local b = require 'map_gen.shared.builders' local Event = require 'utils.event' local Random = require 'map_gen.shared.random' local table = require 'utils.table' local RS = require 'map_gen.shared.redmew_surface' local MGSP = require 'resources.map_gen_settings' local RestrictEntities = require 'map_gen.shared.entity_placement_restriction' local Popup = require 'features.gui.popup' local config = storage.config local degrees = require 'utils.math'.degrees local groundhog_mode = false -- Toggle to enable groundhogs local seed = 210 RS.set_map_gen_settings( { MGSP.ore_oil_none, MGSP.cliff_none } ) local ScenarioInfo = require 'features.gui.info' -- Comment out this block if you're getting scenario info from another source. ScenarioInfo.set_map_name('RedMew - Prehistoric Islands') ScenarioInfo.set_map_description('Burner tech only!') ScenarioInfo.add_map_extra_info( 'OGG!\n OGG SMASH!\n OGG MAKE FIRE!\n(The tech for electric miners and inserters has been lost to the mists of time.) \n(You must rub sticks together, burn dinosaur guano and extract pit tar in order to launch your prehistoric rocket!)' ) RestrictEntities.add_banned( { 'inserter', 'long-handed-inserter', 'fast-inserter', 'bulk-inserter', 'electric-mining-drill' } ) -- config changes config.hail_hydra.enabled = true config.autodeconstruct.enabled = false config.redmew_qol.loaders = false Event.add( defines.events.on_research_finished, function(event) local effects = event.research.prototype.effects local f = game.forces.player for _, e in pairs(effects) do local t = e.type if t == 'bulk-inserter-capacity-bonus' then f.inserter_stack_size_bonus = f.inserter_stack_size_bonus + e.modifier end end end ) Event.add( RestrictEntities.events.on_restricted_entity_destroyed, function(event) local p = event.player if not p or not p.valid then return end if not event.ghost then Popup.player(p, [[ You don't know how to operate this item! Advice: Only burner inserters and burner mining drills work in this prehistoric land ]], nil, nil, 'prehistoric_entity_warning') end end ) -- Map local dino1 = b.picture(require 'map_gen.data.presets.dino1') local dino2 = b.picture(require 'map_gen.data.presets.dino2') local dino4 = b.picture(require 'map_gen.data.presets.dino4') local dino7 = b.picture(require 'map_gen.data.presets.dino7') local dino9 = b.picture(require 'map_gen.data.presets.dino9') local dino13 = b.picture(require 'map_gen.data.presets.dino13') local dino14 = b.picture(require 'map_gen.data.presets.dino14') local dino16 = b.picture(require 'map_gen.data.presets.dino16') local dino17 = b.picture(require 'map_gen.data.presets.dino17') local dino18 = b.picture(require 'map_gen.data.presets.dino18') local dino19 = b.picture(require 'map_gen.data.presets.dino19') local dino20 = b.picture(require 'map_gen.data.presets.dino20') local dino21 = b.picture(require 'map_gen.data.presets.dino21') local dino22 = b.picture(require 'map_gen.data.presets.dino22') local land_dino_count = 8 local ore_dino_start = 9 local dinos = {dino1, dino2, dino4, dino7, dino9, dino13, dino14, dino16} if groundhog_mode then local groundhog1 = b.picture(b.decompress(require 'map_gen.data.presets.groundhog1')) local groundhog2 = b.picture(b.decompress(require 'map_gen.data.presets.groundhog2')) local groundhog3 = b.picture(b.decompress(require 'map_gen.data.presets.groundhog3')) local groundhog4 = b.picture(b.decompress(require 'map_gen.data.presets.groundhog4')) local groundhog5 = b.picture(b.decompress(require 'map_gen.data.presets.groundhog5')) table.add_all(dinos, {groundhog1, groundhog2, groundhog3, groundhog4, groundhog5}) land_dino_count = 13 ore_dino_start = 14 end table.add_all(dinos, {dino17, dino18, dino19, dino20, dino21, dino22}) local ore_dino_end = #dinos local random = Random.new(seed, seed * 2) local land_pattern = {} for r = 1, 50 do local row = {} land_pattern[r] = row for c = 1, 50 do local x = random:next_int(-256, 256) local y = random:next_int(-256, 256) local d = random:next_int(0, 360) local i = random:next_int(1, land_dino_count) local shape = dinos[i] shape = b.rotate(shape, degrees(d)) shape = b.translate(shape, x, y) row[c] = shape end end local function value(base, mult, pow) return function(x, y) local d = math.sqrt(x * x + y * y) return base + mult * d ^ pow end end local function non_transform(shape) return b.scale(shape, 0.5) end local function uranium_transform(shape) return b.scale(shape, 0.25) end local function oil_transform(shape) shape = b.scale(shape, 0.25) return b.throttle_world_xy(shape, 1, 4, 1, 4) end local function empty_transform() return b.empty_shape end local ores = { {transform = non_transform, resource = 'iron-ore', value = value(300, 0.425, 1.1), weight = 16}, {transform = non_transform, resource = 'copper-ore', value = value(250, 0.425, 1.1), weight = 10}, {transform = non_transform, resource = 'stone', value = value(150, 0.2, 1.05), weight = 6}, {transform = non_transform, resource = 'coal', value = value(250, 0.25, 1.075), weight = 16}, {transform = uranium_transform, resource = 'uranium-ore', value = value(200, 0.3, 1.025), weight = 3}, {transform = oil_transform, resource = 'crude-oil', value = value(50000, 50, 1.025), weight = 10}, {transform = empty_transform, weight = 65} } local total_ore_weights = {} local ore_t = 0 for _, v in pairs(ores) do ore_t = ore_t + v.weight table.insert(total_ore_weights, ore_t) end local ore_pattern = {} for r = 1, 50 do local row = {} ore_pattern[r] = row for c = 1, 50 do local x = random:next_int(-32, 32) local y = random:next_int(-32, 32) local d = random:next_int(0, 360) local i = random:next_int(ore_dino_start, ore_dino_end) local shape = dinos[i] local ore_data i = random:next_int(1, ore_t) local index = table.binary_search(total_ore_weights, i) if (index < 0) then index = bit32.bnot(index) end ore_data = ores[index] shape = ore_data.transform(shape) shape = b.rotate(shape, degrees(d)) shape = b.translate(shape, x, y) local ore = b.resource(shape, ore_data.resource, ore_data.value) row[c] = ore end end local map = b.grid_pattern_full_overlap(land_pattern, 50, 50, 640, 640) map = b.change_tile(map, false, 'deepwater') map = b.fish(map, 0.0025) ores = b.grid_pattern_full_overlap(ore_pattern, 50, 50, 128, 128) map = b.apply_entity(map, ores) map = b.translate(map, -50, -160) return map