2018-11-10 23:00:28 -05:00
-- This feature auto-responds to key words or phrases. We use the name/actor Hodor because it is Redmew's beloved discord bot.
local Game = require ' utils.game '
local Event = require ' utils.event '
2018-11-15 15:06:03 +01:00
local prefix = ' ## - '
global.mention_enabled = true
2018-11-10 23:00:28 -05:00
local hodor_messages = {
{ ' Hodor. ' , 16 } ,
{ ' Hodor? ' , 16 } ,
{ ' Hodor! ' , 16 } ,
{ ' Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! ' , 4 } ,
{ ' Hodor :( ' , 4 } ,
{ ' Hodor :) ' , 4 } ,
{ ' HOOOODOOOR! ' , 4 } ,
{ ' ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ' , 1 } ,
{ ' ☉ ‿ ⚆ ' , 1 }
2018-11-11 12:12:38 -05:00
local auto_replies = {
[ ' discord ' ] = { ' Did you ask about our discord server? ' , ' You can find it here: redmew.com/discord ' } ,
[ ' patreon ' ] = { ' Did you ask about our patreon? ' , ' You can find it here: patreon.com/redmew ' } ,
[ ' donate ' ] = { ' Did you ask about donating to the server? ' , ' You can find our patreon here: patreon.com/redmew ' } ,
[ ' grief ' ] = { ' To report grief please use the /report function. ' , ' If no admins are online use #moderation-requests on the discord and make sure the @mention the appropriate role. ' }
2018-11-10 23:00:28 -05:00
global.naughty_words_enabled = false
global.naughty_words = {
[ ' ass ' ] = true ,
[ ' bugger ' ] = true ,
[ ' butt ' ] = true ,
[ ' bum ' ] = true ,
[ ' bummer ' ] = true ,
[ ' christ ' ] = true ,
[ ' crikey ' ] = true ,
[ ' darn ' ] = true ,
[ ' dam ' ] = true ,
[ ' damn ' ] = true ,
[ ' dang ' ] = true ,
[ ' dagnabit ' ] = true ,
[ ' dagnabbit ' ] = true ,
[ ' drat ' ] = true ,
[ ' fart ' ] = true ,
[ ' feck ' ] = true ,
[ ' frack ' ] = true ,
[ ' freaking ' ] = true ,
[ ' frick ' ] = true ,
[ ' gay ' ] = true ,
[ ' gee ' ] = true ,
[ ' geez ' ] = true ,
[ ' git ' ] = true ,
[ ' god ' ] = true ,
[ ' golly ' ] = true ,
[ ' gosh ' ] = true ,
[ ' heavens ' ] = true ,
[ ' heck ' ] = true ,
[ ' hell ' ] = true ,
[ ' holy ' ] = true ,
[ ' jerk ' ] = true ,
[ ' jesus ' ] = true ,
[ ' petes ' ] = true ,
[ " pete's " ] = true ,
[ ' poo ' ] = true ,
[ ' satan ' ] = true ,
[ ' willy ' ] = true ,
[ ' wee ' ] = true ,
[ ' yikes ' ] = true
local message_weight_sum = 0
for _ , w in pairs ( hodor_messages ) do
message_weight_sum = message_weight_sum + w [ 2 ]
local function hodor ( event )
local message = event.message : lower ( )
2018-11-15 16:03:46 +01:00
2018-11-10 23:00:28 -05:00
if message : match ( ' hodor ' ) then
local index = math.random ( 1 , message_weight_sum )
local message_weight_sum = 0
for _ , m in pairs ( hodor_messages ) do
message_weight_sum = message_weight_sum + m [ 2 ]
if message_weight_sum >= index then
game.print ( ' Hodor: ' .. m [ 1 ] )
-- player_index is nil if the message came from the server,
-- and indexing Game.players with nil is apparently an error.
2018-11-15 16:03:46 +01:00
local player = Game.get_player_by_index ( event.player_index )
2018-11-10 23:00:28 -05:00
local player_index = event.player_index
if not player_index then
if not player or not player.valid then
if not player.admin then
2018-11-11 12:12:38 -05:00
for trigger , replies in pairs ( auto_replies ) do
if message : match ( trigger ) then
for _ , reply in pairs ( replies ) do
player.print ( reply )
2018-11-10 23:00:28 -05:00
if global.naughty_words_enabled then
local naughty_words = global.naughty_words
for word in message : gmatch ( ' %S+ ' ) do
if naughty_words [ word ] then
game.print ( player.name .. ' this is a Christian Factorio server, no swearing please! ' )
2018-11-15 15:06:03 +01:00
2018-11-15 16:26:40 +01:00
-- Gives a sound notification to a mentioned player using #[player-name]
2018-11-15 15:06:03 +01:00
if global.mention_enabled then
local missing_player_string
2018-11-15 16:03:46 +01:00
local not_found = 0
2018-11-16 21:32:38 +01:00
local cannot_mention = { }
2018-11-15 16:26:40 +01:00
for word in event.message : gmatch ( ' #%S+ ' ) do
2018-11-15 16:46:04 +01:00
local lower_word = word : lower ( )
2018-11-16 21:32:38 +01:00
local success = false
local admin_call = false
2018-11-15 16:46:04 +01:00
if lower_word == ' #admin ' or lower_word == ' #moderator ' then
admin_call = true
2018-11-15 15:06:03 +01:00
for _ , p in ipairs ( game.connected_players ) do
2018-11-15 16:54:16 +01:00
if admin_call and p.admin then
2018-11-16 21:32:38 +01:00
p.print ( prefix .. Game.get_player_by_index ( event.player_index ) . name .. ' mentioned ' .. word .. ' ! ' , { r = 1 , g = 1 , b = 0 , a = 1 } )
2018-11-15 16:54:16 +01:00
p.play_sound { path = ' utility/new_objective ' , volume_modifier = 1 }
2018-11-16 21:32:38 +01:00
success = true
2018-11-15 16:46:04 +01:00
if not admin_call and ' # ' .. p.name == word then
2018-11-15 15:06:03 +01:00
if p.name == player.name then
player.print ( prefix .. ' Can \' t mention yourself! ' , { r = 1 , g = 0 , b = 0 , a = 1 } )
2018-11-16 21:32:38 +01:00
success = true
2018-11-15 15:06:03 +01:00
break ;
2018-11-15 16:03:46 +01:00
p.print ( prefix .. Game.get_player_by_index ( event.player_index ) . name .. ' mentioned you! ' , { r = 1 , g = 1 , b = 0 , a = 1 } )
p.play_sound { path = ' utility/new_objective ' , volume_modifier = 1 }
2018-11-16 21:32:38 +01:00
success = true
2018-11-15 16:03:46 +01:00
if _DEBUG then
player.print ( prefix .. ' Successful mentioned ' .. p.name , { r = 0 , g = 1 , b = 0 , a = 1 } )
2018-11-15 15:06:03 +01:00
2018-11-16 21:32:38 +01:00
if not success then
not_found = not_found + 1
table.insert ( cannot_mention , ( word .. ' , ' ) )
2018-11-15 15:06:03 +01:00
2018-11-16 21:32:38 +01:00
for _ , pname in ipairs ( cannot_mention ) do
missing_player_string = missing_player_string ~= nil and missing_player_string .. pname or pname
2018-11-15 15:06:03 +01:00
if missing_player_string ~= nil then
missing_player_string = string.sub ( missing_player_string , 1 , ( string.len ( missing_player_string ) - 2 ) )
2018-11-15 16:03:46 +01:00
if not_found > 1 then
player.print ( prefix .. ' Players not found: ' .. missing_player_string , { r = 1 , g = 1 , b = 0 , a = 1 } )
player.print ( prefix .. ' Player not found: ' .. missing_player_string , { r = 1 , g = 1 , b = 0 , a = 1 } )
2018-11-15 15:06:03 +01:00
2018-11-10 23:00:28 -05:00
2018-11-11 11:08:05 -05:00
Event.add ( defines.events . on_console_chat , hodor )