mirror of
synced 2025-03-17 21:08:08 +02:00
Add 1000x
Add infinite storage chest cost to config
This commit is contained in:
@ -45,7 +45,8 @@ global.config = {
-- Adds the infinite storage chest to the market and adds a custom GUI to it. Also has to be loaded first due to adding a market item
infinite_storage_chest = {
enabled = false
enabled = false,
cost = 100
-- adds a command to scale UPS and movement speed. Use with caution as it might break scenarios that modify movement speed
performance = {
@ -7,8 +7,12 @@ local Task = require 'utils.task'
local Global = require 'utils.global'
local Game = require 'utils.game'
local format = string.format
local chests = {}
local chests_next = {}
local config = global.config.infinite_storage_chest
{chests = chests, chests_next = chests_next},
@ -213,7 +217,7 @@ local function gui_opened(event)
local text =
frame.add {
type = 'label',
caption = 'This chest stores unlimited quantity of items (up to 48 different item types).\nThe chest is best used with an inserter to add / remove items.\nIf the chest is mined or destroyed the items are lost.\nYou can buy the chest at the market for 100 coins.'
caption = format('This chest stores unlimited quantity of items (up to 48 different item types).\nThe chest is best used with an inserter to add / remove items.\nIf the chest is mined or destroyed the items are lost.\nYou can buy the chest at the market for %s coins.', config.cost)
text.style.single_line = false
@ -258,6 +262,5 @@ Gui.on_custom_close(
local market_items = require 'resources.market_items'
table.insert(market_items, {price = 100, name = 'infinity-chest', description = 'Stores unlimited quantity of items for up to 48 different item types'})
table.insert(market_items, {price = config.cost, name = 'infinity-chest', description = 'Stores unlimited quantity of items for up to 48 different item types'})
return Module
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
local b = require 'map_gen.shared.builders'
local Perlin = require 'map_gen.shared.perlin_noise'
local Global = require 'utils.global'
local Event = require 'utils.event'
local math = require 'utils.math'
local table = require 'utils.table'
local Task = require 'utils.task'
local Token = require 'utils.token'
local Utils = require 'utils.core'
local RS = require 'map_gen.shared.redmew_surface'
local DayNight = require 'map_gen.shared.day_night'
local ScenarioInfo = require 'features.gui.info'
local Toast = require 'features.gui.toast'
local Retailer = require 'features.retailer'
local MGSP = require 'resources.map_gen_settings'
local DSP = require 'resources.difficulty_settings'
local market_items = require 'resources.market_items'
local noise = Perlin.noise
local remove = table.remove
local insert = table.insert
local format = string.format
local config = global.config
-- Local constants
-- Startup bonus
local timeout_duration = 20 * 60 -- 20 min timeouts means the bonuses are gone at 2hr
local startup_bonus = 50 -- mining multiplier
local toast_duration = 15 -- secs
-- Multipliers added as the last number to make it easier to read/understand the deviation from norms
local map_settings = {
pollution = {
enabled = true,
diffusion_ratio = (0.02 * 20),
ageing = (1 * 0.1)
enemy_evolution = {
enabled = true,
time_factor = (0.000004 * 0.025),
destroy_factor = (0.002 * 0.025),
pollution_factor = (0.000015 * 0.025)
enemy_expansion = {
enabled = true,
max_expansion_distance = (7 * 2),
enemy_building_influence_radius = (2 / 2),
min_expansion_cooldown = ((4 * 3600) / 4),
max_expansion_cooldown = ((60 * 3600) / 4)
unit_group = {
max_group_radius = (30.0 * 2),
max_member_speedup_when_behind = (1.4 * 10),
max_member_slowdown_when_ahead = (0.6 * 2),
max_group_slowdown_factor = (0.3 * 3)
-- Setup
-- Enable infinite storage chest
config.infinite_storage_chest.enabled = true
config.infinite_storage_chest.cost = 35
-- Enable hydra
config.hail_hydra.enabled = true
config.hail_hydra.hydras = {
-- spitters
['small-spitter'] = {['small-spitter'] = 0.1},
['medium-spitter'] = {['small-spitter'] = 0.2, ['medium-spitter'] = 0.1},
['big-spitter'] = {['small-spitter'] = 0.3, ['medium-spitter'] = 0.2, ['big-spitter'] = 0.1},
['behemoth-spitter'] = {['small-spitter'] = 0.4, ['medium-spitter'] = 0.3, ['big-spitter'] = 0.2, ['behemoth-spitter'] = 0.1},
-- biters
['small-biter'] = {['small-biter'] = 0.2},
['medium-biter'] = {['small-biter'] = 0.4, ['medium-biter'] = 0.2},
['big-biter'] = {['small-biter'] = 0.6, ['medium-biter'] = 0.4, ['big-biter'] = 0.4},
['behemoth-biter'] = {['small-biter'] = 0.8, ['medium-biter'] = 0.6, ['big-biter'] = 0.4, ['behemoth-biter'] = 0.2},
-- worms
['small-worm-turret'] = {['small-biter'] = 2.5, ['medium-biter'] = 0.05},
['medium-worm-turret'] = {['small-biter'] = 5, ['medium-biter'] = 2.5, ['big-biter'] = 0.05},
['big-worm-turret'] = {['small-biter'] = 10, ['medium-biter'] = 5, ['big-biter'] = 2.5, ['behemoth-biter'] = 0.05}
-- Scenario info
local map_extra_info =
- There are infinite ores in every direction
- Technology is very, very expensive
- You have done basic research into how to build a factory
- The market does not offer what it normally does
- The biters are plentiful, but seem slow to evolve
- The sun's position seems unchanging.
ScenarioInfo.set_map_name('The 1000 Yard Stare')
ScenarioInfo.set_map_description('Resources are not an issue as you march your way through the tech tree.')
ScenarioInfo.add_map_extra_info(map_extra_info .. '- Your miners and your hands will work extra hard when you first arrive\nBut they will tire over time.')
-- Redmew surface
-- Setup market inventory
if config.market.enabled then
local items_to_add = {
{name = 'modular-armor', stack_limit = 1, player_limit = 1, price = 50},
{name = 'power-armor', stack_limit = 1, player_limit = 1, price = 2000},
{name = 'fusion-reactor-equipment', stack_limit = 1, player_limit = 1, price = 300},
{name = 'energy-shield-equipment', stack_limit = 1, player_limit = 1, price = 350},
{name = 'defender-capsule', stack_limit = 25, player_limit = 25, price = 1},
{name = 'distractor-capsule', stack_limit = 50, player_limit = 50, price = 10},
{name = 'destroyer-capsule', price = 50}
local items_to_drop = {
-- Remove items_to_drop from marker
for i = #market_items, 1, -1 do
local name = market_items[i].name
if table.array_contains(items_to_drop, name) then
remove(market_items, i)
-- Add items_to_add to market
for i = 1, #items_to_add do
insert(market_items, items_to_add[i])
--- A timeout loop that decreases the mining bonus until < 1 then eliminates it and enables the productivity research
local timeout_token
local function decrease_boost()
local force = game.forces.player
force.mining_drill_productivity_bonus = force.mining_drill_productivity_bonus / 2
force.manual_mining_speed_modifier = force.manual_mining_speed_modifier / 2
force.manual_crafting_speed_modifier = force.manual_crafting_speed_modifier / 2
if force.mining_drill_productivity_bonus < 1 then
force.mining_drill_productivity_bonus = 0
force.manual_mining_speed_modifier = 0
force.manual_crafting_speed_modifier = 0
force.technologies['mining-productivity-1'].enabled = true
Toast.toast_all_players(toast_duration, 'Your hands and all miners seem to have returned to their normal speeds.')
Utils.print_admins('The mining and crafting bonuses are finished. Mining productivity research has been unlocked (lol).', nil)
Toast.toast_all_players(toast_duration, 'Your hands and the miners seem to be slowing.')
Utils.print_admins(format('The mining bonuses are now only %sx, crafting bonus is %sx', force.mining_drill_productivity_bonus, force.manual_crafting_speed_modifier), nil)
Task.set_timeout(timeout_duration, timeout_token, nil)
timeout_token = Token.register(decrease_boost)
-- Initial techs, setting day_night cycle, placing market
local force = game.forces.player
local surface = RS.get_surface()
local pos = {0, -15}
-- Techs
force.technologies['automation'].researched = true
force.technologies['logistics'].researched = true
force.technologies['turrets'].researched = true
force.technologies['military'].researched = true
-- DayNight call
DayNight.set_fixed_brightness(1, RS.get_surface())
if config.market.enabled then
config.market.create_standard_market = false
-- Market creation
local market = surface.create_entity({name = 'market', position = pos})
market.destructible = false
Retailer.add_market('items', market)
if table.size(Retailer.get_items('items')) == 0 then
for _, prototype in pairs(market_items) do
Retailer.set_item('items', prototype)
force.add_chart_tag(surface, {icon = {type = 'item', name = config.market.currency}, position = pos, text = 'Market'})
-- Startup bonus
force.technologies['mining-productivity-1'].enabled = false
force.mining_drill_productivity_bonus = startup_bonus
force.manual_mining_speed_modifier = startup_bonus
force.manual_crafting_speed_modifier = startup_bonus / 10
Task.set_timeout(timeout_duration, timeout_token, nil)
-- Map
-- Constants
local value = 4294967294
local oil_scale = 1 / 64
local oil_threshold = 0.6
local uranium_scale = 1 / 128
local uranium_threshold = 0.65
local density_scale = 1 / 48
local density_threshold = 0.5
local density_multiplier = 50
-- Local Globals
local oil_seed
local uranium_seed
local density_seed
tbl.seed = RS.get_surface().map_gen_settings.seed
local seed = tbl.seed
oil_seed = seed
uranium_seed = seed * 2
density_seed = seed * 3
-- Functions
local function constant(amount)
return function()
return amount
local oil_shape = b.throttle_world_xy(b.full_shape, 1, 8, 1, 8)
local oil_resource = b.resource(oil_shape, 'crude-oil', constant(value))
local uranium_resource = b.resource(b.full_shape, 'uranium-ore', constant(value))
local ores = {
{resource = b.resource(b.full_shape, 'iron-ore', constant(value)), weight = 6},
{resource = b.resource(b.full_shape, 'copper-ore', constant(value)), weight = 4},
{resource = b.resource(b.full_shape, 'stone', constant(value)), weight = 1},
{resource = b.resource(b.full_shape, 'coal', constant(value)), weight = 2}
local weighted_ores = b.prepare_weighted_array(ores)
local total_ores = weighted_ores.total
local ore_circle = b.circle(12)
local start_ores = {
b.resource(ore_circle, 'iron-ore', constant(value)),
b.resource(ore_circle, 'copper-ore', constant(value)),
b.resource(ore_circle, 'coal', constant(value)),
b.resource(ore_circle, 'stone', constant(value))
local bigger_circle = b.circle(100) -- To exclude water from the start area.
ore_circle =
b.any {
local start_segment = b.segment_pattern(start_ores)
local function ore(x, y, world)
local start_ore = start_segment(x, y, world)
if start_ore then
return start_ore
local oil_x, oil_y = x * oil_scale, y * oil_scale
local oil_noise = noise(oil_x, oil_y, oil_seed)
if oil_noise > oil_threshold then
return oil_resource(x, y, world)
local uranium_x, uranium_y = x * uranium_scale, y * uranium_scale
local uranium_noise = noise(uranium_x, uranium_y, uranium_seed)
if uranium_noise > uranium_threshold then
return uranium_resource(x, y, world)
local i = math.random() * total_ores
local index = table.binary_search(weighted_ores, i)
if (index < 0) then
index = bit32.bnot(index)
local resource = ores[index].resource
local entity = resource(x, y, world)
local density_x, density_y = x * density_scale, y * density_scale
local density_noise = noise(density_x, density_y, density_seed)
if density_noise > density_threshold then
entity.amount = entity.amount * density_multiplier
entity.enable_tree_removal = false
return entity
local worms = {
local max_worm_chance = 1 / 384
local worm_chance_factor = 1 / (192 * 512)
local function enemy(_, _, world)
local wx, wy = world.x, world.y
local d = math.sqrt(wx * wx + wy * wy)
local worm_chance = d - 128
if worm_chance > 0 then
worm_chance = worm_chance * worm_chance_factor
worm_chance = math.min(worm_chance, max_worm_chance)
if math.random() < worm_chance then
if d < 384 then
return {name = 'small-worm-turret'}
local max_lvl
local min_lvl
if d < 768 then
max_lvl = 2
min_lvl = 1
max_lvl = 3
min_lvl = 2
local lvl = math.random() ^ (768 / d) * max_lvl
lvl = math.ceil(lvl)
lvl = math.clamp(lvl, min_lvl, 3)
return {name = worms[lvl]}
local water = b.circle(8)
water = b.change_tile(water, true, 'water')
water = b.any {b.rectangle(16, 4), b.rectangle(4, 16), water}
local start = b.if_else(water, b.full_shape)
start = b.change_map_gen_collision_tile(start, 'water-tile', 'grass-1')
local map = b.choose(ore_circle, start, b.full_shape)
map = b.apply_entity(map, ore)
map = b.apply_entity(map, enemy)
return map
@ -46,5 +46,14 @@ return {
evening = 0.275,
morning = 0.725,
dawn = 0.775
-- 6 hour cycle based on Feb 3 London, England for the day/night/twilight times:
-- Day: 2h15m Night: 2h45m Day to night and night to day: 30m each Map starts mid-day
feb3 = {
ticks_per_day = 1296000,
dusk = 4.5 / 24,
evening = 15.5 / 24,
morning = 17.5 / 24,
dawn = 19.5 / 24
Reference in New Issue
Block a user