2018-09-10 12:18:32 +02:00
--Factorio Cave Miner -- mewmew made this --
--You can use /c map_pregen() to pre-generate the world before playing to avoid microstutter while playing.--
To do ( maybe ) :
standalone info
2 nd biome rock labyrinth
oil >> spawn
explosives filled chest explosion
cliff explosives // rock mining
treasure chests get better with distance
random game events // earthquake , biters , rock treasure , messages
] ] --
local simplex_noise = require ' map_gen.shared.simplex_noise '
local Event = require ' utils.event '
local market_items = require " cave_miner_market_items "
2018-09-11 16:07:53 +02:00
if global.scenario and global.config then
if global.config . player_list then
global.scenario . config.player_list . enable_coin_col = nil
if global.scenario . config.fish_market then
global.scenario . config.fish_market . enable = nil
2018-09-11 16:00:49 +02:00
2018-09-10 12:18:32 +02:00
local function create_cave_miner_button ( player )
local button = player.gui . top.add ( { type = " sprite-button " , name = " caver_miner_stats_toggle_button " , sprite = " item/iron-axe " } )
button.style . minimal_height = 38
button.style . minimal_width = 38
button.style . top_padding = 2
button.style . left_padding = 4
button.style . right_padding = 4
button.style . bottom_padding = 2
local function create_cave_miner_stats_gui ( player )
if player.gui . top [ " hunger_frame " ] then
player.gui . top [ " hunger_frame " ] . destroy ( )
if player.gui . top [ " caver_miner_stats_frame " ] then
player.gui . top [ " caver_miner_stats_frame " ] . destroy ( )
local captions = { }
local caption_style = { { " font " , " default-bold " } , { " font_color " , { r = 0.63 , g = 0.63 , b = 0.63 } } , { " top_padding " , 2 } , { " left_padding " , 0 } , { " right_padding " , 0 } , { " minimal_width " , 0 } }
local stat_numbers = { }
local stat_number_style = { { " font " , " default-bold " } , { " font_color " , { r = 0.77 , g = 0.77 , b = 0.77 } } , { " top_padding " , 2 } , { " left_padding " , 0 } , { " right_padding " , 0 } , { " minimal_width " , 0 } }
local separators = { }
local separator_style = { { " font " , " default-bold " } , { " font_color " , { r = 0.15 , g = 0.15 , b = 0.89 } } , { " top_padding " , 2 } , { " left_padding " , 2 } , { " right_padding " , 2 } , { " minimal_width " , 0 } }
local frame = player.gui . top.add { type = " frame " , name = " hunger_frame " }
local str = tostring ( global.player_hunger [ player.name ] )
str = str .. " % "
str = str .. global.player_hunger_stages [ global.player_hunger [ player.name ] ]
local caption_hunger = frame.add { type = " label " , caption = str }
caption_hunger.style . font = " default-bold "
caption_hunger.style . font_color = global.player_hunger_color_list [ global.player_hunger [ player.name ] ]
caption_hunger.style . top_padding = 2
local frame = player.gui . top.add { type = " frame " , name = " caver_miner_stats_frame " }
local t = frame.add { type = " table " , column_count = 11 }
captions [ 1 ] = t.add { type = " label " , caption = " Ores mined: " }
global.total_ores_mined = global.stats_ores_found + game.forces . player.item_production_statistics . get_input_count ( " coal " ) + game.forces . player.item_production_statistics . get_input_count ( " iron-ore " ) + game.forces . player.item_production_statistics . get_input_count ( " copper-ore " ) + game.forces . player.item_production_statistics . get_input_count ( " uranium-ore " )
stat_numbers [ 1 ] = t.add { type = " label " , caption = global.total_ores_mined }
separators [ 1 ] = t.add { type = " label " , caption = " | " }
captions [ 2 ] = t.add { type = " label " , caption = " Rocks broken: " }
stat_numbers [ 2 ] = t.add { type = " label " , caption = global.stats_rocks_brocken }
separators [ 2 ] = t.add { type = " label " , caption = " | " }
captions [ 3 ] = t.add { type = " label " , caption = " Efficiency " }
local x = math.ceil ( game.forces . player.manual_mining_speed_modifier * 100 + global.player_hunger_buff [ global.player_hunger [ player.name ] ] * 100 , 0 )
local str = " "
if x > 0 then str = str .. " + " end
str = str .. tostring ( x )
str = str .. " % "
stat_numbers [ 3 ] = t.add { type = " label " , caption = str }
if game.forces . player.manual_mining_speed_modifier > 0 or game.forces . player.mining_drill_productivity_bonus > 0 then
separators [ 3 ] = t.add { type = " label " , caption = " | " }
captions [ 5 ] = t.add { type = " label " , caption = " Fortune " }
local str = " + "
str = str .. tostring ( game.forces . player.mining_drill_productivity_bonus * 100 )
str = str .. " % "
stat_numbers [ 4 ] = t.add { type = " label " , caption = str }
for _ , s in pairs ( caption_style ) do
for _ , l in pairs ( captions ) do
l.style [ s [ 1 ] ] = s [ 2 ]
for _ , s in pairs ( stat_number_style ) do
for _ , l in pairs ( stat_numbers ) do
l.style [ s [ 1 ] ] = s [ 2 ]
for _ , s in pairs ( separator_style ) do
for _ , l in pairs ( separators ) do
l.style [ s [ 1 ] ] = s [ 2 ]
stat_numbers [ 1 ] . style.minimal_width = 9 * string.len ( tostring ( global.stats_ores_found ) )
stat_numbers [ 2 ] . style.minimal_width = 9 * string.len ( tostring ( global.stats_rocks_brocken ) )
local function refresh_gui ( )
for _ , player in pairs ( game.connected_players ) do
local frame = player.gui . top [ " caver_miner_stats_frame " ]
if ( frame ) then
frame.destroy ( )
create_cave_miner_stats_gui ( player )
local function treasure_chest ( position )
local p = game.surfaces [ 1 ] . find_non_colliding_position ( " wooden-chest " , position , 2 , 0.5 )
if not p then return end
local e = game.surfaces [ 1 ] . create_entity { name = " wooden-chest " , position = p , force = " player " }
e.minable = false
local i = e.get_inventory ( defines.inventory . chest )
for x = 1 , math.random ( 3 , 8 ) , 1 do
local loot = global.treasure_chest_raffle_table [ math.random ( 1 , # global.treasure_chest_raffle_table ) ]
i.insert ( loot )
local function secret_shop ( pos )
local secret_market_items = {
{ price = { { " raw-fish " , math.random ( 250 , 450 ) } } , offer = { type = ' give-item ' , item = ' combat-shotgun ' } } ,
{ price = { { " raw-fish " , math.random ( 250 , 450 ) } } , offer = { type = ' give-item ' , item = ' flamethrower ' } } ,
{ price = { { " raw-fish " , math.random ( 75 , 125 ) } } , offer = { type = ' give-item ' , item = ' rocket-launcher ' } } ,
{ price = { { " raw-fish " , math.random ( 2 , 4 ) } } , offer = { type = ' give-item ' , item = ' piercing-rounds-magazine ' } } ,
{ price = { { " raw-fish " , math.random ( 14 , 28 ) } } , offer = { type = ' give-item ' , item = ' uranium-rounds-magazine ' } } ,
{ price = { { " raw-fish " , math.random ( 9 , 20 ) } } , offer = { type = ' give-item ' , item = ' piercing-shotgun-shell ' } } ,
{ price = { { " raw-fish " , math.random ( 6 , 12 ) } } , offer = { type = ' give-item ' , item = ' flamethrower-ammo ' } } ,
{ price = { { " raw-fish " , math.random ( 10 , 20 ) } } , offer = { type = ' give-item ' , item = ' rocket ' } } ,
{ price = { { " raw-fish " , math.random ( 15 , 25 ) } } , offer = { type = ' give-item ' , item = ' explosive-rocket ' } } ,
{ price = { { " raw-fish " , math.random ( 15 , 30 ) } } , offer = { type = ' give-item ' , item = ' explosive-cannon-shell ' } } ,
{ price = { { " raw-fish " , math.random ( 25 , 45 ) } } , offer = { type = ' give-item ' , item = ' explosive-uranium-cannon-shell ' } } ,
{ price = { { " raw-fish " , math.random ( 20 , 40 ) } } , offer = { type = ' give-item ' , item = ' cluster-grenade ' } } ,
{ price = { { " raw-fish " , math.random ( 1 , 3 ) } } , offer = { type = ' give-item ' , item = ' land-mine ' } } ,
{ price = { { " raw-fish " , math.random ( 250 , 500 ) } } , offer = { type = ' give-item ' , item = ' modular-armor ' } } ,
{ price = { { " raw-fish " , math.random ( 1500 , 3000 ) } } , offer = { type = ' give-item ' , item = ' power-armor ' } } ,
{ price = { { " raw-fish " , math.random ( 20000 , 25000 ) } } , offer = { type = ' give-item ' , item = ' power-armor-mk2 ' } } ,
{ price = { { " raw-fish " , math.random ( 4500 , 9000 ) } } , offer = { type = ' give-item ' , item = ' fusion-reactor-equipment ' } } ,
{ price = { { " raw-fish " , math.random ( 50 , 100 ) } } , offer = { type = ' give-item ' , item = ' battery-equipment ' } } ,
{ price = { { " raw-fish " , math.random ( 700 , 1100 ) } } , offer = { type = ' give-item ' , item = ' battery-mk2-equipment ' } } ,
{ price = { { " raw-fish " , math.random ( 400 , 700 ) } } , offer = { type = ' give-item ' , item = ' belt-immunity-equipment ' } } ,
{ price = { { " raw-fish " , math.random ( 12000 , 16000 ) } } , offer = { type = ' give-item ' , item = ' night-vision-equipment ' } } ,
{ price = { { " raw-fish " , math.random ( 300 , 500 ) } } , offer = { type = ' give-item ' , item = ' exoskeleton-equipment ' } } ,
{ price = { { " raw-fish " , math.random ( 350 , 500 ) } } , offer = { type = ' give-item ' , item = ' personal-roboport-equipment ' } } ,
{ price = { { " raw-fish " , math.random ( 25 , 50 ) } } , offer = { type = ' give-item ' , item = ' construction-robot ' } } ,
{ price = { { " raw-fish " , math.random ( 250 , 450 ) } } , offer = { type = ' give-item ' , item = ' energy-shield-equipment ' } } ,
{ price = { { " raw-fish " , math.random ( 350 , 550 ) } } , offer = { type = ' give-item ' , item = ' personal-laser-defense-equipment ' } } ,
{ price = { { " raw-fish " , math.random ( 125 , 250 ) } } , offer = { type = ' give-item ' , item = ' railgun ' } } ,
{ price = { { " raw-fish " , math.random ( 2 , 4 ) } } , offer = { type = ' give-item ' , item = ' railgun-dart ' } } ,
{ price = { { " raw-fish " , math.random ( 100 , 175 ) } } , offer = { type = ' give-item ' , item = ' loader ' } } ,
{ price = { { " raw-fish " , math.random ( 200 , 350 ) } } , offer = { type = ' give-item ' , item = ' fast-loader ' } } ,
{ price = { { " raw-fish " , math.random ( 400 , 600 ) } } , offer = { type = ' give-item ' , item = ' express-loader ' } }
local surface = game.surfaces [ 1 ]
local market = surface.create_entity { name = " market " , position = pos }
market.destructible = false
local market_items_to_add = math.random ( 8 , 12 )
while market_items_to_add >= 0 do
local i = math.random ( 1 , # secret_market_items )
if secret_market_items [ i ] then
market.add_market_item ( secret_market_items [ i ] )
market_items_to_add = market_items_to_add - 1
secret_market_items [ i ] = nil
local function on_chunk_generated ( event )
if not global.noise_seed then global.noise_seed = math.random ( 1 , 5000000 ) end
local surface = game.surfaces [ 1 ]
local noise = { }
local tiles = { }
local enemy_building_positions = { }
local enemy_worm_positions = { }
local rock_positions = { }
local fish_positions = { }
local treasure_chest_positions = { }
local secret_shop_locations = { }
local extra_tree_positions = { }
local tile_to_insert = false
local entity_has_been_placed = false
local pos_x = 0
local pos_y = 0
local tile_distance_to_center = 0
local entities = surface.find_entities ( event.area )
for _ , e in pairs ( entities ) do
if e.type == " resource " or e.type == " tree " or e.force . name == " enemy " then
e.destroy ( )
local noise_seed_add = 25000
local current_noise_seed_add = noise_seed_add
local m1 = 0.12
local m2 = 0.10
local m3 = 0.07
for x = 0 , 31 , 1 do
for y = 0 , 31 , 1 do
pos_x = event.area . left_top.x + x
pos_y = event.area . left_top.y + y
tile_distance_to_center = pos_x ^ 2 + pos_y ^ 2
noise [ 1 ] = simplex_noise.d2 ( pos_x / 350 , pos_y / 350 , global.noise_seed + current_noise_seed_add )
current_noise_seed_add = current_noise_seed_add + noise_seed_add
noise [ 2 ] = simplex_noise.d2 ( pos_x / 200 , pos_y / 200 , global.noise_seed + current_noise_seed_add )
current_noise_seed_add = current_noise_seed_add + noise_seed_add
noise [ 3 ] = simplex_noise.d2 ( pos_x / 50 , pos_y / 50 , global.noise_seed + current_noise_seed_add )
current_noise_seed_add = current_noise_seed_add + noise_seed_add
noise [ 4 ] = simplex_noise.d2 ( pos_x / 20 , pos_y / 20 , global.noise_seed + current_noise_seed_add )
current_noise_seed_add = current_noise_seed_add + noise_seed_add
local cave_noise = noise [ 1 ] + noise [ 2 ] * 0.3 + noise [ 3 ] * 0.1 + noise [ 4 ] * 0.02
noise [ 1 ] = simplex_noise.d2 ( pos_x / 120 , pos_y / 120 , global.noise_seed + current_noise_seed_add )
current_noise_seed_add = current_noise_seed_add + noise_seed_add
noise [ 2 ] = simplex_noise.d2 ( pos_x / 60 , pos_y / 60 , global.noise_seed + current_noise_seed_add )
current_noise_seed_add = current_noise_seed_add + noise_seed_add
noise [ 3 ] = simplex_noise.d2 ( pos_x / 40 , pos_y / 40 , global.noise_seed + current_noise_seed_add )
current_noise_seed_add = current_noise_seed_add + noise_seed_add
noise [ 4 ] = simplex_noise.d2 ( pos_x / 20 , pos_y / 20 , global.noise_seed + current_noise_seed_add )
current_noise_seed_add = current_noise_seed_add + noise_seed_add
local cave_noise_2 = noise [ 1 ] + noise [ 2 ] * 0.4 + noise [ 3 ] * 0.25 + noise [ 4 ] * 0.1
noise [ 1 ] = simplex_noise.d2 ( pos_x / 50 , pos_y / 50 , global.noise_seed + current_noise_seed_add )
current_noise_seed_add = current_noise_seed_add + noise_seed_add
noise [ 2 ] = simplex_noise.d2 ( pos_x / 30 , pos_y / 30 , global.noise_seed + current_noise_seed_add )
current_noise_seed_add = current_noise_seed_add + noise_seed_add
noise [ 3 ] = simplex_noise.d2 ( pos_x / 20 , pos_y / 20 , global.noise_seed + current_noise_seed_add )
current_noise_seed_add = current_noise_seed_add + noise_seed_add
noise [ 4 ] = simplex_noise.d2 ( pos_x / 10 , pos_y / 10 , global.noise_seed + current_noise_seed_add )
current_noise_seed_add = current_noise_seed_add + noise_seed_add
local cave_noise_3 = noise [ 1 ] + noise [ 2 ] * 0.5 + noise [ 3 ] * 0.25 + noise [ 4 ] * 0.1
current_noise_seed_add = noise_seed_add
tile_to_insert = false
if tile_distance_to_center > global.spawn_dome_size then
if tile_distance_to_center > ( global.spawn_dome_size + 5000 ) * ( cave_noise_3 * 0.05 + 1.1 ) then
if cave_noise > 1 then
tile_to_insert = " deepwater "
table.insert ( fish_positions , { pos_x , pos_y } )
if cave_noise > 0.98 then
tile_to_insert = " water "
if cave_noise > 0.82 then
tile_to_insert = " grass-1 "
table.insert ( enemy_building_positions , { pos_x , pos_y } )
--tile_to_insert = "grass-4"
--if cave_noise > 0.88 then tile_to_insert = "grass-2" end
if cave_noise > 0.94 then
table.insert ( extra_tree_positions , { pos_x , pos_y } )
table.insert ( secret_shop_locations , { pos_x , pos_y } )
if cave_noise > 0.72 then
tile_to_insert = " dirt-6 "
if cave_noise < 0.79 then table.insert ( rock_positions , { pos_x , pos_y } ) end
if tile_to_insert == false then
if cave_noise < m1 and cave_noise > m1 *- 1 then
tile_to_insert = " dirt-7 "
table.insert ( enemy_worm_positions , { pos_x , pos_y } )
if cave_noise_2 > 0.85 and tile_distance_to_center > global.spawn_dome_size + 40000 then
if math.random ( 1 , 48 ) == 1 then
local p = surface.find_non_colliding_position ( " crude-oil " , { pos_x , pos_y } , 5 , 1 )
local e = surface.create_entity { name = " crude-oil " , position = { pos_x , pos_y } , amount = math.floor ( math.random ( 25000 + tile_distance_to_center * 0.5 , 50000 + tile_distance_to_center ) , 0 ) }
if cave_noise_2 < m2 and cave_noise_2 > m2 *- 1 and cave_noise > ( m2 *- 1 ) - 0.3 then
tile_to_insert = " dirt-4 "
table.insert ( treasure_chest_positions , { pos_x , pos_y } )
if cave_noise_3 < m3 and cave_noise_3 > m3 *- 1 and cave_noise_2 < m2 + 0.3 and cave_noise_2 > ( m2 *- 1 ) - 0.3 then
tile_to_insert = " dirt-2 "
table.insert ( treasure_chest_positions , { pos_x , pos_y } )
if tile_distance_to_center < global.spawn_dome_size * ( cave_noise_3 * 0.05 + 1.1 ) then
tile_to_insert = " dirt-7 "
if tile_distance_to_center < 750 * ( 1 + cave_noise_3 * 0.8 ) then
tile_to_insert = " water "
table.insert ( fish_positions , { pos_x , pos_y } )
tile_to_insert = " grass-1 "
if tile_distance_to_center < global.spawn_dome_size and tile_distance_to_center > global.spawn_dome_size - 500 and tile_to_insert == " grass-1 " then
table.insert ( rock_positions , { pos_x , pos_y } )
if tile_to_insert == " dirt-7 " or tile_to_insert == " dirt-4 " or tile_to_insert == " dirt-2 " then
table.insert ( rock_positions , { pos_x , pos_y } )
if tile_to_insert == false then
table.insert ( tiles , { name = " out-of-map " , position = { pos_x , pos_y } } )
table.insert ( tiles , { name = tile_to_insert , position = { pos_x , pos_y } } )
surface.set_tiles ( tiles , true )
for _ , p in pairs ( treasure_chest_positions ) do
if math.random ( 1 , 200 ) == 1 then
treasure_chest ( p )
for _ , p in pairs ( enemy_building_positions ) do
if math.random ( 1 , 50 ) == 1 then
local pos = surface.find_non_colliding_position ( " biter-spawner " , p , 16 , 1 )
if pos then
if math.random ( 1 , 3 ) == 1 then
surface.create_entity { name = " spitter-spawner " , position = pos }
surface.create_entity { name = " biter-spawner " , position = pos }
for _ , p in pairs ( enemy_worm_positions ) do
if math.random ( 1 , 300 ) == 1 then
local tile_distance_to_center = math.sqrt ( p [ 1 ] ^ 2 + p [ 2 ] ^ 2 )
if tile_distance_to_center > global.worm_free_zone_radius then
local raffle_index = math.ceil ( ( tile_distance_to_center - global.worm_free_zone_radius ) * 0.01 , 0 )
if raffle_index < 1 then raffle_index = 1 end
if raffle_index > 10 then raffle_index = 10 end
local entity_name = global.worm_raffle_table [ raffle_index ] [ math.random ( 1 , # global.worm_raffle_table [ raffle_index ] ) ]
surface.create_entity { name = entity_name , position = p }
for _ , p in pairs ( fish_positions ) do
if math.random ( 1 , 16 ) == 1 then
if surface.can_place_entity ( { name = " fish " , position = p } ) then
surface.create_entity { name = " fish " , position = p }
for _ , p in pairs ( secret_shop_locations ) do
if math.random ( 1 , 10 ) == 1 then
if surface.count_entities_filtered { area = { { p [ 1 ] - 125 , p [ 2 ] - 125 } , { p [ 1 ] + 125 , p [ 2 ] + 125 } } , name = " market " , limit = 1 } == 0 then
secret_shop ( p )
for _ , p in pairs ( extra_tree_positions ) do
if math.random ( 1 , 20 ) == 1 then
surface.create_entity { name = " tree-02 " , position = p }
for _ , p in pairs ( rock_positions ) do
if math.random ( 1 , 3 ) ~= 1 then
surface.create_entity { name = global.rock_raffle [ math.random ( 1 , # global.rock_raffle ) ] , position = p }
local decorative_names = { }
for k , v in pairs ( game.decorative_prototypes ) do
if v.autoplace_specification then
decorative_names [ # decorative_names + 1 ] = k
surface.regenerate_decorative ( decorative_names , { { x = math.floor ( event.area . left_top.x / 32 ) , y = math.floor ( event.area . left_top.y / 32 ) } } )
local function hunger_update ( player , food_value )
local past_hunger = global.player_hunger [ player.name ]
global.player_hunger [ player.name ] = global.player_hunger [ player.name ] + food_value
if global.player_hunger [ player.name ] > 200 then global.player_hunger [ player.name ] = 200 end
if past_hunger == 200 and global.player_hunger [ player.name ] + food_value > 200 then
global.player_hunger [ player.name ] = global.player_hunger_spawn_value
player.character . die ( " player " )
local t = { " ate too much and exploded. " , " should have gone on a diet. " , " needs to work on their bad eating habbits. " , " should have skipped dinner today. " }
game.print ( player.name .. t [ math.random ( 1 , # t ) ] , { r = 0.75 , g = 0.0 , b = 0.0 } )
if global.player_hunger [ player.name ] < 1 then
global.player_hunger [ player.name ] = global.player_hunger_spawn_value
player.character . die ( " player " )
local t = { " ran out of foodstamps. " , " starved. " , " should not have skipped breakfast today. " }
game.print ( player.name .. t [ math.random ( 1 , # t ) ] , { r = 0.75 , g = 0.0 , b = 0.0 } )
if player.character then
if global.player_hunger_stages [ global.player_hunger [ player.name ] ] ~= global.player_hunger_stages [ past_hunger ] then
local print_message = " You are feeling " .. global.player_hunger_stages [ global.player_hunger [ player.name ] ] .. " . "
if global.player_hunger_stages [ global.player_hunger [ player.name ] ] == " Obese " then
print_message = " You have become " .. global.player_hunger_stages [ global.player_hunger [ player.name ] ] .. " . "
if global.player_hunger_stages [ global.player_hunger [ player.name ] ] == " Starving " then
print_message = " You are starving! "
player.print ( print_message , global.player_hunger_color_list [ global.player_hunger [ player.name ] ] )
player.character . character_running_speed_modifier = global.player_hunger_buff [ global.player_hunger [ player.name ] ]
player.character . character_mining_speed_modifier = global.player_hunger_buff [ global.player_hunger [ player.name ] ]
local function on_player_joined_game ( event )
local surface = game.surfaces [ 1 ]
local player = game.players [ event.player_index ]
if not global.cave_miner_init_done then
local p = surface.find_non_colliding_position ( " player " , { 0 , - 40 } , 10 , 1 )
game.forces [ " player " ] . set_spawn_position ( p , surface )
player.teleport ( p )
surface.daytime = 0.5
surface.freeze_daytime = 1
game.forces [ " player " ] . technologies [ " landfill " ] . enabled = false
game.forces [ " player " ] . technologies [ " night-vision-equipment " ] . enabled = false
game.map_settings . enemy_evolution.destroy_factor = 0.004
global.spawn_dome_size = 20000
global.player_hunger_fish_food_value = 10
global.player_hunger_spawn_value = 80
global.player_hunger = { }
global.player_hunger_stages = { }
for x = 1 , 200 , 1 do
if x <= 200 then global.player_hunger_stages [ x ] = " Obese " end
if x <= 179 then global.player_hunger_stages [ x ] = " Stuffed " end
if x <= 150 then global.player_hunger_stages [ x ] = " Bloated " end
if x <= 130 then global.player_hunger_stages [ x ] = " Sated " end
if x <= 110 then global.player_hunger_stages [ x ] = " Well fed " end
if x <= 89 then global.player_hunger_stages [ x ] = " Fed " end
if x <= 70 then global.player_hunger_stages [ x ] = " Hungry " end
if x <= 35 then global.player_hunger_stages [ x ] = " Starving " end
global.player_hunger_color_list = { }
for x = 1 , 50 , 1 do
global.player_hunger_color_list [ x ] = { r = 0.5 + x * 0.01 , g = x * 0.01 , b = x * 0.005 }
global.player_hunger_color_list [ 50 + x ] = { r = 1 - x * 0.02 , g = 0.5 + x * 0.01 , b = 0.25 }
global.player_hunger_color_list [ 100 + x ] = { r = 0 + x * 0.02 , g = 1 - x * 0.01 , b = 0.25 }
global.player_hunger_color_list [ 150 + x ] = { r = 1 - x * 0.01 , g = 0.5 - x * 0.01 , b = 0.25 - x * 0.005 }
global.player_hunger_buff = { }
local buff_top_value = 0.35
for x = 1 , 200 , 1 do
global.player_hunger_buff [ x ] = buff_top_value
local y = 1
for x = 89 , 1 , - 1 do
global.player_hunger_buff [ x ] = buff_top_value - y * 0.01
y = y + 1
local y = 1
for x = 111 , 200 , 1 do
global.player_hunger_buff [ x ] = buff_top_value - y * 0.01
y = y + 1
global.rock_inhabitants = { }
global.rock_inhabitants [ 1 ] = { " small-biter " }
global.rock_inhabitants [ 2 ] = { " small-biter " , " small-biter " , " small-biter " , " small-biter " , " small-biter " , " medium-biter " }
global.rock_inhabitants [ 3 ] = { " small-biter " , " small-biter " , " small-biter " , " small-biter " , " medium-biter " , " medium-biter " }
global.rock_inhabitants [ 4 ] = { " small-biter " , " small-biter " , " small-biter " , " medium-biter " , " medium-biter " , " small-spitter " }
global.rock_inhabitants [ 5 ] = { " small-biter " , " small-biter " , " medium-biter " , " medium-biter " , " medium-biter " , " small-spitter " }
global.rock_inhabitants [ 6 ] = { " small-biter " , " small-biter " , " medium-biter " , " medium-biter " , " big-biter " , " small-spitter " }
global.rock_inhabitants [ 7 ] = { " small-biter " , " small-biter " , " medium-biter " , " medium-biter " , " big-biter " , " medium-spitter " }
global.rock_inhabitants [ 8 ] = { " small-biter " , " medium-biter " , " medium-biter " , " medium-biter " , " big-biter " , " medium-spitter " }
global.rock_inhabitants [ 9 ] = { " small-biter " , " medium-biter " , " medium-biter " , " big-biter " , " big-biter " , " medium-spitter " }
global.rock_inhabitants [ 10 ] = { " medium-biter " , " medium-biter " , " medium-biter " , " big-biter " , " big-biter " , " big-spitter " }
global.rock_inhabitants [ 11 ] = { " medium-biter " , " medium-biter " , " big-biter " , " big-biter " , " big-biter " , " big-spitter " }
global.rock_inhabitants [ 12 ] = { " medium-biter " , " big-biter " , " big-biter " , " big-biter " , " big-biter " , " big-spitter " }
global.rock_inhabitants [ 13 ] = { " big-biter " , " big-biter " , " big-biter " , " big-biter " , " big-biter " , " big-spitter " }
global.rock_inhabitants [ 14 ] = { " big-biter " , " big-biter " , " big-biter " , " big-biter " , " behemoth-biter " , " big-spitter " }
global.rock_inhabitants [ 15 ] = { " big-biter " , " big-biter " , " big-biter " , " behemoth-biter " , " behemoth-biter " , " big-spitter " }
global.rock_inhabitants [ 16 ] = { " big-biter " , " big-biter " , " big-biter " , " behemoth-biter " , " behemoth-biter " , " behemoth-spitter " }
global.rock_inhabitants [ 17 ] = { " big-biter " , " big-biter " , " behemoth-biter " , " behemoth-biter " , " behemoth-biter " , " behemoth-spitter " }
global.rock_inhabitants [ 18 ] = { " big-biter " , " behemoth-biter " , " behemoth-biter " , " behemoth-biter " , " behemoth-biter " , " behemoth-spitter " }
global.rock_inhabitants [ 19 ] = { " behemoth-biter " , " behemoth-biter " , " behemoth-biter " , " behemoth-biter " , " behemoth-biter " , " behemoth-spitter " }
global.rock_inhabitants [ 20 ] = { " behemoth-biter " , " behemoth-biter " , " behemoth-biter " , " behemoth-biter " , " behemoth-spitter " , " behemoth-spitter " }
global.rock_raffle = { " sand-rock-big " , " sand-rock-big " , " rock-big " , " rock-big " , " rock-big " , " rock-huge " }
global.worm_raffle_table = { }
global.worm_raffle_table [ 1 ] = { " small-worm-turret " , " small-worm-turret " , " small-worm-turret " , " small-worm-turret " , " small-worm-turret " , " small-worm-turret " }
global.worm_raffle_table [ 2 ] = { " small-worm-turret " , " small-worm-turret " , " small-worm-turret " , " small-worm-turret " , " small-worm-turret " , " small-worm-turret " }
global.worm_raffle_table [ 3 ] = { " small-worm-turret " , " small-worm-turret " , " small-worm-turret " , " small-worm-turret " , " small-worm-turret " , " medium-worm-turret " }
global.worm_raffle_table [ 4 ] = { " small-worm-turret " , " small-worm-turret " , " small-worm-turret " , " small-worm-turret " , " medium-worm-turret " , " medium-worm-turret " }
global.worm_raffle_table [ 5 ] = { " small-worm-turret " , " small-worm-turret " , " small-worm-turret " , " medium-worm-turret " , " medium-worm-turret " , " medium-worm-turret " }
global.worm_raffle_table [ 6 ] = { " small-worm-turret " , " small-worm-turret " , " small-worm-turret " , " medium-worm-turret " , " medium-worm-turret " , " big-worm-turret " }
global.worm_raffle_table [ 7 ] = { " small-worm-turret " , " small-worm-turret " , " small-worm-turret " , " medium-worm-turret " , " medium-worm-turret " , " big-worm-turret " }
global.worm_raffle_table [ 8 ] = { " small-worm-turret " , " small-worm-turret " , " small-worm-turret " , " medium-worm-turret " , " medium-worm-turret " , " big-worm-turret " }
global.worm_raffle_table [ 9 ] = { " small-worm-turret " , " small-worm-turret " , " medium-worm-turret " , " medium-worm-turret " , " big-worm-turret " , " big-worm-turret " }
global.worm_raffle_table [ 10 ] = { " small-worm-turret " , " medium-worm-turret " , " medium-worm-turret " , " big-worm-turret " , " big-worm-turret " , " big-worm-turret " }
global.worm_free_zone_radius = math.sqrt ( global.spawn_dome_size ) + 40
global.biter_spawn_schedule = { }
global.treasure_chest_raffle_table = { }
global.treasure_chest_loot_weights = { }
table.insert ( global.treasure_chest_loot_weights , { { name = ' iron-gear-wheel ' , count = 32 } , 10 } )
table.insert ( global.treasure_chest_loot_weights , { { name = ' coal ' , count = 3 } , 8 } )
table.insert ( global.treasure_chest_loot_weights , { { name = ' copper-cable ' , count = 128 } , 10 } )
table.insert ( global.treasure_chest_loot_weights , { { name = ' inserter ' , count = 16 } , 4 } )
table.insert ( global.treasure_chest_loot_weights , { { name = ' fast-inserter ' , count = 7 } , 3 } )
table.insert ( global.treasure_chest_loot_weights , { { name = ' stack-filter-inserter ' , count = 2 } , 1 } )
table.insert ( global.treasure_chest_loot_weights , { { name = ' stack-inserter ' , count = 2 } , 1 } )
table.insert ( global.treasure_chest_loot_weights , { { name = ' burner-inserter ' , count = 16 } , 6 } )
table.insert ( global.treasure_chest_loot_weights , { { name = ' electric-engine-unit ' , count = 11 } , 3 } )
table.insert ( global.treasure_chest_loot_weights , { { name = ' rocket-fuel ' , count = 1 } , 3 } )
table.insert ( global.treasure_chest_loot_weights , { { name = ' empty-barrel ' , count = 3 } , 7 } )
table.insert ( global.treasure_chest_loot_weights , { { name = ' lubricant-barrel ' , count = 1 } , 3 } )
table.insert ( global.treasure_chest_loot_weights , { { name = ' crude-oil-barrel ' , count = 4 } , 3 } )
table.insert ( global.treasure_chest_loot_weights , { { name = ' iron-stick ' , count = 3 } , 8 } )
table.insert ( global.treasure_chest_loot_weights , { { name = " small-electric-pole " , count = 13 } , 9 } )
table.insert ( global.treasure_chest_loot_weights , { { name = " firearm-magazine " , count = 32 } , 8 } )
table.insert ( global.treasure_chest_loot_weights , { { name = ' grenade ' , count = 8 } , 5 } )
table.insert ( global.treasure_chest_loot_weights , { { name = ' land-mine ' , count = 15 } , 4 } )
table.insert ( global.treasure_chest_loot_weights , { { name = ' light-armor ' , count = 1 } , 1 } )
table.insert ( global.treasure_chest_loot_weights , { { name = ' heavy-armor ' , count = 1 } , 2 } )
table.insert ( global.treasure_chest_loot_weights , { { name = ' pipe ' , count = 26 } , 6 } )
table.insert ( global.treasure_chest_loot_weights , { { name = ' wooden-chest ' , count = 1 } , 3 } )
table.insert ( global.treasure_chest_loot_weights , { { name = ' burner-mining-drill ' , count = 1 } , 1 } )
table.insert ( global.treasure_chest_loot_weights , { { name = ' iron-axe ' , count = 1 } , 2 } )
table.insert ( global.treasure_chest_loot_weights , { { name = ' steel-axe ' , count = 1 } , 3 } )
table.insert ( global.treasure_chest_loot_weights , { { name = ' raw-wood ' , count = 24 } , 5 } )
table.insert ( global.treasure_chest_loot_weights , { { name = ' sulfur ' , count = 27 } , 7 } )
table.insert ( global.treasure_chest_loot_weights , { { name = ' explosives ' , count = 36 } , 6 } )
table.insert ( global.treasure_chest_loot_weights , { { name = ' shotgun ' , count = 1 } , 2 } )
table.insert ( global.treasure_chest_loot_weights , { { name = ' stone-brick ' , count = 72 } , 4 } )
table.insert ( global.treasure_chest_loot_weights , { { name = ' small-lamp ' , count = 4 } , 4 } )
table.insert ( global.treasure_chest_loot_weights , { { name = ' rail ' , count = 57 } , 4 } )
table.insert ( global.treasure_chest_loot_weights , { { name = ' coin ' , count = 1 } , 1 } )
table.insert ( global.treasure_chest_loot_weights , { { name = ' assembling-machine-1 ' , count = 1 } , 2 } )
table.insert ( global.treasure_chest_loot_weights , { { name = ' assembling-machine-2 ' , count = 1 } , 2 } )
table.insert ( global.treasure_chest_loot_weights , { { name = ' assembling-machine-3 ' , count = 1 } , 1 } )
for _ , t in pairs ( global.treasure_chest_loot_weights ) do
for x = 1 , t [ 2 ] , 1 do
table.insert ( global.treasure_chest_raffle_table , t [ 1 ] )
global.ore_spill_cap = 35
global.stats_rocks_brocken = 0
global.stats_ores_found = 0
global.total_ores_mined = 0
global.rock_mining_chance_weights = { }
global.rock_mining_chance_weights [ 1 ] = { " iron-ore " , 25 }
global.rock_mining_chance_weights [ 2 ] = { " copper-ore " , 18 }
global.rock_mining_chance_weights [ 3 ] = { " coal " , 14 }
--global.rock_mining_chance_weights[4] = {"stone",8}
global.rock_mining_chance_weights [ 4 ] = { " uranium-ore " , 3 }
global.rock_mining_raffle_table = { }
for _ , t in pairs ( global.rock_mining_chance_weights ) do
for x = 1 , t [ 2 ] , 1 do
table.insert ( global.rock_mining_raffle_table , t [ 1 ] )
global.darkness_threat_level = { }
global.darkness_messages = {
" Something is lurking in the dark... " ,
" A shadow moves. I doubt it is friendly... " ,
" The silence grows louder... " ,
" Trust not your eyes. They are useless in the dark. " ,
" The darkness hides only death. Turn back now. " ,
" You hear noises... " ,
" They chitter as if laughing, hungry for their next foolish meal... " ,
" Despite what the radars tell you, it is not safe here... " ,
" The shadows are moving... " ,
" You feel like, something is watching you... " ,
global.cave_miner_init_done = true
if player.online_time < 10 then
create_cave_miner_button ( player )
global.player_hunger [ player.name ] = global.player_hunger_spawn_value
hunger_update ( player , 0 )
global.darkness_threat_level [ player.name ] = 0
player.insert { name = ' pistol ' , count = 1 }
--player.insert {name = 'raw-fish', count = 1}
player.insert { name = ' firearm-magazine ' , count = 16 }
player.insert { name = ' iron-axe ' , count = 1 }
create_cave_miner_stats_gui ( player )
local function spawn_cave_inhabitant ( pos )
if not pos.x then return nil end
if not pos.y then return nil end
local tile_distance_to_center = math.sqrt ( pos.x ^ 2 + pos.y ^ 2 )
local rock_inhabitants_index = math.ceil ( ( tile_distance_to_center - math.sqrt ( global.spawn_dome_size ) ) * 0.02 , 0 )
if rock_inhabitants_index < 1 then rock_inhabitants_index = 1 end
if rock_inhabitants_index > 20 then rock_inhabitants_index = 20 end
local entity_name = global.rock_inhabitants [ rock_inhabitants_index ] [ math.random ( 1 , # global.rock_inhabitants [ rock_inhabitants_index ] ) ]
local p = game.surfaces [ 1 ] . find_non_colliding_position ( entity_name , pos , 7 , 0.5 )
if p then game.surfaces [ 1 ] . create_entity { name = entity_name , position = p } end
local function darkness_events ( )
for _ , p in pairs ( game.connected_players ) do
if global.darkness_threat_level [ p.name ] > 4 then
for x = 1 , global.darkness_threat_level [ p.name ] , 1 do
spawn_cave_inhabitant ( p.position )
local biters_found = game.surfaces [ 1 ] . find_enemy_units ( p.position , 12 , " player " )
for _ , biter in pairs ( biters_found ) do
biter.set_command ( { type = defines.command . attack , target = p.character , distraction = defines.distraction . none } )
p.character . damage ( math.random ( global.darkness_threat_level [ p.name ] * 2 , global.darkness_threat_level [ p.name ] * 3 ) , " enemy " )
if global.darkness_threat_level [ p.name ] == 2 then
p.print ( global.darkness_messages [ math.random ( 1 , # global.darkness_messages ) ] , { r = 0.65 , g = 0.0 , b = 0.0 } )
global.darkness_threat_level [ p.name ] = global.darkness_threat_level [ p.name ] + 1
local function darkness_checks ( )
for _ , p in pairs ( game.connected_players ) do
p.character . disable_flashlight ( )
local tile_distance_to_center = math.sqrt ( p.position . x ^ 2 + p.position . y ^ 2 )
if tile_distance_to_center < math.sqrt ( global.spawn_dome_size ) then
global.darkness_threat_level [ p.name ] = 0
if p.character . driving == true then
global.darkness_threat_level [ p.name ] = 0
local light_source_entities = game.surfaces [ 1 ] . find_entities_filtered { area = { { p.position . x - 12 , p.position . y - 12 } , { p.position . x + 12 , p.position . y + 12 } } , name = " small-lamp " }
for _ , lamp in pairs ( light_source_entities ) do
local circuit = lamp.get_or_create_control_behavior ( )
if circuit then
if lamp.energy > 50 and circuit.disabled == false then
global.darkness_threat_level [ p.name ] = 0
if lamp.energy > 50 then
global.darkness_threat_level [ p.name ] = 0
local function on_tick ( event )
if game.tick % 30 == 0 then
if global.biter_spawn_schedule then
for x , b in pairs ( global.biter_spawn_schedule ) do
if game.tick > b [ 1 ] then
spawn_cave_inhabitant ( b [ 2 ] )
global.biter_spawn_schedule [ x ] = nil
if game.tick % 240 == 0 then
darkness_checks ( )
darkness_events ( )
if game.tick % 3600 == 1800 then
for _ , player in pairs ( game.connected_players ) do
if player.afk_time < 18000 then hunger_update ( player , - 1 ) end
refresh_gui ( )
if game.tick == 30 then
local surface = game.surfaces [ 1 ]
--p = game.forces["player"].get_spawn_position(surface)
local p = game.surfaces [ 1 ] . find_non_colliding_position ( " market " , { 0 , - 15 } , 60 , 0.5 )
local market = surface.create_entity { name = " market " , position = p }
market.destructible = false
for _ , item in pairs ( market_items.spawn ) do
market.add_market_item ( item )
surface.regenerate_entity ( { " tree-01 " , " tree-02 " , " tree-03 " , " tree-04 " , " tree-05 " , " tree-06 " , " tree-07 " , " tree-08 " , " tree-09 " , " dead-dry-hairy-tree " , " dead-grey-trunk " , " dead-tree-desert " , " dry-hairy-tree " , " dry-tree " , " rock-big " , " rock-huge " } )
if global.map_pregeneration_is_active then
if game.tick % 600 == 0 then
local r = 1
for x = 1 , 40 , 1 do
if game.forces . map_pregen.is_chunk_charted ( game.surfaces [ 1 ] , { x , x } ) then r = x end
game.print ( " Map chunks are generating... current radius " .. r , { r = 0.22 , g = 0.99 , b = 0.99 } )
if game.forces . map_pregen.is_chunk_charted ( game.surfaces [ 1 ] , { 40 , 40 } ) then
game.print ( " Map generation done! " , { r = 0.22 , g = 0.99 , b = 0.99 } )
game.players [ 1 ] . force = game.forces [ " player " ]
global.map_pregeneration_is_active = nil
local function on_marked_for_deconstruction ( event )
if event.entity . name == " rock-huge " or event.entity . name == " rock-big " or event.entity . name == " sand-rock-big " then
event.entity . cancel_deconstruction ( game.players [ event.player_index ] . force.name )
local function pre_player_mined_item ( event )
local surface = game.surfaces [ 1 ]
if math.random ( 1 , 10 ) == 1 then
if event.entity . name == " rock-huge " or event.entity . name == " rock-big " or event.entity . name == " sand-rock-big " then
for x = 1 , math.random ( 6 , 10 ) , 1 do
table.insert ( global.biter_spawn_schedule , { game.tick + 30 * x , event.entity . position } )
if event.entity . name == " rock-huge " or event.entity . name == " rock-big " or event.entity . name == " sand-rock-big " then
local player = game.players [ event.player_index ]
local rock_position = { x = event.entity . position.x , y = event.entity . position.y }
event.entity . destroy ( )
local tile_distance_to_center = math.sqrt ( rock_position.x ^ 2 + rock_position.y ^ 2 )
if math.random ( 1 , 3 ) == 1 then hunger_update ( player , - 1 ) end
surface.spill_item_stack ( player.position , { name = " raw-fish " , count = math.random ( 3 , 4 ) } , true )
local bonus_amount = math.ceil ( ( tile_distance_to_center - math.sqrt ( global.spawn_dome_size ) ) * 0.38 , 0 )
if bonus_amount < 1 then bonus_amount = 0 end
local amount = ( math.random ( 45 , 55 ) + bonus_amount ) * ( 1 + game.forces . player.mining_drill_productivity_bonus )
amount = math.round ( amount , 0 )
amount_of_stone = math.round ( amount * 0.1 , 0 )
global.stats_ores_found = global.stats_ores_found + amount + amount_of_stone
local mined_loot = global.rock_mining_raffle_table [ math.random ( 1 , # global.rock_mining_raffle_table ) ]
if amount > global.ore_spill_cap then
surface.spill_item_stack ( rock_position , { name = mined_loot , count = global.ore_spill_cap } , true )
amount = amount - global.ore_spill_cap
local i = player.insert { name = mined_loot , count = amount }
amount = amount - i
if amount > 0 then
surface.spill_item_stack ( rock_position , { name = mined_loot , count = amount } , true )
surface.spill_item_stack ( rock_position , { name = mined_loot , count = amount } , true )
if amount_of_stone > global.ore_spill_cap then
surface.spill_item_stack ( rock_position , { name = " stone " , count = global.ore_spill_cap } , true )
amount_of_stone = amount_of_stone - global.ore_spill_cap
local i = player.insert { name = " stone " , count = amount_of_stone }
amount_of_stone = amount_of_stone - i
if amount_of_stone > 0 then
surface.spill_item_stack ( rock_position , { name = " stone " , count = amount_of_stone } , true )
surface.spill_item_stack ( rock_position , { name = " stone " , count = amount_of_stone } , true )
global.stats_rocks_brocken = global.stats_rocks_brocken + 1
refresh_gui ( )
if math.random ( 1 , 100 ) == 1 and mined_loot ~= " stone " then
local p = { x = rock_position.x , y = rock_position.y }
local tile_distance_to_center = p.x ^ 2 + p.y ^ 2
if tile_distance_to_center > global.spawn_dome_size + 3000 then
local radius = 50
if surface.count_entities_filtered { area = { { p.x - radius , p.y - radius } , { p.x + radius , p.y + radius } } , type = " resource " , limit = 1 } == 0 then
local size_raffle = { { " huge " , 20 , 30 } , { " big " , 11 , 20 } , { " " , 5 , 10 } , { " " , 5 , 10 } , { " tiny " , 2 , 5 } , { " tiny " , 2 , 5 } , { " tiny " , 2 , 5 } }
local size = size_raffle [ math.random ( 1 , # size_raffle ) ]
local ore_prints = { coal = { " dark " , " Coal " } , [ " iron-ore " ] = { " shiny " , " Iron " } , [ " copper-ore " ] = { " glimmering " , " Copper " } , [ " uranium-ore " ] = { " glowing " , " Uranium " } }
player.print ( " You notice something " .. ore_prints [ mined_loot ] [ 1 ] .. " underneath the rubble covered floor. It´s a " .. size [ 1 ] .. " vein of " .. ore_prints [ mined_loot ] [ 2 ] .. " !! " , { r = 0.98 , g = 0.66 , b = 0.22 } )
tile_distance_to_center = math.sqrt ( tile_distance_to_center )
local ore_entities_placed = 0
local modifier_raffle = { { 0 , - 1 } , { - 1 , 0 } , { 0 , - 1 } , { 0 , 1 } }
while ore_entities_placed < math.random ( size [ 2 ] , size [ 3 ] ) do
local a = math.ceil ( ( math.random ( tile_distance_to_center * 3 , tile_distance_to_center * 4 ) ) / 1 + ore_entities_placed * 0.5 , 0 )
for x = 1 , 150 , 1 do
local m = modifier_raffle [ math.random ( 1 , # modifier_raffle ) ]
local pos = { x = p.x + m [ 1 ] , y = p.y + m [ 2 ] }
if surface.can_place_entity ( { name = mined_loot , position = pos , amount = a } ) then
surface.create_entity { name = mined_loot , position = pos , amount = a }
p = pos
ore_entities_placed = ore_entities_placed + 1
local function on_player_mined_entity ( event )
if event.entity . name == " rock-huge " or event.entity . name == " rock-big " or event.entity . name == " sand-rock-big " then
event.buffer . clear ( )
if event.entity . name == " fish " then
if math.random ( 1 , 2 ) == 1 then
local player = game.players [ event.player_index ]
local health = player.character . health
player.character . damage ( math.random ( 50 , 150 ) , " enemy " )
if not player.character then
game.print ( player.name .. " should have kept their hands out of the foggy lake waters. " , { r = 0.75 , g = 0.0 , b = 0.0 } )
if health > 200 then
player.print ( " You got bitten by an angry cave piranha. " , { r = 0.75 , g = 0.0 , b = 0.0 } )
local messages = { " Ouch.. That hurt! Better be careful now. " , " Just a fleshwound. " , " Better keep those hands to yourself or you might loose them. " }
player.print ( messages [ math.random ( 1 , # messages ) ] , { r = 0.75 , g = 0.0 , b = 0.0 } )
local function on_entity_damaged ( event )
if event.entity . name == " rock-huge " or event.entity . name == " rock-big " or event.entity . name == " sand-rock-big " then
local rock_is_alive = true
if event.force . name == " enemy " then
event.entity . health = event.entity . health + ( event.final_damage_amount - 0.05 )
if event.entity . health <= event.final_damage_amount then
rock_is_alive = false
if event.entity . health <= 0 then rock_is_alive = false end
if rock_is_alive == false then
if event.force . name == " player " then
if math.random ( 1 , 8 ) == 1 then
for x = 1 , math.random ( 8 , 12 ) , 1 do
table.insert ( global.biter_spawn_schedule , { game.tick + 5 * x , event.entity . position } )
local p = event.entity . position
local drop_amount = math.random ( 10 , 20 )
event.entity . destroy ( )
game.surfaces [ 1 ] . spill_item_stack ( p , { name = " stone " , count = drop_amount } , true )
global.stats_rocks_brocken = global.stats_rocks_brocken + 1
global.stats_ores_found = global.stats_ores_found + drop_amount
refresh_gui ( )
local function on_player_respawned ( event )
local player = game.players [ event.player_index ]
player.character . disable_flashlight ( )
global.player_hunger [ player.name ] = global.player_hunger_spawn_value
hunger_update ( player , 0 )
refresh_gui ( )
local function on_research_finished ( event )
game.forces . player.manual_mining_speed_modifier = game.forces . player.mining_drill_productivity_bonus * 3
game.forces . player.character_inventory_slots_bonus = game.forces . player.mining_drill_productivity_bonus * 500
refresh_gui ( )
local function on_gui_click ( event )
if not ( event and event.element and event.element . valid ) then return end
local player = game.players [ event.element . player_index ]
local name = event.element . name
local frame = player.gui . top [ " caver_miner_stats_frame " ]
if ( name == " caver_miner_stats_toggle_button " ) and ( frame == nil ) then
create_cave_miner_stats_gui ( player )
if ( name == " caver_miner_stats_toggle_button " ) then
frame.destroy ( )
local function on_player_used_capsule ( event )
if event.item . name == " raw-fish " then
local player = game.players [ event.player_index ]
hunger_update ( player , global.player_hunger_fish_food_value )
player.play_sound { path = " utility/armor_insert " , volume_modifier = 1 }
refresh_gui ( )
function map_pregen ( )
local radius = 1280
if not game.forces . map_pregen then game.create_force ( " map_pregen " ) end
game.players [ 1 ] . force = game.forces [ " map_pregen " ]
game.forces . map_pregen.chart ( game.surfaces [ 1 ] , { { x = - 1 * radius , y = - 1 * radius } , { x = radius , y = radius } } )
global.map_pregeneration_is_active = true
function test ( )
local x = 0
if x == 1 then
local surface = game.surfaces [ 1 ]
game.player . cheat_mode = true
game.speed = 1
surface.daytime = 1
game.player . force.research_all_technologies ( )
game.forces [ " enemy " ] . evolution_factor = 0.2
local chart = 200
local surface = game.surfaces [ 1 ]
game.forces [ " player " ] . chart ( surface , { lefttop = { x = chart *- 1 , y = chart *- 1 } , rightbottom = { x = chart , y = chart } } )
Event.add ( defines.events . on_player_used_capsule , on_player_used_capsule )
Event.add ( defines.events . on_gui_click , on_gui_click )
Event.add ( defines.events . on_research_finished , on_research_finished )
Event.add ( defines.events . on_player_respawned , on_player_respawned )
Event.add ( defines.events . on_player_mined_entity , on_player_mined_entity )
Event.add ( defines.events . on_entity_damaged , on_entity_damaged )
Event.add ( defines.events . on_pre_player_mined_item , pre_player_mined_item )
Event.add ( defines.events . on_marked_for_deconstruction , on_marked_for_deconstruction )
Event.add ( defines.events . on_chunk_generated , on_chunk_generated )
Event.add ( defines.events . on_tick , on_tick )
2018-09-11 16:00:49 +02:00
Event.add ( defines.events . on_player_joined_game , on_player_joined_game )