-- A part of band.lua -- Feel free to edit. return { ['Trooper'] = { path = 'item/tank', join_message = '{tag} has strengthened with {player}', leave_message = '{player} has left the {tag} squad' }, ['Mining'] = { path = 'item/electric-mining-drill', join_message = '{tag} has enriched with {player}', leave_message = '{player} has left the {tag} squad' }, ['Smelting'] = { path = 'item/stone-furnace', join_message = '{tag} has fused with {player}', leave_message = '{player} has left the {tag} squad' }, ['Production'] = { path = 'item/assembling-machine-2', join_message = '{tag} has enhanced with {player}', leave_message = '{player} has left the {tag} squad' }, ['Science'] = { path = 'item/chemical-science-pack', join_message = '{tag} has advanced with {player}', leave_message = '{player} has left the {tag} squad' }, ['Wizard'] = { path = 'item/selector-combinator', join_message = '{tag} has combinated with {player}', leave_message = '{player} has left the {tag} squad' }, ['Trains'] = { path = 'item/locomotive', join_message = '{tag} has derailed with {player}', leave_message = '{player} has left the {tag} squad' }, ['Oil'] = { path = 'fluid/crude-oil', join_message = '{tag} has lubricated with {player}', leave_message = '{player} has left the {tag} squad' }, ['Powah!'] = { path = 'item/steam-engine', join_message = '{tag} has electrified with {player}', leave_message = '{player} has left the {tag} squad' }, ['Spaceman'] = { path = 'item/rocket-silo', join_message = '{tag} has warped with {player}', leave_message = '{player} has left the {tag} squad' }, ['Cat'] = { path = 'item/raw-fish', join_message = '{tag} has mewed with {player}', leave_message = '{player} has left the {tag} squad' }, ['Dog'] = { path = 'entity/medium-biter', join_message = '{tag} has woofed with {player}', leave_message = '{player} has left the {tag} squad' } }