local Event = require 'utils.event' local Global = require 'utils.global' local RS = require 'map_gen.shared.redmew_surface' local b = require 'map_gen.shared.builders' local MGSP = require 'resources.map_gen_settings' RS.set_map_gen_settings( { MGSP.ore_oil_none --MGSP.peaceful_mode_on --MGSP.water_none } ) -- Height and width should always be even numbers local maze_width = 194 local maze_height = 194 -- room_sizes must always be odd, and they must always be smaller than the map local min_room_size = 5 local max_room_size = 21 local spawn_room_size = 9 -- Number of rooms to try to place, if a room overlaps another one it will be skipped meaning this is the max local num_room_attempts = 1500 -- The number of extra connections to try to add after the map is already fully connected -- set to 0 for no loops, higher numbers will make more loops local extra_connection_attempts = 40 -- The number of factorio tiles per maze tile local tile_scale = 14 -- The ore probabilities -- Change weight to edit how likely ores are to spawn at every dead end value = b.exponential_value local ores = { {letter = 'i', resource = 'iron-ore', value = value(300, 0.75 * 5, 1.1), weight = 16}, {letter = 'c', resource = 'copper-ore', value = value(200, 0.75 * 5, 1.1), weight = 10}, {letter = 's', resource = 'stone', value = value(150, 0.3 * 5, 1.05), weight = 8}, {letter = 'f', resource = 'coal', value = value(200, 0.8 * 5, 1.075), weight = 8}, {letter = 'u', resource = 'uranium-ore', value = value(100, 0.3 * 5, 1.025), weight = 3}, {letter = 'o', resource = 'crude-oil', value = value(10000, 50 * 5, 1.025), weight = 4}, {letter = ' ', weight = 0} -- No ore } local random local total_ore_weight = 0 for _, v in ipairs(ores) do total_ore_weight = total_ore_weight + v.weight v.accumulated_weight = total_ore_weight end local function get_random_ore_letter() local r = random(total_ore_weight) for _, v in ipairs(ores) do if r <= v.accumulated_weight then return v.letter end end error('the random number ' .. r .. ' did not result in any ore given the weights') end -- A number that keeps track of which region of the map something is. -- When adding rooms and mazes, a region that is connected will have the same number on all its tiles -- Used when connecting regions later on local region_index = 1 local function shuffle(t) for i = 1, #t do local j = random(1, #t) local tmp = t[i] t[i] = t[j] t[j] = tmp end return t end -- builds a width-by-height grid of false local function initialize_grid(w, h) local a = {} for i = 1, h do table.insert(a, {}) for j = 1, w do table.insert(a[i], false) end end return a end -- average of a and b local function avg(a, b) return (a + b) / 2 end local dirs = { {x = 0, y = -2}, -- north {x = 2, y = 0}, -- east {x = -2, y = 0}, -- west {x = 0, y = 2} -- south } -- Adds perfect mazes in the remaining space of the map, each new number gets a unique region index local function fill_with_mazes(map) local h = #map local w = #map[1] local walk walk = function(x, y) map[y][x] = region_index local d = {1, 2, 3, 4} shuffle(d) for i, dirnum in pairs(d) do local xx = x + dirs[dirnum].x local yy = y + dirs[dirnum].y if map[yy] and map[yy][xx] == false then map[avg(y, yy)][avg(x, xx)] = region_index walk(xx, yy) end end end for y = 1, #map, 2 do for x = 1, #map[y], 2 do if map[y][x] == false then walk(x, y) region_index = region_index + 1 end end end end local function print_map(map) local s = '' for i = 1, #map[1] + 2 do s = s .. '+' end print(s) s = '' for y = 1, #map do s = s .. '+' for x = 1, #(map[y]) do if map[y][x] == true then s = s .. ' ' elseif map[y][x] == false then --s = s .. '■' s = s .. 'X' elseif not tonumber(map[y][x]) then --s = s .. ' ' s = s .. map[y][x] else --s = s .. map[y][x] s = s .. ' ' end end s = s .. '+' print(s) s = '' end for i = 1, #map[1] + 2 do s = s .. '+' end print(s) end -- Places a room if it fits in the map, each tile in the room will get a unique number from the region index local function try_place_room(map, top_left_x, top_left_y, room_size) for y = top_left_y, top_left_y + room_size - 1 do if not map[y] then return end for x = top_left_x, top_left_x + room_size - 1 do if map[y][x] ~= false then return end end end for y = top_left_y, top_left_y + room_size - 1 do for x = top_left_x, top_left_x + room_size - 1 do map[y][x] = region_index end end region_index = region_index + 1 end -- Attempts to place num_room_attemts number of rooms at random sizes, rooms are always placed at odd cordinates local function add_rooms(map, num_room_attempts, min_room_size, max_room_size) -- room_size must be odd for attempt = 1, num_room_attempts do -- Generates a random odd number between min_room_size and max_room_size (inclusive both) local room_size = min_room_size + random(0, (max_room_size - min_room_size) / 2) * 2 -- Generates a random odd top_left corner cordinate which would fit the room within the map local x = random(1, (#map[1] - room_size + 2) / 2) * 2 - 1 local y = random(1, (#map - room_size + 2) / 2) * 2 - 1 try_place_room(map, x, y, room_size) end end -- Adds a room with size spawn_room_size in the center. -- If it happens to be an even coordinate the room must be shifted one step to be at an odd local function add_spawn_room(map) local room_size = spawn_room_size local center_x = (maze_width + 1) / 2 local center_y = (maze_height + 1) / 2 local room_radius = (room_size - 1) / 2 local x = math.floor(center_x - room_radius) local y = math.floor(center_y - room_radius) if x % 2 == 0 then x = x + 1 end if y % 2 == 0 then y = y + 1 end try_place_room(map, x, y, room_size) --[[ local cx = math.floor(center_x) local cy = math.floor(center_y) map[cy + 1][cx + 1] = 'i' map[cy - 1][cx + 1] = 'c' map[cy + 1][cx - 1] = 's' map[cy - 1][cx - 1] = 'f' ]] end -- Connects all different regions by making random walls between different regions into ground local function connect_regions(map, extra_connection_attempts) -- Returns false if the pos is not a connector (wall with 2 different regions next to it) -- Returns a table with the two neigbours if it is a connector local function check_connector(x, y) -- Check if there is a wall if map[y][x] ~= false then return false end local is_connector = false local neighbour_regions = {} for _, dir in ipairs(dirs) do local xx = x + dir.x / 2 local yy = y + dir.y / 2 if map[yy] ~= nil and map[yy][xx] ~= nil then local t = map[yy][xx] if t ~= false then if #neighbour_regions == 0 then neighbour_regions[1] = t else if neighbour_regions[1] ~= t then neighbour_regions[2] = t is_connector = true end end end end end if not is_connector then return false end return neighbour_regions end -- An array of all currently connected regions local connected_regions = {} local function is_connected(region_id) for _, v in pairs(connected_regions) do if v == region_id then return true end end return false end local function set_connected(region_id) connected_regions[#connected_regions + 1] = region_id end -- A list of all possible connectors local connectors = {} for y = 1, #map do local start_x = 2 local end_x = #map[y] if y % 2 == 0 then start_x = start_x - 1 end_x = end_x + 1 end for x = start_x, end_x, 2 do local neighbours = check_connector(x, y) if neighbours then --connectors[neighbours] = {x = x, y = y} connectors[#connectors + 1] = {neighbours = neighbours, pos = {x = x, y = y}} end end end -- Returns a copy of connectors filtered to only contain connectors that would connect a new region -- i.e connects a connected region and an unconnected region local function find_possible_connectors() local possible_connectors = {} for _, connector in ipairs(connectors) do local neighbours = connector.neighbours local pos = connector.pos if is_connected(neighbours[1]) and not is_connected(neighbours[2]) then possible_connectors[#possible_connectors + 1] = connector end if is_connected(neighbours[2]) and not is_connected(neighbours[1]) then possible_connectors[#possible_connectors + 1] = connector end end return possible_connectors end set_connected(map[1][1]) local possible_connectors = find_possible_connectors() while #possible_connectors > 0 do local connector = possible_connectors[random(#possible_connectors)] local neighbours = connector.neighbours if is_connected(neighbours[1]) then set_connected(neighbours[2]) end if is_connected(neighbours[2]) then set_connected(neighbours[1]) end local pos = connector.pos map[pos.y][pos.x] = true possible_connectors = find_possible_connectors() end -- Add extra connections to make it imperfect for i = 1, extra_connection_attempts do local connector = connectors[random(#connectors)] local pos = connector.pos map[pos.y][pos.x] = true end end local function get_neighbours_with_ground(map, x, y) local neighbours_with_ground = {} for _, dir in pairs(dirs) do local xx = x + dir.x / 2 local yy = y + dir.y / 2 if map[yy] and map[yy][xx] then neighbours_with_ground[#neighbours_with_ground + 1] = {x = xx, y = yy} end end return neighbours_with_ground end -- Goes through the map and finds dead ends (tiles with 3 walls around them) and fills them in -- does this recursivly until every tile has at least 2 ground neighbours local function remove_all_dead_ends(map) local function fill_dead_end(x, y) local neighbours_with_ground = get_neighbours_with_ground(map, x, y) if #neighbours_with_ground == 1 then map[y][x] = false local neighbour = neighbours_with_ground[1] fill_dead_end(neighbour.x, neighbour.y) end end for y = 1, #map do for x = 1, #map[y] do fill_dead_end(x, y) end end end local function add_ores_at_dead_ends(map) for y = 1, #map do for x = 1, #map[y] do -- If it is a ground tile with only one ground neighbour it is a dead end local neighbours = get_neighbours_with_ground(map, x, y) if map[y][x] and #neighbours == 1 then local ore_letter = get_random_ore_letter() map[y][x] = ore_letter local n = neighbours[1] map[n.y][n.x] = ore_letter end end end end local map -- Initializes the map which is saved in the variable map local function create_map() -- A matrix with true if there is land and false if there is void map = initialize_grid(maze_width, maze_height) add_spawn_room(map) add_rooms(map, num_room_attempts, min_room_size, max_room_size) fill_with_mazes(map) connect_regions(map, extra_connection_attempts) map[1][maze_width] = true map[maze_height][1] = true add_ores_at_dead_ends(map) --remove_all_dead_ends(map) end -- Takes a filter_function(tile)->boolean -- Returns a builder function which will return the value of the filter_function for the tile at those coordinates local function builder_generator(filter_function, return_value_for_out_of_bounds) return_value_for_out_of_bounds = return_value_for_out_of_bounds or false return function(x, y) x = math.floor(x) y = math.floor(y) if map[y] == nil or map[y][x] == nil then -- Outside the map return return_value_for_out_of_bounds end return filter_function(map[y][x]) end end --[[ Uncomment below to run this file separatly and print result random = math.random create_map() print_map(map) ]] --[[ Uncomment below to run in factorio ]] Global.register_init( {}, function(tbl) -- this is call on init event tbl.seed = RS.get_surface().map_gen_settings.seed tbl.random = game.create_random_generator(tbl.seed) end, function(tbl) -- this is called after on init and load event random = tbl.random random.re_seed(tbl.seed) create_map() end ) -- Returns true if the position is ground, returns false if it's a wall local factorio_map = builder_generator( function(tile) if tile == false then return false end return true end ) -- Add all ores to factorio_map for _, ore_data in pairs(ores) do local ore_shape = builder_generator( function(tile) return tile == ore_data.letter end ) local ore = b.resource(ore_shape, ore_data.resource, ore_data.value) factorio_map = b.apply_entity(factorio_map, ore) end -- Translate the map so that players spawn in the spawn_room and so that the pattern will work factorio_map = b.translate(factorio_map, -maze_width / 2 - 1, -maze_height / 2 - 1) -- Apply pattern so the maze is repeted infinitly factorio_map = b.single_pattern(factorio_map, maze_width, maze_height) local start_patch = b.rectangle(1, 1) local start_iron_patch = b.resource( b.translate(start_patch, -1, -1), 'iron-ore', function() return 15000 end ) local start_copper_patch = b.resource( b.translate(start_patch, 1, -1), 'copper-ore', function() return 12000 end ) local start_stone_patch = b.resource( b.translate(start_patch, -1, 1), 'stone', function() return 6000 end ) local start_coal_patch = b.resource( b.translate(start_patch, 1, 1), 'coal', function() return 13500 end ) local start_resources = b.any({start_iron_patch, start_copper_patch, start_stone_patch, start_coal_patch}) local factorio_map = b.apply_entity(factorio_map, start_resources) -- Scale the map using the tile_scale variable factorio_map = b.scale(factorio_map, tile_scale, tile_scale) return factorio_map