# RedMew style guide Not strictly enforced, but we appreciate if you try to remain consistent with our standards. * Include at least a brief one-line summary in a LuaDoc (a comment with 3 dashes `---`) before each public-facing function * A LuaDoc with extended summary, `@params`, and `@return` is encouraged. ([LuaDoc Manual][1]) * Tabs are 4 spaces * Keep each line of code to a readable length. Under 140 characters when reasonable. * Never leave trailing whitespace. * End each file with a newline. * Newlines are unix `\n` * Strings should normally be encased in `'` single-quotes. For strings with single quotes inside them, `"` double-quotes can be used. * Use spaces around operators, after commas, colons, and semicolons. ```lua sum = 1 + 2 a, b = 1, 2 if 1 < 2 then game.print("Hi") end ``` * No spaces after `(`, `[`, `{` or before `]`, `)`, `}`. ```lua table = {1, 2, 3} table[1] ``` * Use empty lines between `functions` and to break up functions into logical paragraphs. ```lua local function some_function() local data = global.data local format = global.string_format local string = Utils.manipulate(data, format) game.print(string) end local function say_hello() game.print("Hello") end ``` * When creating a table over multiple lines, include a trailing comma after the last item. ```lua myTable ={ 'item1', 'item2', 'item3', } ``` [1]:[http://keplerproject.github.io/luadoc/manual.htm]