--[[-- info Provides the ability to "mine" through out-of-map tiles by destroying or mining rocks next to it. ]] -- dependencies local Event = require 'utils.event' local Global = require 'utils.global' local Template = require 'map_gen.maps.diggy.template' local ScoreTracker = require 'utils.score_tracker' local Command = require 'utils.command' local CreateParticles = require 'features.create_particles' local Ranks = require 'resources.ranks' local Token = require 'utils.token' local Task = require 'utils.task' local set_timeout_in_ticks = Task.set_timeout_in_ticks local random = math.random local tonumber = tonumber local pairs = pairs local is_diggy_rock = Template.is_diggy_rock local destroy_rock = CreateParticles.destroy_rock local mine_rock = CreateParticles.mine_rock local raise_event = script.raise_event local mine_size_name = 'mine-size' local ceil = math.ceil -- this local DiggyHole = {} local config -- keeps track of the amount of times per player when they mined with a full inventory in a row local full_inventory_mining_cache = {} -- keeps track of the buffs for the bot mining mining_efficiency local robot_mining = { damage = 0, active_modifier = 0, research_modifier = 0, delay = 0 } -- Used in conjunction with set_timeout_in_ticks(robot_mining_delay... to control bot mining frequency -- Robot_mining.damage is equal to robot_mining_delay * robot_per_tick_damage -- So for example if robot_mining delay is doubled, robot_mining.damage gets doubled to compensate. local metered_bot_mining = Token.register(function(params) local entity = params.entity local force = params.force local health_update = params.health_update if entity.valid then local health = entity.health --If health of entity didn't change during delay apply bot mining damage and re-order order_deconstruction --If rock was damaged during the delay the bot gets scared off and stops mining this particular rock. if health_update == health - robot_mining.damage then entity.health = health_update entity.order_deconstruction(force) end end end) Global.register({ full_inventory_mining_cache = full_inventory_mining_cache, bot_mining_damage = robot_mining, }, function (tbl) full_inventory_mining_cache = tbl.full_inventory_mining_cache robot_mining = tbl.bot_mining_damage end) local function update_robot_mining_damage() -- remove the current buff local old_modifier = robot_mining.damage - robot_mining.active_modifier -- update the active modifier robot_mining.active_modifier = robot_mining.research_modifier -- add the new active modifier to the non-buffed modifier robot_mining.damage = old_modifier + robot_mining.active_modifier end ---Triggers a diggy diggy hole for a given sand-rock-big, rock-big or rock-huge. ---@param entity LuaEntity local function diggy_hole(entity) local tiles = {} local rocks = {} local surface = entity.surface local position = entity.position local x = position.x local y = position.y local get_tile = surface.get_tile local out_of_map_found = {} local count = 0 if (get_tile(x, y - 1).name == 'out-of-map') then count = count + 1 out_of_map_found[count] = {x = x, y = y - 1} end if (get_tile(x + 1, y).name == 'out-of-map') then count = count + 1 out_of_map_found[count] = {x = x + 1, y = y} end if (get_tile(x, y + 1).name == 'out-of-map') then count = count + 1 out_of_map_found[count] = {x = x, y = y + 1} end if (get_tile(x - 1, y).name == 'out-of-map') then out_of_map_found[count + 1] = {x = x - 1, y = y} end for i = #out_of_map_found, 1, -1 do local void_position = out_of_map_found[i] tiles[i] = {name = 'dirt-' .. random(1, 7), position = void_position} local predicted = random() if predicted < 0.2 then rocks[i] = {name = 'rock-huge', position = void_position} elseif predicted < 0.6 then rocks[i] = {name = 'rock-big', position = void_position} else rocks[i] = {name = 'sand-rock-big', position = void_position} end end Template.insert(surface, tiles, rocks) end local artificial_tiles = { ['stone-brick'] = true, ['stone-path'] = true, ['concrete'] = true, ['hazard-concrete-left'] = true, ['hazard-concrete-right'] = true, ['refined-concrete'] = true, ['refined-hazard-concrete-left'] = true, ['refined-hazard-concrete-right'] = true, } local function on_mined_tile(surface, tiles) local new_tiles = {} local count = 0 for _, tile in pairs(tiles) do if (artificial_tiles[tile.old_tile.name]) then count = count + 1 new_tiles[count] = {name = 'dirt-' .. random(1, 7), position = tile.position} end end Template.insert(surface, new_tiles, {}) end --[[-- diggy-clear-void is a debugging command that can be used in game to clear void area. Arguments: left_top_x left_top_y width height surface_index Example: /diggy-clear-void -50 -50 100 100 redmew This will clear a square area 100 x 100 centered on the spawn point. Note: The command will not automatically generate new chunks. ]] Command.add('diggy-clear-void', { description = {'command_description.diggy_clear_void'}, arguments = {'left_top_x', 'left_top_y', 'width', 'height', 'surface_index'}, debug_only = true, required_rank = Ranks.admin, }, function(arguments) local left_top_x = tonumber(arguments.left_top_x) local left_top_y = tonumber(arguments.left_top_y) local width = tonumber(arguments.width) local height = tonumber(arguments.height) local tiles = {} local count = 0 for x = 0, width do for y = 0, height do count = count + 1 tiles[count] = {name = 'dirt-' .. random(1, 7), position = {x = x + left_top_x, y = y + left_top_y}} end end Template.insert(game.surfaces[arguments.surface_index], tiles, {}) end) --[[-- Registers all event handlers. ]] function DiggyHole.register(cfg) ScoreTracker.register(mine_size_name, {'diggy.score_mine_size'}, '[img=tile.out-of-map]') local global_to_show = global.config.score.global_to_show global_to_show[#global_to_show + 1] = mine_size_name config = cfg robot_mining.delay = cfg.robot_mining_delay robot_mining.damage = cfg.robot_per_tick_damage * robot_mining.delay Event.add(defines.events.on_entity_died, function (event) local entity = event.entity local name = entity.name if not is_diggy_rock(name) then return end if event.loot then event.loot.clear() end diggy_hole(entity) end) Event.add(defines.events.script_raised_destroy, function (event) local entity = event.entity local name = entity.name if not is_diggy_rock(name) then return end diggy_hole(entity) end) -- Checks for when a diggy rock is about to die due to damage and destroys it instead -- better performance than entity.die() especially when large amounts of rocks are damaged, i.e. due to damaged reactor or nuke Event.add(defines.events.on_entity_damaged, function (event) local entity = event.entity local name = entity.name if not is_diggy_rock(name) then return end local cause = event.cause local health = entity.health -- Diggy rock is destroyed if health is zero or less than 1500 when damaged by a tank (tank buff) if health == 0 or (cause and cause.name == "tank" and health < 1500 and event.damage_type.valid and event.damage_type.name ~= 'fire') then raise_event(defines.events.script_raised_destroy, {entity = entity, cause = "die_faster"}) destroy_rock(entity.surface.create_particle, 10, entity.position) entity.destroy() end end) Event.add(defines.events.on_robot_mined_entity, function (event) local entity = event.entity local name = entity.name if not is_diggy_rock(name) then return end local health = entity.health local health_update = health - robot_mining.damage event.buffer.clear() local graphics_variation = entity.graphics_variation local create_entity = entity.surface.create_entity local create_particle = entity.surface.create_particle local position = entity.position local force = event.robot.force local delay = robot_mining.delay if health_update < 1 then entity.die(force) return end entity.destroy() local rock = create_entity({name = name, position = position}) mine_rock(create_particle, ceil(delay / 2), position) rock.graphics_variation = graphics_variation rock.health = health --Mark replaced rock for de-construction and apply health_update after delay. Health verified and --update applied after delay to help prevent more rapid damage if someone were to spam deconstruction blueprints set_timeout_in_ticks(delay, metered_bot_mining, {entity = rock, force = force, health_update = health_update}) end) Event.add(defines.events.on_player_mined_entity, function (event) local entity = event.entity local name = entity.name if not is_diggy_rock(name) then return end event.buffer.clear() diggy_hole(entity) mine_rock(entity.surface.create_particle, 6, entity.position) end) Event.add(defines.events.on_robot_mined_tile, function (event) on_mined_tile(event.robot.surface, event.tiles) end) Event.add(defines.events.on_player_mined_tile, function (event) on_mined_tile(game.surfaces[event.surface_index], event.tiles) end) Event.add(Template.events.on_void_removed, function () ScoreTracker.change_for_global(mine_size_name, 1) end) local robot_damage_per_mining_prod_level = cfg.robot_damage_per_mining_prod_level Event.add(defines.events.on_research_finished, function (event) local new_modifier = event.research.force.mining_drill_productivity_bonus * 50 * robot_damage_per_mining_prod_level if (robot_mining.research_modifier == new_modifier) then -- something else was researched return end robot_mining.research_modifier = new_modifier update_robot_mining_damage() end) end function DiggyHole.on_init() game.forces.player.technologies['landfill'].enabled = config.allow_landfill_research game.forces.player.technologies['atomic-bomb'].enabled = false end return DiggyHole