2019-10-07 22:44:17 +02:00
local Event = require ' utils.event '
local RS = require ' map_gen.shared.redmew_surface '
local Command = require ' utils.command '
local Color = require ' resources.color_presets '
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
local Global = require ' utils.global '
local Retailer = require ' features.retailer '
local Market_Items = require ' map_gen.maps.space_race.market_items '
local Token = require ' utils.token '
local Task = require ' utils.task '
2019-10-07 22:44:17 +02:00
2019-10-09 21:36:11 +02:00
local floor = math.floor
2019-10-07 22:44:17 +02:00
require ' map_gen.maps.space_race.map_info '
2019-10-09 21:36:11 +02:00
require ' map_gen.maps.space_race.market_handler '
2019-10-07 22:44:17 +02:00
local config = global.config
config.market . enabled = false
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
config.score . enabled = false
config.player_rewards . enabled = false
config.apocalypse . enabled = false
config.turret_active_delay . turret_types = {
[ ' ammo-turret ' ] = 60 * 3 ,
[ ' electric-turret ' ] = 60 * 10 ,
[ ' fluid-turret ' ] = 60 * 5 ,
[ ' artillery-turret ' ] = 60 * 60
config.turret_active_delay . techs = { }
2019-10-07 22:44:17 +02:00
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
local players_needed = 1
local player_kill_reward = 25
local entity_kill_reward = 1
local startup_timer = 60 * 60 * 10
2019-10-07 22:44:17 +02:00
local player_ports = {
USA = { { x = - 397 , y = 0 } , { x = - 380 , y = 0 } } ,
USSR = { { x = 397 , y = 0 } , { x = 380 , y = 0 } }
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
local disabled_research = {
2019-10-09 21:36:11 +02:00
[ ' military ' ] = { player = 2 , entity = 8 } ,
[ ' military-2 ' ] = { player = 6 , entity = 24 , unlocks = ' military ' } ,
[ ' military-3 ' ] = { player = 12 , entity = 48 , unlocks = ' military-2 ' } ,
[ ' military-4 ' ] = { player = 24 , entity = 96 , unlocks = ' military-3 ' } ,
[ ' stone-walls ' ] = { player = 2 , entity = 8 , invert = true } ,
[ ' heavy-armor ' ] = { player = 12 , entity = 48 , invert = true } ,
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
[ ' artillery-shell-range-1 ' ] = nil
local researched_tech = { }
local disabled_recipes = {
' tank ' ,
' rocket-silo '
local primitives = {
game_started = false ,
force_USA = nil ,
force_USSR = nil ,
lobby_permissions = nil
local unlock_progress = {
force_USA = {
players_killed = 0 ,
entities_killed = 0
} ,
force_USSR = {
players_killed = 0 ,
entities_killed = 0
Global.register (
primitives = primitives ,
unlock_progress = unlock_progress
} ,
function ( tbl )
primitives = tbl.primitives
unlock_progress = tbl.unlock_progress
local function remove_recipes ( )
local USA_recipe = primitives.force_USA . recipes
local USSR_recipe = primitives.force_USSR . recipes
for _ , recipe in pairs ( disabled_recipes ) do
USA_recipe [ recipe ] . enabled = false
USSR_recipe [ recipe ] . enabled = false
local remove_permission_group =
Token.register (
function ( params )
params.permission_group . remove_player ( params.player )
2019-10-09 21:36:11 +02:00
local function deepcopy ( orig )
local copy
if type ( orig ) == ' table ' then
copy = { }
for orig_key , orig_value in pairs ( orig ) do
copy [ deepcopy ( orig_key ) ] = deepcopy ( orig_value )
copy = orig
return copy
2019-10-07 22:44:17 +02:00
Event.on_init (
function ( )
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
game.difficulty_settings . technology_price_multiplier = 0.5
local force_USA = game.create_force ( ' United Factory Workers ' )
local force_USSR = game.create_force ( ' Union of Factory Employees ' )
2019-10-07 22:44:17 +02:00
local surface = RS.get_surface ( )
force_USSR.set_spawn_position ( { x = 397 , y = 0 } , surface )
force_USA.set_spawn_position ( { x = - 397 , y = 0 } , surface )
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
force_USSR.laboratory_speed_modifier = 1
force_USA.laboratory_speed_modifier = 1
local lobby_permissions = game.permissions . create_group ( ' lobby ' )
2019-10-07 22:44:17 +02:00
lobby_permissions.set_allows_action ( defines.input_action . start_walking , false )
--game.forces.player.chart(RS.get_surface(), {{x = 380, y = 16}, {x = 400, y = -16}})
--game.forces.player.chart(RS.get_surface(), {{x = -380, y = 16}, {x = -400, y = -16}})
--game.forces.player.chart(RS.get_surface(), {{x = 400, y = 65}, {x = -400, y = -33}})
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
local silo
silo = surface.create_entity { name = ' rocket-silo ' , position = { x = 388.5 , y = - 0.5 } , force = force_USSR }
silo.minable = false
silo = surface.create_entity { name = ' rocket-silo ' , position = { x = - 388.5 , y = 0.5 } , force = force_USA }
silo.minable = false
local gun_turret
gun_turret = surface.create_entity { name = ' gun-turret ' , position = { x = 383 , y = 0 } , force = force_USSR }
gun_turret.insert ( { name = ' firearm-magazine ' , count = 200 } )
gun_turret = surface.create_entity { name = ' gun-turret ' , position = { x = - 383 , y = 0 } , force = force_USA }
gun_turret.insert ( { name = ' firearm-magazine ' , count = 200 } )
local market
market = surface.create_entity { name = ' market ' , position = { x = 404 , y = 0 } , force = force_USSR }
market.destructible = false
Retailer.add_market ( ' USSR_market ' , market )
2019-10-07 22:44:17 +02:00
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
market = surface.create_entity { name = ' market ' , position = { x = - 404 , y = 0 } , force = force_USA }
market.destructible = false
Retailer.add_market ( ' USA_market ' , market )
if table.size ( Retailer.get_items ( ' USSR_market ' ) ) == 0 then
2019-10-09 21:36:11 +02:00
local items = deepcopy ( Market_Items )
for _ , prototype in pairs ( items ) do
local name = prototype.name
prototype.price = ( disabled_research [ name ] and disabled_research [ name ] . player ) and disabled_research [ name ] . player * player_kill_reward or prototype.price
local unlock_requires = disabled_research [ name ]
if prototype.disabled and unlock_requires then
if unlock_requires.invert then
prototype.disabled_reason = { ' ' , ' Unlocks when ' .. unlock_requires.player .. ' players have been killed or \n ' .. unlock_requires.entity .. ' entities have been destroyed ' }
prototype.disabled_reason = { ' ' , ' To unlock kill ' .. unlock_requires.player .. ' players or \n destroy ' .. unlock_requires.entity .. ' entities ' }
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
Retailer.set_item ( ' USSR_market ' , prototype )
if table.size ( Retailer.get_items ( ' USA_market ' ) ) == 0 then
2019-10-09 21:36:11 +02:00
local items = deepcopy ( Market_Items )
for _ , prototype in pairs ( items ) do
local name = prototype.name
prototype.price = ( disabled_research [ name ] and disabled_research [ name ] . player ) and disabled_research [ name ] . player * player_kill_reward or prototype.price
local unlock_requires = disabled_research [ name ]
if prototype.disabled and unlock_requires then
if unlock_requires.invert then
prototype.disabled_reason = { ' ' , ' Unlocks when ' .. unlock_requires.player .. ' players have been killed or \n ' .. unlock_requires.entity .. ' entities have been destroyed ' }
prototype.disabled_reason = { ' ' , ' To unlock kill ' .. unlock_requires.player .. ' players or \n destroy ' .. unlock_requires.entity .. ' entities ' }
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
Retailer.set_item ( ' USA_market ' , prototype )
2019-10-09 21:36:11 +02:00
Items support the following structure :
name : the ( raw ) item inserted in inventory , does nothing when type is not item
name_label : the name shown in the GUI . If omitted and a prototype exists for ' name ' , it will use that LocalisedString , can be a LocalisedString
sprite : a custom sprite , will use ' item/<name> ' if omitted
price : the price of an item , supports floats ( 0.95 for example )
description : an additional description displayed in the tooltip , can be a LocalisedString
disabled : whether or not the item should be disabled by default
disabled_reason : the reason the item is disabled , can be a LocalisedString
] ]
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
--ensures that the spawn points are not water
surface.set_tiles (
{ name = ' stone-path ' , position = { x = 397.5 , y = 0.5 } } ,
{ name = ' stone-path ' , position = { x = 397.5 , y = - 0.5 } } ,
{ name = ' stone-path ' , position = { x = 396.5 , y = - 0.5 } } ,
{ name = ' stone-path ' , position = { x = 396.5 , y = 0.5 } } ,
{ name = ' stone-path ' , position = { x = - 397.5 , y = 0.5 } } ,
{ name = ' stone-path ' , position = { x = - 397.5 , y = - 0.5 } } ,
{ name = ' stone-path ' , position = { x = - 396.5 , y = - 0.5 } } ,
{ name = ' stone-path ' , position = { x = - 396.5 , y = 0.5 } }
2019-10-07 22:44:17 +02:00
for force_side , ports in pairs ( player_ports ) do
local force
if force_side == ' USA ' then
force = force_USA
elseif force_side == ' USSR ' then
force = force_USSR
for _ , port in pairs ( ports ) do
rendering.draw_text { text = { ' ' , ' Use the /warp command to teleport across ' } , surface = surface , target = port , color = Color.red , forces = { force } , alignment = ' center ' , scale = 0.5 }
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
local USA_tech = force_USA.technologies
local USSR_tech = force_USSR.technologies
for research , _ in pairs ( disabled_research ) do
USA_tech [ research ] . enabled = false
USSR_tech [ research ] . enabled = false
for research , _ in pairs ( researched_tech ) do
USA_tech [ research ] . researched = true
USSR_tech [ research ] . researched = true
primitives.force_USA = force_USA
primitives.force_USSR = force_USSR
primitives.lobby_permissions = lobby_permissions
remove_recipes ( )
2019-10-07 22:44:17 +02:00
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
local function invert_force ( force )
local force_USA = primitives.force_USA
local force_USSR = primitives.force_USSR
if force == force_USA then
return force_USSR
elseif force == force_USSR then
return force_USA
local unlock_reasons = {
player_killed = 1 ,
entity_killed = 2
local function unlock_market_item ( force , item_name )
local group_name
if force == primitives.force_USA then
group_name = ' USA_market '
elseif force == primitives.force_USSR then
group_name = ' USSR_market '
if group_name then
Retailer.enable_item ( group_name , item_name )
2019-10-09 21:36:11 +02:00
if not ( item_name == ' tank ' ) then
Debug.print ( ' Unlocked: ' .. item_name .. ' | For: ' .. group_name )
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
local function check_for_market_unlocks ( force )
local force_USA = primitives.force_USA
local force_USSR = primitives.force_USSR
for research , conditions in pairs ( disabled_research ) do
local _force = force
2019-10-09 21:36:11 +02:00
local inverted = conditions.invert
local unlocks = conditions.unlocks
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
if inverted then
_force = invert_force ( _force )
2019-10-09 21:36:11 +02:00
if force == force_USA then
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
if conditions.player <= unlock_progress.force_USA . players_killed or conditions.entity <= unlock_progress.force_USA . entities_killed then
2019-10-09 21:36:11 +02:00
unlock_market_item ( _force , research )
if unlocks then
unlock_market_item ( invert_force ( _force ) , unlocks )
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
2019-10-09 21:36:11 +02:00
elseif force == force_USSR then
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
if conditions.player <= unlock_progress.force_USSR . players_killed or conditions.entity <= unlock_progress.force_USSR . entities_killed then
2019-10-09 21:36:11 +02:00
unlock_market_item ( _force , research )
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
if unlocks then
2019-10-09 21:36:11 +02:00
unlock_market_item ( invert_force ( _force ) , unlocks )
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
if force_USA.technologies . tanks.researched then
2019-10-09 21:36:11 +02:00
unlock_market_item ( force_USA , ' tank ' )
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
if force_USSR.technologies . tanks.researched then
2019-10-09 21:36:11 +02:00
unlock_market_item ( force_USSR , ' tank ' )
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
local function update_unlock_progress ( force , unlock_reason )
local players_killed
local entities_killed
local force_USA = primitives.force_USA
local force_USSR = primitives.force_USSR
if force == force_USA then
players_killed = unlock_progress.force_USA . players_killed
entities_killed = unlock_progress.force_USA . entities_killed
if unlock_reason == unlock_reasons.player_killed then
unlock_progress.force_USA . players_killed = players_killed + 1
elseif unlock_reason == unlock_reasons.entity_killed then
unlock_progress.force_USA . entities_killed = entities_killed + 1
elseif force == force_USSR then
players_killed = unlock_progress.force_USSR . players_killed
entities_killed = unlock_progress.force_USSR . entities_killed
if unlock_reason == unlock_reasons.player_killed then
unlock_progress.force_USSR . players_killed = players_killed + 1
elseif unlock_reason == unlock_reasons.entity_killed then
unlock_progress.force_USSR . entities_killed = entities_killed + 1
check_for_market_unlocks ( force )
local function restore_character ( player )
if primitives.game_started then
player.set_controller { type = defines.controllers . god }
player.create_character ( )
Task.set_timeout_in_ticks ( 1 , remove_permission_group , { permission_group = primitives.lobby_permissions , player = player } )
game.permissions . get_group ( ' Default ' ) . add_player ( player )
for _ , item in pairs ( config.player_create . starting_items ) do
player.insert ( item )
local function start_game ( )
primitives.game_started = true
for _ , player in pairs ( primitives.force_USA . players ) do
restore_character ( player )
for _ , player in pairs ( primitives.force_USSR . players ) do
restore_character ( player )
2019-10-07 22:44:17 +02:00
local function victory ( force )
game.print ( ' Congratulations to ' .. force.name .. ' . You have gained factory dominance! ' )
local function lost ( force )
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
local force_USA = primitives.force_USA
2019-10-07 22:44:17 +02:00
if force == force_USA then
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
victory ( primitives.force_USSR )
2019-10-07 22:44:17 +02:00
victory ( force_USA )
local function on_entity_died ( event )
local entity = event.entity
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
if entity.type == ' character ' then
local force = entity.force
2019-10-07 22:44:17 +02:00
if entity.name == ' rocket-silo ' then
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
lost ( force )
local cause = event.cause
local cause_force = event.force
if cause_force then
if not ( cause and cause.valid ) then
local force_USA = primitives.force_USA
cause_force = ( force == force_USA ) and primitives.force_USSR or force_USA
cause = entity.surface . find_entities_filtered { position = entity.position , radius = 50 , type = ' character ' , force = cause_force , limit = 1 } [ 1 ]
if cause and cause.valid then
if cause.prototype . name == ' character ' then
cause_force = cause.force
if not ( force == cause_force ) then
cause.insert ( { name = ' coin ' , count = entity_kill_reward } )
update_unlock_progress ( cause_force , unlock_reasons.entity_killed )
2019-10-07 22:44:17 +02:00
local function on_rocket_launched ( event )
victory ( event.entity . force )
local function to_lobby ( player_index )
local player = game.get_player ( player_index )
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
primitives.lobby_permissions . add_player ( player )
2019-10-07 22:44:17 +02:00
player.character . destroy ( )
player.set_controller { type = defines.controllers . ghost }
player.print ( ' Waiting for lobby! ' )
local function on_player_created ( event )
to_lobby ( event.player_index )
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
local function on_research_finished ( event )
check_for_market_unlocks ( event.research . force )
remove_recipes ( )
2019-10-07 22:44:17 +02:00
Event.add ( defines.events . on_entity_died , on_entity_died )
Event.add ( defines.events . on_rocket_launched , on_rocket_launched )
Event.add ( defines.events . on_player_created , on_player_created )
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
Event.add ( defines.events . on_research_finished , on_research_finished )
local function on_player_died ( event )
local cause = event.cause
if cause and cause.valid and cause.type == ' character ' then
local cause_force = cause.force
if not ( game.get_player ( event.player_index ) . force == cause_force ) then
cause.insert ( { name = ' coin ' , count = player_kill_reward } )
update_unlock_progress ( cause_force , unlock_reasons.player_killed )
local function on_built_entity ( event )
local entity = event.created_entity
if not entity or not entity.valid then
local name = entity.name
if name == ' artillery-turret ' or name == ' artillery-wagon ' or name == ' tank ' then
local position = entity.position
2019-10-09 21:36:11 +02:00
game.print ( { ' ' , ' [gps= ' .. floor ( position.x ) .. ' , ' .. floor ( position.y ) .. ' ] [color=yellow]Warning! ' , { ' entity-name. ' .. name } , ' has been deployed![/color] ' } )
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
Event.add ( defines.events . on_player_died , on_player_died )
Event.add ( defines.events . on_built_entity , on_built_entity )
2019-10-07 22:44:17 +02:00
local function allow_teleport ( force , position )
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
if force == primitives.force_USA and position.x > 0 then
2019-10-07 22:44:17 +02:00
return false
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
elseif force == primitives.force_USSR and position.x < 0 then
2019-10-07 22:44:17 +02:00
return false
return math.abs ( position.x ) > 377 and math.abs ( position.x ) < 400 and position.y > - 10 and position.y < 10
local function get_teleport_location ( force , to_safe_zone )
local port_number = to_safe_zone and 1 or 2
local position
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
if force == primitives.force_USA then
2019-10-07 22:44:17 +02:00
position = player_ports.USA [ port_number ]
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
elseif force == primitives.force_USSR then
2019-10-07 22:44:17 +02:00
position = player_ports.USSR [ port_number ]
position = { 0 , 0 }
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
local non_colliding_pos = RS.get_surface ( ) . find_non_colliding_position ( ' character ' , position , 6 , 1 )
position = non_colliding_pos and non_colliding_pos or position
2019-10-07 22:44:17 +02:00
return position
local function teleport ( _ , player )
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
local character = player.character
if not character or not character.valid then
player.print ( ' [color=yellow]Could not warp, you are not part of a team yet![/color] ' )
local tick = game.tick
if tick < startup_timer then
local time_left = startup_timer - tick
if time_left > 60 then
local minutes = ( time_left / 3600 )
minutes = minutes - minutes % 1
time_left = time_left - ( minutes * 3600 )
local seconds = ( time_left / 60 )
seconds = seconds - seconds % 1
time_left = minutes .. ' minutes and ' .. seconds .. ' seconds left '
local seconds = time_left % 60
time_left = seconds .. ' seconds left '
player.print ( ' [color=yellow]Could not warp, in setup fase![/color] [color=red] ' .. time_left .. ' [/color] ' )
local position = character.position
2019-10-07 22:44:17 +02:00
local force = player.force
if allow_teleport ( force , position ) then
if math.abs ( position.x ) < 388.5 then
player.teleport ( get_teleport_location ( force , true ) )
player.teleport ( get_teleport_location ( force , false ) )
player.print ( ' [color=yellow]Could not warp, you are too far from rocket silo![/color] ' )
Command.add ( ' warp ' , { description = ' Use to switch between PVP and Safe-zone in Space Race ' , capture_excess_arguments = false , allowed_by_server = false } , teleport )
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
local function check_ready_to_start ( )
local num_usa_players = # primitives.force_USA . players
local num_ussr_players = # primitives.force_USSR . players
local num_players = num_usa_players + num_ussr_players
if not primitives.game_started and num_players >= players_needed then
start_game ( )
game.print (
' [color=yellow] ' ..
primitives.force_USA . name ..
' has [/color][color=red] ' ..
num_usa_players ..
' [/color][color=yellow] players | ' .. primitives.force_USSR . name .. ' has [/color][color=red] ' .. num_ussr_players .. ' [/color][color=yellow] players | [/color][color=red] ' .. players_needed - num_players .. ' [/color][color=yellow] more players needed to start! [/color] '
local function check_player_balance ( force )
local force_USSR = primitives.force_USSR
local force_USA = primitives.force_USA
if force == force_USSR then
return # force_USSR.players <= # force_USA.players
elseif force == force_USA then
return # force_USSR.players >= # force_USA.players
2019-10-07 22:44:17 +02:00
local function join_usa ( _ , player )
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
local force_USA = primitives.force_USA
local force_USSR = primitives.force_USSR
2019-10-07 22:44:17 +02:00
local force = player.force
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
if not check_player_balance ( force_USA ) then
player.print ( ' [color=red]Failed to join [/color][color=yellow]United Factory Workers,[/color][color=red] teams would become unbalanced![/color] ' )
if not primitives.game_started or ( force ~= force_USSR and force ~= force_USA ) then
2019-10-07 22:44:17 +02:00
player.force = force_USA
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
player.print ( ' [color=green]You have joined United Factory Workers![/color] ' )
restore_character ( player )
2019-10-07 22:44:17 +02:00
player.teleport ( get_teleport_location ( force_USA , true ) )
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
check_ready_to_start ( )
2019-10-07 22:44:17 +02:00
player.print ( ' Failed to join new team, do not be a spy! ' )
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
Command.add ( ' join-UFW ' , { description = ' Use to join United Factory Workers in Space Race ' , capture_excess_arguments = false , allowed_by_server = false } , join_usa )
2019-10-07 22:44:17 +02:00
local function join_ussr ( _ , player )
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
local force_USA = primitives.force_USA
local force_USSR = primitives.force_USSR
2019-10-07 22:44:17 +02:00
local force = player.force
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
if not check_player_balance ( force_USSR ) then
player.print ( ' [color=red]Failed to join [/color][color=yellow]Union of Factory Employees[/color][color=red], teams would become unbalanced![/color] ' )
if not primitives.game_started or ( force ~= force_USSR and force ~= force_USA ) then
2019-10-07 22:44:17 +02:00
player.force = force_USSR
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
player.print ( ' [color=green]You have joined Union of Factory Employees![/color] ' )
restore_character ( player )
2019-10-07 22:44:17 +02:00
player.teleport ( get_teleport_location ( force_USSR , true ) )
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
check_ready_to_start ( )
2019-10-07 22:44:17 +02:00
player.print ( ' Failed to join new team, do not be a spy! ' )
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
Command.add ( ' join-UFE ' , { description = ' Use to join Union of Factory Employees in Space Race ' , capture_excess_arguments = false , allowed_by_server = false } , join_ussr )
2019-10-07 22:44:17 +02:00
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
Introduction / Map information
2019-10-07 22:44:17 +02:00
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
Starting trees !
2019-10-07 22:44:17 +02:00
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
2019-10-07 22:44:17 +02:00
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
Mapgen is slow ( a loading screen would be nice )
2019-10-07 22:44:17 +02:00
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
Beach sine wave to break the hard line between shallow water and land
2019-10-07 22:44:17 +02:00
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
Tiny islands in shallow water , space for a couple of turrets but not much
2019-10-07 22:44:17 +02:00
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
Weapon damage balance -> Testing , testing , testing
2019-10-07 22:44:17 +02:00
2019-10-09 02:02:48 +02:00
Worms and biters can kill turrets at the spawns
2019-10-07 22:44:17 +02:00
] ]