weight for squad movement from 100 to 500 - Decreased victory scent multipler from 100000 to 10000 - Increased ai max stored points from 10000 to 12500 Improvements: - Added splitters to be detected by enemies - Added added a recycle waypoint threshold for paths that the unit seems to be stuck in a cycle Bugfixes: - Nests and worms not getting counted correctly when upgrading - Fixed getEntityOverlapping chunks returning more than it should have Framework: - Fixed exportaistate visualizer --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.21 Date: 2. 16. 2018 Improvements: - All other robots now take damage from biter projectiles and explosions (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Rampant/discussion/5a81bd380333a5000c939c7f) - Removed unnecessary squad roll during map processing Optimizations: - Switched over to the nth tick functions for logic and processing --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.20 Date: 2. 11. 2018 Improvements: - Removed squad movement penalty before disband - Combat robots now take damage from biter projectiles and explosions - Spawner biters are now put into groups after they are spawned - Changed pheromone spread to no longer take into account water tiles - Added enemy nests to the resource pheromone field as a negative weight Bugfixes: - Removed Deadzone nests and worms from the internal memory map - Fix for unit spawner scaling based on tier (Existing saves will have spawners overlap due to scale increase) - Removed movement from spawner egg sacks - Fixed local of worm spawner eggs Tweaks: - Increased damage spawner spitters take when shooting - Increased resource persistance from 0.9 to 0.99 - Increased base and resource dispersal from 0.3 to 0.35 - Increased resource generation range from a min of 90 to a min of 900 - Adjusted unit spawner collision and selection box - Reduced spawner biter size Optimizations: - Added property garbage collection for certain chunk properties Framework: - Fixed visualizer selection --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.19 Date: 2. 09. 2018 Features: - Blockable projectiles, most projectiles will be stop by walls and other objects - Rocket launches now agitate biters - Added Raiding phase where for a short period of time the ai triggers based on player base proximity for an attack wave to form Improvements: - Switched linear tier generation from rounding using ceiling to nearest number - Spawner faction spitters now degrade when attacking and check buildability for units to prevent infinite biter masses when attacking - Added a random roll to form biters during map processing to cause a more spread out squad formations Bugfixes: - Added check for null group (https://github.com/veden/Rampant/issues/16) - Added check for null alignment table (https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?f=94&t=31445&start=240#p342122) - Fix for adaptive factions only adapting one chunk of each faction instead of the whole faction Tweaks: - Changed Spawner baseline evolution requirement from 60 to 70% Framework: - Added interop function for registering unit groups from other mods for Rampant AI management --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.18 Date: 2. 05. 2018 Bugfixes: - Fixed the enemy naming so the enemy tiers can be changed without losing enemies (https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?f=94&t=31445&start=240#p340944) - Fixed bob enemies load error (https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?f=94&t=31445&start=240#p340897) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.17 Date: 2. 02. 2018 Features: - Added the Wasp faction, an enemy that throws smaller flying enemies - Added the Spawner faction, an enemy that throws egg sack that make biters Improvements: - Added setting to turn off most of the friendly fire for worm and spitter splash damage - Changed electric biters to target multiple entities with their beams at a time - Changed electric worms to shoot a projectile that explodes into an electrical cluster - Added settings for controlling what tier enemies start and end at - Changed laser spitters and worms to shoot a projectile that explodes into an laser cluster Bugfixes: - Added laser resistance to laser worms --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.16 Date: 1. 31. 2018 Improvements: - Added support for NE Buildings artifacts - Switched biter clump scanner to chunk based search for roughly constant performance Bugfixes: - Potential desync fix relating to squads - unitGroup being nil (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Rampant/discussion/5a72832d3b14f30009910dce) - Squads not being deallocated for chunks when group is no longer valid - Fix for 5 tier of units resulted in only the larva class Tweaks: - Increased player base pheromone generation by 10 times - Increased retreat threshold max from 10000 to 18000 - Increased the spread of player base pheromone from 0.25 to 0.30 (this is only for pathfinding) - Increased the generation of player pheromone from 150 to 300 - Increased the death pheromone from enemys from 500 to 600 - Increased the player aggro distance from 4 chunks to just over 5 chunks Framework: - Changing squads on a chunk to a map instead of an array --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.15 Date: 1. 29. 2018 Bugfixes: - Fixed NE and bobs integration Tweaks: - Increased base processing passes from every 5 to 2 seconds --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.14 Date: 1. 28. 2018 Bugfixes: - Fixed inverted check for bobs and ne (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Rampant/discussion/5a6ec83c1650e7000ee173b2) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.13 Date: 1. 28. 2018 Bugfixes: - Fixed load error for mod dependencies (https://github.com/veden/Rampant/issues/15) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.12 Date: 1. 28. 2018 Bugfixes: - Fixed an error where item could be nil (https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?f=94&t=31445&start=240#p339033) Improvements: - Added support for bobs and NE artifacts - Added options to include Bobs or NE as factions --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.11 Date: 1. 27. 2018 Bugfixes: - A a null check for nil'ed squad groups (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Rampant/discussion/5a6d09cb9a95f7000b165865) Improvements: - Added setting options for changing tiers and variations to allow for a smaller memory footprint --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.10 Date: 1. 27. 2018 Bugfixes: - Fixed missing function in surfaceTileChange call (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Rampant/discussion/5a6cf2ff68436500096b638b) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.9 Date: 1. 27. 2018 Bugfixes: - Fixed uninitialized kamikazeThreshold - Fixed that deadzones wouldn't expire allowing for resettling --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.8 Date: 1. 26. 2018 Bugfixes: - Fixed on_tick empty interval (https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?f=94&t=31445&start=220#p338531) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.7 Date: 1. 26. 2018 Improvements: - Reduced the number of trivial smoke created to 4 from ~20 Tweaks: - Turned off new enemies by default - Set default number of enemy variations per tier to 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.6 Date: 1. 25. 2018 Features: - Generated enemies for a large variety of things to battle - Evolving bases now get stronger over time and specialize their units - Creates areas clear of biters Bugfixes: - Fixed a cause where squads could get stuck on hard to pass terrain Tweaks: - Increased squad movement penalty before removal from 8000 to 10000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.5 Date: 1. 24. 2018 Bugfixes: - Fix from Pxanych for calculatekamikazethreshold passing table instead of a number --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.4 Date: 1. 23. 2018 Bugfixes: - Fix for invalid ai max squad variable reference --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.3 Date: 1. 13. 2018 Bugfixes: - Fixed creative mode tile wand robot error (https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?f=94&t=31445&start=220&hilit=rampant#p335574) - Fix from CyaNox for build tile positions to array of tiles change in factorio 0.16.17 Improvements: - Removed squad limit - Squads converted from vanilla control receive immediate kamikaze roll - Units not under a unit group, now get a kamikaze roll before being put into a retreating squad Optimizations: - Reworked squad regrouping to be surrounding chunks instead comparing against master list Framework: - Add squads to chunk map for faster location sensitive lookups --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.2 Date: 1. 2. 2018 Bugfixes: - Fixed invalid function call due to a function renaming --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.1 Date: 1. 1. 2018 Features: - Artillery shell impacts cause biter squads to form and prevents the single file line of retaliation - Unit spawners now rally troops when they die Improvements: - Cliffs and impassable areas due to object density have been added to the pathfinder - Terrain that is dynamically altered (landfilled, cleared of trees, cleared of cliffs) will be accounted for now - Added artillery turret to buildings that emit pheromones - Increased kamikaze frequency by increasing the chance to roll for Kamikaze from 70% to 100% Optimizations: - Switch scanning for cliffs, resources, and tiles to event based instead of polling - Reduced number of table allocations when working with squads Bugfixes: - fixed changelog so it shows up in-game interface - Added checks for correct surface before processing build events Framework: - Created visualler for viewing internal Rampant ai game state --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.16.0 Date: 13. 12. 2017 Tweaks: - Updated info.json Bugfixes: - Fixed broken icon size prototypes - Fixed create-smoke calls - Fixed perimeter to radius - Fixed smoke - Fixed missing fire tile properties