[ranks] probation=Probation guest=Guest auto_trusted=Auto Trusted regular=Regular admin=Admin donator=Donator donator_abbreviation=D [format] 1_colon_2=__1__: __2__ single_item=__1__ [admin_commands] regular_add_success=__1__ promoted __2__ to __3__. regular_add_fail=__1__ is already rank __2__. regular_add_fail_probation=Cannot promote someone on probation to regular. You must remove them from probation and then promote them. regular_remove_success=__1__ demoted __2__ to __3__. regular_remove_fail=__1__ is rank __2__ their regular status cannot be removed. [redmew_commands] whois_formatter=__1__\n__2__\n__3__\n__4__\n__5__\n__6__\n__7__\n__8__\n__9__\n__10__\n__11__\n__12__\n__13__\n__14__\n__15__\n__16__\n [command] help_text_format=__1__ __2__ __3__ higher_rank_needed=The command __1__ requires __2__ rank or higher to be be executed. required_rank= (Rank __1__ or above only) [apocalypse] run_twice=The game has been saved, run the command again to commence the apocalypse. apocalypse_begins=The ground begins to rumble. It seems as if the world itself is coming to an end. apocalypse_already_running=The apocalypse has already begun. There is nothing more to do in this world. toast_message=The end times are here. The four biters of the apocalypse have been summoned. Repent as the aliens take back what is theirs.