* Diggy updates for Factorio .18.27
* Updated with Soggs suggestions and tested again. Thanks Soggs.
* improved on_entity_died event handling
* Changes to on_entity_died event handling based on feedback
* Ensure loot is also suppressed for rocks that die by being damaged
* Remove unused local variable from simple_room_generator.lua
* Fix exploding reactor generating stone drops and freezing game. Using entity.destroy() again where it is better suited and for performance.
* Minor cleanup
* Readability
* Additional readibility
* Minor indentation cleanup
* Updated experience gui
* Fixed XP from rocket launches
* Added more rich-text
* Updated experience gui
* Fixed XP from rocket launches
* Added more rich-text
* Added more rich_text
* Added new hail_hydra and weapon_balance
* Spitter spawn behemoth worms
* Fixed linting
* Reverted spawn chance back to 0.05
* Fixed Diggy _CHEAT
Now overrides config.lua cheats when debug is not true