local Event = require 'utils.event' local Generate = require 'map_gen.shared.generate' local Global = require 'utils.global' local Queue = require 'utils.queue' local AlienEvolutionProgress = require 'utils.alien_evolution_progress' local RS = require 'map_gen.shared.redmew_surface' local Task = require 'utils.task' local Token = require 'utils.token' local Server = require 'features.server' return function(config, shared_globals) local recent_chunks = Queue.new() -- Keeps track of recently revealed chunks local recent_chunks_max = config.recent_chunks_max or 10 -- Maximum number of chunks to track local ticks_between_waves = config.ticks_between_waves or 60 * 30 local enemy_factor = config.enemy_factor or 5 local max_enemies_per_wave_per_chunk = config.max_enemies_per_wave_per_chunk or 60 local win_data = { evolution_rocket_maxed = -1, extra_rockets = config.extra_rockets or 100 } shared_globals.biters_disabled = false _G.rocket_launched_win_data = win_data Global.register( {recent_chunks = recent_chunks, win_data = win_data}, function(tbl) recent_chunks = tbl.recent_chunks win_data = tbl.win_data end ) local function give_command(group, data) local target = data.target if target and target.valid then local command = { type = defines.command.attack, target = target, distraction = defines.distraction.by_damage } group.set_command(command) group.start_moving() else local command = { type = defines.command.attack_area, destination = data.position, radius = 32, distraction = defines.distraction.by_damage } local members = group.members for i = 1, #members do local entitiy = members[i] entitiy.set_command(command) end end end local do_waves local do_wave do_waves = Token.register( function(data) Task.queue_task(do_wave, data, 10) end ) do_wave = Token.register( function(data) if shared_globals.biters_disabled then return false end local wave = data.wave local last_wave = data.last_wave --game.print('wave: ' .. wave .. '/' .. last_wave) local chunk_index = data.chunk_index local chunk = data.chunks[chunk_index] if not chunk then data.wave = wave + 1 data.chunk_index = 1 Task.set_timeout_in_ticks(ticks_between_waves, do_waves, data) return false end local spawner = data.spawner local aliens = AlienEvolutionProgress.get_aliens(spawner, game.forces.enemy.evolution_factor) local left_top = chunk.area.left_top local center = {left_top.x + 16, left_top.y + 16} local surface = chunk.surface local find_non_colliding_position = surface.find_non_colliding_position local create_entity = surface.create_entity local group = surface.create_unit_group {position = center} local add_member = group.add_member for name, count in pairs(aliens) do for i = 1, count do local pos = find_non_colliding_position(name, center, 32, 1) if pos then local e = {name = name, position = pos, force = 'enemy', center = center, radius = 16, 1} local ent = create_entity(e) add_member(ent) end end end give_command(group, data) if chunk_index < recent_chunks_max then data.chunk_index = chunk_index + 1 return true end if wave < last_wave then data.wave = wave + 1 data.chunk_index = 1 Task.set_timeout_in_ticks(ticks_between_waves, do_waves, data) end return false end ) local function start_waves(event) local num_enemies = enemy_factor * game.forces.player.get_item_launched('satellite') local number_of_waves = math.ceil(num_enemies / max_enemies_per_wave_per_chunk) local num_enemies_per_wave_per_chunk = math.ceil(num_enemies / number_of_waves) local target = event.rocket_silo local position if target and target.valid then position = target.position else position = {0, 0} end local data = { spawner = AlienEvolutionProgress.create_spawner_request(num_enemies_per_wave_per_chunk), wave = 1, last_wave = number_of_waves, chunk_index = 1, chunks = Queue.to_array(recent_chunks), target = target, position = position } Task.set_timeout_in_ticks(1, do_waves, data) game.print('Warning incomming biter attack! Number of waves: ' .. number_of_waves) end local function rocket_launched(event) local entity = event.rocket if not entity or not entity.valid or not entity.force == 'player' then return end local inventory = entity.get_inventory(defines.inventory.rocket) if not inventory or not inventory.valid then return end local satellite_count = game.forces.player.get_item_launched('satellite') if satellite_count == 0 then return end if shared_globals.biters_disabled then return end -- Increase enemy_evolution local current_evolution = game.forces.enemy.evolution_factor if (satellite_count % 5) == 0 and win_data.evolution_rocket_maxed == -1 then local message = 'Continued launching of satellites has angered the local biter population, evolution increasing...' game.print(message) Server.to_discord_bold(message) current_evolution = current_evolution + 0.05 game.forces.enemy.evolution_factor = current_evolution end if current_evolution < 1 then start_waves(event) return end if win_data.evolution_rocket_maxed == -1 then win_data.evolution_rocket_maxed = satellite_count end local remaining_satellites = win_data.evolution_rocket_maxed + win_data.extra_rockets - satellite_count if remaining_satellites > 0 then local message = 'Biters at maximum evolution! Protect the base for an additional ' .. remaining_satellites .. ' rockets to wipe them out forever.' game.print(message) Server.to_discord_bold(message) start_waves(event) return end local win_message = 'Congratulations! Biters have been wiped from the map!' game.print(win_message) Server.to_discord_bold(win_message) shared_globals.biters_disabled = true for key, enemy_entity in pairs(RS.get_surface().find_entities_filtered({force = 'enemy'})) do enemy_entity.destroy() end end local function chunk_unlocked(chunk) Queue.push(recent_chunks, chunk) while Queue.size(recent_chunks) > recent_chunks_max do Queue.pop(recent_chunks) end end Event.add(defines.events.on_rocket_launched, rocket_launched) Event.add(Generate.events.on_chunk_generated, chunk_unlocked) end