diff --git a/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/modules/concrete_on_landfill.lua b/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/modules/concrete_on_landfill.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..825337ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/modules/concrete_on_landfill.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+local Event = require 'utils.event'
+return function(config)
+    local replace_tile = config.tile or 'blue-refined-concrete'
+    local replace_tiles = {['landfill'] = true, [replace_tile] = true}
+    local brush_tools = {['refined-concrete'] = true} -- , ['refined-hazard-concrete'] = true}
+    local character_main = defines.inventory.character_main
+    local robot_cargo = defines.inventory.robot_cargo
+    local function refund_tiles(surface, inventory, tiles)
+        local refund_count = 0
+        for i = 1, #tiles do
+            local tile = tiles[i]
+            local old_name = tile.old_tile.name
+            if replace_tiles[old_name] then
+                surface.set_hidden_tile(tile.position, 'landfill')
+            end
+            if old_name == replace_tile then
+                refund_count = refund_count + 1
+            end
+        end
+        if inventory and inventory.valid and refund_count > 0 then
+            inventory.insert {name = 'refined-concrete', count = refund_count}
+        end
+    end
+    local function change_tiles(surface, inventory, tiles)
+        local new_tiles = {}
+        local refund_count = 0
+        for i = 1, #tiles do
+            local tile = tiles[i]
+            local position = tile.position
+            local old_name = tile.old_tile.name
+            if replace_tiles[old_name] or replace_tiles[surface.get_hidden_tile(position)] then
+                new_tiles[#new_tiles + 1] = {name = replace_tile, position = position}
+                surface.set_hidden_tile(position, 'landfill')
+            end
+            if old_name == replace_tile then
+                refund_count = refund_count + 1
+            end
+        end
+        surface.set_tiles(new_tiles)
+        if inventory and inventory.valid and refund_count > 0 then
+            inventory.insert {name = 'refined-concrete', count = refund_count}
+        end
+    end
+    local function on_tile_built(event, inventory)
+        local item = event.item
+        if not item then
+            return
+        end
+        local surface = game.get_surface(event.surface_index)
+        if not surface or not surface.valid then
+            return
+        end
+        local item_name = item.name
+        local tiles = event.tiles
+        if not brush_tools[item_name] then
+            refund_tiles(surface, inventory, tiles)
+            return
+        end
+        change_tiles(surface, inventory, tiles)
+    end
+    local function player_built_tile(event)
+        local player = game.get_player(event.player_index)
+        if not player or not player.valid then
+            return
+        end
+        local inventory = player.get_inventory(character_main)
+        on_tile_built(event, inventory)
+    end
+    local function robot_built_tile(event)
+        local robot = event.robot
+        if not robot or not robot.valid then
+            return
+        end
+        local inventory = robot.get_inventory(robot_cargo)
+        on_tile_built(event, inventory)
+    end
+    Event.add(defines.events.on_player_built_tile, player_built_tile)
+    Event.add(defines.events.on_robot_built_tile, robot_built_tile)
diff --git a/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/danger_bobangels_ores.lua b/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/danger_bobangels_ores.lua
index 7bc33d8d..724049f4 100644
--- a/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/danger_bobangels_ores.lua
+++ b/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/danger_bobangels_ores.lua
@@ -108,6 +108,7 @@ Config.dump_offline_inventories = {
     enabled = true,
     offline_timout_mins = 30,   -- time after which a player logs off that their inventory is provided to the team
+Config.paint.enabled = false
@@ -154,6 +155,9 @@ restart_command({scenario_name = 'danger-ore-next'})
 local container_dump = require 'map_gen.maps.danger_ores.modules.container_dump'
 container_dump({entity_name = 'coal'})
+local concrete_on_landfill = require 'map_gen.maps.danger_ores.modules.concrete_on_landfill'
+concrete_on_landfill({tile = 'blue-refined-concrete'})
 local config = {
     spawn_shape = b.circle(80),
     start_ore_shape = b.circle(86),
diff --git a/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/danger_bobs_ores.lua b/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/danger_bobs_ores.lua
index 46c8a25b..ed96e687 100644
--- a/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/danger_bobs_ores.lua
+++ b/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/danger_bobs_ores.lua
@@ -118,6 +118,7 @@ Config.dump_offline_inventories = {
     enabled = true,
     offline_timout_mins = 30,   -- time after which a player logs off that their inventory is provided to the team
+Config.paint.enabled = false
@@ -164,6 +165,9 @@ restart_command({scenario_name = 'danger-ore-next'})
 local container_dump = require 'map_gen.maps.danger_ores.modules.container_dump'
 container_dump({entity_name = 'coal'})
+local concrete_on_landfill = require 'map_gen.maps.danger_ores.modules.concrete_on_landfill'
+concrete_on_landfill({tile = 'blue-refined-concrete'})
 local config = {
     spawn_shape = b.circle(80),
     start_ore_shape = b.circle(86),
diff --git a/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/danger_ore.lua b/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/danger_ore.lua
index 149a2e41..5d9333d3 100644
--- a/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/danger_ore.lua
+++ b/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/danger_ore.lua
@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ Config.dump_offline_inventories = {
     enabled = true,
     offline_timout_mins = 30,   -- time after which a player logs off that their inventory is provided to the team
+Config.paint.enabled = false
@@ -96,6 +97,9 @@ restart_command({scenario_name = 'danger-ore-next'})
 local container_dump = require 'map_gen.maps.danger_ores.modules.container_dump'
 container_dump({entity_name = 'coal'})
+local concrete_on_landfill = require 'map_gen.maps.danger_ores.modules.concrete_on_landfill'
+concrete_on_landfill({tile = 'blue-refined-concrete'})
 local config = {
     spawn_shape = b.circle(64),
     start_ore_shape = b.circle(68),
diff --git a/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/danger_ore_chessboard.lua b/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/danger_ore_chessboard.lua
index 931a700f..278c8a0d 100644
--- a/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/danger_ore_chessboard.lua
+++ b/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/danger_ore_chessboard.lua
@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ Config.dump_offline_inventories = {
     enabled = true,
     offline_timout_mins = 30 -- time after which a player logs off that their inventory is provided to the team
+Config.paint.enabled = false
     game.draw_resource_selection = false
@@ -113,6 +114,9 @@ restart_command({scenario_name = 'danger-ore-next'})
 local container_dump = require 'map_gen.maps.danger_ores.modules.container_dump'
 container_dump({entity_name = 'coal'})
+local concrete_on_landfill = require 'map_gen.maps.danger_ores.modules.concrete_on_landfill'
+concrete_on_landfill({tile = 'blue-refined-concrete'})
 local main_ores_builder = require 'map_gen.maps.danger_ores.modules.main_ores_chessboard'
 local config = {
diff --git a/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/danger_ore_chessboard_uniform.lua b/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/danger_ore_chessboard_uniform.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..48022a80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/danger_ore_chessboard_uniform.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+local RS = require 'map_gen.shared.redmew_surface'
+local MGSP = require 'resources.map_gen_settings'
+local Event = require 'utils.event'
+local b = require 'map_gen.shared.builders'
+local Config = require 'config'
+local ScenarioInfo = require 'features.gui.info'
+ScenarioInfo.set_map_name('Danger Ore Chessboard Uniform')
+Clear the ore to expand the base,
+focus mining efforts on specific sectors to ensure
+proper material ratios, expand the map with pollution!
+This map is split in three sectors [item=iron-ore] [item=copper-ore] [item=coal].
+Each sector has a main resource and the other resources at a lower ratio.
+You may not build the factory on ore patches. Exceptions:
+ [item=burner-mining-drill] [item=electric-mining-drill] [item=pumpjack] [item=small-electric-pole] [item=medium-electric-pole] [item=big-electric-pole] [item=substation] [item=car] [item=tank] [item=spidertron] [item=locomotive] [item=cargo-wagon] [item=fluid-wagon] [item=artillery-wagon]
+ [item=transport-belt] [item=fast-transport-belt] [item=express-transport-belt]  [item=underground-belt] [item=fast-underground-belt] [item=express-underground-belt] [item=rail] [item=rail-signal] [item=rail-chain-signal] [item=train-stop]
+The map size is restricted to the pollution generated. A significant amount of
+pollution must affect a section of the map before it is revealed. Pollution
+does not affect biter evolution.]])
+ - Stone ore density reduced by 1/2
+ - Ore quadrants randomized
+ - Increased time factor of biter evolution from 5 to 7
+ - Added win conditions (+5% evolution every 5 rockets until 100%, +100 rockets until biters are wiped)
+ - Uranium ore patch threshold increased slightly
+ - Bug fix: Cars and tanks can now be placed onto ore!
+ - Starting minimum pollution to expand map set to 650
+    View current pollution via Debug Settings [F4] show-pollution-values,
+    then open map and turn on pollution via the red box.
+ - Starting water at spawn increased from radius 8 to radius 16 circle.
+ - Ore arranged into quadrants to allow for more controlled resource gathering.
+ - Destroyed chests dump their content as coal ore.
+ - Changed win condition. First satellite kills all biters, launch 500 to win the map.
+ - Rail signals and train stations now allowed on ore.
+local map = require 'map_gen.maps.danger_ores.modules.map'
+local main_ores_config = require 'map_gen.maps.danger_ores.config.vanilla_ores'
+local resource_patches = require 'map_gen.maps.danger_ores.modules.resource_patches'
+local resource_patches_config = require 'map_gen.maps.danger_ores.config.vanilla_resource_patches'
+local water = require 'map_gen.maps.danger_ores.modules.water'
+local trees = require 'map_gen.maps.danger_ores.modules.trees'
+local enemy = require 'map_gen.maps.danger_ores.modules.enemy'
+local dense_patches = require 'map_gen.maps.danger_ores.modules.dense_patches'
+local banned_entities = require 'map_gen.maps.danger_ores.modules.banned_entities'
+local allowed_entities = require 'map_gen.maps.danger_ores.config.vanilla_allowed_entities'
+    MGSP.grass_only,
+    MGSP.enable_water,
+    {terrain_segmentation = 'normal', water = 'normal'},
+    MGSP.starting_area_very_low,
+    MGSP.ore_oil_none,
+    MGSP.enemy_none,
+    MGSP.cliff_none,
+    MGSP.tree_none
+Config.market.enabled = false
+Config.player_rewards.enabled = false
+Config.player_create.starting_items = {}
+Config.dump_offline_inventories = {
+    enabled = true,
+    offline_timout_mins = 30 -- time after which a player logs off that their inventory is provided to the team
+Config.paint.enabled = false
+    game.draw_resource_selection = false
+    game.forces.player.technologies['mining-productivity-1'].enabled = false
+    game.forces.player.technologies['mining-productivity-2'].enabled = false
+    game.forces.player.technologies['mining-productivity-3'].enabled = false
+    game.forces.player.technologies['mining-productivity-4'].enabled = false
+    game.difficulty_settings.technology_price_multiplier = 25
+    game.forces.player.technologies.logistics.researched = true
+    game.forces.player.technologies.automation.researched = true
+    game.map_settings.enemy_evolution.time_factor = 0.000007 -- default 0.000004
+    game.map_settings.enemy_evolution.destroy_factor = 0.000010 -- default 0.002
+    game.map_settings.enemy_evolution.pollution_factor = 0.000000 -- Pollution has no affect on evolution default 0.0000009
+    RS.get_surface().always_day = true
+local terraforming = require 'map_gen.maps.danger_ores.modules.terraforming'
+terraforming({start_size = 8 * 32, min_pollution = 400, max_pollution = 16000, pollution_increment = 4})
+local rocket_launched = require 'map_gen.maps.danger_ores.modules.rocket_launched_simple'
+rocket_launched({win_satellite_count = 500})
+local restart_command = require 'map_gen.maps.danger_ores.modules.restart_command'
+restart_command({scenario_name = 'danger-ore-next'})
+local container_dump = require 'map_gen.maps.danger_ores.modules.container_dump'
+container_dump({entity_name = 'coal'})
+local concrete_on_landfill = require 'map_gen.maps.danger_ores.modules.concrete_on_landfill'
+concrete_on_landfill({tile = 'blue-refined-concrete'})
+local main_ores_builder = require 'map_gen.maps.danger_ores.modules.main_ores_chessboard'
+local config = {
+    spawn_shape = b.circle(64),
+    start_ore_shape = b.circle(68),
+    main_ores_builder = main_ores_builder,
+    main_ores = main_ores_config,
+    main_ores_shuffle_order = false,
+    resource_patches = resource_patches,
+    resource_patches_config = resource_patches_config,
+    water = water,
+    water_scale = 1 / 96,
+    water_threshold = 0.4,
+    deepwater_threshold = 0.45,
+    trees = trees,
+    trees_scale = 1 / 64,
+    trees_threshold = 0.4,
+    trees_chance = 0.875,
+    enemy = enemy,
+    enemy_factor = 10 / (768 * 32),
+    enemy_max_chance = 1 / 6,
+    enemy_scale_factor = 32,
+    fish_spawn_rate = 0.025,
+    dense_patches = dense_patches,
+    dense_patches_scale = 1 / 48,
+    dense_patches_threshold = 0.55,
+    dense_patches_multiplier = 25
+return map(config)
diff --git a/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/danger_ore_deadlock_beltboxes.lua b/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/danger_ore_deadlock_beltboxes.lua
index 03fb2976..06abe7d6 100644
--- a/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/danger_ore_deadlock_beltboxes.lua
+++ b/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/danger_ore_deadlock_beltboxes.lua
@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ Config.dump_offline_inventories = {
     enabled = true,
     offline_timout_mins = 30,   -- time after which a player logs off that their inventory is provided to the team
+Config.paint.enabled = false
@@ -139,6 +140,9 @@ restart_command({scenario_name = 'danger-ore-next'})
 local container_dump = require 'map_gen.maps.danger_ores.modules.container_dump'
 container_dump({entity_name = 'coal'})
+local concrete_on_landfill = require 'map_gen.maps.danger_ores.modules.concrete_on_landfill'
+concrete_on_landfill({tile = 'blue-refined-concrete'})
 local config = {
     spawn_shape = b.circle(64),
     start_ore_shape = b.circle(68),
diff --git a/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/danger_ore_gradient.lua b/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/danger_ore_gradient.lua
index 7e8fc13f..0cd37444 100644
--- a/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/danger_ore_gradient.lua
+++ b/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/danger_ore_gradient.lua
@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ Config.dump_offline_inventories = {
     enabled = true,
     offline_timout_mins = 30,   -- time after which a player logs off that their inventory is provided to the team
+Config.paint.enabled = false
     game.draw_resource_selection = false
@@ -113,6 +114,9 @@ restart_command({scenario_name = 'danger-ore-next'})
 local container_dump = require 'map_gen.maps.danger_ores.modules.container_dump'
 container_dump({entity_name = 'coal'})
+local concrete_on_landfill = require 'map_gen.maps.danger_ores.modules.concrete_on_landfill'
+concrete_on_landfill({tile = 'blue-refined-concrete'})
 local main_ores_builder = require 'map_gen.maps.danger_ores.modules.main_ores_gradient'
 local config = {
diff --git a/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/danger_ore_hub_spiral.lua b/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/danger_ore_hub_spiral.lua
index cf4581dd..bc0b106b 100644
--- a/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/danger_ore_hub_spiral.lua
+++ b/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/danger_ore_hub_spiral.lua
@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ Config.dump_offline_inventories = {
     enabled = true,
     offline_timout_mins = 30,   -- time after which a player logs off that their inventory is provided to the team
+Config.paint.enabled = false
@@ -120,6 +121,9 @@ restart_command({scenario_name = 'danger-ore-next'})
 local container_dump = require 'map_gen.maps.danger_ores.modules.container_dump'
 container_dump({entity_name = 'coal'})
+local concrete_on_landfill = require 'map_gen.maps.danger_ores.modules.concrete_on_landfill'
+concrete_on_landfill({tile = 'blue-refined-concrete'})
 local main_ores_builder = require 'map_gen.maps.danger_ores.modules.main_ores_hub_spiral'
 local sqrt = math.sqrt
diff --git a/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/danger_ore_landfill.lua b/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/danger_ore_landfill.lua
index e6bfd798..50376b41 100644
--- a/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/danger_ore_landfill.lua
+++ b/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/danger_ore_landfill.lua
@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ Config.dump_offline_inventories = {
     enabled = true,
     offline_timout_mins = 30,   -- time after which a player logs off that their inventory is provided to the team
+Config.paint.enabled = false
     game.draw_resource_selection = false
@@ -112,6 +113,9 @@ restart_command({scenario_name = 'danger-ore-next'})
 local container_dump = require 'map_gen.maps.danger_ores.modules.container_dump'
 container_dump({entity_name = 'coal'})
+local concrete_on_landfill = require 'map_gen.maps.danger_ores.modules.concrete_on_landfill'
+concrete_on_landfill({tile = 'blue-refined-concrete'})
 local config = {
     spawn_shape = b.circle(64),
     start_ore_shape = b.circle(68),
diff --git a/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/danger_ore_normal_science.lua b/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/danger_ore_normal_science.lua
index 6169c100..c5920e7c 100644
--- a/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/danger_ore_normal_science.lua
+++ b/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/danger_ore_normal_science.lua
@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ Config.dump_offline_inventories = {
     enabled = true,
     offline_timout_mins = 30,   -- time after which a player logs off that their inventory is provided to the team
+Config.paint.enabled = false
 local hail_hydra = Config.hail_hydra
 hail_hydra.enabled = true
@@ -144,6 +145,9 @@ restart_command({scenario_name = 'danger-ore-next'})
 local container_dump = require 'map_gen.maps.danger_ores.modules.container_dump'
 container_dump({entity_name = 'coal'})
+local concrete_on_landfill = require 'map_gen.maps.danger_ores.modules.concrete_on_landfill'
+concrete_on_landfill({tile = 'blue-refined-concrete'})
 local config = {
     spawn_shape = b.circle(64),
     start_ore_shape = b.circle(68),
diff --git a/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/danger_ore_spiral.lua b/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/danger_ore_spiral.lua
index b67ae0ea..ad71a049 100644
--- a/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/danger_ore_spiral.lua
+++ b/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/danger_ore_spiral.lua
@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ Config.dump_offline_inventories = {
     enabled = true,
     offline_timout_mins = 30,   -- time after which a player logs off that their inventory is provided to the team
+Config.paint.enabled = false
@@ -119,6 +120,9 @@ restart_command({scenario_name = 'danger-ore-next'})
 local container_dump = require 'map_gen.maps.danger_ores.modules.container_dump'
 container_dump({entity_name = 'coal'})
+local concrete_on_landfill = require 'map_gen.maps.danger_ores.modules.concrete_on_landfill'
+concrete_on_landfill({tile = 'blue-refined-concrete'})
 local main_ores_builder = require 'map_gen.maps.danger_ores.modules.main_ores_spiral'
 local config = {
diff --git a/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/danger_ore_split.lua b/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/danger_ore_split.lua
index 0c8389af..b2ffb5ce 100644
--- a/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/danger_ore_split.lua
+++ b/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/danger_ore_split.lua
@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ Config.dump_offline_inventories = {
     enabled = true,
     offline_timout_mins = 30 -- time after which a player logs off that their inventory is provided to the team
+Config.paint.enabled = false
     game.draw_resource_selection = false
@@ -113,6 +114,9 @@ restart_command({scenario_name = 'danger-ore-next'})
 local container_dump = require 'map_gen.maps.danger_ores.modules.container_dump'
 container_dump({entity_name = 'coal'})
+local concrete_on_landfill = require 'map_gen.maps.danger_ores.modules.concrete_on_landfill'
+concrete_on_landfill({tile = 'blue-refined-concrete'})
 local config = {
     spawn_shape = b.circle(64),
     start_ore_shape = b.circle(68),
diff --git a/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/terraforming_danger_ore.lua b/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/terraforming_danger_ore.lua
index 394043d7..f378d66b 100644
--- a/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/terraforming_danger_ore.lua
+++ b/map_gen/maps/danger_ores/presets/terraforming_danger_ore.lua
@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ Config.dump_offline_inventories = {
     enabled = true,
     offline_timout_mins = 30 -- time after which a player logs off that their inventory is provided to the team
+Config.paint.enabled = false
     game.draw_resource_selection = false
@@ -113,6 +114,9 @@ restart_command({scenario_name = 'danger-ore-next'})
 local container_dump = require 'map_gen.maps.danger_ores.modules.container_dump'
 container_dump({entity_name = 'coal'})
+local concrete_on_landfill = require 'map_gen.maps.danger_ores.modules.concrete_on_landfill'
+concrete_on_landfill({tile = 'blue-refined-concrete'})
 local config = {
     spawn_shape = b.circle(64),
     start_ore_shape = b.circle(68),
diff --git a/scenario_templates/danger-ore-chessboard-uniform/map_selection.lua b/scenario_templates/danger-ore-chessboard-uniform/map_selection.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..db6a50bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scenario_templates/danger-ore-chessboard-uniform/map_selection.lua
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+return require 'map_gen.maps.danger_ores.presets.danger_ore_chessboard_uniform'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scenario_templates/danger-ore-next/map_selection.lua b/scenario_templates/danger-ore-next/map_selection.lua
index 6ab0559d..db6a50bb 100644
--- a/scenario_templates/danger-ore-next/map_selection.lua
+++ b/scenario_templates/danger-ore-next/map_selection.lua
@@ -1 +1 @@
-return require 'map_gen.maps.danger_ores.presets.danger_ore_chessboard'
\ No newline at end of file
+return require 'map_gen.maps.danger_ores.presets.danger_ore_chessboard_uniform'
\ No newline at end of file