local Event = require 'utils.event' local Gui = require 'utils.gui' local abs = math.abs local Color = require 'resources.color_presets' local Popup = require 'features.gui.popup' local RS = require 'map_gen.shared.redmew_surface' local Item_to_chest = require 'map_gen.maps.quadrants.item_to_chest' local Global = require 'utils.global' local gui = {} local btn_q1 = Gui.uid_name() local btn_q2 = Gui.uid_name() local btn_q3 = Gui.uid_name() local btn_q4 = Gui.uid_name() local btn_toggle = Gui.uid_name() local spawn_locations = { quadrant_1 = {64, -64}, quadrant_2 = {-64, -64}, quadrant_3 = {-64, 64}, quadrant_4 = {64, 64} } local toggle_chest_status = {} Global.register( { toggle_chest_status = toggle_chest_status }, function(tbl) toggle_chest_status = tbl.toggle_chest_status end ) local quadrant_message = { { title = {'quadrants.popup_quadrant1_title'}, msg = {'quadrants.popup_quadrant1'} }, { title = {'quadrants.popup_quadrant2_title'}, msg = {'quadrants.popup_quadrant2'} }, { title = {'quadrants.popup_quadrant3_title'}, msg = {'quadrants.popup_quadrant3'} }, { title = {'quadrants.popup_quadrant4_title'}, msg = {'quadrants.popup_quadrant4'} } } local function teleport(event, quadrant) local player = event.player player.clear_cursor() local toggle_status = toggle_chest_status[player.index] local within_spawn = abs(player.position.x) <= 4 and abs(player.position.y) <= 4 local empty_inventory = player.get_inventory(defines.inventory.character_main).is_empty() and player.get_inventory(defines.inventory.character_trash).is_empty() and player.crafting_queue_size == 0 local can_empty_inventory = (abs(player.position.x) >= 23 and (abs(player.position.y) >= 23)) and toggle_status if within_spawn or empty_inventory or can_empty_inventory then if can_empty_inventory and not within_spawn and not empty_inventory then local chest = Item_to_chest.transfer_inventory( player.index, {defines.inventory.character_main, defines.inventory.character_trash}, nil, 0 ) player.print({"", {'quadrants.switch_notice3'}, " [gps=".. chest.x .. ', ' .. chest.y .. "]"}) end local pos = RS.get_surface().find_non_colliding_position('character', spawn_locations['quadrant_' .. quadrant], 5, 1) player.driving = false player.teleport(pos) player.force = game.forces['quadrant' .. quadrant] Popup.player( player, quadrant_message[quadrant].msg, quadrant_message[quadrant].title, nil, 'Quadrants.quadrant_description' ) else player.print({'quadrants.switch_notice1'}, Color.red) if not can_empty_inventory and toggle_status then player.print({'quadrants.switch_notice2'}, Color.red) end end end local function redraw_quadrant_button(data) local left_flow = data.left_flow_btn1 local right_flow = data.right_flow_btn1 Gui.clear(left_flow) Gui.clear(right_flow) left_flow.add( { type = 'button', name = btn_q2, caption = {'quadrants.switch_quadrant2', #game.forces['quadrant2'].connected_players}, tooltip = {'quadrants.switch_quadrant2_tip'} } ) right_flow.add( { type = 'button', name = btn_q1, caption = {'quadrants.switch_quadrant1', #game.forces['quadrant1'].connected_players}, tooltip = {'quadrants.switch_quadrant1_tip'} } ) left_flow = data.left_flow_btn2 right_flow = data.right_flow_btn2 Gui.clear(left_flow) Gui.clear(right_flow) left_flow.add( { type = 'button', name = btn_q3, caption = {'quadrants.switch_quadrant3', #game.forces['quadrant3'].connected_players}, tooltip = {'quadrants.switch_quadrant3_tip'} } ) right_flow.add( { type = 'button', name = btn_q4, caption = {'quadrants.switch_quadrant4', #game.forces['quadrant4'].connected_players}, tooltip = {'quadrants.switch_quadrant4_tip'} } ) end local function redraw_chest_button(data, player) local left_flow = data.chest_button_left_flow local toggle_status = toggle_chest_status[player.index] and {'quadrants.on'} or {'quadrants.off'} Gui.clear(left_flow) local button = left_flow.add( { type = 'button', name = btn_toggle, caption = {'quadrants.switch_chest', toggle_status}, tooltip = {'quadrants.switch_chest_tip'} } ) button.style.font = 'default' end local function toggle(event) local player = event.player local left = player.gui.left local frame = left['Quadrants.Switch_Team'] if (frame and event.trigger == nil) then Gui.destroy(frame) return elseif (frame) then local data = Gui.get_data(frame) redraw_quadrant_button(data, player) redraw_chest_button(data, player) return end frame = left.add({name = 'Quadrants.Switch_Team', type = 'frame', direction = 'vertical'}) local content_flow = frame.add {type = 'flow', direction = 'vertical'} local label_flow = content_flow.add {type = 'flow'} label_flow.style.horizontally_stretchable = false local label = label_flow.add {type = 'label', caption = {'quadrants.switch_welcome'}} label.style.single_line = false label.style.font = 'default-large-bold' label_flow = content_flow.add {type = 'flow'} label = label_flow.add {type = 'label', caption = {'quadrants.switch_desc'}} label.style.single_line = false label.style.font = 'default' label_flow = content_flow.add {type = 'flow'} label = label_flow.add {type = 'label', caption = {'quadrants.switch_msg'}} label.style.single_line = false label.style.font = 'default' content_flow = frame.add {type = 'flow', direction = 'horizontal'} local left_flow_btn1 = content_flow.add {type = 'flow', direction = 'horizontal'} left_flow_btn1.style.horizontal_align = 'left' left_flow_btn1.style.horizontally_stretchable = false local right_flow_btn1 = content_flow.add {type = 'flow', direction = 'horizontal'} right_flow_btn1.style.horizontal_align = 'right' right_flow_btn1.style.horizontally_stretchable = false content_flow = frame.add {type = 'flow', direction = 'horizontal'} local left_flow_btn2 = content_flow.add {type = 'flow', direction = 'horizontal'} left_flow_btn2.style.horizontal_align = 'left' left_flow_btn2.style.horizontally_stretchable = false local right_flow_btn2 = content_flow.add {type = 'flow', direction = 'horizontal'} right_flow_btn2.style.horizontal_align = 'right' right_flow_btn2.style.horizontally_stretchable = false content_flow = frame.add {type = 'flow', direction = 'horizontal'} local chest_button_left_flow = content_flow.add {type = 'flow', direction = 'horizontal'} chest_button_left_flow.style.horizontal_align = 'left' chest_button_left_flow.style.horizontally_stretchable = false chest_button_left_flow.style.top_padding = 12 local data = { frame = frame, left_flow_btn1 = left_flow_btn1, right_flow_btn1 = right_flow_btn1, left_flow_btn2 = left_flow_btn2, right_flow_btn2 = right_flow_btn2, chest_button_left_flow = chest_button_left_flow } redraw_quadrant_button(data) redraw_chest_button(data, player) Gui.set_data(frame, data) end local function update_gui(force_update) local players = game.connected_players for i = #players, 1, -1 do local p = players[i] local frame = p.gui.left['Quadrants.Switch_Team'] local data = {player = p} if frame and frame.valid and (abs(p.position.x) >= 160 or abs(p.position.y) >= 160) then toggle(data) elseif not frame and not (abs(p.position.x) > 160 or abs(p.position.y) > 160) then toggle(data) elseif frame and frame.valid and force_update then data['trigger'] = true toggle(data) end end end local function toggle_chest(event) local toggle_status = toggle_chest_status[event.player.index] if not toggle_status then toggle_chest_status[event.player.index] = true else toggle_chest_status[event.player.index] = false end event.trigger = true toggle(event) end Gui.on_click( btn_q1, function(event) teleport(event, 1) end ) Gui.on_click( btn_q2, function(event) teleport(event, 2) end ) Gui.on_click( btn_q3, function(event) teleport(event, 3) end ) Gui.on_click( btn_q4, function(event) teleport(event, 4) end ) Gui.on_click( btn_toggle, function(event) toggle_chest(event) end ) local function on_player_created(event) event.player = game.get_player(event.player_index) toggle_chest_status[event.player_index] = true toggle(event) end local function changed_force() update_gui(true) end Event.add(defines.events.on_player_created, on_player_created) Event.on_nth_tick(61, update_gui) Event.add(defines.events.on_player_changed_force, changed_force) return gui