mirror of https://github.com/Refactorio/RedMew.git synced 2025-03-05 15:05:57 +02:00

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-- luacheck: ignore pollution enemy_evolution enemy_expansion
local b = require 'map_gen.shared.builders'
local Event = require 'utils.event'
global.map.terraforming.creep_retraction_tiles = { 'sand-1' }
require 'map_gen.misc.nightfall' -- forces idle biters to attack at night
require 'map_gen.misc.terraforming' -- prevents players from building on non-terraformed tiles
local DayNight = require 'map_gen.misc.day_night'
local ScenarioInfo = require 'features.gui.info'
ScenarioInfo.set_map_name('Terraform Venus')
ScenarioInfo.set_map_description('After a long journey you have reached Venus. Your mission is simple, turn this hostile environment into one where humans can thrive')
'- Venus is an endless desert spotted with tiny oases\n' ..
'- The atmosphere is toxic and you are not equipped to deal with it\n' ..
'- While unsure the exact effects the atmosphere will have, you should be cautios of it\n' ..
'- As you spread breathable atmosphere the ground will change to show where you can breathe\n' ..
'- The days seem endless, but when the sun begins setting night is upon us immediately.\n' ..
'- The biters here are numerous and seem especially aggressive during the short nights\n' ..
'- Technology seems to take 6 times longer than usual'
local function value(base, mult)
return function(x, y)
return mult * (math.abs(x) + math.abs(y)) + base
local function no_resources(_, _, world, tile)
for _, e in ipairs(
{type = 'resource', area = {{world.x, world.y}, {world.x + 1, world.y + 1}}}
) do
for _, e in ipairs(
-- all tree types
{type = 'tree', area = {{world.x, world.y}, {world.x + 1, world.y + 1}}}
) do
for _, e in ipairs(
-- all rock types
{type = 'simple-entity', area = {{world.x, world.y}, {world.x + 1, world.y + 1}}}
) do
return tile
local function no_trees(_, _, world, tile)
for _, e in ipairs(
world.surface.find_entities_filtered({type = 'tree', area = {{world.x, world.y}, {world.x + 1, world.y + 1}}})
) do
return tile
-- create a square on which to place each ore
local square = b.rectangle(12, 12)
square = b.change_tile(square, true, 'lab-dark-2')
-- set the ore weights and sizes
local iron = b.resource(b.rectangle(12, 12), 'iron-ore', value(200, 1))
local copper = b.resource(b.rectangle(12, 12), 'copper-ore', value(150, 0.8))
local stone = b.resource(b.rectangle(12, 12), 'stone', value(100, .5))
local coal = b.resource(b.rectangle(12, 12), 'coal', value(100, 0.6))
local tree = b.entity(b.throttle_world_xy(b.full_shape, 1, 2, 1, 2), 'dead-tree-desert')
-- place each ore on the square
local iron_sq = b.apply_entity(square, iron)
local copper_sq = b.apply_entity(square, copper)
local stone_sq = b.apply_entity(square, stone)
local coal_sq = b.apply_entity(square, coal)
local tree_sq = b.apply_entity(square, tree)
-- create starting water square and change the type to water
local water_start =
b.any {
b.rectangle(12, 12)
water_start = b.change_tile(water_start, true, 'water')
-- create the large safe square
local safe_square = b.rectangle(80, 80)
safe_square = b.change_tile(safe_square, true, 'lab-dark-2')
-- create the start area using the ore, water and safe squares
local ore_distance = 24
local start_area =
b.any {
b.translate(iron_sq, -ore_distance, -ore_distance),
b.translate(copper_sq, -ore_distance, ore_distance),
b.translate(stone_sq, ore_distance, -ore_distance),
b.translate(coal_sq, ore_distance, ore_distance),
b.translate(tree_sq, ore_distance, 0),
b.translate(tree_sq, 0, ore_distance),
b.translate(tree_sq, 0, -ore_distance),
b.translate(tree_sq, -ore_distance, 0),
start_area = b.apply_effect(start_area, no_resources)
local map = b.any {start_area, b.full_shape}
map = b.change_map_gen_collision_tile(map, 'ground-tile', 'sand-1')
map = b.translate(map, 6, -10) -- translate the whole map away, otherwise we'll spawn in the water
map = b.apply_effect(map, no_trees)
--- Sets the map parameters once the game begins and we have a surface to act on
local function world_settings()
local surface = game.surfaces.nauvis
local player_force = game.forces.player
-- 20 minute cycle, 14m of full light, 1m light to dark, 4m full dark, 1m dark to light
local day_night_cycle = {
['ticks_per_day'] = 72000,
['dusk'] = 0.625,
['evening'] = 0.775,
['morning'] = 0.925,
['dawn'] = 0.975
DayNight.set_cycle(day_night_cycle, surface)
player_force.recipes['medium-electric-pole'].enabled = true
2018-12-09 20:55:39 +01:00
player_force.recipes['steel-plate'].enabled = true
player_force.technologies['artillery-shell-range-1'].enabled = false
game.difficulty_settings.technology_price_multiplier = 1
local map_settings = game.map_settings
local pollution = map_settings.pollution
2018-12-09 20:55:39 +01:00
pollution.enabled = true
pollution.diffusion_ratio = 0.01
pollution.min_to_diffuse = 30
pollution.ageing = 1
pollution.expected_max_per_chunk = 7000
pollution.min_to_show_per_chunk = 700
pollution.min_pollution_to_damage_trees = 3500
pollution.pollution_with_max_forest_damage = 10000
pollution.pollution_per_tree_damage = 2000
pollution.pollution_restored_per_tree_damage = 500
pollution.max_pollution_to_restore_trees = 1000
local enemy_evolution = map_settings.enemy_evolution
2018-12-09 20:55:39 +01:00
enemy_evolution.enabled = true
enemy_evolution.time_factor = 0.00004
enemy_evolution.destroy_factor = 0.002
enemy_evolution.pollution_factor = 0.000045
local enemy_expansion = map_settings.enemy_expansion
2018-12-09 20:55:39 +01:00
enemy_expansion.enabled = true
enemy_expansion.max_expansion_distance = 10
enemy_expansion.friendly_base_influence_radius = 2
enemy_expansion.enemy_building_influence_radius = 2
enemy_expansion.building_coefficient = 0.1
enemy_expansion.other_base_coefficient = 2.0
enemy_expansion.neighbouring_chunk_coefficient = 0.5
enemy_expansion.neighbouring_base_chunk_coefficient = 0.4
enemy_expansion.max_colliding_tiles_coefficient = 0.9
enemy_expansion.settler_group_min_size = 2
enemy_expansion.settler_group_max_size = 30
enemy_expansion.min_expansion_cooldown = 1 * 3600
enemy_expansion.max_expansion_cooldown = 15 * 3600
surface.map_gen_settings = {
terrain_segmentation = 'very-low', -- water frequency
water = 'very-low', -- water size
autoplace_controls = {
stone = {frequency = 'normal', size = 'high', richness = 'low'},
coal = {frequency = 'normal', size = 'high', richness = 'normal'},
['copper-ore'] = {frequency = 'normal', size = 'high', richness = 'low'},
['iron-ore'] = {frequency = 'normal', size = 'high', richness = 'normal'},
['uranium-ore'] = {frequency = 'normal', size = 'normal', richness = 'normal'},
['crude-oil'] = {frequency = 'normal', size = 'normal', richness = 'normal'},
trees = {frequency = 'normal', size = 'none', richness = 'normal'},
['enemy-base'] = {frequency = 'very-high', size = 'very-high', richness = 'very-high'},
grass = {frequency = 'normal', size = 'none', richness = 'normal'},
desert = {frequency = 'normal', size = 'none', richness = 'normal'},
dirt = {frequency = 'normal', size = 'none', richness = 'normal'},
sand = {frequency = 'normal', size = 'normal', richness = 'normal'}
cliff_settings = {
name = 'cliff',
cliff_elevation_0 = 10,
cliff_elevation_interval = 10
width = 0,
height = 0,
starting_area = 'very-low',
peaceful_mode = false,
seed = nil
return map