local Event = require 'utils.event' local Rank = require 'features.rank_system' local Utils = require 'utils.core' local Task = require 'utils.task' local Token = require 'utils.token' local Game = require 'utils.game' local Global = require 'utils.global' local Report = require 'features.report' local Popup = require 'features.gui.popup' local Ranks = require 'resources.ranks' local format = string.format -- capsule antigreif player entities threshold. local capsule_bomb_threshold = 8 local players_warned = {} local entities_allowed_to_bomb = { ['stone-wall'] = true, ['transport-belt'] = true, ['fast-transport-belt'] = true, ['express-transport-belt'] = true, ['construction-robot'] = true, ['character'] = true, ['gun-turret'] = true, ['laser-turret'] = true, ['flamethrower-turret'] = true, ['rail'] = true, ['rail-chain-signal'] = true, ['rail-signal'] = true, ['tile-ghost'] = true, ['entity-ghost'] = true, ['gate'] = true, ['electric-pole'] = true, ['small-electric-pole'] = true, ['medium-electric-pole'] = true, ['big-electric-pole'] = true, ['logistic-robot'] = true, ['defender'] = true, ['destroyer'] = true, ['distractor'] = true, ['artillery-flare'] = true, ['poison-cloud'] = true, ['poison-cloud-visual-dummy'] = true } Global.register( { players_warned = players_warned, entities_allowed_to_bomb = entities_allowed_to_bomb }, function(tbl) players_warned = tbl.players_warned entities_allowed_to_bomb = tbl.entities_allowed_to_bomb end ) local function is_trusted(player) return Rank.equal_or_greater_than(player.name, Ranks.auto_trusted) end local function ammo_changed(event) local player = game.get_player(event.player_index) if is_trusted(player) then return end local nukes = player.remove_item({name = 'atomic-bomb', count = 1000}) if nukes > 0 then Utils.action_warning('[Nuke]', player.name .. ' tried to use a nuke, but instead dropped it on his foot.') local character = player.character if character and character.valid then for _, p in ipairs(game.connected_players) do if p ~= player then p.add_custom_alert(character, {type = 'item', name = 'atomic-bomb'}, player.name, true) end end end player.character.health = 0 end end local function is_allowed_deconstruction_planner(cursor_stack) if not cursor_stack or not cursor_stack.valid or not cursor_stack.valid_for_read then return false end if cursor_stack.tile_selection_mode ~= defines.deconstruction_item.tile_selection_mode.never then return false end local filters = cursor_stack.entity_filters if #filters ~= 1 or filters[1] ~= 'sand-rock-big' then return false end return true end local function on_player_deconstructed_area(event) local player = game.get_player(event.player_index) if is_trusted(player) then return end -- Added to allow guests to use the decon planner as a targetting remote for crash site air strike or barrage commands -- see crash_site.features.deconstruction_targetting.lua if is_allowed_deconstruction_planner(player.cursor_stack) then return end --Make them think they arent noticed Utils.silent_action_warning( '[Deconstruct]', player.name .. ' tried to deconstruct something, but instead deconstructed themself.', player ) player.print( 'Only regulars can mark things for deconstruction, if you want to deconstruct something you may ask an admin to promote you.' ) local character = player.character if character and character.valid then for _, p in ipairs(game.connected_players) do if p ~= player then p.add_custom_alert(character, {type = 'item', name = 'deconstruction-planner'}, player.name, true) end end end character.health = 0 local area = event.area local left_top, right_bottom = area.left_top, area.right_bottom if left_top.x == right_bottom.x and left_top.y == right_bottom.y then return end local entities = player.surface.find_entities_filtered {area = area, force = player.force} if #entities > 1000 then Utils.print_admins( 'Warning! ' .. player.name .. ' just tried to deconstruct ' .. tostring(#entities) .. ' entities!', nil ) end for _, entity in pairs(entities) do if entity.valid and entity.to_be_deconstructed(game.get_player(event.player_index).force) then entity.cancel_deconstruction(game.get_player(event.player_index).force) end end end local function item_not_sanctioned(item) local name = item.name if name:find('capsule') or name == 'cliff-explosives' or name == 'discharge-defense-remote' then return true end local capsule_action = item.capsule_action if capsule_action and capsule_action.type == 'use-on-self' then return true end return false end local function entity_allowed_to_bomb(entity_name) return entities_allowed_to_bomb[entity_name] end local function list_damaged_entities(item_name, entities) local set = {} for i = 1, #entities do local e = entities[i] local name = e.name if name ~= item_name then local count = set[name] if count then set[name] = count + 1 else set[name] = 1 end end end local list = {} local i = 1 for k, v in pairs(set) do list[i] = k i = i + 1 list[i] = '(' i = i + 1 list[i] = v i = i + 1 list[i] = ')' i = i + 1 list[i] = ', ' i = i + 1 end list[i - 1] = nil return table.concat(list) end local function on_capsule_used(event) local item = event.item local player = game.get_player(event.player_index) if not player or not player.valid then return end if item.name == 'artillery-targeting-remote' then Game.create_local_flying_text { surface = player.surface, text = player.name, color = player.color, position = event.position } end local nuke_control = storage.config.nuke_control if not nuke_control.enable_autokick and not nuke_control.enable_autoban then return end if is_trusted(player) or item_not_sanctioned(item) then return end local position = event.position local x, y = position.x, position.y local surface = player.surface if surface.count_entities_filtered({force = 'enemy', area = {{x - 10, y - 10}, {x + 10, y + 10}}, limit = 1}) > 0 then return end local count = 0 local entities = player.surface.find_entities_filtered {force = player.force, area = {{x - 5, y - 5}, {x + 5, y + 5}}} local item_name = item.name for i = 1, #entities do local e = entities[i] local entity_name = e.name if entity_name ~= item_name and not entity_allowed_to_bomb(entity_name) then count = count + 1 end end if count <= capsule_bomb_threshold then return end if players_warned[event.player_index] then if nuke_control.enable_autoban then local reason = format( 'Damaged entities: %s with %s. This action was performed automatically. If you want to contest this ban please visit redmew.com/discord', list_damaged_entities(item_name, entities), item_name ) Report.ban_player(player, reason) end else players_warned[event.player_index] = true if nuke_control.enable_autokick then local reason = format('Damaged entities: %s with %s -Antigrief', list_damaged_entities(item_name, entities), item_name) Report.kick_player(player, reason) end end end local train_to_manual = Token.register( function(train) if train.valid then train.manual_mode = true end end ) local function on_entity_died(event) -- We only care if a train is killed by a member of its own force local entity = event.entity if (not entity or not entity.valid) or not entity.train or (event.force ~= entity.force) then return end -- Check that an entity did the killing local cause = event.cause if not cause or not cause.valid then return end -- Check that the entity was a train and in manual local train = cause.train if not train or not train.manual_mode then return end -- Check if the train has passengers local passengers = train.passengers local num_passengers = #passengers if num_passengers == 0 then train.manual_mode = false -- if the train is in manual and has no passengers, stop it Task.set_timeout_in_ticks(30, train_to_manual, train) return end -- Go through the passengers and punish any guests involved local player_punished local player_unpunished local name_list = {} for i = 1, num_passengers do local player = passengers[i] if player.valid then if is_trusted(player) then player_unpunished = true name_list[#name_list + 1] = player.name else -- If they aren't allowed to nuke, stop the train and act accordingly. player_punished = true name_list[#name_list + 1] = player.name player.driving = false train.manual_mode = false Task.set_timeout_in_ticks(30, train_to_manual, train) if players_warned[player.index] and num_passengers == 1 then -- jail for later offenses if they're solely guilty Report.jail(player, '