No one likes or uses the pollution multiplier feature I added.
Feedback suggests that it spawning at outposts makes the cause too obvious, so people complain about it. And it requires that outposts have to be defended.
Yet, people still complain crash site is too easy.
By moving the pollution spawning to the centre of the base the effect of more outposts is spread over the whole base and will trigger more attacks, but will challenge the whole base defences rather than just a single outpost.
- change Restart command to use server.start_game (offers setting the mod pack).
- Change danger ores and crashsite maps to use the new restart command.
- Removed events.on_player_mined_item from outpost_builder because we don't want to add coins every time they mine and it's duplicated in player_stats.
- Removed events.on_player_mined_item from player_stats because it doesn't tell us what entity the items came from.
- Added coin tracking to events.on_pre_player_mined_item event instead. Checks if the mined item was a chest with coins in it and adds to the player stats if so.
- Tested that coins from trees and rocks still track when market is enabled
- While I was at it, added a pretty coin floating text for when RNG gives coins from mining trees/rocks
- Players get an increment to entities built when a robot they own builds something
- Players don't get an increment if they placed the blueprint and the base's roboport con bots build the entity OR if another players robots do the building.
- Replaced furance with furnace in all files
- Attempted to fix global desync issue, but probably not right
- Added server_player so /get_pollution_multiplier can be called from server
My plan is to make a harder crash site version where getting free resources from outposts creates pollution.
My intention is to balance it so it's still better to get items from outposts, but this commit is intended to give me a way to take saved games and test different amounts of pollution to check for balance. I don't intend to test this on live for a while but want to test it offline, this will give me the ability to turn it on half way through a game.
Need to consider how it doesn't take into account what the item is so it will be better to get free end-game items and probably limit how much iron we let into base later in the game. Might also create interesting meta where we are careful about what resources we take from outposts depending upon the pollution making setting.