mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 14:53:01 +02:00
new maps
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
require "locale.gen_shared.perlin_noise"
local Thread = require "locale.utils.Thread"
local block_size = 1 -- in tiles
local start_size = 64 -- in blocks
local strike_time = 1 -- in ticks
-- dud blocks don't spawn meteors, with a block_weight = 1 and dud weight = 3, every 3 out of 4 blocks will be a dud block
local block_weight = 1
local dud_weight = 0
local min_blocks_in_list = 10 -- no dud meteors if the number of blocks in the list is less than or equal to this
global.blocks = nil
global.used_blocks = nil
global.strike_time = strike_time
global.weight_count = 0
local half_start_size = (start_size * block_size) / 2
local total_weight = block_weight + dud_weight
local function init_blocks()
local blocks = {}
local used_blocks = {}
local half = start_size / 2
for i = -half, half - 1 do
table.insert(blocks,{x = i, y = -half - 1})
used_blocks[i .. "," .. (-half - 1)] = true
table.insert(blocks,{x = i, y = half})
used_blocks[i .. "," .. half] = true
table.insert(blocks,{x = -half - 1, y = i})
used_blocks[(-half - 1) .. "," .. i] = true
table.insert(blocks,{x = half, y = i})
used_blocks[half .. "," .. i] = true
for j = -half, half -1 do
used_blocks[i .. "," .. j] = true
global.blocks = blocks
global.used_blocks = used_blocks
local function get_resource(x,y)
local value = perlin:noise(x /16 , y / 16)
value = value + 1
value = value * 500
local name = ""
if value < 450 then
return nil
elseif value < 550 then
name = "iron-ore"
elseif value < 650 then
name = "copper-ore"
elseif value < 750 then
name = "coal"
elseif value < 850 then
name = "stone"
return nil
value = perlin:noise(y /64 , x / 64)
value = value + 1
value = value * 500
return {name=name,position={x,y}, amount = value}
function run_combined_module(event)
if not global.blocks then
local area = event.area
local surface = event.surface
local top_x = area.left_top.x
local top_y = area.left_top.y
local tiles = {}
local entities = {}
for y = top_y, top_y + 31 do
for x = top_x, top_x + 31 do
if -x > half_start_size or x >= half_start_size or -y > half_start_size or y >= half_start_size then
table.insert(tiles, {name="out-of-map", position = {x, y}})
local e = get_resource(x,y)
if e then
table.insert(entities, e)
surface.set_tiles(tiles, false)
for _, e in ipairs(entities) do
if surface.can_place_entity(e) then
local function get_block()
local blocks = global.blocks
local count = global.weight_count
while count >= block_weight and count < total_weight and #blocks > min_blocks_in_list do
local index = math.random(#blocks)
table.remove(blocks, index)
count = count + 1
if count < block_weight then
count = count + 1
if count == total_weight then
global.weight_count = 0
global.weight_count = count
local index = math.random(#blocks)
return table.remove(blocks, index)
local function do_strike()
local block = get_block()
function add(x,y)
local key = x .. "," .. y
if not global.used_blocks[key] then
table.insert(global.blocks, {x = x, y = y})
global.used_blocks[key] = true
add(block.x, block.y - 1)
add(block.x + 1, block.y)
add(block.x, block.y + 1)
add(block.x - 1, block.y)
local tiles = {}
local bx = block.x * block_size
local by = block.y * block_size
for x = bx, bx + block_size - 1 do
for y = by, by + block_size - 1 do
table.insert(tiles, {name = "dry-dirt", position = {x, y}})
local surface = game.surfaces[1]
surface.set_tiles(tiles, false)
game.forces.player.chart(surface, {{bx, by}, {bx+block_size, by+block_size}})
local function on_tick()
if global.strike_time == 0 then
global.strike_time = strike_time
global.strike_time = global.strike_time - 1
Event.register(defines.events.on_tick, on_tick)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
local data =
weight = 1
thresholds =
{value = 400, name = nil},
{value = 500, name = "iron-ore"},
{value = 600, name = "copper-ore"},
{value = 700, name = "coal"},
{value = 800, name = "stone"},
local function process_data()
return data
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
This map uses custom ore gen. When generating the map, under the resource settings tab use Size = 'None' for all resources.
map_gen_decoratives = false -- Generate our own decoratives
map_gen_rows_per_tick = 8 -- Inclusive integer between 1 and 32. Used for map_gen_threaded, higher numbers will generate map quicker but cause more lag.
-- Recommend to use generate, but generate_not_threaded may be useful for testing / debugging.
--require "map_gen.shared.generate_not_threaded"
require "map_gen.shared.generate"
local ball_r = 16
local big_circle = circle_builder(ball_r)
local small_circle = circle_builder(0.6 * ball_r)
local ribben = {big_circle}
local count = 8
local angle = math.pi / count
local offset_x = 32
local offset_y = 96
for i= 1, count do
local x = offset_x * i
local y = offset_y * math.sin(angle * i)
local c = translate(big_circle, x, y)
table.insert(ribben, c)
for i= 0, count - 1 do
local j = i + 0.5
local x = offset_x * j
local y = offset_y * math.sin(angle * j)
local c = translate(small_circle, x, y)
table.insert(ribben, c)
ribben = compound_or(ribben)
local function value(mult,base)
return function(a, b)
return mult * (math.abs(a) + math.abs(b)) + base
local oil_shape = circle_builder(0.16 * ball_r)
oil_shape = throttle_xy(oil_shape, 1, 2, 1, 2)
local resources =
resource_module_builder(circle_builder(0.2 * ball_r), "iron-ore", value(0.5, 750)),
resource_module_builder(circle_builder(0.2 * ball_r), "copper-ore", value(0.5, 750)),
resource_module_builder(circle_builder(0.15 * ball_r), "stone", value(0.2, 400)),
resource_module_builder(circle_builder(0.05 * ball_r), "uranium-ore", value(0.2, 600)),
resource_module_builder(oil_shape, "crude-oil", value(60, 160000)),
resource_module_builder(circle_builder(0.2 * ball_r), "coal", value(0.2, 600)),
resource_module_builder(circle_builder(0.2 * ball_r), "iron-ore", value(0.5, 750))
local lines = {}
local lines_circle = circle_builder(0.6 * ball_r)
for i = 1, count - 1 do
local x = offset_x * i
local y = offset_y * math.sin(angle * i)
local l = rectangle_builder(2, 2 * y + ball_r)
l = translate(l, x, 0)
local c = lines_circle
c = builder_with_resource(c, resources[i])
local c = translate(c, x, 0)
table.insert(lines, c)
table.insert(lines, l)
lines = compound_or(lines)
local dna = compound_or{lines, ribben, flip_y(ribben)}
local widith = offset_x * count
dna = translate(dna, -widith/ 2, 0)
local map = single_x_pattern_builder(dna, widith)
local dna1 = single_pattern_builder(dna, widith, 6 * widith)
local dna2 = single_pattern_builder(dna, widith, 8 * widith)
dna2 = rotate(dna2, degrees(60))
dna2 = translate(dna2, -3 * widith, 0)
local dna3 = single_pattern_builder(dna, widith, 8 * widith)
local dna3 = rotate(dna3, degrees(120))
dna3 = translate(dna3, 3 * widith, 0)
local map = compound_or{dna1, dna2, dna3}
map = translate(map, -widith/2, 0)
map = rotate(map, degrees(45))
local start_circle = circle_builder(0.3 * ball_r)
local iron = builder_with_resource(start_circle, resource_module_builder(scale(start_circle,0.5,0.5), "iron-ore", value(0, 700)))
local copper = builder_with_resource(start_circle, resource_module_builder(scale(start_circle,0.5,0.5), "copper-ore", value(0, 500)))
local stone = builder_with_resource(start_circle, resource_module_builder(scale(start_circle,0.5,0.5), "stone", value(0, 250)))
local oil = builder_with_resource(start_circle, resource_module_builder(scale(start_circle,0.1,0.1), "crude-oil", value(0, 40000)))
local coal = builder_with_resource(start_circle, resource_module_builder(scale(start_circle,0.5,0.5), "coal", value(0, 800)))
local start = compound_or
translate(iron, 0, -9),
translate(copper, 0, 9),
translate(stone, -9, 0),
translate(oil, 9, 9),
translate(coal, 9, 0),
map = choose(big_circle, start, map)
map = scale(map, 6, 6)
return map
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
map_gen_decoratives = false -- Generate our own decoratives
map_gen_rows_per_tick = 8 -- Inclusive integer between 1 and 32. Used for map_gen_threaded, higher numbers will generate map quicker but cause more lag.
-- Recommend to use generate, but generate_not_threaded may be useful for testing / debugging.
--require "map_gen.shared.generate_not_threaded"
require "map_gen.shared.generate"
local ball = circle_builder(16)
local arm = rectangle_builder(2, 13)
local arm1 = translate(arm, 0, -19.5)
local arm2 = translate(arm, 0, 22)
local arm3 = rectangle_builder(2, 19)
arm3 = rotate(arm3, degrees(-30))
arm3 = translate(arm3, -12, 22)
ball = compound_or{ball, arm1, arm2, arm3}
ball = translate(ball, 0, -28)
local balls = compound_or{ball, rotate(ball, degrees(120)), rotate(ball, degrees(240))}
local small_circle = circle_builder(48)
local big_circle = circle_builder(54)
local ring = compound_and{big_circle, invert(small_circle)}
local big_ball = compound_or{balls, ring}
local big_arm1 = rectangle_builder(6.75, 42.5)
big_arm1 = translate(big_arm1, 0, -74.25)
--local big_arm2 = rectangle_builder(24, 242)
--big_arm2 = translate(big_arm2, 0, 174)
big_ball = compound_or{big_ball, big_arm1, big_arm2}
big_ball = rotate(big_ball, degrees(-90))
big_ball = rotate(big_ball, math.atan2(54,210))
big_ball = translate(big_ball, 210, -54)
local big_balls = {}
local count = 12
local angle = 360 / count
local offset = (180 / count) + 90
for i = 0, count - 1 do
local s =rotate(big_ball, degrees(i * angle ))
table.insert(big_balls, s)
local big_balls = segment_pattern_builder(big_balls)
local small_circle = circle_builder(304.5)
local big_circle = circle_builder(316.5) --342.5625
local ring = compound_and{big_circle, invert(small_circle)}
local map = compound_or{big_balls, ring}
local leg = rectangle_builder(32,480)
local head = translate (oval_builder(32, 64), 0, -64)
local body = translate (circle_builder(64), 0, 64)
local count = 10
local angle = 360 / count
local list = { head, body }
for i = 1, (count / 2) - 1 do
local shape = rotate(leg, degrees(i * angle))
table.insert( list, shape )
local spider = compound_or(list)
spider = scale(spider,.75,.75)
--map = compound_or{map, spider}
map = translate(map, -30, 201)
map = scale(map, 12, 12)
return map
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
map_gen_decoratives = false -- Generate our own decoratives
map_gen_rows_per_tick = 8 -- Inclusive integer between 1 and 32. Used for map_gen_threaded, higher numbers will generate map quicker but cause more lag.
-- Recommend to use generate, but generate_not_threaded may be useful for testing / debugging.
--require "map_gen.shared.generate_not_threaded"
require "map_gen.shared.generate"
local small_circle = circle_builder(16)
local big_circle = circle_builder(18)
local ring = compound_and{big_circle, invert(small_circle)}
local box = rectangle_builder(10,10)
box = translate(box, 16, -16)
local line = rectangle_builder(36,1)
line = translate(line, 0, -20.5)
box = compound_or{box, line}
local boxes = {}
for i = 0, 3 do
local b = rotate(box, degrees(i*90))
table.insert(boxes, b)
boxes = compound_or(boxes)
local shape = compound_or{ring, boxes}
local shapes ={}
local sf = 1.8
local sf_total = 1
for i = 1, 10 do
sf_total = sf_total * sf
local s = scale(shape, sf_total, sf_total)
table.insert(shapes, s)
local map = compound_or(shapes)
return map
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
map_gen_decoratives = false -- Generate our own decoratives
map_gen_rows_per_tick = 8 -- Inclusive integer between 1 and 32. Used for map_gen_threaded, higher numbers will generate map quicker but cause more lag.
-- Recommend to use generate, but generate_not_threaded may be useful for testing / debugging.
--require "map_gen.shared.generate_not_threaded"
require "map_gen.shared.generate"
local stripe_thickness = 24
local stripe_distance = 384
local stripes = throttle_y(full_builder,stripe_thickness,stripe_distance)
local joint = rectangle_builder(64)
joint = rotate(joint,degrees(45))
joint = translate(joint, 0, stripe_thickness / 2)
local joints = single_y_pattern_builder(joint, stripe_distance)
stripes = compound_or{stripes, joints}
local lines = {}
local count = 8
local angle = 360 / count
local offset = (180 / count) + 90
for i = 0, count - 1 do
local line =rotate(stripes, degrees(i * angle + offset))
table.insert(lines, line)
local web = segment_pattern_builder(lines)
web = rotate(web, degrees(180 / count))
local path = path_builder(stripe_thickness)
local leg = rectangle_builder(32,480)
local head = translate (oval_builder(32, 64), 0, -64)
local body = translate (circle_builder(64), 0, 64)
local count = 10
local angle = 360 / count
local list = { head, body }
for i = 1, (count / 2) - 1 do
local shape = rotate(leg, degrees(i * angle))
table.insert( list, shape )
local spider = compound_or(list)
spider = scale(spider,2,2)
local e = empty_builder
local function s(r)
return rotate(spider, degrees(r))
local pattern =
{e , s(90) , e , s(0) , e , s(270)},
{s(0) , e , e , e , e , e },
{e , e , s(45) , e , s(315), e },
{s(90) , e , e , e , e , e },
{e , e , s(135), e , s(225), e },
{s(180), e , e , e , e , e },
local spiders = grid_pattern_builder(pattern, 6, 6, 820, 820)
local map = compound_or{ web, path, rotate(path, degrees(45)), spiders }
local start = circle_builder(150)
map = choose(start, full_builder, map)
--map = scale(map, 0.5, 0.5)
return map
@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ If you want to add your own module, just add it to the others
in this file and your run_*type*_module(event) function will be called.
--require "map_gen.combined.island_resort"
--require "map_gen.combined.red_planet_v2"
@ -13,27 +12,28 @@ in this file and your run_*type*_module(event) function will be called.
--require "map_gen.combined.dimensions"
--require "map_gen.combined.dagobah_swamp"
--require "map_gen.combined.UK"
--require "map_gen.combined.meteor_strike" --unfinished
--grilledham's map gen
-- Need to copy the file you want from the _locale folder to this one for it to be included
-- only get what you need, otherwise the save file is too big!
--MAP_GEN = require "map_gen.combined.grilledham_map_gen.presets.template"
--MAP_GEN = require "map_gen.combined.grilledham_map_gen.presets.mobius_strip"
--MAP_GEN = require "map_gen.combined.grilledham_map_gen.presets.antfarm"
--MAP_GEN = require "map_gen.combined.grilledham_map_gen.presets.creation_of_adam"
--MAP_GEN = require "map_gen.combined.grilledham_map_gen.presets.manhattan"
--MAP_GEN = require "map_gen.combined.grilledham_map_gen.presets.mona_lisa"
--MAP_GEN = require "map_gen.combined.grilledham_map_gen.presets.connected_dots"
--MAP_GEN = require "map_gen.combined.grilledham_map_gen.presets.cage"
--MAP_GEN = require "map_gen.combined.grilledham_map_gen.presets.maori"
--MAP_GEN = require "map_gen.combined.grilledham_map_gen.presets.goat"
--MAP_GEN = require "map_gen.combined.grilledham_map_gen.presets.biome_test"
--MAP_GEN = require "map_gen.combined.grilledham_map_gen.presets.GoT"
--MAP_GEN = require "map_gen.combined.grilledham_map_gen.presets.turkey"
--require "locale.grilledham_map_gen.presets.UK"
--MAP_GEN = require "map_gen.combined.grilledham_map_gen.presets.north_america"
--MAP_GEN = require "map_gen.combined.grilledham_map_gen.presets.lines_and_balls"
--MAP_GEN = require "map_gen.presets.template"
--MAP_GEN = require "map_gen.presets.web" --unfinished
--MAP_GEN = require "map_gen.presets.rings_and_boxes" --unfinished
--MAP_GEN = require "map_gen.presets.ring_of_balls" --unfinished
MAP_GEN = require "map_gen.presets.dna"
--MAP_GEN = require "map_gen.presets.lines_and_balls"
--MAP_GEN = require "map_gen.presets.mobius_strip"
--MAP_GEN = require "map_gen.presets.antfarm"
--MAP_GEN = require "map_gen.presets.creation_of_adam"
--MAP_GEN = require "map_gen.presets.manhattan"
--MAP_GEN = require "map_gen.presets.mona_lisa"
--MAP_GEN = require "map_gen.presets.connected_dots"
--MAP_GEN = require "map_gen.presets.cage"
--MAP_GEN = require "map_gen.presets.maori"
--MAP_GEN = require "map_gen.presets.goat"
--MAP_GEN = require "map_gen.presets.biome_test"
--MAP_GEN = require "map_gen.presets.GoT"
--MAP_GEN = require "map_gen.presets.turkey"
--MAP_GEN = require "map_gen.presets.north_america"
--require "map_gen.shape.left"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user