Rampant Tactics
Factorio Mod - Improves the enemies tactics by using potential fields/pheromones allowing probing of defenses, retreats, and player hunting
Forum Post
0.14.14 factorio version fixed save corruption
0.14.10 factorio version fixed more pathing issues
0.14.4 factorio version fixed some issues with unit groups commands
There will be a slight pause the first time this is started up due to indexing all the chunks that have been generated.
MP should be working
Tactical Retreats - these will take place when a unit group is in a chunk that has reached a death threshold
Unit Group Merging - if multiple unit groups retreat at the same time there is a chance the groups will merge
Unit Group Forming - any chunks with spawners in it that is covered by a pollution, player, player base pheromone clouds will form groups based on the evolution factor
Probing Behavior Against Defenses - unit groups will attempt to avoid chunks that are soaked in death
Player Hunting - unit groups will track the player based on there emitted pheromone cloud
Pathfinding - unit groups will use potential fields to perform only single step pathfinding allowing for efficient and dynamic pathing
Planned Features
Tunneling Biters
Fire Biters
Suicide Biters
infesting Biters
Base Expansion
Version History
0.14.6 -
- Major Fix: Corrected retreat logic having inverted comparison introduced in 14.4, so unit groups stopped retreating after lots of death happened in a chunk
- Major Fix: Corrected pheromone dispersal with negative numbers
- Fix: Adjusted scoring so unit groups try to avoid nest clusters when retreating (Messes up pathfinding)
- Fix: When placing a player building gave credit to enemy as if they destroyed it
- Tweak: Reduced retreat time length from 4.5 to 3 seconds
- Tweak: Reduced death pheromone produced on death from 100 to 75
- Tweak: Increased attack radius of unit groups from 16 to 20 tiles
- Tweak: Increased attack time length from 2.25 to 3 seconds
- Tweak: Increased nest pheromone production from 15 to 30
- Tweak: Increased unit group search radius during formations from 2 chunks to 3 chunks
- Framework: Decoupled squad status and kamikaze flag
- Improvement: Biters don't retreat when dying on a chunk with a nest
- Improvement: Chunks covered by nest pheromone remove death pheromone faster
- Improvement: Attack wave size varies based on normal distribution that is centered around a scaled evolution factor that is lower than vanilla
0.14.5 -
- Improvement: Enlarged player processing bubble from 3 to 4 chunks (pheromone radius is still 4 chunks)
- Fix: Increased player scoring weight, so biter groups correctly hunt once more (https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?f=94&t=31445#p216119)
- Improvement: Adjusted attack pathing, so groups can move diagonally
- Fix: Unit group retreating when player occupies same chunk
0.14.4 -
- Fixed a bug in the processing queue when upgrading mod
- Greatly decreased Player pheromone radius, now sits at roughly 4 chunks around the player
- Reworked pheromone pathfinding
- Removed base and defense attack wave trigger, in favor of using player pheromone and pollution
- Added periods of time where the enemy is not sending Rampant attack waves
- Adjusted retreat percentage to suit the reduced attack wave size
- Improved responsiveness on larger maps
- Reduced AI max build points
- Fixed player iteration bug
0.14.3 -
- Slightly lowered Rampant attack wave frequency
- Altered attack wave size to ramp up slower
- Added configuration options for:
- Attack wave generation area
- Attack wave threshold
- Attack wave size
- Turn off rampant attack waves
0.14.2 -
- Adjusted unit retreat group size threshold
- Adjusted squad attack pattern (https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?f=94&t=31445&start=20#p203861)
- Fixed migration issue
0.14.1 -
- Fixed ai created bases not being counted in logic
- Optimization to offset ai created bases scanning
0.13.5 = 0.14.5
0.13.4 = 0.14.4
0.13.3 = 0.14.3
0.13.2 = 0.14.2
0.13.1 - Backported 0.14 factorio version to 0.13 factorio version
0.0.8 -
- Fixed retreat oscillations (https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?f=94&t=31445&start=10#p198750)
- Added scaling for kamikaze attack (https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?f=94&t=31445&start=10#p199401)
- Increased squad size max from 125 to 150, (larger waves)
0.0.6 -
- Some speed improvements
- MP is working (https://github.com/veden/Rampant/issues/1)
0.0.5 -
- Fix for nil chunk in ai attack (https://mods.factorio.com/mods/Veden/Rampant/discussion/2512)
- Xhecks for main surface (https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?f=94&t=31445&p=198228#p198563)
- Updated info with forum homepage
0.0.4 - initial release