local Task = require 'utils.Task' local Event = require 'utils.event' local Token = require 'utils.global_token' local UserGroups = require 'user_groups' local Utils = require 'utils.utils' function player_print(str) if game.player then game.player.print(str) else log(str) end end function cant_run(name) player_print("Can't run command (" .. name .. ') - insufficient permission.') end local function invoke(cmd) if not (game.player and game.player.admin) then cant_run(cmd.name) return end local target = cmd['parameter'] if target == nil or game.players[target] == nil then player_print('Unknown player.') return end local pos = game.player.surface.find_non_colliding_position('player', game.player.position, 0, 1) game.players[target].teleport({pos.x, pos.y}, game.player.surface) game.print(target .. ', get your ass over here!') end local function teleport_player(cmd) if not (game.player and game.player.admin) then cant_run(cmd.name) return end local target = cmd['parameter'] if target == nil or game.players[target] == nil then player_print('Unknown player.') return end local surface = game.players[target].surface local pos = surface.find_non_colliding_position('player', game.players[target].position, 0, 1) game.player.teleport(pos, surface) game.print(target .. "! watcha doin'?!") end local function teleport_location(cmd) if not (game.player and game.player.admin) then cant_run(cmd.name) return end if game.player.selected == nil then player_print('Nothing selected.') return end local pos = game.player.surface.find_non_colliding_position('player', game.player.selected.position, 0, 1) game.player.teleport(pos) end local function kill() if game.player and game.player.character then game.player.character.die() end end global.walking = {} local custom_commands_return_player = Token.register( function(args) global.walking[args.player.name:lower()] = false args.player.character.destroy() local character = args.player.surface.find_entity('player', args.position) if character ~= nil and character.valid then args.player.character = character else args.player.create_character() end args.player.force = args.force args.player.teleport(args.position) game.print(args.player.name .. ' came back from his walkabout.') end ) local function walkabout(cmd) if game.player and not game.player.admin then cant_run(cmd.name) return end local params = {} if cmd.parameter == nil then player_print('Walkabout failed.') return end for param in string.gmatch(cmd.parameter, '%S+') do table.insert(params, param) end local player_name = params[1] local duration = 60 if #params > 2 then player_print('Walkabout failed, check /help walkabout.') return elseif #params == 2 and tonumber(params[2]) == nil then player_print(params[2] .. ' is not a number.') return elseif #params == 2 and tonumber(params[2]) then duration = tonumber(params[2]) end if duration < 15 then duration = 15 end local player = game.players[player_name] if type(player) ~= 'table' or global.walking[player_name:lower()] then player_print(player_name .. ' could not go on a walkabout.') return end local chunks = {} for chunk in player.surface.get_chunks() do table.insert(chunks, chunk) end local chunk = chunks[math.random(#chunks)] if not chunk then return end local pos = {x = chunk.x * 32, y = chunk.y * 32} local non_colliding_pos = player.surface.find_non_colliding_position('player', pos, 100, 1) if non_colliding_pos then game.print(player_name .. ' went on a walkabout, to find himself.') Task.set_timeout( duration, custom_commands_return_player, {player = player, force = player.force, position = {x = player.position.x, y = player.position.y}} ) player.character = nil player.create_character() player.teleport(non_colliding_pos) player.force = 'enemy' global.walking[player_name:lower()] = true else player_print('Walkabout failed: count find non colliding position') end end local function regular(cmd) if game.player and not game.player.admin then cant_run(cmd.name) return end if cmd.parameter == nil then player_print('Command failed. Usage: /regular , ') return end local params = {} for param in string.gmatch(cmd.parameter, '%S+') do table.insert(params, param) end if params[2] == nil then player_print('Command failed. Usage: /regular , ') return elseif (params[1] == 'promote') then UserGroups.add_regular(params[2]) elseif (params[1] == 'demote') then UserGroups.remove_regular(params[2]) else player_print('Command failed. Usage: /regular , ') end end local function afk() for _, v in pairs(game.players) do if v.afk_time > 300 then local time = ' ' if v.afk_time > 21600 then time = time .. math.floor(v.afk_time / 216000) .. ' hours ' end if v.afk_time > 3600 then time = time .. math.floor(v.afk_time / 3600) % 60 .. ' minutes and ' end time = time .. math.floor(v.afk_time / 60) % 60 .. ' seconds.' player_print(v.name .. ' has been afk for' .. time) end end end local function follow(cmd) if not game.player then log(" makes you follow the player. Use /unfollow to stop following a player.') end end local function unfollow(cmd) if not game.player then log(" 0 then for i = 1, slot_counts do local slot = game.player.character.get_request_slot(i) if slot ~= nil then table.insert(slots, slot) end end end if game.player.force.name == 'enemy' then local old_force = global.old_force[game.player.name] if not old_force then game.player.force = 'player' game.player.print("You're are now on the player force.") else if game.forces[old_force] then game.player.force = old_force else game.player.force = 'player' end end else --Put roboports into inventory local inv = game.player.get_inventory(defines.inventory.player_armor) if inv[1].valid_for_read then local name = inv[1].name if name:match('power') or name:match('modular') then local equips = inv[1].grid.equipment for _, equip in pairs(equips) do if equip.name == 'personal-roboport-equipment' or equip.name == 'personal-roboport-mk2-equipment' or equip.name == 'personal-laser-defense-equipment' then if game.player.insert {name = equip.name} == 0 then game.player.surface.spill_item_stack(game.player.position, {name = equip.name}) end inv[1].grid.take(equip) end end end end global.old_force[game.player.name] = game.player.force.name game.player.force = 'enemy' end game.player.print('You are now on the ' .. game.player.force.name .. ' force.') -- Attempt to rebuild the request slots if game.player.character.request_slot_count > 0 then for _, slot in ipairs(slots) do game.player.character.set_request_slot(slot, _) end end end local function get_group() local group = game.permissions.get_group('Banned') if not group then game.permissions.create_group('Banned') group = game.permissions.get_group('Banned') if group then for i = 2, 174 do group.set_allows_action(i, false) end else game.print( 'This would have nearly crashed the server, please consult the next best scenario dev (valansch or TWLtriston).' ) end end return group end function custom_commands_untempban(param) game.print(param.name .. ' is out of timeout.') game.permissions.get_group('Default').add_player(param.name) end local custom_commands_untempban = Token.register( function(param) game.print(param.name .. ' is out of timeout.') game.permissions.get_group('Default').add_player(param.name) end ) local function tempban(cmd) if (not game.player) or not game.player.admin then cant_run(cmd.name) return end if cmd.parameter == nil then player_print('Tempban failed. Usage: /tempban Temporarily bans a player.') return end local params = {} for param in string.gmatch(cmd.parameter, '%S+') do table.insert(params, param) end if #params < 2 or not tonumber(params[2]) then player_print('Tempban failed. Usage: /tempban Temporarily bans a player.') return end if not game.players[params[1]] then player_print("Player doesn't exist.") return end local group = get_group() game.print(Utils.get_actor() .. ' put ' .. params[1] .. ' in timeout for ' .. params[2] .. ' minutes.') if group then group.add_player(params[1]) if not tonumber(cmd.parameter) then Task.set_timeout(60 * tonumber(params[2]), custom_commands_untempban, {name = params[1]}) end end end local custom_commands_replace_ghosts = Token.register( function(param) for _, ghost in pairs(param.ghosts) do local new_ghost = game.surfaces[param.surface_index].create_entity { name = 'entity-ghost', position = ghost.position, inner_name = ghost.ghost_name, expires = false, force = 'enemy', direction = ghost.direction } new_ghost.last_user = ghost.last_user end end ) local function spyshot(cmd) if not cmd then return 0 end local player_name = cmd.parameter if player_name and game.players[player_name] then for _, spy in pairs(global.spys) do if game.players[spy] and game.players[spy].connected then local pos = game.players[player_name].position local pseudo_ghosts = {} for _, ghost in pairs( game.players[player_name].surface.find_entities_filtered { area = {{pos.x - 60, pos.y - 35}, {pos.x + 60, pos.y + 35}}, name = 'entity-ghost', force = 'enemy' } ) do local pseudo_ghost = { position = ghost.position, ghost_name = ghost.ghost_name, expires = false, force = 'enemy', direction = ghost.direction, last_user = ghost.last_user } table.insert(pseudo_ghosts, pseudo_ghost) ghost.destroy() end game.take_screenshot { by_player = spy, position = pos, show_gui = false, show_entity_info = true, resolution = {1920, 1080}, anti_alias = true, zoom = 0.5, path = 'spyshot.png' } game.players[spy].print('You just took a screenshot!') Task.set_timeout( 2, custom_commands_replace_ghosts, {ghosts = pseudo_ghosts, surface_index = game.players[player_name].surface.index} ) --delay replacements for the screenshot to render return end end player_print('No spy online!') end end local function zoom(cmd) if game.player and cmd and cmd.parameter and tonumber(cmd.parameter) then game.player.zoom = tonumber(cmd.parameter) end end local function pool() if game.player and game.player.admin then local t = {} local p = game.player.position for x = p.x - 3, p.x + 3 do for y = p.y + 2, p.y + 7 do table.insert(t, {name = 'water', position = {x, y}}) end end game.player.surface.set_tiles(t) game.player.surface.create_entity {name = 'fish', position = {p.x + 0.5, p.y + 5}} end end if not _DEBUG then local old_add_command = commands.add_command commands.add_command = function(name, desc, func) old_add_command( name, desc, function(cmd) local success, error = pcall(func, cmd) if not success then log(error) end end ) end end commands.add_command('kill', 'Will kill you.', kill) commands.add_command('tpplayer', ' - Teleports you to the player. (Admins only)', teleport_player) commands.add_command('invoke', ' - Teleports the player to you. (Admins only)', invoke) commands.add_command('tppos', 'Teleports you to a selected entity. (Admins only)', teleport_location) commands.add_command('walkabout', ' - Send someone on a walk. (Admins only)', walkabout) commands.add_command('regulars', 'Prints a list of game regulars.', UserGroups.print_regulars) commands.add_command('regular', ', Change regular status of a player. (Admins only)', regular) commands.add_command('afk', 'Shows how long players have been afk.', afk) commands.add_command('follow', ' makes you follow the player. Use /unfollow to stop following a player.', follow) commands.add_command('unfollow', 'stops following a player.', unfollow) commands.add_command('tpmode', 'Toggles tp mode. When on place a ghost entity to teleport there (Admins only)', toggle_tp_mode) commands.add_command('forcetoggle', 'Toggles the players force between player and enemy (Admins only)', forcetoggle) commands.add_command('tempban', ' Temporarily bans a player (Admins only)', tempban) commands.add_command('spyshot', ' Sends a screenshot of player to discord. (If a host is online. If no host is online, you can become one yourself. Ask on discord :))', spyshot) commands.add_command('zoom', ' Sets your zoom.', zoom) commands.add_command('all-tech', 'researches all technologies', function() if game.player and game.player.admin then game.player.force.research_all_technologies() end end) commands.add_command('hax', 'Toggles your hax', function() if game.player and game.player.admin then game.player.cheat_mode = not game.player.cheat_mode end end) commands.add_command('pool', 'Spawns a pool', pool)