2018-12-09 10:50:16 -05:00
local Game = require 'utils.game'
local Event = require 'utils.event'
2019-01-04 15:02:55 -05:00
local Task = require 'utils.task'
2018-12-09 10:50:16 -05:00
local Token = require 'utils.token'
local Popup = require 'features.gui.popup'
local Global = require 'utils.global'
2019-01-02 10:34:17 -05:00
local Command = require 'utils.command'
2019-01-16 13:44:55 -05:00
local RS = require 'map_gen.shared.redmew_surface'
local random = math.random
local insert = table.insert
2018-12-09 10:50:16 -05:00
if not global.map.terraforming then
global.map.terraforming = {}
Some inspiration and bits of code taken from Nightfall by Yehn and dangOreus by Mylon.
Both under their respective MIT licenses.
This softmod originally used the Starcraft concept of "creep" as a mechanic. This was later changed
to a terraforming context, but most of the code and documentation will keep the creep terminology.
Players can only build on certain creep tiles (in particular, the defined `creep_expansion_tile`s).
Pollution will naturally expand the creep. The creep will also naturally regress if pollution
is not sustained, affecting player structures in the process.
This module does not create a map/safe start area, so you will not have a guaranteed safe placed
to build, and any creep_expansion_tiles will be overtaken by creep_retraction_tiles as there is
no initial pollution cloud. You can use creep-exempt tiles for a safe starting area.
Would love to make the expansion less "blocky"/constrained to chunk borders.
-- lets you know when creep is spreading/contracting (it is very verbose/annoying)
global.DEBUG_SPREAD = false
-- lets you know when your bonuses/penalties change based on being on creep
global.DEBUG_ON_CREEP = false
--how many chunks to process in a tick
local processchunk = 5
-- the amount of damage taken when too far from creep
local off_creep_damage = 15
-- how often to check for players' positions
local player_pos_check_time = 180 -- 3 secs
-- the amount of extra damage to deal if a player has shields (because they will regen health)
local regen_factor = 0.194 * player_pos_check_time
-- how often to recap the deaths from lack of creep (in ticks)
local death_recap_timer = 1200 -- 20 secs
-- force that is restricted to the creep
local creep_force = 'player'
-- the threshold above which creep expands
local pollution_upper_threshold = 200
-- the threshold below which creep retracts
local pollution_lower_threshold = 100
-- the number of tiles that change to/from creep at once
local random_factor = 0.1
-- the message to pop up when players build on the wrong tiles
local popup_message = 'You may only build on terraformed land! Terraform by spreading pollution.'
-- the message attached to the number of entities destroyed from not being on creep tiles
local death_recap_message = ' buildings have died to the toxic atmosphere recently.'
-- message printed to player when taking damage from being away from the creep
local player_damage_message = 'You are taking damage from the toxic atmosphere.'
-- message printed to player when they are ejected from a vehicle from being away from the creep
local vehicle_ejecte_message = 'The toxic atmosphere wreaks havoc on your controls and you find yourself ejected from the vehicle.'
-- message printed to game when a player dies to the atmosphere
local player_death_message = 'The toxic atmosphere has claimed a victim.'
-- message printed to the game when a bot is destroyed placing a tile
local dead_robot_recap_message = ' robots died trying to place tiles, it seemed as though the ground swelled up swallowed them whole.'
-- message printed to the game when a player tries placing a tile
local player_built_tile_message = 'The ground rejects the artificial tiles you have tried to place'
-- boosts while on creep
local boosts = {
['character_running_speed_modifier'] = 1.1,
['character_mining_speed_modifier'] = 1.3,
['character_crafting_speed_modifier'] = 1,
['character_health_bonus'] = 200,
-- which tiles to use for creep expansion
local creep_expansion_tiles = global.map.terraforming.creep_expansion_tiles or {
-- which tiles to use when creep retracts
local creep_retraction_tiles = global.map.terraforming.creep_retraction_tiles or {
-- which tiles players can build on/count as creep
local creep_tiles = global.map.terraforming.creep_tiles or {
-- tiles which creep can expand into
local non_creep_tiles = global.map.terraforming.non_creep_tiles or {
-- Tiles which are completely exempt from the creep mechanic, currently kept in comment as a reference:
-- 'deepwater', 'deepwater-green', 'out-of-map', 'water', 'water-green', 'lab-dark-1', 'lab-dark-2', 'lab-white', 'tutorial-grid'
local decoratives = {
-- the 5 states a chunk can be in
local NOT_CREEP = 1 -- Chunk is 0% creep tiles and unpolluted
local FULL_CREEP = 2 -- Chunk is 100% creep tile and polluted
local CREEP_RETRACTION = 3 -- Chunk has >0% creep tiles but is unpolluted
local CREEP_EXPANDING = 4 -- Chunk has <100% creep tiles but is polluted
local CREEP_UNKNOWN = 5 -- a special case for newly-generated chunks where we need to check their state
-- Register our globals
local chunklist = {}
local popup_timeout = {}
local death_count = {0}
local dead_robot_count = {0}
local c_index = {1}
chunklist = chunklist,
death_count = death_count,
c_index = c_index,
dead_robot_count = dead_robot_count,
popup_timeout = popup_timeout,
chunklist = tbl.chunklist
death_count = tbl.death_count
c_index = tbl.c_index
dead_robot_count = tbl.dead_robot_count
2018-12-19 17:05:44 -05:00
popup_timeout = tbl.popup_timeout
2018-12-09 10:50:16 -05:00
--- Converts tiles
-- @param tile_table table of tiles to convert
-- @param tiles table of potential tiles to convert to
local function convert_tiles(tile_table, tiles)
2019-01-16 13:44:55 -05:00
local set_tiles = RS.get_surface().set_tiles
2018-12-09 10:50:16 -05:00
local tile_set = {}
local target_tile = tile_table[random(1, #tile_table)]
-- convert the LuaTiles table into a new one we can edit
for _, tiledata in pairs(tiles) do
if random() < random_factor then
tile_set[#tile_set + 1] = {name = target_tile, position = tiledata.position}
-- change the tiles to the target_tile
local on_popup_timeout_complete =
popup_timeout[name] = nil
--- Kills buildings that are not on creep tiles
-- @param entity LuaEntity to kill
-- @param event or false - whether the entity is coming from a build event
2018-12-19 17:03:41 -05:00
local function kill_invalid_builds(event)
local entity = event.created_entity
2018-12-09 10:50:16 -05:00
if not (entity and entity.valid) then
-- don't kill players
if entity.type == 'player' then
-- don't kill vehicles
if entity.type == 'car' or entity.type == 'tank' or not entity.health then
-- Some entities have no bounding box area. Not sure which.
if entity.bounding_box.left_top.x == entity.bounding_box.right_bottom.x or entity.bounding_box.left_top.y == entity.bounding_box.right_bottom.y then
-- don't kill trains
if entity.type == 'locomotive' or entity.type == 'fluid-wagon' or entity.type == 'cargo-wagon' or entity.type == 'artillery-wagon ' then
local last_user = entity.last_user
local ceil = math.ceil
local floor = math.floor
-- expand the bounding box to enclose full tiles to be scanned (if your area is less than the full size of the tile, the tile is not included)
local bounding_box = {
{floor(entity.bounding_box.left_top.x), floor(entity.bounding_box.left_top.y)},
{ceil(entity.bounding_box.right_bottom.x), ceil(entity.bounding_box.right_bottom.y)}
local tiles = entity.surface.count_tiles_filtered {name = non_creep_tiles, area = bounding_box, limit = 1}
if tiles > 0 then
--Need to turn off ghosts left by dead buildings so construction bots won't keep placing buildings and having them blow up.
local force = entity.force
local ttl = force.ghost_time_to_live
entity.force.ghost_time_to_live = 0
force.ghost_time_to_live = ttl
death_count[1] = death_count[1] + 1
2018-12-19 17:03:41 -05:00
-- checking for event.tick is a cheap way to see if it's an actual event or if the event data came from check_chunk_for_entities
if event.tick and last_user and last_user.connected and not popup_timeout[last_user.name] then
Popup.player(last_user, popup_message)
2018-12-09 10:50:16 -05:00
popup_timeout[last_user.name] = true
Task.set_timeout(60, on_popup_timeout_complete, last_user.name)
--- Scans the provided chunk for entities on force _creep_force_.
--@param chunk table with position and status of a map chunk
local function check_chunk_for_entities(chunk)
2019-01-16 13:44:55 -05:00
local find_entities_filtered = RS.get_surface().find_entities_filtered
2018-12-09 10:50:16 -05:00
local entities_found
entities_found =
find_entities_filtered {
area = {{chunk.x - 16, chunk.y - 16}, {chunk.x + 16, chunk.y + 16}},
force = creep_force
for _, entity in pairs(entities_found) do
2018-12-19 17:03:41 -05:00
kill_invalid_builds({['created_entity'] = entity})
2018-12-09 10:50:16 -05:00
--- Changes the state and tiles of chunks when they meet the creep expansion/retraction criteria
--@param state number representing whether we want to expand or contract the chunk (expand = 1, retract = 2)
--@param i number of the chunk's key in the chunklist table
local function change_creep_state(state, i)
2019-01-16 13:44:55 -05:00
local find_tiles_filtered = RS.get_surface().find_tiles_filtered
2018-12-09 10:50:16 -05:00
local tiles_to_set = {}
local debug_message
local chunk_end_state
local chunk_transition_state
local tiles_to_find
-- states: expand = 1, retract = 2
if state == 1 then
tiles_to_find = non_creep_tiles
tiles_to_set = creep_expansion_tiles
debug_message = 'Creep expanding'
chunk_end_state = FULL_CREEP
chunk_transition_state = CREEP_EXPANDING
elseif state == 2 then
tiles_to_find = creep_tiles
tiles_to_set = creep_retraction_tiles
debug_message = 'Creep retracting'
chunk_end_state = NOT_CREEP
chunk_transition_state = CREEP_RETRACTION
chunklist[i].is_creep = chunk_transition_state
local chunkcoord = chunklist[i]
local tiles =
area = {{chunkcoord.x - 16, chunkcoord.y - 16}, {chunkcoord.x + 16, chunkcoord.y + 16}},
name = tiles_to_find
if (#tiles > 0) then
convert_tiles(tiles_to_set, tiles)
if global.DEBUG_SPREAD then
-- if there are 0 tiles to convert, they're either fully creep or fully non-creep
chunklist[i].is_creep = chunk_end_state
-- if a chunk has lost all creep, do a final check to see if there are any buildings to kill and regen the decoratives
if state == 2 then
2019-01-16 13:44:55 -05:00
RS.get_surface().regenerate_decorative(decoratives, {{chunklist[i].x, chunklist[i].y}})
2018-12-09 10:50:16 -05:00
--- Every tick scan _processchunk_ number of chunks for their pollution state and if needed, change their state
local function on_tick()
2019-01-16 13:44:55 -05:00
local get_pollution = RS.get_surface().get_pollution
2018-12-09 10:50:16 -05:00
local maxindex = #chunklist
for i = c_index[1], c_index[1] + processchunk, 1 do
if i > maxindex then
-- we've iterated through all chunks
c_index[1] = 1
if get_pollution(chunklist[i]) > pollution_upper_threshold and chunklist[i].is_creep ~= FULL_CREEP then
change_creep_state(1, i) -- expand = 1, retract = 2
elseif get_pollution(chunklist[i]) < pollution_lower_threshold and chunklist[i].is_creep ~= NOT_CREEP then
change_creep_state(2, i) -- expand = 1, retract = 2
if chunklist[i].is_creep == CREEP_RETRACTION then
-- if a chunk's creep is retracting, we need to check if there are entities to kill
c_index[1] = c_index[1] + processchunk
--- Takes newly generated chunks and places them inside the chunklist table
local function on_chunk_generated(event)
2019-01-16 13:44:55 -05:00
if event.surface == RS.get_surface() then
2018-12-09 10:50:16 -05:00
local chunk = {}
local coords = event.area.left_top
chunk.x = coords.x + 16
chunk.y = coords.y + 16
chunk.is_creep = CREEP_UNKNOWN
insert(chunklist, chunk)
--- Prints the number of deaths from buildings outside of creep. Resets every _death_recap_timer_ ticks.
local function print_death_recap()
if death_count[1] > 1 then
game.print(death_count[1] .. death_recap_message)
death_count[1] = 0
if dead_robot_count[1] > 1 then
game.print(dead_robot_count[1] .. dead_robot_recap_message)
dead_robot_count[1] = 0
--- Apply penalties for being away from creep
local function apply_penalties(p, c)
for boost in pairs(boosts) do
p[boost] = 0
--- Gives movement speed buffs when on creep, slows when only near creep, damages when far from creep.
local function apply_creep_effects_on_players()
local radius = 10 --distance to check around player for creep (nb. not actually a radius)
for _, p in pairs(game.connected_players) do
local c = p.character
if c then
-- count all non_creep_tiles around the player
local count = p.surface.count_tiles_filtered {name = non_creep_tiles, area = {{p.position.x - radius, p.position.y - radius}, {p.position.x + radius, p.position.y + radius}}}
if count == (radius * 2) ^ 2 then
-- kick player from vehicle
if p.vehicle then
p.driving = false
-- calculate damage based on whether player has shields and is not in combat and check to see if we would deal lethal damage
-- (shields prevent us putting the character into combat, so we need to compensate for health regen)
local message = player_damage_message
local damage
if c.grid and c.grid.shield and not c.in_combat then
damage = off_creep_damage + regen_factor
message = message .. ' Your shields do nothing to help.'
damage = off_creep_damage
if (damage + 10) >= c.health then -- add 10 for the acid projectile damage
-- create acid splash and deal damage
p.surface.create_entity {name = 'acid-projectile-purple', target = p.character, position = p.character.position, speed = 10}
c.health = c.health - damage
-- apply penalties for being away from creep
apply_penalties(p, c)
if global.DEBUG_ON_CREEP then
game.print('Far from creep and taking damage')
elseif count > (radius * 2) ^ 2 * 0.8 then
-- apply penalties for being away from creep
apply_penalties(p, c)
if global.DEBUG_ON_CREEP then
game.print('Near but not on creep')
-- apply boosts for being on or near creep
for boost, boost_value in pairs(boosts) do
p[boost] = boost_value
if global.DEBUG_ON_CREEP then
game.print('On creep and getting full benefits')
--- Revert built tiles
local function check_on_tile_built(event)
local surface
if event.robot then
surface = event.robot.surface
dead_robot_count[1] = dead_robot_count[1] + 1
local player = Game.get_player_by_index(event.player_index)
surface = player.surface
global.temp = event.tiles
local tile_set = {}
insert = table.insert
for k, v in pairs(event.tiles) do
tile_set[#tile_set + 1] = {name = v.old_tile.name, position = v.position}
Event.add(defines.events.on_tick, on_tick)
Event.add(defines.events.on_chunk_generated, on_chunk_generated)
2018-12-19 17:03:41 -05:00
Event.add(defines.events.on_built_entity, kill_invalid_builds)
Event.add(defines.events.on_robot_built_entity, kill_invalid_builds)
2018-12-09 10:50:16 -05:00
Event.add(defines.events.on_player_built_tile, check_on_tile_built)
Event.add(defines.events.on_robot_built_tile, check_on_tile_built)
Event.on_nth_tick(death_recap_timer, print_death_recap)
Event.on_nth_tick(player_pos_check_time, apply_creep_effects_on_players)
--- Debug commands which will generate or clear pollution
2019-01-02 10:34:17 -05:00
description = 'Create a lot of pollution',
debug_only = true,
cheat_only = true
if game.player then
game.player.surface.pollute(game.player.position, 10000)
2018-12-09 10:50:16 -05:00
2019-01-02 10:34:17 -05:00
description = 'Eliminate all pollution on the surface',
debug_only = true,
cheat_only = true
if game.player then
2018-12-09 10:50:16 -05:00
2019-01-02 10:34:17 -05:00