2018-12-14 17:29:37 +00:00
-- Map by Jayefuu, based on Triangle of Death map by grilledham
local b = require ' map_gen.shared.builders '
local Random = require ' map_gen.shared.random '
local Perlin = require ' map_gen.shared.perlin_noise '
local Token = require ' utils.token '
local Global = require ' utils.global '
local Event = require ' utils.event '
local ScenarioInfo = require ' features.gui.info '
2019-01-16 13:44:55 -05:00
local RS = require ' map_gen.shared.redmew_surface '
2019-01-15 08:27:48 -05:00
local table = require ' utils.table '
2019-01-16 15:33:32 -05:00
local MGSP = require ' resources.map_gen_settings '
2018-12-14 17:29:37 +00:00
-- change these to change the pattern.
local ore_seed1 = 30000
local ore_seed2 = 2 * ore_seed1
local enemy_seed = 420420
local loot_seed = 2000
2019-01-16 15:33:32 -05:00
RS.set_map_gen_settings (
MGSP.ore_oil_none ,
ScenarioInfo.set_map_name ( ' Christmas Tree of Terror ' )
ScenarioInfo.set_map_description ( " Triangle of death's Christmas cousin " )
ScenarioInfo.add_map_extra_info ( ' Christmas tree shaped death world with plenty of loot to fight for. \n Can you reach the presents at the base of the tree? ' )
2018-12-14 17:29:37 +00:00
local generator
local ammos = {
' artillery-shell ' ,
' biological ' ,
' bullet ' ,
' cannon-shell ' ,
' capsule ' ,
' combat-robot-beam ' ,
' combat-robot-laser ' ,
' electric ' ,
' flamethrower ' ,
' grenade ' ,
' landmine ' ,
' laser-turret ' ,
' melee ' ,
' railgun ' ,
' rocket ' ,
' shotgun-shell '
local function init_weapon_damage ( )
local p_force = game.forces . player
for _ , a in ipairs ( ammos ) do
p_force.set_ammo_damage_modifier ( a , - 0.5 )
Event.add (
defines.events . on_research_finished ,
function ( event )
local p_force = game.forces . player
local r = event.research
for _ , e in ipairs ( r.effects ) do
local t = e.type
if t == ' ammo-damage ' then
local m = e.modifier
local category = e.ammo_category
local current_m = p_force.get_ammo_damage_modifier ( category )
p_force.set_ammo_damage_modifier ( category , current_m - 0.5 * m )
elseif t == ' turret-attack ' then
local m = e.modifier
local category = e.turret_id
local current_m = p_force.get_turret_attack_modifier ( category )
p_force.set_turret_attack_modifier ( category , current_m - 0.5 * m )
Global.register_init (
{ } ,
function ( tbl )
tbl.generator = game.create_random_generator ( )
init_weapon_damage ( )
end ,
function ( tbl )
generator = tbl.generator
local gradient = 0.5
local segment_height = 64
local branch_gradient = 0.3
2018-12-15 15:24:36 -05:00
local function tree ( x , y )
2018-12-14 17:29:37 +00:00
local abs_x = math.abs ( x )
local abs_y = math.abs ( y )
2018-12-15 15:24:36 -05:00
return not ( abs_x > ( ( abs_y * gradient ) + ( branch_gradient * ( abs_y % segment_height ) ) ) or y < 0 )
2018-12-14 17:29:37 +00:00
2018-12-15 15:24:36 -05:00
tree = b.translate ( tree , 0 , - 30 )
2018-12-14 17:29:37 +00:00
tree = b.change_tile ( tree , true , ' grass-1 ' )
local star = b.picture ( require ' map_gen.data.presets.star ' )
star = b.scale ( star , 0.1 )
star = b.change_tile ( star , true , ' sand-1 ' )
local baubel_1 = b.picture ( require ' map_gen.data.presets.baubel_1 ' )
baubel_1 = b.scale ( baubel_1 , 0.4 )
local baubel_2 = b.picture ( require ' map_gen.data.presets.baubel_2 ' )
baubel_2 = b.scale ( baubel_2 , 0.1 )
local baubel_3 = b.picture ( require ' map_gen.data.presets.baubel_3 ' )
baubel_3 = b.scale ( baubel_3 , 0.1 )
local baubel_4 = b.picture ( require ' map_gen.data.presets.baubel_4 ' )
baubel_4 = b.scale ( baubel_4 , 0.1 )
local icons = {
baubel_1 ,
baubel_2 ,
baubel_3 ,
local icons_count = # icons
local value = b.manhattan_value
local function non_transform ( shape )
return shape
local function uranium_transform ( shape )
return b.scale ( shape , 0.5 )
local function oil_transform ( shape )
shape = b.scale ( shape , 0.5 )
return b.throttle_world_xy ( shape , 1 , 4 , 1 , 4 )
local function empty_transform ( )
return b.empty_shape
local ores = {
{ transform = non_transform , resource = ' iron-ore ' , value = value ( 1000 , 0.1 ) , weight = 16 } ,
{ transform = non_transform , resource = ' copper-ore ' , value = value ( 600 , 0.1 ) , weight = 10 } ,
{ transform = non_transform , resource = ' stone ' , value = value ( 250 , 0.1 ) , weight = 3 } ,
{ transform = non_transform , resource = ' coal ' , value = value ( 700 , 0.1 ) , weight = 5 } ,
{ transform = uranium_transform , resource = ' uranium-ore ' , value = value ( 200 , 0.1 ) , weight = 3 } ,
{ transform = oil_transform , resource = ' crude-oil ' , value = value ( 150000 , 50 ) , weight = 6 } ,
{ transform = empty_transform , weight = 100 }
local random = Random.new ( ore_seed1 , ore_seed2 )
local total_weights = { }
local t = 0
for _ , v in ipairs ( ores ) do
t = t + v.weight
table.insert ( total_weights , t )
local p_cols = 50
local p_rows = 50
local pattern = { }
for _ = 1 , p_rows do
local row = { }
table.insert ( pattern , row )
for _ = 1 , p_cols do
local shape = icons [ random : next_int ( 1 , icons_count ) ]
local i = random : next_int ( 1 , t )
local index = table.binary_search ( total_weights , i )
if ( index < 0 ) then
index = bit32.bnot ( index )
local ore_data = ores [ index ]
shape = ore_data.transform ( shape )
local x = random : next_int ( - 24 , 24 )
local y = random : next_int ( - 24 , 24 )
shape = b.translate ( shape , x , y )
2018-12-15 15:24:36 -05:00
2018-12-14 17:29:37 +00:00
local ore = b.resource ( shape , ore_data.resource , ore_data.value )
table.insert ( row , ore )
local ore_shape = b.project_pattern ( pattern , 250 , 1.0625 , 50 , 50 )
ore_shape = b.scale ( ore_shape , 0.1 )
2018-12-15 15:24:36 -05:00
local start_ore = b.scale ( icons [ 2 ] , 0.3 )
2018-12-14 17:29:37 +00:00
local start_iron = b.resource ( start_ore , ' iron-ore ' , value ( 1000 , 0 ) )
local start_copper = b.resource ( start_ore , ' copper-ore ' , value ( 1000 , 0 ) )
local start_coal = b.resource ( start_ore , ' coal ' , value ( 1500 , 0 ) )
local start_stone = b.resource ( start_ore , ' stone ' , value ( 1000 , 0 ) )
start_ore = b.segment_pattern ( { start_coal , start_stone , start_copper , start_iron } )
start_ore = b.translate ( start_ore , 0 , 64 )
ore_shape = b.choose ( b.rectangle ( 188 , 188 ) , start_ore , ore_shape )
local item_pool = {
{ name = ' firearm-magazine ' , count = 200 , weight = 1250 } ,
{ name = ' land-mine ' , count = 100 , weight = 250 } ,
{ name = ' shotgun-shell ' , count = 200 , weight = 1250 } ,
{ name = ' piercing-rounds-magazine ' , count = 200 , weight = 833.3333 } ,
{ name = ' science-pack-1 ' , count = 200 , weight = 100 } ,
{ name = ' science-pack-2 ' , count = 200 , weight = 100 } ,
{ name = ' grenade ' , count = 100 , weight = 500 } ,
{ name = ' defender-capsule ' , count = 50 , weight = 500 } ,
{ name = ' railgun-dart ' , count = 100 , weight = 500 } ,
{ name = ' piercing-shotgun-shell ' , count = 200 , weight = 312.5 } ,
{ name = ' steel-axe ' , count = 5 , weight = 166.6667 } ,
{ name = ' submachine-gun ' , count = 1 , weight = 166.6667 } ,
{ name = ' shotgun ' , count = 1 , weight = 166.6667 } ,
{ name = ' uranium-rounds-magazine ' , count = 200 , weight = 166.6667 } ,
{ name = ' cannon-shell ' , count = 100 , weight = 166.6667 } ,
{ name = ' rocket ' , count = 100 , weight = 166.6667 } ,
{ name = ' distractor-capsule ' , count = 25 , weight = 166.6667 } ,
{ name = ' railgun ' , count = 1 , weight = 100 } ,
{ name = ' flamethrower-ammo ' , count = 50 , weight = 100 } ,
{ name = ' military-science-pack ' , count = 200 , weight = 100 } ,
{ name = ' science-pack-3 ' , count = 200 , weight = 100 } ,
{ name = ' explosive-rocket ' , count = 100 , weight = 100 } ,
{ name = ' explosive-cannon-shell ' , count = 100 , weight = 100 } ,
{ name = ' cluster-grenade ' , count = 100 , weight = 100 } ,
{ name = ' poison-capsule ' , count = 100 , weight = 100 } ,
{ name = ' slowdown-capsule ' , count = 100 , weight = 100 } ,
{ name = ' construction-robot ' , count = 50 , weight = 100 } ,
{ name = ' solar-panel-equipment ' , count = 5 , weight = 833.3333 } ,
{ name = ' artillery-targeting-remote ' , count = 1 , weight = 50 } ,
{ name = ' tank-flamethrower ' , count = 1 , weight = 33.3333 } ,
{ name = ' explosive-uranium-cannon-shell ' , count = 100 , weight = 33.3333 } ,
{ name = ' destroyer-capsule ' , count = 10 , weight = 33.3333 } ,
{ name = ' artillery-shell ' , count = 10 , weight = 25 } ,
{ name = ' battery-equipment ' , count = 5 , weight = 25 } ,
{ name = ' night-vision-equipment ' , count = 2 , weight = 25 } ,
{ name = ' exoskeleton-equipment ' , count = 2 , weight = 166.6667 } ,
{ name = ' rocket-launcher ' , count = 1 , weight = 14.2857 } ,
{ name = ' combat-shotgun ' , count = 1 , weight = 10 } ,
{ name = ' flamethrower ' , count = 1 , weight = 10 } ,
{ name = ' tank-cannon ' , count = 1 , weight = 10 } ,
{ name = ' modular-armor ' , count = 1 , weight = 100 } ,
{ name = ' belt-immunity-equipment ' , count = 1 , weight = 10 } ,
{ name = ' personal-roboport-equipment ' , count = 1 , weight = 100 } ,
{ name = ' energy-shield-equipment ' , count = 2 , weight = 100 } ,
{ name = ' personal-laser-defense-equipment ' , count = 2 , weight = 100 } ,
{ name = ' battery-mk2-equipment ' , count = 1 , weight = 40 } ,
{ name = ' tank-machine-gun ' , count = 1 , weight = 3.3333 } ,
{ name = ' power-armor ' , count = 1 , weight = 33.3333 } ,
{ name = ' fusion-reactor-equipment ' , count = 1 , weight = 33.3333 } ,
{ name = ' production-science-pack ' , count = 200 , weight = 100 } ,
{ name = ' high-tech-science-pack ' , count = 200 , weight = 100 } ,
{ name = ' artillery-turret ' , count = 1 , weight = 2.5 } ,
{ name = ' artillery-wagon-cannon ' , count = 1 , weight = 1 } ,
{ name = ' atomic-bomb ' , count = 1 , weight = 1 } ,
{ name = ' space-science-pack ' , count = 200 , weight = 10 }
local total_weights2 = { }
t = 0
for _ , v in ipairs ( item_pool ) do
t = t + v.weight
table.insert ( total_weights2 , t )
local callback =
Token.register (
function ( entity , data )
local power = data.power
generator.re_seed ( data.seed )
local count = generator ( 3 , 8 )
for _ = 1 , count do
local i = generator ( ) ^ power * t
local index = table.binary_search ( total_weights2 , i )
if ( index < 0 ) then
index = bit32.bnot ( index )
local loot = item_pool [ index ]
entity.insert ( loot )
local loot_power = 500000
local function loot ( x , y )
local seed = bit32.band ( x * 374761393 + y * 668265263 + loot_seed , 4294967295 )
generator.re_seed ( seed )
if generator ( 8192 ) ~= 1 then
return nil
local d_sq = x * x + y * y
local name
if d_sq < 360000 then --d < 600
name = ' car '
if math.random ( 5 ) == 1 then
name = ' tank '
name = ' car '
-- neutral stops the biters attacking them.
local entity = {
name = name ,
force = ' neutral ' ,
callback = callback ,
2018-12-15 15:24:36 -05:00
data = { power = loot_power / d_sq , seed = generator ( 4294967295 ) }
2018-12-14 17:29:37 +00:00
return entity
local worm_names = { ' small-worm-turret ' , ' medium-worm-turret ' , ' big-worm-turret ' }
local spawner_names = { ' biter-spawner ' , ' spitter-spawner ' }
local factor = 8 / ( 1024 * 32 )
local max_chance = 1 / 8
local scale_factor = 32
local sf = 1 / scale_factor
local m = 1 / 1000
local function enemy ( x , y , world )
local d = math.sqrt ( world.x * world.x + world.y * world.y )
if d < 300 then
return nil
local threshold = 1 - d * m
threshold = math.max ( threshold , 0.25 ) -- -0.125)
x , y = x * sf , y * sf
if Perlin.noise ( x , y , enemy_seed ) > threshold then
if math.random ( 8 ) == 1 then
local lvl
if d < 400 then
lvl = 1
elseif d < 650 then
lvl = 2
lvl = 3
local chance = math.min ( max_chance , d * factor )
if math.random ( ) < chance then
local worm_id
if d > 1000 then
local power = 1000 / d
worm_id = math.ceil ( ( math.random ( ) ^ power ) * lvl )
worm_id = math.random ( lvl )
return { name = worm_names [ worm_id ] }
local chance = math.min ( max_chance , d * factor )
if math.random ( ) < chance then
local spawner_id = math.random ( 2 )
return { name = spawner_names [ spawner_id ] }
2018-12-15 15:24:36 -05:00
local sea = b.change_tile ( b.full_shape , true , ' water ' ) -- turn the void to water
2018-12-14 17:29:37 +00:00
sea = b.fish ( sea , 0.00125 )
tree = b.apply_entity ( tree , ore_shape )
local map = b.any {
b.translate ( star , 0 , - 70 ) ,
tree ,
map = b.apply_entity ( map , loot )
map = b.apply_entity ( map , enemy )
local function on_init ( )
2018-12-15 15:24:36 -05:00
game.forces [ ' player ' ] . technologies [ ' landfill ' ] . enabled = false
2018-12-14 17:29:37 +00:00
2019-01-16 13:44:55 -05:00
local surface = RS.get_surface ( )
2018-12-14 17:29:37 +00:00
surface.map_gen_settings = {
cliff_settings = {
name = ' cliff ' ,
cliff_elevation_0 = 1024 ,
cliff_elevation_interval = 10
2018-12-15 15:24:36 -05:00
2018-12-14 17:29:37 +00:00
Event.on_init ( on_init )
return map