local b = require 'map_gen.shared.builders' local Random = require 'map_gen.shared.random' local Perlin = require 'map_gen.shared.perlin_noise' local Token = require 'utils.global_token' local Global = require 'utils.global' local Event = require 'utils.event' -- change these to change the pattern. local ore_seed1 = 10000 local ore_seed2 = 20000 local enemy_seed = 420420 local loot_seed = 7 local generator local ammos = { 'artillery-shell', 'biological', 'bullet', 'cannon-shell', 'capsule', 'combat-robot-beam', 'combat-robot-laser', 'electric', 'flamethrower', 'grenade', 'landmine', 'laser-turret', 'melee', 'railgun', 'rocket', 'shotgun-shell' } local function init_weapon_damage() local p_force = game.forces.player for _, a in ipairs(ammos) do p_force.set_ammo_damage_modifier(a, -0.5) end end Event.add( defines.events.on_research_finished, function(event) local p_force = game.forces.player local r = event.research for _, e in ipairs(r.effects) do local t = e.type if t == 'ammo-damage' then local m = e.modifier local category = e.ammo_category local current_m = p_force.get_ammo_damage_modifier(category) p_force.set_ammo_damage_modifier(category, current_m - 0.5 * m) elseif t == 'turret-attack' then local m = e.modifier local category = e.turret_id local current_m = p_force.get_turret_attack_modifier(category) p_force.set_turret_attack_modifier(category, current_m - 0.5 * m) end end end ) Global.register_init( {}, function(tbl) tbl.generator = game.create_random_generator() init_weapon_damage() end, function(tbl) generator = tbl.generator end ) local function square(x, y) return x > 0 and y > 0 end square = b.rotate(square, degrees(-45)) square = b.scale(square, 5 / 12, 1) local map = b.translate(square, 0, -10) local sea = b.translate(map, 0, -6) sea = b.change_tile(sea, true, 'water') sea = b.fish(sea, 0.075) map = b.any {map, sea} local icons = { b.picture(require 'map_gen.data.presets.ammo-icon'), b.picture(require 'map_gen.data.presets.danger-icon'), b.picture(require 'map_gen.data.presets.destroyed-icon'), b.picture(require 'map_gen.data.presets.electricity-icon'), b.picture(require 'map_gen.data.presets.electricity-icon-unplugged'), b.picture(require 'map_gen.data.presets.fluid-icon'), b.picture(require 'map_gen.data.presets.fuel-icon'), b.picture(require 'map_gen.data.presets.no-building-material-icon'), b.picture(require 'map_gen.data.presets.no-storage-space-icon'), b.picture(require 'map_gen.data.presets.not-enough-construction-robots-icon'), b.picture(require 'map_gen.data.presets.not-enough-repair-packs-icon'), b.picture(require 'map_gen.data.presets.recharge-icon'), b.picture(require 'map_gen.data.presets.too-far-from-roboport-icon') } local icons_count = #icons local value = b.manhattan_value local function non_transform(shape) return shape end local function uranium_transform(shape) return b.scale(shape, 0.5) end local function oil_transform(shape) shape = b.scale(shape, 0.5) return b.throttle_world_xy(shape, 1, 4, 1, 4) end local function empty_transform() return b.empty_shape end local ores = { {transform = non_transform, resource = 'iron-ore', value = value(500, 0.1), weight = 16}, {transform = non_transform, resource = 'copper-ore', value = value(400, 0.1), weight = 10}, {transform = non_transform, resource = 'stone', value = value(250, 0.1), weight = 3}, {transform = non_transform, resource = 'coal', value = value(400, 0.1), weight = 5}, {transform = uranium_transform, resource = 'uranium-ore', value = value(200, 0.1), weight = 3}, {transform = oil_transform, resource = 'crude-oil', value = value(100000, 50), weight = 6}, {transform = empty_transform, weight = 100} } local random = Random.new(ore_seed1, ore_seed2) local total_weights = {} local t = 0 for _, v in ipairs(ores) do t = t + v.weight table.insert(total_weights, t) end local p_cols = 50 local p_rows = 50 local pattern = {} for _ = 1, p_rows do local row = {} table.insert(pattern, row) for _ = 1, p_cols do local shape = icons[random:next_int(1, icons_count)] local i = random:next_int(1, t) local index = table.binary_search(total_weights, i) if (index < 0) then index = bit32.bnot(index) end local ore_data = ores[index] shape = ore_data.transform(shape) local ore = b.resource(shape, ore_data.resource, ore_data.value) table.insert(row, ore) end end local ore_shape = b.project_pattern(pattern, 96, 1.0625, 50, 50) ore_shape = b.scale(ore_shape, 0.15) local start_ore = icons[2] local start_iron = b.resource(start_ore, 'iron-ore', value(600, 0)) local start_copper = b.resource(start_ore, 'copper-ore', value(600, 0)) local start_coal = b.resource(start_ore, 'coal', value(1300, 0)) local start_stone = b.resource(start_ore, 'stone', value(900, 0)) start_ore = b.segment_pattern({start_coal, start_stone, start_copper, start_iron}) start_ore = b.translate(start_ore, 0, 64) ore_shape = b.choose(b.rectangle(188, 188), start_ore, ore_shape) local item_pool = { {name = 'firearm-magazine', count = 200, weight = 1250}, {name = 'land-mine', count = 100, weight = 250}, {name = 'shotgun-shell', count = 200, weight = 1250}, {name = 'piercing-rounds-magazine', count = 200, weight = 833.3333}, {name = 'science-pack-1', count = 200, weight = 100}, {name = 'science-pack-2', count = 200, weight = 100}, {name = 'grenade', count = 100, weight = 500}, {name = 'defender-capsule', count = 50, weight = 500}, {name = 'railgun-dart', count = 100, weight = 500}, {name = 'piercing-shotgun-shell', count = 200, weight = 312.5}, {name = 'steel-axe', count = 5, weight = 166.6667}, {name = 'submachine-gun', count = 1, weight = 166.6667}, {name = 'shotgun', count = 1, weight = 166.6667}, {name = 'uranium-rounds-magazine', count = 200, weight = 166.6667}, {name = 'cannon-shell', count = 100, weight = 166.6667}, {name = 'rocket', count = 100, weight = 166.6667}, {name = 'distractor-capsule', count = 25, weight = 166.6667}, {name = 'railgun', count = 1, weight = 100}, {name = 'flamethrower-ammo', count = 50, weight = 100}, {name = 'military-science-pack', count = 200, weight = 100}, {name = 'science-pack-3', count = 200, weight = 100}, {name = 'explosive-rocket', count = 100, weight = 100}, {name = 'explosive-cannon-shell', count = 100, weight = 100}, {name = 'cluster-grenade', count = 100, weight = 100}, {name = 'poison-capsule', count = 100, weight = 100}, {name = 'slowdown-capsule', count = 100, weight = 100}, {name = 'construction-robot', count = 50, weight = 100}, {name = 'solar-panel-equipment', count = 5, weight = 833.3333}, {name = 'artillery-targeting-remote', count = 1, weight = 50}, {name = 'tank-flamethrower', count = 1, weight = 33.3333}, {name = 'explosive-uranium-cannon-shell', count = 100, weight = 33.3333}, {name = 'destroyer-capsule', count = 10, weight = 33.3333}, {name = 'artillery-shell', count = 10, weight = 25}, {name = 'battery-equipment', count = 5, weight = 25}, {name = 'night-vision-equipment', count = 2, weight = 25}, {name = 'exoskeleton-equipment', count = 2, weight = 166.6667}, {name = 'rocket-launcher', count = 1, weight = 14.2857}, {name = 'combat-shotgun', count = 1, weight = 10}, {name = 'flamethrower', count = 1, weight = 10}, {name = 'tank-cannon', count = 1, weight = 10}, {name = 'modular-armor', count = 1, weight = 100}, {name = 'belt-immunity-equipment', count = 1, weight = 10}, {name = 'personal-roboport-equipment', count = 1, weight = 100}, {name = 'energy-shield-equipment', count = 2, weight = 100}, {name = 'personal-laser-defense-equipment', count = 2, weight = 100}, {name = 'battery-mk2-equipment', count = 1, weight = 40}, {name = 'tank-machine-gun', count = 1, weight = 3.3333}, {name = 'power-armor', count = 1, weight = 33.3333}, {name = 'fusion-reactor-equipment', count = 1, weight = 33.3333}, {name = 'production-science-pack', count = 200, weight = 100}, {name = 'high-tech-science-pack', count = 200, weight = 100}, {name = 'artillery-turret', count = 1, weight = 2.5}, {name = 'artillery-wagon-cannon', count = 1, weight = 1}, {name = 'atomic-bomb', count = 1, weight = 1}, {name = 'space-science-pack', count = 200, weight = 10} } local total_weights = {} local t = 0 for _, v in ipairs(item_pool) do t = t + v.weight table.insert(total_weights, t) end local callback = Token.register( function(entity, data) local power = data.power generator.re_seed(data.seed) local count = generator(3, 8) for _ = 1, count do local i = generator() ^ power * t local index = table.binary_search(total_weights, i) if (index < 0) then index = bit32.bnot(index) end local loot = item_pool[index] entity.insert(loot) end end ) local loot_power = 500 local function loot(x, y) local seed = bit32.band(x * 374761393 + y * 668265263 + loot_seed, 4294967295) generator.re_seed(seed) if generator(4096) ~= 1 then return nil end local d = math.sqrt(x * x + y * y) local name if d < 600 then name = 'car' else if math.random(5) == 1 then name = 'tank' else name = 'car' end end -- neutral stops the biters attacking them. local entity = { name = name, force = 'neutral', callback = callback, data = {power = loot_power / d, seed = generator(4294967295)} } return entity end local worm_names = {'small-worm-turret', 'medium-worm-turret', 'big-worm-turret'} local spawner_names = {'biter-spawner', 'spitter-spawner'} local factor = 8 / (1024 * 32) local max_chance = 1 / 8 local scale_factor = 32 local sf = 1 / scale_factor local m = 1 / 1000 local function enemy(x, y, world) local d = math.sqrt(world.x * world.x + world.y * world.y) if d < 300 then return nil end local threshold = 1 - d * m threshold = math.max(threshold, 0.25) -- -0.125) x, y = x * sf, y * sf if Perlin.noise(x, y, enemy_seed) > threshold then if math.random(8) == 1 then local lvl if d < 400 then lvl = 1 elseif d < 650 then lvl = 2 else lvl = 3 end local chance = math.min(max_chance, d * factor) if math.random() < chance then local worm_id if d > 1000 then local power = 1000 / d worm_id = math.ceil((math.random() ^ power) * lvl) else worm_id = math.random(lvl) end return {name = worm_names[worm_id]} end else local chance = math.min(max_chance, d * factor) if math.random() < chance then local spawner_id = math.random(2) return {name = spawner_names[spawner_id]} end end end end map = b.apply_entity(map, ore_shape) map = b.apply_entity(map, loot) map = b.apply_entity(map, enemy) map = b.change_map_gen_collision_tile(map, 'water-tile', 'grass-1') return map