local shape = require 'map_selection' local b = require 'map_gen.shared.builders' local RS = require 'map_gen.shared.redmew_surface' local config = storage.config.map_generation local line = '-----------------------------\n' local shape_type = type(shape) --- Check if shape is a function, if it isn't throw an error. local function shape_check() if shape_type ~= 'function' then error(line .. 'You cannot use entity or terrain modules together with this map as it does not return a function.') end end --- Run each function once to trigger the require local function initialize(array) for i = 1, #array do array[i] = array[i]() end end --- Initializes and applies entity modules after checking for errors. if #config.entity_modules > 0 then shape_check() initialize(config.entity_modules) shape = shape or b.full_shape shape = b.apply_entities(shape, config.entity_modules) end --- Initializes and applies terrain modules after checking for errors. if #config.terrain_modules > 0 then shape_check() initialize(config.terrain_modules) shape = shape or b.full_shape for _, m in ipairs(config.terrain_modules) do shape = b.overlay_tile_land(shape, m) end end --- If shape is a function, initialize the generator if shape_type == 'function' then local surfaces = { [RS.get_surface_name()] = shape } local gen = require('map_gen.shared.generate') gen.init({surfaces = surfaces, regen_decoratives = config.regen_decoratives, tiles_per_tick = config.tiles_per_tick}) gen.register() elseif shape ~= true then -- If a map is returning neither true nor a function, they did not include a map, or the map is returning an unexpected type. error(line .. 'The map selected in map_selection.lua is either missing or is returning a non-true non-function data type.') end