--Author: Valansch local Event = require 'utils.event' local RS = require 'map_gen.shared.redmew_surface' local wrech_items_module = require 'map_gen.shared.wreck_items' local resource_types = {'copper-ore', 'iron-ore', 'coal', 'stone', 'uranium-ore', 'crude-oil'} local Public = {} global.current_portal_index = 1 global.portals = {} --Sample Portal: --{position : LuaPosition, source: LuaSurface, target : LuaPosition, target_surface : LuaSurface} global.current_magic_chest_index = 1 global.magic_chests = {} --{entity : LuaEntity, target : LuaEntity} global.last_tp = {} global.teleport_cooldown = 3 global.portal_radius = 2 local function get_nice_surface_name(name) name = name:gsub('-ore', ''):gsub('-oil', ' Oil') return name:sub(1, 1):upper() .. name:sub(2) end --Creates autoplace_controls with only one resource type enabled local function create_resource_setting(resource) local settings = RS.get_surface().map_gen_settings for _, type in pairs(resource_types) do settings.autoplace_controls[type] = {frequency = 'none', size = 'none', richness = 'none'} end settings.autoplace_controls[resource] = {frequency = 'normal', size = 'big', richness = 'good'} return settings end local function init() local rs_index = RS.get_surface().index + 1 if not game.surfaces[rs_index] then for _, type in pairs(resource_types) do game.create_surface(get_nice_surface_name(type), create_resource_setting(type)) end local enemy_settings = create_resource_setting('enemy-base') enemy_settings.autoplace_controls['enemy-base'] = {frequency = 'very-high', size = 'very-big', richness = 'very-good'} game.create_surface('Zerus', enemy_settings) game.create_surface('Nihil', create_resource_setting('copper-ore')) end end local function generate_nihil(event) for _, e in pairs(event.surface.find_entities_filtered {}) do if e.type ~= 'character' then e.destroy() end end local tiles = {} for x = event.area.left_top.x, event.area.right_bottom.x - 1 do for y = event.area.left_top.y, event.area.right_bottom.y - 1 do table.insert(tiles, {name = 'lab-dark-1', position = {x, y}}) end end event.surface.set_tiles(tiles) end function Public.run_combined_module(event) init() if event.surface.name == 'Zerus' then wrech_items_module.on_chunk_generated(event) elseif event.surface.name == 'Nihil' then generate_nihil(event) end end local function teleport_nearby_players(portal) for _, player_character in pairs(portal.source.find_entities_filtered {area = {{portal.position.x - global.portal_radius, portal.position.y - global.portal_radius}, {portal.position.x + global.portal_radius, portal.position.y + global.portal_radius}}, name = 'character', type = 'character'}) do local player = player_character.player if not global.last_tp[player.name] or global.last_tp[player.name] + global.teleport_cooldown * 60 < game.tick then player.teleport(portal.target, portal.target_surface) global.last_tp[player.name] = game.tick player.print('Wooosh! You are now in the ' .. portal.target_surface.name .. ' dimension.') end end end local function teleport_players() local num_portals = #global.portals if num_portals > 0 then local portal = global.portals[global.current_portal_index] if portal.target then teleport_nearby_players(portal) end global.current_portal_index = (global.current_portal_index) % num_portals + 1 --Next portal end end local function teleport_stuff() local num_chests = #global.magic_chests if num_chests > 0 then local chest = global.magic_chests[global.current_magic_chest_index] if chest.entity and chest.target and chest.entity.valid and chest.target.valid then local inv = chest.entity.get_inventory(defines.inventory.chest) local target_inv = chest.target.get_inventory(defines.inventory.chest) if inv and target_inv then for item, count in pairs(inv.get_contents()) do local n_inserted = target_inv.insert {name = item, count = count} if n_inserted > 0 then inv.remove {name = item, count = n_inserted} end end end end global.current_magic_chest_index = (global.current_magic_chest_index) % num_chests + 1 --Next magic chest end end local function dim_on_tick() if game.tick % 2 == 0 then teleport_stuff() else teleport_players() end end global.chest_selected = false local function linkchests() if game.player and game.player.admin and game.player.selected and (game.player.selected.type == 'logistic-container' or game.player.selected.type == 'container') then game.player.selected.destructible = false game.player.selected.minable = false if global.chest_selected then global.magic_chests[#global.magic_chests].target = game.player.selected game.print('Link established.') else table.insert(global.magic_chests, {entity = game.player.selected}) game.print('Selected first chest.') end global.chest_selected = not global.chest_selected else game.print('failed.') end end global.portal_selected = false local function linkportals() if game.player and game.player.admin then if global.portal_selected then global.portals[#global.portals].target = game.player.position global.portals[#global.portals].target_surface = game.player.surface --Way back home: table.insert(global.portals, {position = game.player.position, target = global.portals[#global.portals].position, source = game.player.surface, target_surface = global.portals[#global.portals].source}) game.print('Portal link established.') else table.insert(global.portals, {position = game.player.position, source = game.player.surface}) game.print('Selected first portal.') end global.portal_selected = not global.portal_selected else game.print('failed.') end end commands.add_command('linkchests', 'Select a chest to link to another. Run this command again to select the other one.', linkchests) -- luacheck: ignore commands.add_command('linkportals', 'Select a portal to link to another. Run this command again to select the other one.', linkportals) -- luacheck: ignore Event.add(defines.events.on_tick, dim_on_tick) return Public