mirror of https://github.com/Refactorio/RedMew.git synced 2025-03-27 21:48:52 +02:00

Updated readme and minor perf fix

This commit is contained in:
Lynn 2018-11-17 14:52:56 +01:00
parent 1c5ccdf8f5
commit f249cab9df
3 changed files with 40 additions and 45 deletions

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@ -54,10 +54,26 @@ to adjust the difficulty for your needs. You can find the config in `map_gen/Dig
well-explained. For Single-player it's recommend to enable cheats with modified values. You can change the starting
items and some pre-defined cheat values (if cheats are enabled) under the `SetupPlayer` config item.
You can turn off certain features if you wish.
- DiggyCaveCollapse, disable this feature if you wish to play without collapses.
- SimpleRoomGenerator, disable this if you want to play without room generation. _**WARNING:** this is the mechanic
that spawns water._
- AlienSpawner, disable this if you wish to disable spawning biters and spitters when mining.
- ScatteredResources, used to tweak random resource spawning.
- MarketExchange, regulates all the market related features.
## Configuring Diggy
### Changing or Disabling Biter Spawning
You can find the biter spawning feature in the config file under `AlienSpawner`. If you don't want biters to spawn
according to the Diggy scenario, turn this feature off completely.
### Disabling Collapses
While one of the core features, it can also be fun to play without. To turn off collapses completely, you can turn off
this feature under `DiggyCaveCollapse`. If you experience performance issues while digging, you can turn off this
feature as well as it can be quite heavy.
### Configuring Resource Spawning
At the moment, Diggy is not yet using any of the build-in mechanics to spawn resources and you will have to manually add
them. The resource spawning mechanism is quite complex, so don't hesitate to us how to configure it on Discord. Most
basic configuration can be found under `ScatteredResources`. To customize the resource weights, you have to configure
those specifics in the `map_gen/Diggy/Orepattern` directory. Resources are defined with a weight, meaning you can add
your own resources (for example bobs or angels) with a value and the scenario will automatically calculate the proper
spawn chances.
### Adding Market Items
Items can be configured by adding the desired item under the `MarketExchange` configuration. You only have to define a
level at which it unlocks, a price or prices in case it can cost more, and what the item prototype is. For a list of
items, you can look up each possible item on the [Factorio raw data page](https://wiki.factorio.com/Data.raw#item).

View File

@ -340,18 +340,19 @@ local Config = {
{level = 100, price = {{"stone", 5000}, {"coin", 9999}}, name = 'atomic-bomb'},
buffs = { --Define new buffs here
buffs = { --Define new buffs here, they are handed out for each level
{prototype = {name = 'mining_speed', value = 5}},
{prototype = {name = 'inventory_slot', value = 1}},
{prototype = {name = 'stone_automation', value = 3}},
-- controls the formula for calculating level up costs in stone sent to surface
difficulty_scale = 25, -- Diggy default 25. Higher increases difficulity, lower decreases (Only affects the stone requirement/cost to level up) (Only integers has been tested succesful)
difficulty_scale = 25, -- Diggy default 25. Higher increases difficulty, lower decreases (Only affects the stone requirement/cost to level up) (Only integers has been tested succesful)
start_stone = 50, -- Diggy default 50. This sets the price for the first level.
cost_precision = 2, -- Diggy default 2. This sets the precision of the stone requirements to level up. E.g. 1234 becomes 1200 with precision 2 and 1230 with precision 3.
return Config
return Config

View File

@ -12,15 +12,14 @@ local Debug = require 'map_gen.Diggy.Debug'
local insert = table.insert
local random = math.random
--BT's additions
local Config = require 'map_gen.Diggy.Config'
-- todo remove this dependency
local ResourceConfig = require 'map_gen.Diggy.Config'.features.ScatteredResources
local Perlin = require 'map_gen.shared.perlin_noise'
local Simplex = require 'map_gen.shared.simplex_noise'
local sqrt = math.sqrt
local ceil = math.ceil
local floor = math.floor
-- this
local DiggyHole = {}
@ -57,16 +56,12 @@ local function diggy_hole(entity)
local tiles = {}
local rocks = {}
local surface = entity.surface
local out_of_map_found = Scanner.scan_around_position(surface, entity.position, 'out-of-map');
local position = entity.position
local x = position.x
local y = position.y
local surface = entity.surface
local distance = Config.features.ScatteredResources.distance(x, y)
local out_of_map_found = Scanner.scan_around_position(surface, position, 'out-of-map');
local distance = ResourceConfig.distance(x, y)
-- source of noise for resource generation
-- index determines offset
@ -97,42 +92,25 @@ local function diggy_hole(entity)
return noise
-- local c_clusters = Config.features.ScatteredResources.clusters
-- local c_mode = Config.features.ScatteredResources.cluster_mode
-- global config values
local resource_richness_weights = Config.features.ScatteredResources.resource_richness_weights
local resource_richness_weights = ResourceConfig.resource_richness_weights
local resource_richness_weights_sum = 0
for _, weight in pairs(resource_richness_weights) do
resource_richness_weights_sum = resource_richness_weights_sum + weight
local resource_richness_values = Config.features.ScatteredResources.resource_richness_values
local resource_type_scalar = Config.features.ScatteredResources.resource_type_scalar
local resource_richness_values = ResourceConfig.resource_richness_values
local resource_type_scalar = ResourceConfig.resource_type_scalar
-- scattered config values
local s_mode = Config.features.ScatteredResources.scattered_mode
local s_dist_mod = Config.features.ScatteredResources.scattered_distance_probability_modifier
local s_min_prob = Config.features.ScatteredResources.scattered_min_probability
local s_max_prob = Config.features.ScatteredResources.scattered_max_probability
local s_dist_richness = Config.features.ScatteredResources.scattered_distance_richness_modifier
local s_cluster_prob = Config.features.ScatteredResources.scattered_cluster_probability_multiplier
local s_cluster_mult = Config.features.ScatteredResources.scattered_cluster_yield_multiplier
local s_resource_weights = Config.features.ScatteredResources.scattered_resource_weights
local s_resource_weights = ResourceConfig.scattered_resource_weights
local s_resource_weights_sum = 0
for _, weight in pairs(s_resource_weights) do
s_resource_weights_sum = s_resource_weights_sum + weight
local s_min_dist = Config.features.ScatteredResources.scattered_minimum_resource_distance
-- cluster config values
local cluster_mode = Config.features.ScatteredResources.cluster_mode
-- compound cluster spawning
local c_mode = Config.features.ScatteredResources.cluster_mode
local c_mode = ResourceConfig.cluster_mode
-- local c_clusters = Config.features.ScatteredResources.clusters
local c_clusters = require(Config.features.ScatteredResources.cluster_file_location)
local c_clusters = require(ResourceConfig.cluster_file_location)
if ('table' ~= type(c_clusters)) then
error('cluster_file_location invalid')
@ -147,20 +125,20 @@ local function diggy_hole(entity)
local function spawn_cluster_resource(surface, x, y, cluster_index, cluster)
local distance = sqrt(x * x + y * y)
local cluster_distance = sqrt(x * x + y * y)
local resource_name = get_name_by_weight(cluster.weights, cluster.weights_sum)
if resource_name == 'skip' then
return false
if cluster.distances[resource_name] then
if distance < cluster.distances[resource_name] then
if cluster_distance < cluster.distances[resource_name] then
return false
local range = resource_richness_values[get_name_by_weight(resource_richness_weights, resource_richness_weights_sum)]
local amount = random(range[1], range[2])
amount = amount * (1 + ((distance / cluster.distance_richness) * 0.01))
amount = amount * (1 + ((cluster_distance / cluster.distance_richness) * 0.01))
amount = amount * cluster.yield
if resource_type_scalar[resource_name] then