mirror of https://github.com/Refactorio/RedMew.git synced 2024-12-12 10:04:40 +02:00

clean up + comments

This commit is contained in:
grilledham 2018-11-26 16:07:24 +00:00
parent a1f63ce2b7
commit b22499cc9b
2 changed files with 72 additions and 39 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
local Token = require 'utils.global_token'
local Event = require 'utils.event'
local Public = {}
@ -17,9 +16,6 @@ local discord_embed_tag = '[DISCORD-EMBED]'
local discord_embed_raw_tag = '[DISCORD-EMBED-RAW]'
local discord_admin_embed_tag = '[DISCORD-ADMIN-EMBED]'
local discord_admin_embed_raw_tag = '[DISCORD-ADMIN-EMBED-RAW]'
local regular_promote_tag = '[REGULAR-PROMOTE]'
local regular_deomote_tag = '[REGULAR-DEOMOTE]'
local donator_set_tag = '[DONATOR-SET]'
local start_scenario_tag = '[START-SCENARIO]'
local ping_tag = '[PING]'
local data_set_tag = '[DATA-SET]'
@ -33,67 +29,73 @@ local data_set_handlers = {}
defines.events.on_server_started = script.generate_event_name()
--- The event id for the on_server_started event.
-- The event is raised whenever the server goes from the starting state to the running state.
-- It provides a good opportunity to request data from the web server.
-- Note that if the server is stopped then started again, this event will be raised again.
-- @usage
-- Event.add(Server.events.on_server_started,
-- function()
-- Server.try_get_all_data('regulars', callback)
-- end)
Public.events = {on_server_started = defines.events.on_server_started}
--- Sends a message to the linked discord channel. The message is sanitized of markdown server side.
-- @param message<string> message to send.
function Public.to_discord(message)
raw_print(discord_tag .. message)
--- Sends a message to the linked discord channel. The message is not sanitized of markdown.
-- @param message<string> message to send.
function Public.to_discord_raw(message)
raw_print(discord_raw_tag .. message)
--- Sends a message to the linked discord channel. The message is sanitized of markdown server side, then made bold.
-- @param message<string> message to send.
function Public.to_discord_bold(message)
raw_print(discord_bold_tag .. message)
--- Sends a message to the linked admin discord channel. The message is sanitized of markdown server side.
-- @param message<string> message to send.
function Public.to_admin(message)
raw_print(discord_admin_tag .. message)
--- Sends a message to the linked admin discord channel. The message is not sanitized of markdown.
-- @param message<string> message to send.
function Public.to_admin_raw(message)
raw_print(discord_admin_raw_tag .. message)
--- Sends a embed message to the linked discord channel. The message is sanitized of markdown server side.
-- @param message<string> the content of the embed.
function Public.to_discord_embed(message)
raw_print(discord_embed_tag .. message)
--- Sends a embed message to the linked discord channel. The message is not sanitized of markdown.
-- @param message<string> the content of the embed.
function Public.to_discord_embed_raw(message)
raw_print(discord_embed_raw_tag .. message)
--- Sends a embed message to the linked admin discord channel. The message is sanitized of markdown server side.
-- @param message<string> the content of the embed.
function Public.to_admin_embed(message)
raw_print(discord_admin_embed_tag .. message)
--- Sends a embed message to the linked admin discord channel. The message is not sanitized of markdown.
-- @param message<string> the content of the embed.
function Public.to_admin_embed_raw(message)
raw_print(discord_admin_embed_raw_tag .. message)
function Public.regular_promote(target, promotor)
local control_message = table.concat {regular_promote_tag, target, ' ', promotor}
local discord_message = table.concat {discord_bold_tag, promotor .. ' promoted ' .. target .. ' to regular.'}
function Public.regular_deomote(target, demotor)
local discord_message = table.concat {discord_bold_tag, target, ' was demoted from regular by ', demotor, '.'}
raw_print(regular_deomote_tag .. target)
function Public.donator_set(target, perks)
perks = perks or 'nil'
local message = table.concat {donator_set_tag, target, ' ', perks}
--- Stops and saves the factorio server and starts the named scenario.
-- @param scenario_name<string> The name of the scenario as appears in the scenario table on http://redmew.com/admin
function Public.start_scenario(scenario_name)
if type(scenario_name) ~= 'string' then
game.print('start_scenario - scenario_name ' .. tostring(scenario_name) .. ' must be a string.')
@ -116,11 +118,20 @@ local default_ping_token =
--- Pings the web server.
-- @param func_token<token> The function that is called when the web server replies.
-- The function is passed the tick that the ping was sent.
function Public.ping(func_token)
local message = table.concat({ping_tag, func_token or default_ping_token, ' ', game.tick})
--- Sets the web server's persistent data storage. If you pass nil for the value removes the data.
-- Data set this will by synced in with other server if they choose to.
-- There can only be one key for each data_set.
-- @param data_set<string>
-- @param key<string>
-- @param value<nil|boolean|number|string|table> Any type that is not a function. set to nil to remove the data.
function Public.set_data(data_set, key, value)
if type(data_set) ~= 'string' then
error('data_set must be a string')
@ -129,6 +140,7 @@ function Public.set_data(data_set, key, value)
error('key must be a string')
-- Excessive escaping because the data is serialized twice.
data_set = data_set:gsub('\\', '\\\\\\\\'):gsub('"', '\\\\\\"')
key = key:gsub('\\', '\\\\\\\\'):gsub('"', '\\\\\\"')
@ -161,6 +173,12 @@ function Public.set_data(data_set, key, value)
--- Gets data from the web server's persistent data storage.
-- The callback is passed a table {data_set: string, key: string, value: any}.
-- If the value is nil, it means there is no stored data for that data_set key pair.
-- @param data_set<string>
-- @param key<string>
-- @param callback_token<token>
function Public.try_get_data(data_set, key, callback_token)
if type(data_set) ~= 'string' then
error('data_set must be a string')
@ -180,6 +198,11 @@ function Public.try_get_data(data_set, key, callback_token)
--- Gets all the data for the data_set from the web server's persistent data storage.
-- The callback is passed a table {data_set: string, entries: {dictionary key -> value}}.
-- If there is no data stored for the data_set entries will be nil.
-- @param data_set<string>
-- @param callback_token<token>
function Public.try_get_all_data(data_set, callback_token)
if type(data_set) ~= 'string' then
error('data_set must be a string')
@ -219,6 +242,15 @@ local function data_set_changed(data)
--- Register a handler to be called when the data_set changes.
-- The handler is passed a table {data_set:string, key:string, value:any}
-- If value is nil that means the key was removed.
-- The handler may be called even if the value hasn't changed. It's up to the implementer
-- to determine if the value has changed, or not care.
-- To prevent desyncs the same handlers must be registered for all clients. The easiest way to do this
-- is in the control stage, i.e before on_init or on_load would be called.
-- @param data_set<string>
-- @param handler<function>
function Public.on_data_set_changed(data_set, handler)
if type(data_set) ~= 'string' then
error('data_set must be a string')
@ -235,6 +267,7 @@ end
Public.raise_data_set = data_set_changed
--- Called by the web server to determine which data_sets are being tracked.
function Public.get_tracked_data_sets()
local message = {data_tracked_tag, '['}

View File

@ -3,26 +3,26 @@ local UserGroups = require 'features.user_groups'
local Token = require 'utils.global_token'
local Server = require 'server'
local Public = {}
--- This module is for the web server to call functions and raise events.
-- Not intended to be called by scripts.
-- Needs to be in the _G table so it can be accessed by the web server.
ServerCommands = {}
Public.get_poll_result = Poll.send_poll_result_to_discord
ServerCommands.get_poll_result = Poll.send_poll_result_to_discord
Public.regular_sync = UserGroups.sync_regulars
ServerCommands.regular_sync = UserGroups.sync_regulars
ServerCommands.donator_sync = UserGroups.sync_donators
Public.regular_promote = UserGroups.server_add_regular
Public.regular_demote = UserGroups.server_remove_regular
function Public.raise_callback(func_token, data)
function ServerCommands.raise_callback(func_token, data)
local func = Token.get(func_token)
Public.raise_data_set = Server.raise_data_set
Public.get_tracked_data_sets = Server.get_tracked_data_sets
ServerCommands.raise_data_set = Server.raise_data_set
ServerCommands.get_tracked_data_sets = Server.get_tracked_data_sets
function Public.server_started()
function ServerCommands.server_started()
script.raise_event(Server.events.on_server_started, {})
return Public
return ServerCommands