--[[ Hello there! This will add a player list with "ranks" to your server. Oh.. and you can also "poke" a player. pokemessages = 80% by redlabel To install, add: require "player_list" to your scenario control.lua. ---MewMew--- things to do (maybe) make it sorted by time played --]] local symbol_asc = "▲" local symbol_desc = "▼" local pokemessages = require "locale.resources.poke_messages" local function on_player_joined_game(event) local player = game.players[event.player_index] if not global.poke_spam_protection then global.poke_spam_protection = {} end global.poke_spam_protection[event.player_index] = game.tick if not global.player_list_pokes_counter then global.player_list_pokes_counter = {} end if not global.scenario.variables.player_deaths[player.name] then global.scenario.variables.player_deaths[player.name] = 0 end if not global.fish_market_fish_caught[event.player_index] then global.fish_market_fish_caught[event.player_index] = 0 end if not global.fish_market_fish_spent[event.player_index] then global.fish_market_fish_spent[event.player_index] = 0 end if player.gui.top.player_list_button == nil then local button = player.gui.top.add({ type = "sprite-button", name = "player_list_button", sprite = "item/heavy-armor" }) button.style.minimal_height = 38 button.style.minimal_width = 38 button.style.top_padding = 2 button.style.left_padding = 4 button.style.right_padding = 4 button.style.bottom_padding = 2 end end local function get_formatted_playtime(x) local y = x / 216000 y = tostring(y) local h = "" for i=1,10,1 do local z = string.sub(y, i, i) if z == "." then break else h = h .. z end end local m = x % 216000 m = m / 3600 m = math.floor(m) m = tostring(m) if h == "0" then local str = m .. " minutes" return str else local str = h .. " hours " str = str .. m str = str .. " minutes" return str end end local function get_rank(player) local m = player.online_time / 3600 local ranks = { "item/iron-axe","item/burner-mining-drill","item/burner-inserter","item/stone-furnace","item/light-armor","item/steam-engine", "item/inserter", "item/transport-belt", "item/underground-belt", "item/splitter","item/assembling-machine-1","item/long-handed-inserter","item/electronic-circuit","item/electric-mining-drill", "item/heavy-armor","item/steel-furnace","item/steel-axe","item/gun-turret","item/fast-transport-belt", "item/fast-underground-belt", "item/fast-splitter","item/assembling-machine-2","item/fast-inserter","item/radar","item/filter-inserter", "item/defender-capsule","item/pumpjack","item/chemical-plant","item/solar-panel","item/advanced-circuit","item/modular-armor","item/accumulator", "item/construction-robot", "item/distractor-capsule","item/stack-inserter","item/electric-furnace","item/express-transport-belt","item/express-underground-belt", "item/express-splitter","item/assembling-machine-3","item/processing-unit","item/power-armor","item/logistic-robot","item/laser-turret", "item/stack-filter-inserter","item/destroyer-capsule","item/power-armor-mk2","item/flamethrower-turret","item/beacon", "item/steam-turbine","item/centrifuge","item/nuclear-reactor" } --52 ranks local time_needed = 15 -- in minutes between rank upgrades m = m / time_needed m = math.floor(m) m = m + 1 if m > #ranks then m = #ranks end return ranks[m] end local function get_sorted_list(sort_by) local player_list = {} for i, player in pairs(game.connected_players) do player_list[i] = {} player_list[i].rank = get_rank(player) player_list[i].name = player.name player_list[i].played_time = get_formatted_playtime(player.online_time) player_list[i].played_ticks = player.online_time if not global.player_list_pokes_counter[player.index] then global.player_list_pokes_counter[player.index] = 0 end player_list[i].pokes = global.player_list_pokes_counter[player.index] player_list[i].player_index = player.index end for i = #player_list, 1, -1 do for i2 = #player_list, 1, -1 do if sort_by == "pokes_asc" then if player_list[i].pokes > player_list[i2].pokes then local a = player_list[i] local b = player_list[i2] player_list[i] = b player_list[i2] = a end end if sort_by == "pokes_desc" then if player_list[i].pokes < player_list[i2].pokes then local a = player_list[i] local b = player_list[i2] player_list[i] = b player_list[i2] = a end end if sort_by == "time_played_asc" then if player_list[i].played_ticks > player_list[i2].played_ticks then local a = player_list[i] local b = player_list[i2] player_list[i] = b player_list[i2] = a end end if sort_by == "time_played_desc" then if player_list[i].played_ticks < player_list[i2].played_ticks then local a = player_list[i] local b = player_list[i2] player_list[i] = b player_list[i2] = a end end --[[if sort_by == "distance_asc" then if global.scenario.variables.player_walk_distances[player_list[i].name] > global.scenario.variables.player_walk_distances[player_list[i2].name] then local a = player_list[i] local b = player_list[i2] player_list[i] = b player_list[i2] = a end end if sort_by == "distance_desc" then if global.scenario.variables.player_walk_distances[player_list[i].name] < global.scenario.variables.player_walk_distances[player_list[i2].name] then local a = player_list[i] local b = player_list[i2] player_list[i] = b player_list[i2] = a end end ]]-- if sort_by == "name_asc" then if player_list[i].name > player_list[i2].name then local a = player_list[i] local b = player_list[i2] player_list[i] = b player_list[i2] = a end end if sort_by == "name_desc" then if player_list[i].name < player_list[i2].name then local a = player_list[i] local b = player_list[i2] player_list[i] = b player_list[i2] = a end end end end return player_list end local function player_list_show(player, sort_by) local frame = player.gui.left["player-list-panel"] if frame then frame.destroy() end local frame = player.gui.left.add { type = "frame", name = "player-list-panel", direction = "vertical" } frame.style.minimal_width = 650 frame.style.top_padding = 8 frame.style.left_padding = 8 frame.style.right_padding = 8 frame.style.bottom_padding = 8 local player_list_panel_header_table = frame.add { type = "table", name = "player_list_panel_header_table", column_count = 6 } local label = player_list_panel_header_table.add { type = "label", name = "player_list_panel_header_1", caption = " " .. #game.connected_players } label.style.font = "default-game" label.style.font_color = { r=0.00, g=0.00, b=0.00} label.style.minimal_width = 35 local str = "" if sort_by == "name_asc" then str = symbol_asc .. " " end if sort_by == "name_desc" then str = symbol_desc .. " " end local label = player_list_panel_header_table.add { type = "label", name = "player_list_panel_header_2", caption = str .. "Players online" } label.style.font_color = { r=0.98, g=0.66, b=0.22} label.style.minimal_width = 160 label.style.maximal_width = 160 str = "" if sort_by == "time_played_asc" then str = symbol_asc .. " " end if sort_by == "time_played_desc" then str = symbol_desc .. " " end local label = player_list_panel_header_table.add { type = "label", name = "player_list_panel_header_3", caption = str .. "Time" } label.style.font_color = { r=0.98, g=0.66, b=0.22} label.style.minimal_width = 130 label.style.maximal_width = 130 --[[ str = "" if sort_by == "distance_asc" then str = symbol_asc .. " " end if sort_by == "distance_desc" then str = symbol_desc .. " " end local label = player_list_panel_header_table.add { type = "label", name = "player_list_panel_header_4", caption = str .. "Walked" } label.style.font_color = { r=0.98, g=0.66, b=0.22} label.style.minimal_width = 100 label.style.maximal_width = 100 --]] str = "" if sort_by == "fish_asc" then str = symbol_asc .. " " end if sort_by == "fish_desc" then str = symbol_desc .. " " end local label = player_list_panel_header_table.add { type = "label", name = "player_list_panel_header_fish", caption = str .. "Fish" } label.style.font_color = { r=0.98, g=0.66, b=0.22} label.style.minimal_width = 80 label.style.maximal_width = 80 str = "" if sort_by == "deaths_asc" then str = symbol_asc .. " " end if sort_by == "deaths_desc" then str = symbol_desc .. " " end local label = player_list_panel_header_table.add { type = "label", name = "player_list_panel_header_deaths", caption = str .. "Deaths" } label.style.font_color = { r=0.98, g=0.66, b=0.22} label.style.minimal_width = 80 label.style.maximal_width = 80 str = "" if sort_by == "pokes_asc" then str = symbol_asc .. " " end if sort_by == "pokes_desc" then str = symbol_desc .. " " end local label = player_list_panel_header_table.add { type = "label", name = "player_list_panel_header_5", caption = str .. "Poke" } label.style.font_color = { r=0.98, g=0.66, b=0.22} label.style.minimal_width = 35 local player_list_panel_table = frame.add { type = "scroll-pane", name = "scroll_pane", direction = "vertical", horizontal_scroll_policy = "never", vertical_scroll_policy = "auto"} player_list_panel_table.style.maximal_height = 650 player_list_panel_table = player_list_panel_table.add { type = "table", name = "player_list_panel_table", column_count = 6 } local player_list = get_sorted_list(sort_by) for i = 1, #player_list, 1 do local sprite = player_list_panel_table.add { type = "sprite", name = "player_rank_sprite_" .. i, sprite = player_list[i].rank } sprite.style.minimal_width = 35 local label = player_list_panel_table.add { type = "label", name = "player_list_panel_player_names_" .. i, caption = player_list[i].name } label.style.font = "default" label.style.font_color = { r = .4 + game.players[player_list[i].player_index].color.r * 0.6, g = .4 + game.players[player_list[i].player_index].color.g * 0.6, b = .4 + game.players[player_list[i].player_index].color.b * 0.6, } label.style.minimal_width = 160 label.style.maximal_width = 160 local label = player_list_panel_table.add { type = "label", name = "player_list_panel_player_time_played_" .. i, caption = player_list[i].played_time } label.style.minimal_width = 130 label.style.maximal_width = 130 --[[ local label = player_list_panel_table.add { type = "label", name = "player_list_panel_player_distance_" .. i, caption = round(global.scenario.variables.player_walk_distances[player_list[i].name]/1000, 1) .. " km" } label.style.minimal_width = 100 label.style.maximal_width = 100 --]] local label = player_list_panel_table.add { type = "label", name = "player_list_panel_player_fish" .. i, caption = global.fish_market_fish_caught[player_list[i].player_index] .. " / " .. global.fish_market_fish_spent[player_list[i].player_index] } label.style.minimal_width = 80 label.style.maximal_width = 80 local label = player_list_panel_table.add { type = "label", name = "player_list_panel_player_deaths" .. i, caption = global.scenario.variables.player_deaths[player_list[i].name] } label.style.minimal_width = 80 label.style.maximal_width = 80 local flow = player_list_panel_table.add { type = "flow", name = "button_flow_" .. i, direction = "horizontal" } flow.add { type = "label", name = "button_spacer_" .. i, caption = "" } local button = flow.add { type = "button", name = "poke_player_" .. player_list[i].name, caption = player_list[i].pokes } button.style.font = "default" label.style.font_color = { r=0.83, g=0.83, b=0.83} button.style.minimal_height = 30 button.style.minimal_width = 30 button.style.maximal_height = 30 button.style.maximal_width = 30 button.style.top_padding = 0 button.style.left_padding = 0 button.style.right_padding = 0 button.style.bottom_padding = 0 end end local function on_gui_click(event) if not (event and event.element and event.element.valid) then return end local player = game.players[event.element.player_index] local name = event.element.name if (name == "player_list_button") then if player.gui.left["player-list-panel"] then player.gui.left["player-list-panel"].destroy() else player_list_show(player,"time_played_desc") end end if (name == "player_list_panel_header_2") then if string.find(event.element.caption, symbol_desc) then player_list_show(player,"name_asc") else player_list_show(player,"name_desc") end end if (name == "player_list_panel_header_3") then if string.find(event.element.caption, symbol_desc) then player_list_show(player,"time_played_asc") else player_list_show(player,"time_played_desc") end end if (name == "player_list_panel_header_4") then if string.find(event.element.caption, symbol_desc) then player_list_show(player,"distance_asc") else player_list_show(player,"distance_desc") end end if (name == "player_list_panel_header_5") then if string.find(event.element.caption, symbol_desc) then player_list_show(player,"pokes_asc") else player_list_show(player,"pokes_desc") end end --Poke other players if event.element.type == "button" then local x = string.find(name, "poke_player_") if x ~= nil then local y = string.len(event.element.name) local poked_player = string.sub(event.element.name, 13, y) if player.name ~= poked_player then local x = global.poke_spam_protection[event.element.player_index] + 240 if x < game.tick then local str = ">> " str = str .. player.name str = str .. " has poked " str = str .. poked_player str = str .. " with " local z = math.random(1,#pokemessages) str = str .. pokemessages[z] str = str .. " <<" game.print(str) global.poke_spam_protection[event.element.player_index] = game.tick local p = game.players[poked_player] global.player_list_pokes_counter[p.index] = global.player_list_pokes_counter[p.index] + 1 end end end end end function player_list_on_12_seconds() for _,player in pairs(game.connected_players) do if player.gui.left["player-list-panel"] then local sort_method if string.find(player.gui.left["player-list-panel"].player_list_panel_header_table.player_list_panel_header_2.caption, symbol_desc) then sort_method = "name_desc" end if string.find(player.gui.left["player-list-panel"].player_list_panel_header_table.player_list_panel_header_2.caption, symbol_asc) then sort_method = "name_asc" end if string.find(player.gui.left["player-list-panel"].player_list_panel_header_table.player_list_panel_header_3.caption, symbol_desc) then sort_method = "time_played_desc" end if string.find(player.gui.left["player-list-panel"].player_list_panel_header_table.player_list_panel_header_3.caption, symbol_asc) then sort_method = "time_played_asc" end if string.find(player.gui.left["player-list-panel"].player_list_panel_header_table.player_list_panel_header_4.caption, symbol_desc) then sort_method = "distance_desc" end if string.find(player.gui.left["player-list-panel"].player_list_panel_header_table.player_list_panel_header_4.caption, symbol_asc) then sort_method = "distance_asc" end if string.find(player.gui.left["player-list-panel"].player_list_panel_header_table.player_list_panel_header_5.caption, symbol_desc) then sort_method = "pokes_desc" end if string.find(player.gui.left["player-list-panel"].player_list_panel_header_table.player_list_panel_header_5.caption, symbol_asc) then sort_method = "pokes_asc" end player.gui.left["player-list-panel"].destroy() player_list_show(player,sort_method) end end end local function log_on_player_died_debug(str, event) local cause = event.cause or {name = "no cause"} game.write_file("on_player_died_debug", game.tick .. " (" .. game.players[event.player_index].name .. ", cause: " .. cause.name .. ") " .. str .. "\n", true, 0) end local function player_list_on_player_died(event) log_on_player_died_debug("entry", event) local player = game.players[event.player_index] log_on_player_died_debug("player", event) if not global.scenario.variables.player_deaths[player.name] then log_on_player_died_debug("if", event) global.scenario.variables.player_deaths[player.name] = 0 log_on_player_died_debug("deaths zero", event) end log_on_player_died_debug("deaths ++", event) global.scenario.variables.player_deaths[player.name] = global.scenario.variables.player_deaths[player.name] + 1 log_on_player_died_debug("exit", event) end Event.register(defines.events.on_player_joined_game, on_player_joined_game) Event.register(defines.events.on_gui_click, on_gui_click) Event.register(defines.events.on_player_died, player_list_on_player_died)