2018-11-24 11:45:43 +02:00
-- dependencies
local Event = require 'utils.event'
local Game = require 'utils.game'
local Global = require 'utils.global'
local ForceControl = require 'features.force_control'
local Debug = require 'map_gen.Diggy.Debug'
-- Will be registered in Experience.register
local ForceControl_builder = {}
-- this
local Experience = {}
local mining_efficiency = {
active_modifier = 0,
research_modifier = 0,
level_modifier = 0,
local inventory_slots = {
active_modifier = 0,
research_modifier = 0,
level_modifier = 0,
local health_bonus = {
active_modifier = 0,
research_modifier = 0,
level_modifier = 0,
mining_efficiency = mining_efficiency,
inventory_slots = inventory_slots,
health_bonus = health_bonus
}, function(tbl)
mining_efficiency = tbl.mining_efficiency
inventory_slots = tbl.inventory_slots
health_bonus = tbl.health_bonus
local Config = {}
local string_format = string.format
local alien_coin_modifiers = require 'map_gen.Diggy.Config'.features.ArtefactHunting.alien_coin_modifiers
2018-11-24 17:05:01 +02:00
local floor = math.floor
2018-11-24 11:45:43 +02:00
local level_up_formula = (function (level_reached)
local floor = math.floor
local log = math.log
local Config = require 'map_gen.Diggy.Config'.features.Experience
local difficulty_scale = floor(Config.difficulty_scale)
local level_fine_tune = floor(Config.xp_fine_tune)
local start_value = (floor(Config.first_lvl_xp)/2)
local precision = (floor(Config.cost_precision))
local function formula(level)
return (
difficulty_scale * (level) ^ 3
+ (level_fine_tune + start_value) * (level) ^ 2
+ start_value * (level)
- difficulty_scale * (level)
- level_fine_tune * (level)
local value = formula(level_reached + 1)
local lower_value = formula(level_reached)
value = value - (value % (10 ^ (floor(log(value,10)) - precision)))
if lower_value == 0 then
return value - lower_value
lower_value = lower_value - (lower_value % (10 ^ (floor(log(lower_value,10)) - precision)))
return value - lower_value
---Updates a forces manual mining speed modifier. By removing active modifiers and re-adding
---@param force LuaForce the force of which will be updated
---@param level_up number a level if updating as part of a level up (optional)
function Experience.update_mining_speed(force, level_up)
local level_up = level_up ~= nil and level_up or 0
local buff = Config.buffs['mining_speed']
if level_up > 0 and buff ~= nil then
local value = (buff.double_level ~= nil and level_up%buff.double_level == 0) and buff.value*2 or buff.value
mining_efficiency.level_modifier = mining_efficiency.level_modifier + (value * 0.01)
-- remove the current buff
local old_modifier = force.manual_mining_speed_modifier - mining_efficiency.active_modifier
-- update the active modifier
mining_efficiency.active_modifier = mining_efficiency.research_modifier + mining_efficiency.level_modifier
-- add the new active modifier to the non-buffed modifier
force.manual_mining_speed_modifier = old_modifier + mining_efficiency.active_modifier
---Updates a forces inventory slots. By removing active modifiers and re-adding
---@param force LuaForce the force of which will be updated
---@param level_up number a level if updating as part of a level up (optional)
function Experience.update_inventory_slots(force, level_up)
local level_up = level_up ~= nil and level_up or 0
local buff = Config.buffs['inventory_slot']
if level_up > 0 and buff ~= nil then
local value = (buff.double_level ~= nil and level_up%buff.double_level == 0) and buff.value*2 or buff.value
inventory_slots.level_modifier = inventory_slots.level_modifier + value
-- remove the current buff
local old_modifier = force.character_inventory_slots_bonus - inventory_slots.active_modifier
-- update the active modifier
inventory_slots.active_modifier = inventory_slots.research_modifier + inventory_slots.level_modifier
-- add the new active modifier to the non-buffed modifier
force.character_inventory_slots_bonus = old_modifier + inventory_slots.active_modifier
---Updates a forces inventory slots. By removing active modifiers and re-adding
---@param force LuaForce the force of which will be updated
---@param level_up number a level if updating as part of a level up (optional)
function Experience.update_health_bonus(force, level_up)
local level_up = level_up ~= nil and level_up or 0
local buff = Config.buffs['health_bonus']
if level_up > 0 and buff ~= nil then
local value = (buff.double_level ~= nil and level_up%buff.double_level == 0) and buff.value*2 or buff.value
health_bonus.level_modifier = health_bonus.level_modifier + value
-- remove the current buff
local old_modifier = force.character_health_bonus - health_bonus.active_modifier
-- update the active modifier
health_bonus.active_modifier = health_bonus.research_modifier + health_bonus.level_modifier
-- add the new active modifier to the non-buffed modifier
force.character_health_bonus = old_modifier + health_bonus.active_modifier
-- declaration of variables to prevent table lookups @see Experience.register
local sand_rock_xp
local rock_huge_xp
---Awards experience when a rock has been mined
---@param event LuaEvent
local function on_player_mined_entity(event)
local entity = event.entity
local player_index = event.player_index
local force = Game.get_player_by_index(player_index).force
local exp
if entity.name == 'sand-rock-big' then
exp = sand_rock_xp
elseif entity.name == 'rock-huge' then
exp = rock_huge_xp
local text = string_format('+%d XP', exp)
Game.print_player_floating_text_position(player_index, text, {r = 144, g = 202, b = 249},0, -0.5)
ForceControl.add_experience(force, exp)
---Awards experience when a research has finished, based on ingredient cost of research
---@param event LuaEvent
local function on_research_finished(event)
local research = event.research
local force = research.force
local award_xp = 0
for _, ingredient in pairs(research.research_unit_ingredients) do
local name = ingredient.name
local reward = Config.XP[name]
award_xp = award_xp + reward
local exp = award_xp * research.research_unit_count
local text = string_format('Research completed! +%d XP', exp)
for _, p in pairs(game.connected_players) do
local player_index = p.index
Game.print_player_floating_text_position(player_index, text, {r = 144, g = 202, b = 249}, -1, -0.5)
ForceControl.add_experience(force, exp)
local current_modifier = mining_efficiency.research_modifier
local new_modifier = force.mining_drill_productivity_bonus * Config.mining_speed_productivity_multiplier * 0.5
if (current_modifier == new_modifier) then
-- something else was researched
mining_efficiency.research_modifier = new_modifier
inventory_slots.research_modifier = force.mining_drill_productivity_bonus * 50 -- 1 per level
Experience.update_inventory_slots(force, 0)
Experience.update_mining_speed(force, 0)
game.forces.player.technologies['landfill'].enabled = false
---Awards experience when a rocket has been launched
---@param event LuaEvent
local function on_rocket_launched(event)
local exp = Config.XP['rocket_launch']
local force = event.force
local text = string_format('Rocket launched! +%d XP', exp)
for _, p in pairs(game.connected_players) do
local player_index = p.index
Game.print_player_floating_text_position(player_index, text, {r = 144, g = 202, b = 249},-1, -0.5)
ForceControl.add_experience(force, exp)
---Awards experience when a player kills an enemy, based on type of enemy
---@param event LuaEvent
local function on_entity_died (event)
local entity = event.entity
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local force = event.force
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local cause = event.cause
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--For bot mining
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if not cause or cause.type ~= 'player' or not cause.valid then
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local exp
2018-11-24 17:05:01 +02:00
if force == 'player' then
if entity.name == 'sand-rock-big' then
exp = floor(sand_rock_xp/2)
elseif entity.name == 'rock-huge' then
exp = floor(rock_huge_xp/2)
2018-11-24 17:33:26 +02:00
elseif cause and (cause.name == 'artillery-turret' or cause.name == 'gun-turret' or cause.name == 'laser-turret' or cause.name == 'flamethrower-turret') then
local exp = Config.XP['enemy_killed'] * alien_coin_modifiers[entity.name]
local text = string_format('Killed %s! + %d XP', entity.name, exp)
Game.print_floating_text(cause.surface, cause.position, text, {r = 144, g = 202, b = 249})
ForceControl.add_experience(force, exp)
2018-11-24 17:05:01 +02:00
local text = string_format('+ %d XP', exp)
Game.print_floating_text(entity.surface, entity.position, text, {r = 144, g = 202, b = 249})
ForceControl.add_experience(force, exp)
2018-11-24 11:45:43 +02:00
2018-11-24 17:05:01 +02:00
if entity.force.name ~= 'enemy' then
2018-11-24 11:45:43 +02:00
local exp = Config.XP['enemy_killed'] * alien_coin_modifiers[entity.name]
local text = string_format('Killed %s! + %d XP', entity.name, exp)
local player_index = cause.player.index
Game.print_player_floating_text_position(player_index, text, {r = 144, g = 202, b = 249},-1, -0.5)
ForceControl.add_experience(force, exp)
---Deducts experience when a player respawns, based on a percentage of total experience
---@param event LuaEvent
local function on_player_respawned(event)
local player = Game.get_player_by_index(event.player_index)
local force = player.force
local exp = ForceControl.remove_experience_percentage(force, Config.XP['death-penalty'], 50)
local text = string_format('%s died! -%d XP', player.name, exp)
for _, p in pairs(game.connected_players) do
Game.print_player_floating_text_position(p.index, text, {r = 255, g = 0, b = 0},-1, -0.5)
---Get list of defined buffs
---@return table with the same format as in the Diggy Config
---@see Diggy.Config.features.Experience.Buffs
function Experience.get_buffs()
return Config.buffs
local level_table = {}
---Get experiment requirement for a given level
---Primarily used for the market GUI to display total experience required to unlock a specific item
---@param level number a number specifying the level
---@return number required total experience to reach supplied level
function Experience.calculate_level_xp(level)
if level_table[level] == nil then
local value
if level == 1 then
value = level_up_formula(level-1)
value = level_up_formula(level-1)+Experience.calculate_level_xp(level-1)
table.insert(level_table, level, value)
return level_table[level]
function Experience.register(cfg)
Config = cfg
--Adds the function on how to calculate level caps (When to level up)
ForceControl_builder = ForceControl.register(level_up_formula)
--Adds a function that'll be executed at every level up
ForceControl_builder.register_on_every_level(function (level_reached, force)
force.print(string_format('%s Leveled up to %d!', '## - ', level_reached))
force.play_sound{path='utility/new_objective', volume_modifier = 1 }
local Experience = require 'map_gen.Diggy.Feature.Experience'
Experience.update_inventory_slots(force, level_reached)
Experience.update_mining_speed(force, level_reached)
Experience.update_health_bonus(force, level_reached)
local MarketExchange = require 'map_gen.Diggy.Feature.MarketExchange'
local market = MarketExchange.get_market()
MarketExchange.update_market_contents(market, force)
-- Events
Event.add(defines.events.on_player_mined_entity, on_player_mined_entity)
Event.add(defines.events.on_research_finished, on_research_finished)
Event.add(defines.events.on_rocket_launched, on_rocket_launched)
Event.add(defines.events.on_player_respawned, on_player_respawned)
Event.add(defines.events.on_entity_died, on_entity_died)
-- Prevents table lookup thousands of times
sand_rock_xp = Config.XP['sand-rock-big']
rock_huge_xp = Config.XP['rock-huge']
function Experience.on_init()
--Adds the 'player' force to participate in the force control system.
local force = game.forces.player
return Experience