mirror of https://github.com/Refactorio/RedMew.git synced 2025-03-17 21:08:08 +02:00

Merge pull request #1144 from Refactorio/crash_site_dunes

Crash Site Arrakis
This commit is contained in:
Jayefuu 2021-01-08 19:13:45 +00:00 committed by GitHub
commit cb2b142e42
No known key found for this signature in database
12 changed files with 326 additions and 18 deletions

View File

@ -21,12 +21,12 @@ crash_site_airstrike_count_name_label=Airstrike Damage __1__
crash_site_airstrike_not_researched=You have not researched airstrike yet. Visit the market at the spawn [gps=-3,-3,redmew]
crash_site_airstrike_insufficient_currency_error=To send an air strike, load __1__ more poison capsules into the payment chest [gps=-0.5,-3.5,redmew]
crash_site_airstrike_friendly_fire_error=You don't want to do that, no enemies found in the target area.
crash_site_airstrike_damage_upgrade_success=Airstrike damage has been upgraded to level __1__
crash_site_airstrike_radius_upgrade_success=Airstrike radius has been upgraded to level __1__
crash_site_airstrike_damage_upgrade_success=__1__ has upgraded Airstrike Damage to level __2__
crash_site_airstrike_radius_upgrade_success=__1__ has updgraded Airstrike Radius to level __2__
crash_site_airstrike_success=__1__ called an air strike [gps=__2__,__3__,redmew]
crash_site_rocket_tanks_name_label=Rocket Tanks Fire Interval __1__
crash_site_rocket_tank_upgrade_success=__1__ has upgraded Rocket Tank interval to level __2__
crash_site_rocket_tanks_description= Upgrade the rocket tank firing interval to reduce the time between rockets.\n\nPlace rockets in the tank inventory to have them automatically target enemy worms and nests.
crash_site_rocket_tank_upgrade_success=Rocket tank interval has been upgraded to level __1__
max_level=(MAX LEVEL)
dataset_copy=Copies a dataset
dataset_move=Moves a dataset

View File

@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ aliens_killed=Aliens liberated
coins_earned=Coins earned
coins_spent=Coins spent
player_deaths=Player deaths
player_console_chats=Player console chats
player_items_crafted=Player items crafted
player_distance_walked=Distance walked

View File

@ -431,10 +431,12 @@ function Public.control(config)
local strikeCost = count * 4
local name = item.name
local player_name = event.player.name
if name == 'airstrike_damage' then
airstrike_data.count_level = airstrike_data.count_level + 1
Toast.toast_all_players(15, {'command_description.crash_site_airstrike_damage_upgrade_success', count_level})
Toast.toast_all_players(15, {'command_description.crash_site_airstrike_damage_upgrade_success', player_name, count_level})
Server.to_discord_bold('*** '..player_name..' has upgraded Airstrike Damage to level '..count_level..' ***')
item.name_label = {'command_description.crash_site_airstrike_count_name_label', (count_level + 1)}
item.price = math.floor(math.exp(airstrike_data.count_level ^ 0.8) / 2) * 1000
item.description = {
@ -447,8 +449,8 @@ function Public.control(config)
Retailer.set_item(market_id, item) -- this updates the retailer with the new item values.
elseif name == 'airstrike_radius' then
airstrike_data.radius_level = airstrike_data.radius_level + 1
{'command_description.crash_site_airstrike_radius_upgrade_success', radius_level})
Toast.toast_all_players(15, {'command_description.crash_site_airstrike_radius_upgrade_success', player_name, radius_level})
Server.to_discord_bold('*** '..player_name..' has upgraded Airstrike Radius to level '..radius_level..' ***')
item.name_label = {'command_description.crash_site_airstrike_radius_name_label', (radius_level + 1)}
item.description = {

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ local Global = require 'utils.global'
local Toast = require 'features.gui.toast'
local Retailer = require 'features.retailer'
local Token = require 'utils.token'
local Server = require 'features.server'
local tank_entities = {}
local tank_research = {interval_level = 1}
@ -98,8 +99,8 @@ Event.add(Retailer.events.on_market_purchase, function(event)
local max_level = 5
if interval_level < max_level then
tank_research.interval_level = tank_research.interval_level + 1
Toast.toast_all_players(15, {'command_description.crash_site_rocket_tank_upgrade_success', interval_level})
Toast.toast_all_players(15, {'command_description.crash_site_rocket_tank_upgrade_success', event.player.name, interval_level})
Server.to_discord_bold('*** '..event.player.name..' has upgraded Rocket Tanks to level '..interval_level..' ***') -- doesn't need locale string
item.name_label = {'command_description.crash_site_rocket_tanks_name_label', (interval_level + 1)}
item.price = (interval_level + 1) * 1000
Retailer.set_item(market_id, item) -- this updates the retailer with the new item values.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
-- This module starts spawning worms every 5 to 10 minutes (approx) when a roboport is placed.
-- Makes it necessary to defend roboports and limits the usefulness of large roboport networks
local Event = require 'utils.event'
local Global = require 'utils.global'
local Task = require 'utils.task'
local Token = require 'utils.token'
local set_timeout_in_ticks = Task.set_timeout_in_ticks
local min_worm_period_secs = 300 -- 5 minutes
local max_worm_period_secs = 900 -- 15 minutes
local max_worm_spawn_radius = 30
local roboports = {}
Global.register({roboports = roboports}, function(tbl)
roboports = tbl.roboports
local sandworms = {
['small-worm-turret'] = {evo_min = 0, evo_max = 0.4},
['medium-worm-turret'] = {evo_min = 0.4, evo_max = 0.6},
['big-worm-turret'] = {evo_min = 0.6, evo_max = 0.9},
['behemoth-worm-turret'] = {evo_min = 0.9, evo_max = 1}
local sandworm_biters = {
['small-worm-turret'] = {['small-biter'] = {min = 2.5, max = 3.5}, ['medium-biter'] = {min = 1.0, max = 2}},
['medium-worm-turret'] = {['small-biter'] = {min = 2.5, max = 6.5}, ['medium-biter'] = {min = 1.0, max = 5}},
['big-worm-turret'] = {
['small-biter'] = {min = 2.5, max = 4},
['medium-biter'] = {min = 1.5, max = 2.2},
['medium-spitter'] = {min = 1.5, max = 2.2},
['big-biter'] = {min = 1.5, max = 2.2}
['behemoth-worm-turret'] = {
['small-biter'] = {min = 4, max = 5.2},
['medium-biter'] = {min = 2.5, max = 3.8},
['big-biter'] = {min = 1.2, max = 2.4},
['big-spitter'] = {min = 1.2, max = 2.4},
['behemoth-biter'] = {min = 1.2, max = 2.4}
local function spawn_sandworms(entity)
local evolution = game.forces["enemy"].evolution_factor
for index, worm_type in pairs(sandworms) do
-- Determine which worm type to spawn based on the evolution
if (evolution > worm_type.evo_min) and (evolution <= worm_type.evo_max) then
local s = entity.surface
local worm_position = {
entity.position.x + math.random(max_worm_spawn_radius * -1, max_worm_spawn_radius),
entity.position.y + math.random(max_worm_spawn_radius * -1, max_worm_spawn_radius)
worm_position = s.find_non_colliding_position(index, worm_position, 20, 1)
if worm_position then
s.create_entity {name = index, position = worm_position, force = "enemy"}
-- For the appropriate worm for each evolution region, spawn some accompanying biters to attack the roboport
for worm, biters in pairs(sandworm_biters) do
if worm == index then
for biter, data in pairs(biters) do
local amount = math.random(data.min, data.max)
local extra_chance = amount % 1
if extra_chance > 0 then
if math.random(0,1) <= extra_chance then
amount = math.ceil(amount)
amount = math.floor(amount)
for _ = 1, amount do
local pos = s.find_non_colliding_position(biter, worm_position, 20, 1)
if pos then
local spawned_biter = s.create_entity {name = biter, position = pos, force = "enemy"}
spawned_biter.set_command({type = defines.command.attack, target = entity})
local thump_text_callback
thump_text_callback = Token.register(function(entity)
if not entity.valid then
local s = entity.surface
local entity_position = entity.position
s.create_entity{name="flying-text", position={(entity_position.x + math.random(-3,3)),(entity_position.y + math.random(0,3))}, text="*thump*", color={r=0.6,g=0.4,b=0}}
local worm_callback
worm_callback = Token.register(function(entity)
if entity.valid then -- stops the callback if the roboport has been removed
local callback_timer = math.random(min_worm_period_secs * 60, max_worm_period_secs * 60)
set_timeout_in_ticks(callback_timer, worm_callback, entity)
for i = 1, 5 do -- repeat thump text 30 seconds before worm will arrive to give players visual reminder they need to protect roboports
set_timeout_in_ticks(callback_timer-1800+(120*i), thump_text_callback, entity)
local function start_worm_attacks(entity)
if not entity.valid then
local callback_timer = math.random(min_worm_period_secs * 60, max_worm_period_secs * 60)
set_timeout_in_ticks(callback_timer, worm_callback, entity)
for i = 1, 5 do
set_timeout_in_ticks(120*i, thump_text_callback, entity)
Event.add(defines.events.on_robot_built_entity, function(event)
if event.created_entity.valid and event.created_entity.name == 'roboport' then
Event.add(defines.events.on_built_entity, function(event)
if event.created_entity.valid and event.created_entity.name == 'roboport' then
local player = game.get_player(event.player_index)
player.print("A sandworm approaches.....")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
-- This module allows cars and tanks (any vehicle of type == car) to repair friendly structures
local Event = require 'utils.event'
local Global = require 'utils.global'
local car_entities = {}
Global.register({car_entities = car_entities}, function(tbl)
car_entities = tbl.car_entities
Event.add(defines.events.on_entity_destroyed, function(event)
car_entities[event.unit_number] = nil
Event.add(defines.events.on_player_driving_changed_state, function(event)
local entity = event.entity
if not entity or not entity.valid or (entity.type ~= 'car') then
if not entity.get_driver() then -- no driver? Remove that car from the table to check
car_entities[entity.unit_number] = nil
local player = game.get_player(event.player_index)
local driver = entity.get_driver()
if player ~= driver.player then -- if the player that got in the vehicle is not the driver then return
car_entities[entity.unit_number] = entity
local turrets = {
['gun-turret'] = true,
['laser-turret'] = true,
['flamethrower-turret'] = true,
['artillery-turret'] = true
local function on_nth_tick()
for _, car in pairs(car_entities) do
if not car.valid or car.speed ~= 0 then -- only allow cars to repair if they have a driver and are not moving
goto continue
local inv = car.get_inventory(defines.inventory.car_trunk)
local stack = inv.find_item_stack('repair-pack')
if not stack then
goto continue
-- Search for damaged entities and heal them
local surface = car.surface
local targets = surface.find_entities_filtered {position = car.position, radius = 20, force = "player"}
local repair_amount = 150
for i, entity in pairs(targets) do
if entity.unit_number and (entity.get_health_ratio() or 1) < 1 then
-- Rules for when cars/tanks can repair:
-- if the damaged entity is a turret, the turret cooldown must be complete (entity.active == true) to help reduce turret creeping
-- if the damaged entity is not the car. Cars can heal other cars but not themselves.
-- if the damaged entity is not a character
-- if the entity is not moving. Vehicles must have a speed of 0, entities that can't move will be nil
if (entity ~= car and (entity.speed == 0 or entity.speed == nil) and entity.name ~= 'character' and not turrets[entity.name]) or (turrets[entity.name] and entity.active == true) then
surface.create_entity {
name = "electric-beam",
position = car.position,
source = car.position,
target = entity.position, -- use the position not the entity otherwise it will damage the entity
speed = 1,
duration = 20
local max_health = entity.prototype.max_health
if (max_health - entity.health) < repair_amount then
repair_amount = max_health - entity.health -- so that the player doesn't lose part of a repair pack partially healing an entity
entity.health = entity.health + repair_amount
goto continue -- break out because we only want to heal one entity
Event.on_nth_tick(60, on_nth_tick)

View File

@ -998,8 +998,10 @@ local function do_outpost_upgrade(event)
local level = outpost_data.level + 1
outpost_data.level = level
local player_name = event.player.name
local outpost_name = Retailer.get_market_group_label(outpost_id)
local message = concat {outpost_name, ' has been upgraded to level ', level}
local message = concat {player_name, ' has upgraded ', outpost_name, ' to level ', level}
CrashSiteToast.do_outpost_toast(outpost_data.market, message)
Server.to_discord_bold(concat {'*** ', message, ' ***'})

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
require 'map_gen.maps.crash_site.features.sandworms'
require 'map_gen.maps.crash_site.features.vehicle_repair_beams'
local ScenarioInfo = require 'features.gui.info'
local MGSP = require 'resources.map_gen_settings'
local config = {
scenario_name = 'crashsite-arrakis',
map_gen_settings = {
property_expression_names = {
['control-setting:moisture:bias'] = '-0.500000'
autoplace_controls = {
trees = {
frequency = 6,
richness = 1,
size = 0.1666666716337204
local Scenario = require 'map_gen.maps.crash_site.scenario'
ScenarioInfo.set_map_name('Crashsite Arrakis')
ScenarioInfo.set_map_description('Capture outposts and defend against the biters. Even drier than desert, sandworms roam the desert and will attack roboports on sight.')
- Arrakis is even drier than crash site Desert.
- Sandworms are attracted to the vibration caused by roboports and will spawn intermittently to neutralise this threat to their peace.
- Cars have repair beams.
- Outposts have enemy turrets defending them.
- Outposts have loot and provide a steady stream of resources.
- Outpost markets to purchase items and outpost upgrades.
- Capturing outposts increases evolution.\n- Reduced damage by all player weapons, turrets, and ammo.
- Biters have more health and deal more damage.\n- Biters and spitters spawn on death of entities.
return Scenario.init(config)

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
local MGSP = require 'resources.map_gen_settings'
local ScenarioInfo = require 'features.gui.info'
local config = {
scenario_name = 'crashsite-desert',
@ -29,5 +30,19 @@ local config = {
local Scenario = require 'map_gen.maps.crash_site.scenario'
ScenarioInfo.set_map_name('Crashsite Desert')
ScenarioInfo.set_map_description('A desert version of Crash Site. Capture outposts and defend against the biters.')
A desert version of Crash Site, with sandy terrain, scattered oases and few trees.
- Outposts have enemy turrets defending them.
- Outposts have loot and provide a steady stream of resources.
- Outpost markets to purchase items and outpost upgrades.
- Capturing outposts increases evolution.
- Reduced damage by all player weapons, turrets, and ammo.
- Biters have more health and deal more damage.
- Biters and spitters spawn on death of entities.
return Scenario.init(config)

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
local MGSP = require 'resources.map_gen_settings'
local ScenarioInfo = require 'features.gui.info'
local config = {
scenario_name = 'crashsite',
@ -17,5 +18,17 @@ local config = {
local Scenario = require 'map_gen.maps.crash_site.scenario'
ScenarioInfo.set_map_description('Capture outposts and defend against the biters.')
- Outposts have enemy turrets defending them.
- Outposts have loot and provide a steady stream of resources.
- Outpost markets to purchase items and outpost upgrades.
- Capturing outposts increases evolution.\n- Reduced damage by all player weapons, turrets, and ammo.
- Biters have more health and deal more damage.
- Biters and spitters spawn on death of entities.
return Scenario.init(config)

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
local b = require 'map_gen.shared.builders'
local MGSP = require 'resources.map_gen_settings'
local ScenarioInfo = require 'features.gui.info'
local type = type
local water_tiles = b.water_tiles
@ -34,6 +35,20 @@ local config = {
local Scenario = require 'map_gen.maps.crash_site.scenario'
ScenarioInfo.set_map_name('Crashsite World')
ScenarioInfo.set_map_description('Capture outposts and defend against the biters.')
- A world map version of Crash Site.
- Outposts have enemy turrets defending them.
- Outposts have loot and provide a steady stream of resources.
- Outpost markets to purchase items and outpost upgrades.
- Capturing outposts increases evolution.
- Reduced damage by all player weapons, turrets, and ammo.
- Biters have more health and deal more damage.
- Biters and spitters spawn on death of entities.
local crashsite = Scenario.init(config)
local function get_tile_name(tile)

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
require 'map_gen.maps.crash_site.blueprint_extractor'
require 'map_gen.maps.crash_site.events'
require 'map_gen.maps.crash_site.weapon_balance'
require 'map_gen.maps.crash_site.rocket_tanks'
require 'map_gen.maps.crash_site.features.rocket_tanks'
local b = require 'map_gen.shared.builders'
@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ local OutpostBuilder = require 'map_gen.maps.crash_site.outpost_builder'
local Token = require 'utils.token'
local Task = require 'utils.task'
local math = require 'utils.math'
local ScenarioInfo = require 'features.gui.info'
local table = require 'utils.table'
local RS = require 'map_gen.shared.redmew_surface'
local MGSP = require 'resources.map_gen_settings'
@ -48,13 +47,6 @@ local function control(config)
-- Comment out this block if you're getting scenario info from another source.
ScenarioInfo.set_map_description('Capture outposts and defend against the biters.')
'- Outposts have enemy turrets defending them.\n- Outposts have loot and provide a steady stream of resources.\n- Outpost markets to purchase items and outpost upgrades.\n- Capturing outposts increases evolution.\n- Reduced damage by all player weapons, turrets, and ammo.\n- Biters have more health and deal more damage.\n- Biters and spitters spawn on death of entities.'
RedmewConfig.market.enabled = false
RedmewConfig.biter_attacks.enabled = false