-- Copyright (C) 2022 veden -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. local tests = {} local constants = require("libs/Constants") local chunkUtils = require("libs/ChunkUtils") local chunkPropertyUtils = require("libs/ChunkPropertyUtils") function tests.chunkCount() local count = 0 for _,map in pairs(global.universe.maps) do count = count + #map.processQueue end print(count) end function tests.fillableDirtTest() local playerPosition = game.players[1].position local chunkX = math.floor(playerPosition.x * 0.03125) * 32 local chunkY = math.floor(playerPosition.y * 0.03125) * 32 game.get_surface(global.natives.activeSurface).set_tiles({{name="fillableDirt", position={chunkX-1, chunkY-1}}, {name="fillableDirt", position={chunkX, chunkY-1}}, {name="fillableDirt", position={chunkX-1, chunkY}}, {name="fillableDirt", position={chunkX, chunkY}}}, false) end function tests.tunnelTest() local playerPosition = game.players[1].position local chunkX = math.floor(playerPosition.x * 0.03125) * 32 local chunkY = math.floor(playerPosition.y * 0.03125) * 32 game.get_surface(global.natives.activeSurface).create_entity({name="tunnel-entrance-rampant", position={chunkX, chunkY}}) end function tests.reveal (size) local pos = game.player.character.position game.player.force.chart(game.player.surface, {{x=-size+pos.x, y=-size+pos.y}, {x=size+pos.x, y=size+pos.y}}) end function tests.showBaseGrid(time) local map = global.universe.maps[game.player.surface.index] local chunks = map.chunkToBase for chunk in pairs(chunks) do local count = chunkPropertyUtils.getEnemyStructureCount(map, chunk) chunkUtils.mapScanEnemyChunk(chunk, map, game.tick) local newCount = chunkPropertyUtils.getEnemyStructureCount(map, chunk) if newCount ~= count then constants.gpsDebug(chunk.x+16,chunk.y+16, "f2:" .. tostring(count) .. "/" .. tostring(newCount)) chunkUtils.colorChunk(chunk, game.player.surface.index, {0.3, 0.1, 0.1, 0.6}, time and tonumber(time)) else chunkUtils.colorChunk(chunk, game.player.surface.index, nil, time and tonumber(time)) end end end -- function tests.showMovementGrid() -- local chunks = global.map.processQueue -- for i=1,#chunks do -- local chunk = chunks[i] -- local color = "concrete" -- if (chunkPropertyUtils.getPassable(global.map, chunk) == constants.CHUNK_ALL_DIRECTIONS) then -- color = "hazard-concrete-left" -- elseif (chunkPropertyUtils.getPassable(global.map, chunk) == constants.CHUNK_NORTH_SOUTH) then -- color = "concrete" -- elseif (chunkPropertyUtils.getPassable(global.map, chunk) == constants.CHUNK_EAST_WEST) then -- color = "stone-path" -- end -- chunkUtils.colorChunk(chunk.x, chunk.y, color, game.get_surface(global.natives.activeSurface)) -- end -- end -- function tests.colorResourcePoints() -- local chunks = global.map.processQueue -- for i=1,#chunks do -- local chunk = chunks[i] -- local color = "concrete" -- if (chunk[constants.RESOURCE_GENERATOR] ~= 0) and (chunk[constants.NEST_COUNT] ~= 0) then -- color = "hazard-concrete-left" -- elseif (chunk[constants.RESOURCE_GENERATOR] ~= 0) then -- color = "deepwater" -- elseif (chunk[constants.NEST_COUNT] ~= 0) then -- color = "stone-path" -- end -- chunkUtils.colorChunk(chunk.x, chunk.y, color, game.get_surface(global.natives.activeSurface)) -- end -- end function tests.entityStats(name, d) local playerPosition = game.players[1].position local chunkX = math.floor(playerPosition.x * 0.03125) * 32 local chunkY = math.floor(playerPosition.y * 0.03125) * 32 local a = game.get_surface(global.natives.activeSurface).create_entity({name=name, position={chunkX, chunkY}}) if d then a['direction'] = d end print(serpent.dump(a)) a.destroy() end local function lookupIndexFaction(targetFaction) for i=1,#constants.FACTION_SET do if constants.FACTION_SET[i].type == targetFaction then return i end end return 0 end local function scoreResourceLocationKamikaze(_, neighborChunk) local settle = neighborChunk[constants.RESOURCE_PHEROMONE] return settle - (neighborChunk[constants.PLAYER_PHEROMONE] * constants.PLAYER_PHEROMONE_MULTIPLER) - neighborChunk[constants.ENEMY_PHEROMONE] end local function scoreSiegeLocationKamikaze(_, neighborChunk) local settle = neighborChunk[constants.BASE_PHEROMONE] + neighborChunk[constants.RESOURCE_PHEROMONE] * 0.5 + (neighborChunk[constants.PLAYER_PHEROMONE] * constants.PLAYER_PHEROMONE_MULTIPLER) - neighborChunk[constants.ENEMY_PHEROMONE] return settle end local function scoreResourceLocation(map, neighborChunk) local settle = (neighborChunk[constants.RESOURCE_PHEROMONE]) return settle - (neighborChunk[constants.PLAYER_PHEROMONE] * constants.PLAYER_PHEROMONE_MULTIPLER) - neighborChunk[constants.ENEMY_PHEROMONE] end local function scoreSiegeLocation(map, neighborChunk) local settle = neighborChunk[constants.BASE_PHEROMONE] + neighborChunk[constants.RESOURCE_PHEROMONE] * 0.5 + (neighborChunk[constants.PLAYER_PHEROMONE] * constants.PLAYER_PHEROMONE_MULTIPLER) - neighborChunk[constants.ENEMY_PHEROMONE] return settle end local function scoreAttackLocation(map, neighborChunk) local damage = neighborChunk[constants.BASE_PHEROMONE] + (neighborChunk[constants.PLAYER_PHEROMONE] * constants.PLAYER_PHEROMONE_MULTIPLER) return damage end local function scoreAttackKamikazeLocation(_, neighborChunk) local damage = neighborChunk[constants.BASE_PHEROMONE] + (neighborChunk[constants.PLAYER_PHEROMONE] * constants.PLAYER_PHEROMONE_MULTIPLER) return damage end function tests.exportAiState() local printState = function () local map = global.universe.maps[game.players[1].surface.index] local chunks = map.processQueue local s = "" for i=1,#chunks do local chunk = chunks[i] local base = chunk.base local alignmentCount = 0 if base then if (#base.alignment == 2) then alignmentCount = (math.abs(base.x) * 10000) + (math.abs(base.y) * 10000) + (lookupIndexFaction(base.alignment[1]) * 100) + lookupIndexFaction(base.alignment[2]) else alignmentCount = (math.abs(base.x) * 10000) + (math.abs(base.y) * 10000) + lookupIndexFaction(base.alignment[1]) end end s = s .. table.concat({chunk.x, chunk.y, chunkPropertyUtils.getCombinedDeathGeneratorRating(chunk), chunk[constants.BASE_PHEROMONE], chunk[constants.PLAYER_PHEROMONE], chunk[constants.RESOURCE_PHEROMONE], chunk[constants.ENEMY_PHEROMONE], chunkPropertyUtils.getPassable(chunk), chunk[constants.CHUNK_TICK], chunkPropertyUtils.getPathRating(chunk), chunk.nestCount or 0, chunk.turretCount or 0, chunkPropertyUtils.getRallyTick(chunk) or 0, chunkPropertyUtils.getRetreatTick(chunk) or 0, chunk.resourceGenerator or 0, chunk.playerBaseGenerator or 0, chunkPropertyUtils.getCombinedDeathGenerator(chunk), scoreResourceLocationKamikaze(map, chunk), scoreResourceLocation(map, chunk), scoreSiegeLocationKamikaze(map, chunk), scoreSiegeLocation(map, chunk), scoreAttackKamikazeLocation(map, chunk), scoreAttackLocation(map, chunk), game.get_surface(game.players[1].surface.index).get_pollution(chunk), (chunkPropertyUtils.isActiveNest(chunk) and 1) or 0, (chunkPropertyUtils.isActiveRaidNest(chunk) and 1) or 0, table_size(chunk.squads or {}), alignmentCount, chunk.hiveCount or 0, chunk.trapCount or 0, chunk.utilityCount or 0, global.universe.chunkToVictory[chunk.id] or 0, chunk[constants.KAMIKAZE_PHEROMONE] }, ",") .. "\n" end game.write_file("rampantState.txt", s, false) end return function(interval) if not interval then interval = 0 else interval = tonumber(interval) end printState() if (interval > 0) then script.on_nth_tick(interval, printState) end end end function tests.dumpEnvironment(x) print (serpent.dump(global[x])) end return tests