--Author: MewMew -- Threaded by Tris -- !! ATTENTION !! -- Use water only in starting area as map setting!!! require "locale.gen_shared.perlin_noise" local Thread = require "locale.utils.Thread" wreck_item_pool = {} wreck_item_pool = {{name="iron-gear-wheel", count=32},{name="iron-plate", count=64},{name="rocket-control-unit", count=1} ,{name="coal", count=4},{name="rocket-launcher", count=1},{name="rocket", count=32},{name="copper-cable", count=128},{name="land-mine", count=64},{name="railgun", count=1},{name="railgun-dart", count=128},{name="fast-inserter", count=8},{name="stack-filter-inserter", count=2},{name="belt-immunity-equipment", count=1},{name="fusion-reactor-equipment", count=1},{name="electric-engine-unit", count=8},{name="exoskeleton-equipment", count=1},{name="rocket-fuel", count=10},{name="used-up-uranium-fuel-cell", count=3},{name="uranium-fuel-cell", count=2}} local function place_entities(surface, entity_list) local directions = {defines.direction.north, defines.direction.east, defines.direction.south, defines.direction.west} for _, entity in pairs(entity_list) do local r = math.random(1,entity.chance) if r == 1 then if not entity.force then entity.force = "player" end local r = math.random(1,4) if surface.can_place_entity {name=entity.name, position=entity.pos, direction=directions[r], force=entity.force} then local e = surface.create_entity {name=entity.name, position=entity.pos, direction=directions[r], force=entity.force} if entity.health then if entity.health == "low" then e.health = ((e.health / 1000) * math.random(33,330)) end if entity.health == "medium" then e.health = ((e.health / 1000) * math.random(333,666)) end if entity.health == "high" then e.health = ((e.health / 1000) * math.random(666,999)) end if entity.health == "random" then e.health = ((e.health / 1000) * math.random(1,1000)) end end return true, e end end end return false end local function auto_place_entity_around_target(entity, scan_radius, mode, density, surface) local x = entity.pos.x local y = entity.pos.y if not surface then surface = game.surfaces[1] end if not scan_radius then scan_radius = 6 end if not entity then return end if not mode then mode = "ball" end if not density then density = 1 end if surface.can_place_entity {name=entity.name, position={x,y}} then local e = surface.create_entity {name=entity.name, position={x,y}} return true, e end local i = 2 local r = 1 if mode == "ball" then if math.random(1,2) == 1 then density = density * -1 end r = math.random(1,4) end if mode == "line" then density = 1 r = math.random(1,4) end if mode == "line_down" then density = density * -1 r = math.random(1,4) end if mode == "line_up" then density = 1 r = math.random(1,4) end if mode == "block" then r = 1 density = 1 end if r == 1 then --start placing at -1,-1 while i <= scan_radius do y = y - density x = x - density for a = 1, i, 1 do if surface.can_place_entity {name=entity.name, position={x,y}} then local e = surface.create_entity {name=entity.name, position={x,y}} return true, e end x = x + density end for a = 1, i, 1 do if surface.can_place_entity {name=entity.name, position={x,y}} then local e = surface.create_entity {name=entity.name, position={x,y}} return true, e end y = y + density end for a = 1, i, 1 do if surface.can_place_entity {name=entity.name, position={x,y}} then local e = surface.create_entity {name=entity.name, position={x,y}} return true, e end x = x - density end for a = 1, i, 1 do if surface.can_place_entity {name=entity.name, position={x,y}} then local e = surface.create_entity {name=entity.name, position={x,y}} return true, e end y = y - density end i = i + 2 end end if r == 2 then --start placing at 0,-1 while i <= scan_radius do y = y - density x = x - density for a = 1, i, 1 do x = x + density if surface.can_place_entity {name=entity.name, position={x,y}} then local e = surface.create_entity {name=entity.name, position={x,y}} return true, e end end for a = 1, i, 1 do y = y + density if surface.can_place_entity {name=entity.name, position={x,y}} then local e = surface.create_entity {name=entity.name, position={x,y}} return true, e end end for a = 1, i, 1 do x = x - density if surface.can_place_entity {name=entity.name, position={x,y}} then local e = surface.create_entity {name=entity.name, position={x,y}} return true, e end end for a = 1, i, 1 do y = y - density if surface.can_place_entity {name=entity.name, position={x,y}} then local e = surface.create_entity {name=entity.name, position={x,y}} return true, e end end i = i + 2 end end if r == 3 then --start placing at 1,-1 while i <= scan_radius do y = y - density x = x + density for a = 1, i, 1 do if surface.can_place_entity {name=entity.name, position={x,y}} then local e = surface.create_entity {name=entity.name, position={x,y}} return true, e end y = y + density end for a = 1, i, 1 do if surface.can_place_entity {name=entity.name, position={x,y}} then local e = surface.create_entity {name=entity.name, position={x,y}} return true, e end x = x - density end for a = 1, i, 1 do if surface.can_place_entity {name=entity.name, position={x,y}} then local e = surface.create_entity {name=entity.name, position={x,y}} return true, e end y = y - density end for a = 1, i, 1 do if surface.can_place_entity {name=entity.name, position={x,y}} then local e = surface.create_entity {name=entity.name, position={x,y}} return true, e end x = x + density end i = i + 2 end end if r == 4 then --start placing at 1,0 while i <= scan_radius do y = y - density x = x + density for a = 1, i, 1 do y = y + density if surface.can_place_entity {name=entity.name, position={x,y}} then local e = surface.create_entity {name=entity.name, position={x,y}} return true, e end end for a = 1, i, 1 do x = x - density if surface.can_place_entity {name=entity.name, position={x,y}} then local e = surface.create_entity {name=entity.name, position={x,y}} return true, e end end for a = 1, i, 1 do y = y - density if surface.can_place_entity {name=entity.name, position={x,y}} then local e = surface.create_entity {name=entity.name, position={x,y}} return true, e end end for a = 1, i, 1 do x = x + density if surface.can_place_entity {name=entity.name, position={x,y}} then local e = surface.create_entity {name=entity.name, position={x,y}} return true, e end end i = i + 2 end end return false end local function create_tree_cluster(pos, amount) if not pos then return false end if amount == nil then amount = 7 end local scan_radius = amount * 2 --local mode = "line_down" --if math.random(1,2) == 1 then mode = "line_up" end local mode = "ball" local entity = {} entity.pos = pos for i = 1, amount, 1 do entity.name = "tree-06" local density = 2 if 1 == math.random(1,20) then entity.name = "tree-07" end if 1 == math.random(1,70) then entity.name = "tree-09" end if 1 == math.random(1,10) then entity.name = "tree-04" end if 1 == math.random(1,9) then density = 1 end if 1 == math.random(1,3) then density = 3 end if 1 == math.random(1,3) then density = 4 end local b, e = auto_place_entity_around_target(entity, scan_radius, mode, density) if b == true then if 1 == math.random(1,3) then entity.pos = e.position end end end return b, e end global.swamp_tiles_hold = {} global.swamp_decoratives_hold = {} function run_swamp_init(params) global.swamp_tiles_hold = {} global.swamp_decoratives_hold = {} end function run_swamp_place_tiles(params) local surface = params.surface surface.set_tiles(global.swamp_tiles_hold) for _,deco in pairs(global.swamp_decoratives_hold) do surface.create_decoratives{check_collision=false, decoratives={deco}} end end function run_swamp_river(params) local area = params.area local surface = params.surface local x = params.x local pos_x = area.left_top.x + x local seed = params.seed for y = 0, 31, 1 do local pos_y = area.left_top.y + y local noise_terrain_1 = perlin:noise(((pos_x+seed)/150),((pos_y+seed)/150),0) local noise_terrain_2 = perlin:noise(((pos_x+seed)/75),((pos_y+seed)/75),0) local noise_terrain_3 = perlin:noise(((pos_x+seed)/50),((pos_y+seed)/50),0) local noise_terrain_4 = perlin:noise(((pos_x+seed)/7),((pos_y+seed)/7),0) local noise_terrain = noise_terrain_1 + (noise_terrain_2 * 0.2) + (noise_terrain_3 * 0.1) + (noise_terrain_4 * 0.02) local tile_to_insert if noise_terrain > -0.03 and noise_terrain < 0.03 then tile_to_insert = "water-green" local a = pos_x + 1 table.insert(global.swamp_tiles_hold, {name = tile_to_insert, position = {a,pos_y}}) local a = pos_y + 1 table.insert(global.swamp_tiles_hold, {name = tile_to_insert, position = {pos_x,a}}) local a = pos_x - 1 table.insert(global.swamp_tiles_hold, {name = tile_to_insert, position = {a,pos_y}}) local a = pos_y - 1 table.insert(global.swamp_tiles_hold, {name = tile_to_insert, position = {pos_x,a}}) table.insert(global.swamp_tiles_hold, {name = tile_to_insert, position = {pos_x,pos_y}}) end end end function run_swamp_destroy_trees(params) local entities = surface.find_entities(area) for _, entity in pairs(entities) do if entity.type == "simple-entity" or entity.type == "tree" then if entity.name ~= "tree-09" and entity.name ~= "tree-07" and entity.name ~= "tree-06" then --and entity.name ~= "tree-04" entity.destroy() end end end end function run_swamp_entities(params) local area = params.area local surface = params.surface local x = params.x local pos_x = area.left_top.x + x local forest_cluster = params.forest_cluster for y = 0, 31, 1 do local pos_y = area.left_top.y + y local pos = {x = pos_x,y = pos_y} local tile = surface.get_tile(pos_x,pos_y) local tile_to_insert = tile local entity_placed = false -- or tile.name == "grass-dry" --if tile.name ~= "water" and tile.name ~= "deepwater" and tile.name ~= "water-green" then if tile.name ~= "water-green" then table.insert(global.swamp_tiles_hold, {name = "grass", position = {pos_x,pos_y}}) local entity_list = {} table.insert(entity_list, {name="big-ship-wreck-1", pos={pos_x,pos_y},chance = 65000, health="random"}) table.insert(entity_list, {name="big-ship-wreck-2", pos={pos_x,pos_y},chance = 65000, health="random"}) table.insert(entity_list, {name="big-ship-wreck-3", pos={pos_x,pos_y},chance = 65000, health="random"}) local b, placed_entity = place_entities(surface, entity_list) if b == true then placed_entity.insert(wreck_item_pool[math.random(1,#wreck_item_pool)]) placed_entity.insert(wreck_item_pool[math.random(1,#wreck_item_pool)]) placed_entity.insert(wreck_item_pool[math.random(1,#wreck_item_pool)]) end local entity_list = {} table.insert(entity_list, {name="tree-04", pos={pos_x,pos_y},chance = 400}) table.insert(entity_list, {name="tree-09", pos={pos_x,pos_y},chance = 1000}) table.insert(entity_list, {name="tree-07", pos={pos_x,pos_y},chance = 400}) table.insert(entity_list, {name="tree-06", pos={pos_x,pos_y},chance = 150}) table.insert(entity_list, {name="stone-rock", pos={pos_x,pos_y},chance = 400}) table.insert(entity_list, {name="green-coral", pos={pos_x,pos_y},chance = 10000}) table.insert(entity_list, {name="medium-ship-wreck", pos={pos_x,pos_y},chance = 25000, health="random"}) table.insert(entity_list, {name="small-ship-wreck", pos={pos_x,pos_y},chance = 25000, health="random"}) table.insert(entity_list, {name="car", pos={pos_x,pos_y},chance = 125000, health="low"}) table.insert(entity_list, {name="stone-furnace", pos={pos_x,pos_y},chance = 100000, health="random", force="enemy"}) local b, placed_entity = place_entities(surface, entity_list) if forest_cluster == true then if math.random(1,800) == 1 then create_tree_cluster(pos, 120) end end else --if tile.name == "water" then tile_to_insert = "water" end --if tile.name == "deepwater" then tile_to_insert = "deepwater" end end end end function run_combined_module(event) -- Generate Rivers if not global.perlin_noise_seed then global.perlin_noise_seed = math.random(1000,1000000) end local seed = global.perlin_noise_seed local tiles = {} Thread.queue_action("run_swamp_init", {} ) for x = 0, 31, 1 do Thread.queue_action("run_swamp_river", {area = event.area, surface = event.surface, x = x, seed = seed}) end Thread.queue_action("run_swamp_place_tiles", {surface = event.surface} ) -- Generate other thingies Thread.queue_action("run_swamp_destroy_trees", {area = event.area, surface = event.surface, x = x} ) local forest_cluster = true if math.random(1,4) == 1 then forest_cluster = false end Thread.queue_action("run_swamp_init", {} ) for x = 0, 31, 1 do Thread.queue_action("run_swamp_entities", {area = event.area, surface = event.surface, x = x, forest_cluster = forest_cluster}) end Thread.queue_action("run_swamp_place_tiles", {surface = event.surface} ) Thread.queue_action("run_swamp_cleanup", {area = event.area, surface = event.surface} ) Thread.queue_action("run_chart_update", {area = event.area, surface = event.surface} ) end function run_chart_update(params) local x = params.area.left_top.x / 32 local y = params.area.left_top.y / 32 if game.forces.player.is_chunk_charted(params.surface, {x,y} ) then -- Don't use full area, otherwise adjacent chunks get charted game.forces.player.chart(params.surface, {{ params.area.left_top.x, params.area.left_top.y}, { params.area.left_top.x+30, params.area.left_top.y+30} } ) end end function run_swamp_cleanup(params) local area = params.area local surface = params.surface local decoratives = {} --check for existing chunk if you would overwrite decoratives local for_start_x = 0 local for_end_x = 31 local for_start_y = 0 local for_end_y = 31 local testing_pos = area.left_top.x - 1 local tile = surface.get_tile(testing_pos, area.left_top.y) if tile.name then for_start_x = -1 end local testing_pos = area.left_top.y - 1 local tile = surface.get_tile(area.left_top.x, testing_pos) if tile.name then for_start_y = -1 end local testing_pos = area.right_bottom.x local tile = surface.get_tile(testing_pos, area.right_bottom.y) if tile.name then for_end_x = 32 end local testing_pos = area.right_bottom.y local tile = surface.get_tile(area.right_bottom.x, testing_pos) if tile.name then for_end_y = 32 end for x = for_start_x, for_end_x, 1 do for y = for_start_y, for_end_y, 1 do local pos_x = area.left_top.x + x local pos_y = area.left_top.y + y local tile = surface.get_tile(pos_x, pos_y) local decal_has_been_placed = false if tile.name == "grass" then if decal_has_been_placed == false then local r = math.random(1,3) if r == 1 then table.insert(decoratives, {name="green-carpet-grass", position={pos_x,pos_y}, amount=1}) decal_has_been_placed = false end end if decal_has_been_placed == false then local r = math.random(1,7) if r == 1 then table.insert(decoratives, {name="green-hairy-grass", position={pos_x,pos_y}, amount=1}) decal_has_been_placed = false end end if decal_has_been_placed == false then local r = math.random(1,10) if r == 1 then table.insert(decoratives, {name="green-bush-mini", position={pos_x,pos_y}, amount=1}) decal_has_been_placed = false end end if decal_has_been_placed == false then local r = math.random(1,6) if r == 1 then table.insert(decoratives, {name="green-pita", position={pos_x,pos_y}, amount=1}) decal_has_been_placed = false end end if decal_has_been_placed == false then local r = math.random(1,12) if r == 1 then table.insert(decoratives, {name="green-small-grass", position={pos_x,pos_y}, amount=1}) decal_has_been_placed = false end end if decal_has_been_placed == false then local r = math.random(1,25) if r == 1 then table.insert(decoratives, {name="green-asterisk", position={pos_x,pos_y}, amount=1}) decal_has_been_placed = false end end end if tile.name == "water" or tile.name == "water-green" then if decal_has_been_placed == false then local r = math.random(1,18) if r == 1 then table.insert(decoratives, {name="green-carpet-grass", position={pos_x,pos_y}, amount=1}) decal_has_been_placed = false end end if decal_has_been_placed == false then local r = math.random(1,950) if r == 1 then table.insert(decoratives, {name="green-small-grass", position={pos_x,pos_y}, amount=1}) decal_has_been_placed = false end end if decal_has_been_placed == false then local r = math.random(1,150) if r == 1 then table.insert(decoratives, {name="green-bush-mini", position={pos_x,pos_y}, amount=1}) decal_has_been_placed = false end end end end end for _,deco in pairs(decoratives) do surface.create_decoratives{check_collision=false, decoratives={deco}} end end