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synced 2025-03-11 14:49:32 +02:00
161 lines
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Executable File
161 lines
4.9 KiB
Executable File
local nestUtils = {}
-- imports
local constants = require("Constants")
local mathUtils = require("MathUtils")
local mapUtils = require("MapUtils")
local chunkUtils = require("ChunkUtils")
-- constants
local AI_NEST_COST = constants.AI_NEST_COST
local AI_WORM_COST = constants.AI_WORM_COST
local NEST_COUNT = constants.NEST_COUNT
-- imported functions
local registerEnemyBaseStructure = chunkUtils.registerEnemyBaseStructure
local gaussianRandomRange = mathUtils.gaussianRandomRange
local mRandom = math.random
local getChunkByPosition = mapUtils.getChunkByPosition
-- module code
-- function nestUtils.buildNest(map, base, surface, targetPosition, name)
-- local position = surface.find_non_colliding_position(name, targetPosition, DOUBLE_CHUNK_SIZE, 2)
-- local chunk = getChunkByPosition(map, position)
-- local nest = nil
-- if position and (chunk ~= SENTINEL_IMPASSABLE_CHUNK) and (chunk[NEST_COUNT] < 3) then
-- local biterSpawner = {name=name, position=position}
-- nest = surface.create_entity(biterSpawner)
-- registerEnemyBaseStructure(map, nest, base)
-- end
-- return nest
-- end
-- function nestUtils.buildHive(map, base, surface)
-- local valid = false
-- local hive = nestUtils.buildNest(map, base, surface, base, "biter-spawner-hive-rampant")
-- if hive then
-- if (#base.hives == 0) then
-- base.x = hive.position.x
-- base.y = hive.position.y
-- end
-- base.hives[#base.hives+1] = hive
-- valid = true
-- end
-- return valid
-- end
-- function nestUtils.buildOutpost(map, natives, base, surface, tendril)
-- local foundHive = false
-- for _,_ in pairs(base.hives) do
-- foundHive = true
-- break
-- end
-- if not foundHive or (base.upgradePoints < 10) then
-- return
-- end
-- if not tendril.unit.valid then
-- return
-- end
-- local position = tendril.unit.position
-- local generator = natives.randomGenerator
-- generator.re_seed(mRandom(MAGIC_MAXIMUM_BASE_NUMBER))
-- for level=0,(base.level * 0.5) do
-- local slices = (level * 3)
-- slices = gaussianRandomRange(slices, slices * 0.1, slices * 0.6, slices * 1.4, generator)
-- local slice = (2 * math.pi) / slices
-- local pos = 0
-- local thing
-- local cost
-- local radiusAdjustment
-- if (generator() < 0.3) then
-- thing = "small-worm-turret"
-- cost = AI_WORM_COST
-- radiusAdjustment = -4
-- else
-- thing = "biter-spawner"
-- cost = AI_NEST_COST
-- radiusAdjustment = 0
-- end
-- for _ = 1, slices do
-- if (base.upgradePoints < 10) then
-- return
-- end
-- local radius = 10 * level
-- local distortion = gaussianRandomRange(radius, 10, radius - 7.5 + radiusAdjustment, radius + 7.5 + radiusAdjustment, generator)
-- local nestPosition = {x = position.x + (distortion * math.cos(pos)),
-- y = position.y + (distortion * math.sin(pos))}
-- local biterSpawner = {name=thing, position=nestPosition}
-- if surface.can_place_entity(biterSpawner) then
-- registerEnemyBaseStructure(natives, map, surface.create_entity(biterSpawner), base)
-- base.upgradePoints = base.upgradePoints - cost
-- end
-- pos = pos + slice
-- end
-- end
-- end
-- function nestUtils.buildOrder(map, natives, base, surface)
-- local foundHive = false
-- for _,_ in pairs(base.hives) do
-- foundHive = true
-- break
-- end
-- if not foundHive or (base.upgradePoints < 10) then
-- return
-- end
-- local generator = natives.randomGenerator
-- generator.re_seed(base.pattern)
-- for level=0,base.level do
-- local slices = (level * 3)
-- slices = gaussianRandomRange(slices, slices * 0.1, slices * 0.6, slices * 1.4, generator)
-- local slice = (2 * math.pi) / slices
-- local pos = 0
-- local thing
-- local cost
-- local radiusAdjustment
-- if (generator() < 0.3) then
-- thing = "small-worm-turret"
-- cost = AI_WORM_COST
-- radiusAdjustment = -4
-- else
-- thing = "biter-spawner"
-- cost = AI_NEST_COST
-- radiusAdjustment = 0
-- end
-- for _ = 1, slices do
-- if (base.upgradePoints < 10) then
-- return
-- end
-- local radius = 10 * level
-- local distortion = gaussianRandomRange(radius, 10, radius - 7.5 + radiusAdjustment, radius + 7.5 + radiusAdjustment, generator)
-- local nestPosition = {x = base.x + (distortion * math.cos(pos)),
-- y = base.y + (distortion * math.sin(pos))}
-- local biterSpawner = {name=thing, position=nestPosition}
-- if surface.can_place_entity(biterSpawner) then
-- registerEnemyBaseStructure(natives, map, surface.create_entity(biterSpawner), base)
-- base.upgradePoints = base.upgradePoints - cost
-- end
-- pos = pos + slice
-- end
-- end
-- end
return nestUtils