require "map_gen.shared.chunk_utils" local wall_thickness = 1 local cell_size = 3 --must be an uneven number local wall_delta = math.floor((cell_size-wall_thickness)/2) local chunk_size = 32 pixels = {} cells = {} function add_tile(x, y, width, height, add_cell) if add_cell then if cells[x] == nil then cells[x] = {} end cells[x][y] = 1 end for xpos = x, x + width -1 do for ypos = y, y + height -1 do if pixels[xpos] == nil then pixels[xpos] = {} end pixels[xpos][ypos] = 1 end end end global.max = 0 function render() for x,_ in pairs(pixels) do for y,_ in pairs(pixels[x]) do if y * 32 > global.max and y % 2 == 0 then global.max = y * 32 end global.rects[x*32 .. "/" .. y*32] = 1 end end end global.rnd_p = 1 function psd_rnd(l, h) while global.shuffle_pool[global.rnd_p] < l do global.rnd_p = global.rnd_p + 1 end local res = global.shuffle_pool[global.rnd_p] global.rnd_p = global.rnd_p + 1 return res end function shuffle(t) for i = 1, #t - 1 do local r = psd_rnd(i, #t) t[i], t[r] = t[r], t[i] end end -- builds a width-by-height grid of trues function initialize_grid(w, h) local a = {} for i = 1, h do table.insert(a, {}) for j = 1, w do table.insert(a[i], true) end end return a end -- average of a and b function avg(a, b) return (a + b) / 2 end dirs = { {x = 0, y = -2}, -- north {x = 2, y = 0}, -- east {x = -2, y = 0}, -- west {x = 0, y = 2}, -- south } function make_maze(w, h) w = w or 16 h = h or 16 local map = initialize_grid(w*2+1, h*2+1) function walk(x, y) map[y][x] = false local d = { 1, 2, 3, 4 } shuffle(d) for i, dirnum in ipairs(d) do local xx = x + dirs[dirnum].x local yy = y + dirs[dirnum].y if map[yy] and map[yy][xx] then map[avg(y, yy)][avg(x, xx)] = false walk(xx, yy) end end end walk(global.walk_seed_w, global.walk_seed_h) local s = {} for i = 1, h*2+1 do for j = 1, w*2+1 do if map[i][j] then add_tile(i*cell_size,j*cell_size,cell_size,cell_size, true) end end end return table.concat(s) end local function reduce_walls() for x,_ in pairs(cells) do for y,_ in pairs(cells[x]) do if cells[x - cell_size] ~= nil and cells[x-cell_size][y] ~= 1 then add_tile(x-wall_delta, y, wall_delta, cell_size, false) end if cells[x + cell_size] ~= nil and cells[x + cell_size][y] ~= 1 then add_tile(x + cell_size, y, wall_delta, cell_size, false) end if cells[x] ~= nil and cells[x][y - cell_size] ~= 1 then add_tile(x - wall_delta, y - wall_delta, cell_size + 2 * wall_delta , wall_delta, false) end if cells[x] ~= nil and cells[x][y + cell_size] ~= 1 then add_tile(x - wall_delta, y + cell_size, cell_size + 2 * wall_delta, wall_delta, false) end end end end function init() if not global.walk_seed_w then global.walk_seed_w = math.random(1, 50)*2 end if not global.rects then global.rects = {} end if not global.walk_seed_h then global.walk_seed_h = math.random(1, 50)*2 end if not global.shuffle_pool then global.shuffle_pool = {} for i=1,20000 do global.shuffle_pool[i] = math.random(1, 4) end end make_maze(50, 50) reduce_walls() render() end first = true function run_shape_module(event) if first then first = false init() end local pos = event.area.left_top if math.abs(pos.x) > 10000 or math.abs(pos.y) > 10000 or (global.rects[pos.x + global.max/2 .. "/" .. pos.y + global.max/2] == nil) then removeChunk(event) end end